#osm-ru | Logs for 2014-12-17

[00:01:45] -!- ErshKUS has quit []
[00:10:31] * ooprizrakoo вздохнул
[00:10:38] <ooprizrakoo> хотел Ершкуса застать..
[00:18:00] -!- KirillMnsk has quit [Quit: KirillMnsk]
[00:25:52] -!- KirillMnsk [KirillMnsk!~KirillMns@c80-216-22-31.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #osm-ru
[00:43:47] -!- KirillMnsk has quit [Quit: KirillMnsk]
[00:51:21] -!- jekhor__ has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[00:51:39] -!- progserega [progserega!~Serega@] has joined #osm-ru
[01:35:09] -!- kisaa [kisaa!~user26@] has joined #osm-ru
[01:55:30] -!- XAN has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:06:00] -!- Freem [Freem!~Freem@] has joined #osm-ru
[02:06:21] -!- Jim_[work] [Jim_[work]!~pewpew@] has joined #osm-ru
[02:06:41] -!- old_Bibigon has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[02:07:22] -!- Komzzzpa has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[02:09:59] -!- Guest1997 [Guest1997!~Hayro@] has joined #osm-ru
[02:12:51] -!- lks1 has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[02:12:58] -!- Freem[w] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[02:13:02] -!- Jim[work] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[02:17:04] -!- lks1 [lks1!~Android@178-37-160-17.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #osm-ru
[02:21:57] -!- KirillMnsk [KirillMnsk!~KirillMns@c80-216-22-31.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #osm-ru
[03:15:03] -!- KirillMnsk has quit [Quit: KirillMnsk]
[03:17:45] -!- Komzzzpa [Komzzzpa!~kom@mm-71-245-57-86.leased.line.mgts.by] has joined #osm-ru
[03:27:47] -!- ooprizrakoo has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[03:30:07] -!- Jim[work] [Jim[work]!~pewpew@] has joined #osm-ru
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[03:31:24] -!- Jim_[work] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[03:36:57] -!- Freem has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[03:37:22] -!- Freem [Freem!~Freem@] has joined #osm-ru
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[03:52:37] -!- Jim[work] [Jim[work]!~pewpew@] has joined #osm-ru
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[04:01:03] -!- Freem [Freem!~Freem@] has joined #osm-ru
[04:01:17] -!- Jim_[work] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[04:33:10] -!- ssv has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.4.3]
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[04:56:12] -!- Jim[work] [Jim[work]!~pewpew@] has joined #osm-ru
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[05:02:41] -!- Jim_[work] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[05:02:58] -!- Freem has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[07:32:54] -!- Guest1997 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[07:48:42] -!- borism3461 [borism3461!505eae0f@] has joined #osm-ru
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[08:31:03] -!- gryphon [gryphon!~gryphon@] has joined #osm-ru
[08:43:13] -!- karavanjo [karavanjo!~Thunderbi@leased-line-brest-91-149-154-34.brest.telecom.by] has joined #osm-ru
[09:00:48] -!- gryphon_ [gryphon_!~gryphon@] has joined #osm-ru
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[09:11:05] -!- old_Bibigon [old_Bibigon!~bibigon@] has joined #osm-ru
[09:42:23] -!- borism3461 has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client]
[09:42:30] -!- borism3461 [borism3461!505eae0f@] has joined #osm-ru
[09:53:10] -!- progserega has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[10:29:28] -!- kisaa has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[10:38:55] -!- karavanjo has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[10:39:46] -!- karavanjo [karavanjo!~Thunderbi@leased-line-brest-91-149-154-34.brest.telecom.by] has joined #osm-ru
