#osm-ru | Logs for 2015-12-11

[00:00:36] <iav> Спасибо
[00:02:06] -!- freeExec has quit []
[00:05:26] <Sadless74> спокойной ночи
[00:05:30] -!- Sadless74 has quit [Quit: Quit]
[00:07:00] -!- edward17 [edward17!~8d465188@shenron.openstreetmap.org] has parted #osm-ru
[00:10:02] -!- vvoovv [vvoovv!~chatzilla@node-205-173-35-212.domolink.tula.net] has joined #osm-ru
[00:12:38] -!- vvoovv has quit []
[00:22:18] -!- iav has quit [Quit: Bye]
[00:40:49] -!- tryagain has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:45:39] -!- itf [itf!~cot@] has joined #osm-ru
[00:59:41] -!- ooprizrakoo has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[03:26:31] -!- Maks|Di2 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:26:54] -!- Maks|Di2 [Maks|Di2!~maks@] has joined #osm-ru
[03:51:58] -!- Out`Of`Control has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:45:38] -!- lks1 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:58:52] -!- lks1 [lks1!~Android@77-254-121-220.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #osm-ru
[13:12:19] -!- logger[psha] [logger[psha]!~loggerpsh@] has joined #osm-ru
[13:12:41] -!- borism3461 [borism3461!505eae0f@] has joined #osm-ru
[13:12:41] -!- amak [amak!~amak@n1.jabber.d6.hsdnsrv.net] has joined #osm-ru
[13:12:41] -!- toydestroyer [toydestroyer!~toydestro@2a03:b0c0:0:1010::39:a001] has joined #osm-ru
[13:18:56] -!- toydestroyer has quit [synthon.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net]
[13:18:56] -!- amak has quit [synthon.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net]
[13:18:56] -!- borism3461 has quit [synthon.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net]
[13:19:34] -!- borism3461 [borism3461!505eae0f@] has joined #osm-ru
[13:19:34] -!- amak [amak!~amak@n1.jabber.d6.hsdnsrv.net] has joined #osm-ru
[13:19:34] -!- toydestroyer [toydestroyer!~toydestro@2a03:b0c0:0:1010::39:a001] has joined #osm-ru
[13:45:45] -!- borism3461 has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client]
[14:17:56] -!- toydestroyer has quit [synthon.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net]
[14:17:56] -!- amak has quit [synthon.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net]
[14:19:10] -!- amak [amak!~amak@n1.jabber.d6.hsdnsrv.net] has joined #osm-ru
[14:19:10] -!- toydestroyer [toydestroyer!~toydestro@2a03:b0c0:0:1010::39:a001] has joined #osm-ru
[14:45:56] -!- karavanjo has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[15:07:06] -!- Maks|copter [Maks|copter!~5345030a@shenron.openstreetmap.org] has joined #osm-ru
[15:07:42] <Maks|copter> Утро!
[15:08:40] <freeExec> Фиеста!
[15:13:02] <Maks|copter> типа того, да
[15:13:51] <Maks|copter> а есть что, чем можно посчитать ариал подъёма воды по SRTM? может для того же qgis что-то готовое есть?
[15:16:13] <Maks|copter> или в опенсорсе таких базовых, самых распространённых вещей не принято считать?
[15:19:24] -!- karavanjo [karavanjo!~karavanjo@] has joined #osm-ru
[15:22:23] -!- karavanjo_ [karavanjo_!~karavanjo@] has joined #osm-ru
[15:22:43] -!- karavanjo has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[15:23:06] -!- Vladimir_r has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:26:35] -!- Komzpa [Komzpa!~kom@] has joined #osm-ru
[15:30:51] -!- toydestroyer has quit [synthon.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net]
[15:30:51] -!- amak has quit [synthon.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net]
[15:31:58] -!- amak [amak!~amak@n1.jabber.d6.hsdnsrv.net] has joined #osm-ru
[15:31:58] -!- toydestroyer [toydestroyer!~toydestro@2a03:b0c0:0:1010::39:a001] has joined #osm-ru
[15:34:57] -!- karavanjo_ has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[15:57:29] -!- AMDmi3 [AMDmi3!~AMDmi3@] has joined #osm-ru
[16:44:16] -!- dkiselev has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[16:49:54] <freeExec> эх "Как поделиться с Яндекс.Картами панорамами с воздуха?" https://toster.ru/q/273751
[16:50:45] -!- old_Bibigon has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:55:35] <putnik_> freeExec, дык ответь.
