#osm-ru | Logs for 2015-07-25

[00:10:07] -!- _sev [_sev!~sev@] has joined #osm-ru
[02:00:08] -!- ooprizrakoo has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[02:24:16] -!- old_Bibigon_ has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[02:27:02] -!- _sev has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
[02:34:49] -!- Maks|Di2 has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[03:21:19] -!- kisaa [kisaa!~kisaa@] has joined #osm-ru
[03:23:06] -!- dimqua has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[03:39:08] -!- kisaa has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:58:31] -!- Zverik has quit [charon.oftc.net magnet.oftc.net]
[04:58:31] -!- svetlana has quit [charon.oftc.net magnet.oftc.net]
[04:58:31] -!- Jim_[work] has quit [charon.oftc.net magnet.oftc.net]
[04:58:31] -!- Runge has quit [charon.oftc.net magnet.oftc.net]
[04:58:31] -!- Scondo has quit [charon.oftc.net magnet.oftc.net]
[04:58:31] -!- Freem has quit [charon.oftc.net magnet.oftc.net]
[04:58:31] -!- MaximD|w has quit [charon.oftc.net magnet.oftc.net]
[04:58:31] -!- Komzpa|work has quit [charon.oftc.net magnet.oftc.net]
[04:58:31] -!- Out`Of`Control has quit [charon.oftc.net magnet.oftc.net]
[04:58:31] -!- putnik has quit [charon.oftc.net magnet.oftc.net]
[04:59:44] -!- Scondo [Scondo!~Miranda@2a00:e78:4:7:ecac:e9fa:56c1:76e4] has joined #osm-ru
[04:59:44] -!- Jim_[work] [Jim_[work]!~pewpew@] has joined #osm-ru
[04:59:44] -!- Freem [Freem!~Freem@] has joined #osm-ru
[04:59:44] -!- Runge [Runge!~chatzilla@giscience018.geog.uni-heidelberg.de] has joined #osm-ru
[04:59:44] -!- MaximD|w [MaximD|w!~quassel@] has joined #osm-ru
[04:59:44] -!- Komzpa|work [Komzpa|work!~kom@] has joined #osm-ru
[04:59:44] -!- Out`Of`Control [Out`Of`Control!~Viper@000192c2.user.oftc.net] has joined #osm-ru
[04:59:44] -!- putnik [putnik!~putnik@li187-75.members.linode.com] has joined #osm-ru
[04:59:44] -!- svetlana [svetlana!~noone@gryllida.xen.prgmr.com] has joined #osm-ru
[04:59:44] -!- Zverik [Zverik!~Zverik@zverev.info] has joined #osm-ru
[07:37:10] -!- dimqua [dimqua!~dimqua@broadband-46-188-32-80.2com.net] has joined #osm-ru
[08:34:08] -!- _sev [_sev!~sev@adsl-ull-123-116.49-151.net24.it] has joined #osm-ru
[09:13:17] -!- gryphon [gryphon!~gryphon@heewie-home.pskovline.ru] has joined #osm-ru
[09:17:49] -!- _sev has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
[10:07:40] -!- kisaa [kisaa!~kisaa@] has joined #osm-ru
[10:34:30] -!- old_Bibigon [old_Bibigon!~bibigon@] has joined #osm-ru
[10:40:51] -!- Zverik has quit [magnet.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net]
[10:40:51] -!- svetlana has quit [magnet.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net]
[10:41:47] -!- Zverik [Zverik!~Zverik@zverev.info] has joined #osm-ru
[10:41:47] -!- svetlana [svetlana!~noone@gryllida.xen.prgmr.com] has joined #osm-ru
[11:42:03] -!- lks1 has quit [Quit: -a- IRC for Android 2.1.25]
[14:43:35] -!- gryphon has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:36:17] -!- Scondo has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:18:38] -!- kisaa has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:51:32] -!- gryphon [gryphon!~gryphon@heewie-home.pskovline.ru] has joined #osm-ru
[19:04:40] -!- gryphon has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:12:48] -!- lks1 [lks1!~Android@213-238-98-15.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #osm-ru
[20:40:32] -!- gryphon [gryphon!~gryphon@heewie-home.pskovline.ru] has joined #osm-ru
[22:36:55] -!- ooprizrakoo [ooprizrakoo!~diver@glubina.com] has joined #osm-ru
[23:13:00] -!- ooprizrakoo has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]