[10:54:04] <Zverik> лучший в этом месяце заголовок http://kommersant.ru/doc/2635037
[11:09:41] -!- jekhor__ [jekhor__!~jek@nat3-minsk-pool-46-53-180-14.telecom.by] has joined #osm-ru
[11:19:11] <putnik> =)
[11:37:15] -!- kisaa [kisaa!~kisaa@] has joined #osm-ru
[11:45:01] -!- freeExec [freeExec!~freeExec@] has joined #osm-ru
[12:01:17] -!- lks1 has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[12:27:30] -!- KirillMnsk [KirillMnsk!~KirillMns@c80-216-22-31.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #osm-ru
[12:32:08] -!- kisaa has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[13:02:38] -!- jekhor__ has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[13:38:57] -!- KirillMnsk has quit [Quit: KirillMnsk]
[13:40:42] -!- KirillMnsk [KirillMnsk!~KirillMns@c80-216-22-31.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #osm-ru
[13:42:46] -!- gryphon [gryphon!~gryphon@net03113209750.pskovline.ru] has joined #osm-ru
[13:56:05] -!- jekhor__ [jekhor__!~jek@port-90-adslby-pool37.infonet.by] has joined #osm-ru
[14:02:30] -!- gryphon has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:09:49] -!- borism3461 has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client]
[14:16:31] -!- KirillMnsk has quit [Quit: KirillMnsk]
[14:34:05] -!- borism3461 [borism3461!505eae0f@] has joined #osm-ru
[15:05:47] -!- lks1 [lks1!~Android@apn-46-169-77-241.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl] has joined #osm-ru
[15:12:26] <freeExec> народ говорит в сбере не протолкнуться :)
[15:13:58] -!- lks1 has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[15:16:13] -!- Hind [Hind!~Hind@2a02:6b8:0:40c:dd9d:4cfb:5483:919f] has joined #osm-ru
[15:16:13] -!- mode/#osm-ru [+o Hind] by ChanServ
[15:21:07] <Zverik> да и в магазинах техники, говорят, тоже
[15:21:12] * freeExec обновил бы кто-нибудь чтоли osm.ru
[15:36:51] * Hind просто открыл в онлайне долларовый счет и перенес оставшиеся деньги туда
[15:37:23] <Hind> IMHO, все эти толпящиеся личности сродни тем, кто оплачивает коммунальные счета НА ПОЧТЕ
[15:37:49] <Hind> Хотя, конечно, российский долларовый счет неизвестно сколько проживёт
[15:37:56] <Hind> А зарубежных нету :(
[15:39:33] <Zverik> не все знают, как правильно писать, петербургский или петербуржский. Иногда и http://www.cinemafia.ru/posts/246/
[15:40:10] <Zverik> я бы открыл евровый счёт, но класть на него нечего, так что нафиг
[15:42:19] <Hind> Я на счету держу только текущие расходы, просто чтобы они не обесценивались
[15:42:32] <Hind> А то рубли в реальном времени в порошок превращаются
[15:43:48] -!- edward17 [edward17!~574ced38@] has joined #osm-ru
[15:44:04] <edward17> привет всем
[15:44:11] <edward17> помогите пожалуйста
[15:44:21] <edward17> как зайти на WhoDidIt?
[15:44:32] <edward17> я не знаю, в каком домене он
[15:44:46] <Hind> edward17: http://zverik.osm.rambler.ru/whodidit/
[15:45:01] <Hind> Но он медленен и слоупокъ
[15:45:03] <edward17> Hind: о, благодарю!
[15:45:08] <Hind> В данный момент
[15:45:15] <Hind> Зазумился и жди минуту
[15:45:21] <edward17> захожу на whodidit.org - там про 11 сентября 2001 года
[15:45:38] <edward17> захожу на whodidit.com - там что-то про безопасность :)
[15:46:07] <edward17> а, не, не про безопаснось
[15:46:16] <edward17> но, в принципе, всё равно)
[15:50:33] <Komzzpa|worrk> Hind: го к нам в минск :)
[15:55:15] <Hind> Komzzpa|worrk: ага, а потом у вас тоже что-нибудь случится и счета нерезидентов превратятся в тыкву :3
[15:57:39] <Komzzpa|worrk> Hind: тогда кипр!
