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[22:08:49]<Jocelyn> is there a list of russian regions and the corresponding OSM relation id ?
[22:09:32]<Jocelyn> i would like to map all the regions from to a relation id
[22:09:59]<Jocelyn> (i want to add Russia to Osmose QA, which is available at
[22:11:23]* ooprizrakoo slaps Zverik around a bit with a large trout [22:11:42]<ooprizrakoo> Hi, Jocelyn
[22:12:08]<ooprizrakoo> I hope some of our experts can answer
[22:14:49]<Jocelyn> in any case, i cannot find any relevant information on the wiki :(
[22:16:48]<Jocelyn> ah, just foundВикиПроект_Россия/Субъекты_РФ [22:27:34]<ooprizrakoo> btw, what you think aboty Crimea ?
[22:27:42]<ooprizrakoo> about
[22:28:04]<ooprizrakoo> is it russian region, or no?:)
[22:31:28]<Jocelyn> i don't know :)
[22:31:43]<Jocelyn> i would say no, but it is a personal opinion :)
[22:32:20]<Jocelyn> i didn't find crimea on - should it be present ?
[22:35:14]<ooprizrakoo> but your can find it onВикиПроект_Россия/Субъекты_РФ [23:06:26]<gryphon> Jocelyn, [23:34:35]-!- gryphon has quit [Remote host closed the connection]