[16:55:46] <freeExec> дык что я скажу?
[16:55:53] putnik_ is now known as putnik
[16:55:55] <freeExec> в мипиллари чтоли вставлять
[16:56:10] <putnik> Ну а чего бы и нет?
[16:56:58] <freeExec> я не уверен как там это подцепиться
[16:57:58] <putnik> Пнул trolleway.
[16:58:39] <freeExec> но я думаю он с радостью поделиться исходниками
[16:58:48] <freeExec> и кто-то знающий сможет залить
[17:25:24] -!- Out`Of`Control [Out`Of`Control!~Viper@000192c2.user.oftc.net] has joined #osm-ru
[17:43:35] -!- old_Bibigon [old_Bibigon!~bibigon@] has joined #osm-ru
[18:10:43] -!- Runge has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 42.0/20151029151421]]
[18:19:46] -!- sh4 [sh4!~irc@178-45-1-200.saransk.ru] has joined #osm-ru
[18:26:27] -!- gryphon [gryphon!~gryphon@heewie-home.pskovline.ru] has joined #osm-ru
[18:40:45] -!- freeExec has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[18:57:58] -!- Maks|copter has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)]
[19:08:02] -!- Komzpa has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[19:09:57] -!- Maks|copter [Maks|copter!~5345030a@shenron.openstreetmap.org] has joined #osm-ru
[19:12:50] -!- Scondo has quit [Quit: Lost in time. And lost in space. And meaning.]
[19:15:29] -!- Jim[n|a] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:15:56] -!- Jim[n|a] [Jim[n|a]!~pewpew@] has joined #osm-ru
[19:27:31] -!- Gardster has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
[19:28:30] -!- Gardster [Gardster!~gard@] has joined #osm-ru
[19:29:26] -!- Gardster has quit []
[19:36:43] -!- newbie has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/]
[20:34:50] -!- az09|not [az09|not!~ant@] has joined #osm-ru
[20:49:47] -!- Mezonin_ [Mezonin_!~cot@] has joined #osm-ru
[20:52:44] <Maks|copter> https://a.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/heyitsgarrett.kf2a2nb1/page.html?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiaGV5aXRzZ2FycmV0dCIsImEiOiIwdWt5ZlpjIn0.73b7Y47rgFnSD7QCNeS-zA#14/48.8597/2.3361
[20:53:00] <Maks|copter> ещё один трекер треки выкатил на карту
[20:54:24] <Maks|copter> http://labs.strava.com/heatmap/#13/49.64567/58.58812/blue/bike
[20:54:45] <Maks|copter> а тем временем страва заменила гугль на мапбокс в глобальной карте
[20:56:02] -!- itf has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[20:59:49] -!- Maks|copter has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)]
[20:59:57] -!- Maks|copter [Maks|copter!~5345030a@shenron.openstreetmap.org] has joined #osm-ru
[21:43:56] -!- tryagain [tryagain!~quassel@] has joined #osm-ru
[21:44:31] <az09|not> Maks|copter: а если сейчас в РК треки открыть, то они появятся как думаешь?
[22:15:28] -!- sh4 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[22:25:09] -!- az09|not has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:54:03] -!- az09|ios [az09|ios!az09ios@] has joined #osm-ru
[22:58:23] -!- az09|ios has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:04:56] -!- old_Bibigon_ [old_Bibigon_!~bibigon@] has joined #osm-ru
[23:07:27] -!- old_Bibigon has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[23:20:43] -!- Gardster [Gardster!~gard@broadband-90-154-72-25.nationalcablenetworks.ru] has joined #osm-ru
[23:33:49] -!- ooprizrakoo [ooprizrakoo!~diver@glubina.com] has joined #osm-ru
[23:50:48] -!- Gardster has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]