[16:00:24] <freeExec> а там вообще со счетов ободрать могут
[16:02:47] -!- karavanjo has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
[16:04:19] -!- edward17 [edward17!~574ced38@] has parted #osm-ru
[16:15:51] -!- XAN [XAN!~chatzilla@reformerly-sediment.volia.net] has joined #osm-ru
[16:17:00] <putnik> Hind, валюту во время кризиса нужно держать в наличке. Рассчитывай на то, что может завтра уже не сможешь снять.
[16:17:18] <putnik> Хотя можно потратить =)
[16:17:41] <Hind> putnik: я и держу в наличке
[16:18:01] <Hind> просто «операционные расходы» в наличке неудобно :3
[16:18:08] <Hind> ну там, в магазин сходить, вот это всё
[16:18:40] <Hind> долларами в магазине можно прозрачно расплатиться только при помощи долларовой карточки
[16:19:24] <Hind> поэтому на ней немного — только по магазинам ходить :3
[16:30:40] -!- borism3461 has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client]
[16:36:49] -!- Hind has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.0]
[16:40:35] <Runge> ох, доделал! в новом релизе mapsurfer'а появится возможность подключать векторые тайлы как источник данных для слоя. будут поддерживаться форматы protobuf, geojson, topojson.
[16:44:30] -!- Jim_Di has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:56:57] -!- Scondo [Scondo!~Miranda@] has joined #osm-ru
[17:25:05] -!- jekhor_ [jekhor_!~jek@port-90-adslby-pool37.infonet.by] has joined #osm-ru
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[17:59:53] -!- old_Bibigon has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:01:29] -!- gryphon_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:05:27] -!- KirillMnsk [KirillMnsk!~KirillMns@c80-216-22-31.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #osm-ru
[18:14:18] -!- Jim_Di [Jim_Di!~pewpew@] has joined #osm-ru
[18:16:48] -!- sh4 [sh4!~kvirc@178-45-12-79.saransk.ru] has joined #osm-ru
[18:27:54] -!- AMDmi3 [AMDmi3!~AMDmi3@] has joined #osm-ru
[18:37:07] -!- freeExec has quit [Quit: Пора домой]
[18:53:33] -!- gryphon [gryphon!~gryphon@net03113209750.pskovline.ru] has joined #osm-ru
[19:04:19] -!- lks1 [lks1!~Android@] has joined #osm-ru
[19:08:00] -!- old_Bibigon [old_Bibigon!~bibigon@dynamic-178-141-18-144.kirov.comstar-r.ru] has joined #osm-ru
[19:09:46] -!- KirillMnsk has quit [Quit: KirillMnsk]
[19:10:40] -!- lks1 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:14:21] -!- Scondo has quit [Quit: Lost in time. And lost in space. And meaning.]
[19:18:33] -!- ErshKUS [ErshKUS!~ErshKUS@ppp31-192-147-215.tis-dialog.ru] has joined #osm-ru
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[19:47:43] -!- Kilkenni [Kilkenni!~HotCoffee@] has joined #osm-ru
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[19:55:07] Scondo is now known as Guest2080
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[19:56:39] Scondo is now known as Guest2081
[19:56:39] -!- ScondoZ [ScondoZ!~Miranda@] has joined #osm-ru
[19:56:39] ScondoZ is now known as Scondo
[19:57:52] Scondo is now known as Guest2082
[19:57:52] -!- ScondoZ [ScondoZ!~Miranda@] has joined #osm-ru
[19:57:52] ScondoZ is now known as Scondo
[20:00:56] -!- lks1 [lks1!~Android@178-37-160-17.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #osm-ru
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[21:26:23] -!- KirillMnsk [KirillMnsk!~KirillMns@c80-216-22-31.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #osm-ru
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[22:09:11] -!- KirillMnsk [KirillMnsk!~KirillMns@c80-216-22-31.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #osm-ru
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[22:10:52] -!- tryagain [tryagain!~quassel@] has joined #osm-ru
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[23:01:18] -!- jekhor_ [jekhor_!~jek@nat3-minsk-pool-46-53-180-14.telecom.by] has joined #osm-ru
[23:26:08] -!- KirillMnsk [KirillMnsk!~KirillMns@c80-216-22-31.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #osm-ru