#osm-ru | Logs for 2016-04-22

[00:08:43] -!- CGI399 [CGI399!~42660907@shenron.openstreetmap.org] has joined #osm-ru
[00:09:40] <freeExec> ничего вроде, продуктивненько http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/38768854
[00:10:04] <freeExec> а вы говорите новичкам делать нечего
[00:11:07] -!- CGI399 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:14:04] -!- freeExec has quit []
[00:25:21] -!- AMDmi3 has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[00:27:28] -!- old_Bibigon has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[01:14:36] <Zverik> http://radio.osmz.ru/all/21-aprelya-vstrechi-ne-v-ekaterinburge/
[01:21:30] -!- ooprizrakoo has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[01:47:39] -!- san013 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:42:26] -!- |newbie| [|newbie|!~Name@] has joined #osm-ru
[02:48:46] -!- Mezonin has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[03:50:56] -!- kisaa [kisaa!~kisaa@] has joined #osm-ru
[03:55:32] -!- _sev_ [_sev_!~sev@] has joined #osm-ru
[03:57:56] -!- _sev has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[06:37:29] -!- kisaa has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[07:35:03] -!- borism3461 [borism3461!505eae0f@] has joined #osm-ru
[07:48:24] -!- Out`Of`Control [Out`Of`Control!~Viper@000192c2.user.oftc.net] has joined #osm-ru
[08:14:20] -!- kisaa [kisaa!~kisaa@] has joined #osm-ru
[09:00:43] -!- old_Bibigon [old_Bibigon!~bibigon@] has joined #osm-ru
[09:14:51] -!- Vladimir_r has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[09:16:53] -!- Vladimir_r [Vladimir_r!~v.rybalko@] has joined #osm-ru
[09:32:19] -!- newbie|2 [newbie|2!~kvirc@ll-101-218.tagan.ru] has joined #osm-ru
[09:39:14] -!- newbie has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[09:46:49] -!- borism3461 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[09:47:26] -!- freeExec [freeExec!~freeExec@] has joined #osm-ru
[11:22:30] -!- Komzpa [Komzpa!~kom@] has joined #osm-ru
[13:10:51] -!- borism3461 [borism3461!505eae0f@d.clients.kiwiirc.com] has joined #osm-ru
[13:11:46] -!- Scondo [Scondo!~Miranda@] has joined #osm-ru
[13:12:14] -!- Scondo has quit []
[13:12:28] -!- Scondo [Scondo!~Miranda@] has joined #osm-ru
[14:36:52] -!- AMDmi3 [AMDmi3!~AMDmi3@2a02:6b8:0:408:222:4dff:fe50:23cf] has joined #osm-ru
[15:04:16] -!- borism3461 has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client]
[15:25:44] -!- kisaa has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[15:26:29] -!- borism3461 [borism3461!505eae0f@b.clients.kiwiirc.com] has joined #osm-ru
[16:09:50] -!- newbie|2 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:10:01] -!- newbie|2 [newbie|2!~kvirc@ll-101-218.tagan.ru] has joined #osm-ru
[16:32:29] -!- borism3461 has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client]
[16:45:10] -!- bes [bes!~bes@leased-line-217-21-59-112.telecom.by] has joined #osm-ru
[16:52:06] -!- old_Bibigon has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:57:18] -!- AMDmi3 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:57:30] -!- AMDmi3 [AMDmi3!~AMDmi3@2a02:6b8:0:408:222:4dff:fe50:23cf] has joined #osm-ru
[17:16:46] -!- bes_ [bes_!~bes@leased-line-217-21-59-112.telecom.by] has joined #osm-ru
[17:16:46] -!- bes has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:17:09] -!- bes_ has quit []
[17:33:22] -!- freeExec has quit [Quit: Пора домой]
[18:01:24] -!- old_Bibigon [old_Bibigon!~bibigon@] has joined #osm-ru
[18:28:13] -!- Komzpa has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[19:09:51] -!- Scondo has quit [Quit: Lost in time. And lost in space. And meaning.]
[19:48:57] -!- Komzpa [Komzpa!~kom@] has joined #osm-ru
[20:06:21] -!- gryphon [gryphon!~gryphon@net089023026087.pskovline.ru] has joined #osm-ru
[20:10:14] -!- Gy9vin [Gy9vin!~3eb75609@shenron.openstreetmap.org] has joined #osm-ru
[20:10:17] -!- Komzzpa [Komzzpa!~kom@] has joined #osm-ru
[20:10:23] <Gy9vin> Привет всем
[20:10:32] <Gy9vin> У меня вопрос кто с ним поможет
[20:11:32] -!- Komzpa has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:11:33] -!- Gy9vin has quit []
[20:11:35] -!- Gy9vin [Gy9vin!~3eb75609@shenron.openstreetmap.org] has joined #osm-ru
[20:13:15] <Gy9vin> отрисовываю все дома)
[20:13:28] <Gy9vin> редактирую карту по заказу фирмы такси.
[20:13:38] <Gy9vin> в программе JOSM
[20:13:56] <Gy9vin> как быстро обновляются данные на основной карте после внесения изменений?
[20:18:10] -!- Gy9vin has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:20:21] -!- Komzzpa has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[20:40:22] -!- Mezonin [Mezonin!~Name@] has joined #osm-ru
[20:47:05] -!- |newbie| has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[20:57:20] -!- newbie [newbie!~kvirc@ll-101-218.tagan.ru] has joined #osm-ru
[21:04:14] -!- newbie|2 has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[21:20:17] -!- Mezonin has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[21:41:19] -!- Komzzpa [Komzzpa!~kom@] has joined #osm-ru
[21:41:56] -!- Mezonin [Mezonin!~Name@] has joined #osm-ru
[21:43:42] -!- Scondo [Scondo!~Miranda@mariyaz.starlink.ru] has joined #osm-ru
[21:43:46] -!- Scondo has quit []
[21:48:40] <Zverik> как же я надеюсь, что Gy9vin удивит меня насчёт источника адресов
[22:09:52] -!- AMDmi3 has quit [Quit: #!/bin/rm]
[22:52:43] -!- ooprizrakoo [ooprizrakoo!~diver@glubina.com] has joined #osm-ru
[23:49:15] -!- gryphon has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:50:10] -!- gryphon [gryphon!~gryphon@net089023026087.pskovline.ru] has joined #osm-ru
[23:54:40] -!- gryphon has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:59:57] -!- dkiselev [dkiselev!~dkiselev@] has parted #osm-ru