#leaflet | Logs for 2013-12-05

[00:14:12] -!- zzolo [zzolo!~zzolo@c-75-72-229-64.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #leaflet
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[06:50:53] -!- Komzpa [Komzpa!~kom@] has joined #leaflet
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[08:39:22] -!- DennisL [DennisL!~OSRM@irasquid.ira.uni-karlsruhe.de] has joined #leaflet
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[14:22:37] -!- tmcw_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[14:26:32] -!- franck34 [franck34!~bla@www.bee-ware.net] has joined #leaflet
[14:26:41] <franck34> hi
[14:27:14] <franck34> i've seen that when you press Shift and click somewhere on the map, you can select an area for zooming.
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[14:28:38] -!- arkgis [arkgis!~arkgis@cm-] has joined #leaflet
[14:28:44] <franck34> now i'd like to implement marker dragging when i press Ctrl key. First step is to not fire openPopup when click on the marker. I've try marker.off('click') it's ok, but no more click handler so no more drag possible
[14:28:59] <franck34> any suggestion ?
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[14:34:25] -!- zzolo [zzolo!~zzolo@c-75-72-229-64.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #leaflet
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[15:30:10] <drigo> I have trouble using Leaflet Plugins using angularjs?
[15:32:58] <psha[work]> looks like yes
[15:33:01] <psha[work]> you have trouble
[15:35:02] -!- norbert has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[15:39:07] <arkgis> how can i enable editing mode programmatically in Leaflet.Draw?
[15:41:36] <_rambo> looks like is feature.editing.enable/disable
[15:41:47] -!- chillly [chillly!~chris@adsl-178-78-91-198.karoo.kcom.com] has joined #leaflet
[15:42:38] <drigo> :(
[15:43:29] <arkgis> _rambo thanks, how can I find that on L ? I want to enable the editing mode though, not just ediitng for certain feature? (so that all possible features are editable at same time)
[15:43:39] <arkgis> drigo: gotta be more specific is all ;)
[15:43:57] <_rambo> arkgis: I don't know if you can enable at the same time for all the features
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[15:44:26] <_rambo> arkgis: I found it digging in leaflet.draw plugin
[15:44:40] <_rambo> arkgis: but seems that leaflet.draw pluggin does what you are looking for
[15:44:55] <arkgis> _rambo: hum.. but programmatically just clicking the edit button - i mean, there must be a trigger there? but i can't find it.
[15:45:03] <arkgis> Leaflet.Draw is awesome, yeah!
[15:46:05] <arkgis> and doing .click() is kinda ugly..
[15:46:23] <_rambo> probably it iterates over all the features
[15:46:53] <arkgis> im thinking it should be here - https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.draw/blob/master/src/edit/handler/EditToolbar.Edit.js
[15:47:41] <drigo> arkgis angularjs is directive based ,I found http://tombatossals.github.io/angular-leaflet-directive, but was wondering if I will have problem with using plugins
[15:47:43] <drigo> :/
[15:48:59] <arkgis> drigo: plugins for angular or leaflet? take a look at the demo http://leafletjs.com/examples/choropleth.html im sure any problem can be overcome :)
[15:49:36] <arkgis> _rambo: but L.EditToolbar.Edit.enable() doesn't do anything cept error
[15:55:39] -!- Perigolo [Perigolo!b12bf862@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #leaflet
[15:57:15] <Perigolo> Hi, guys! I`m starting now with Leaflet and i have a question. I`m follow the http://leafletjs.com/examples/quick-start.html
[15:58:05] <Perigolo> i stoped at the var map = L.map('map').setView([51.505, -0.09], 13); point
[15:58:49] <Perigolo> at this point, my map container are grey.
[15:59:07] <Perigolo> I need to add a cloud made layer?
[15:59:29] <Perigolo> Have i alternative to cloud made?
[16:00:08] <_rambo> stamen, mapbox, openstreemap for example
[16:01:29] <arkgis> _rambo: found it, line 87 https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.draw/blob/df9c096bcc5802bd722d1744011b41ef13e0edfc/src/Toolbar.js
[16:01:31] <arkgis> thanks :)
[16:03:45] <Perigolo> _rambo: thanks
[16:04:54] <Perigolo> _rambo: The starter kit maybe be contain this info. I dont know.
[16:05:42] <_rambo> Perigolo: I think leaflet was originally created by cloud made so does not sound a good thing for them
[16:07:28] <Perigolo> _rambo: It is a open source project developed by Vladimir Agafonkin of CloudMade with a team of dedicated contributors.
[16:07:30] <chillly> Perigolo, I've started writing a blog series about how to use Leaflet. It starts here: http://chris-osm.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/using-leaflet-v07_21.html
[16:07:45] <chillly> ... and the next two posts too.
[16:08:14] <Perigolo> chillly: Are they up to date?
[16:08:16] <_rambo> Perigolo: but don't worry, mapbox will include their basemaps
[16:08:44] <Perigolo> chillly: I will give it a try.
[16:09:08] <Perigolo> _rambo: Ok, thanks.
[16:10:07] <chillly> Perigolo, I wrote a similar post two and a half years ago - that one was to bring things up to date. Another is due is a couple of days
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[16:16:04] <sodamodo> hello
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[16:21:39] <ingsoc> anyone know if there is a way to have a polygon (triangle) as a marker and rotate it
[16:23:05] <sodamodoo> Does anyone have any experience using the django-leaflet library?
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[16:55:05] <franck34> hi
[16:55:20] <franck34> how to prevent popup open when clicking a marker ?
[16:55:28] <franck34> (i'd like to be able to catch myself the click event)
[17:01:37] <chillly> trap the click event and point it to your own routine to handle the click
[17:02:39] <chillly> on each marker you can use: marker.on('click',yourClickRoutine);
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[17:06:02] <franck34> chillly: i already did that, my clickRoutine is fired, but the popup is open, that's what i don't want
[17:06:21] <franck34> just want to fire my clickRoutine without popup open
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[17:06:37] <chillly> don't add the popup?
[17:06:41] <franck34> yep
[17:06:47] <franck34> ha
[17:06:54] <franck34> i need the popup but not all the time
[17:07:06] <franck34> i.e when Ctrl key is pressed, no popup
[17:07:14] <franck34> i.e when Ctrl key is pressed + marker click, no popup
[17:07:27] <franck34> but when Ctrk key not pressed, popup
[17:07:49] <franck34> you see ?
[17:07:51] <chillly> don't add the popup, always handle the click yourself and open the popup when you want it.
[17:08:09] <franck34> good point let me test
[17:08:11] <franck34> thx chillly
[17:08:21] <chillly> you can dynamically create a popup and open it that is not attached to anything
[17:08:31] <franck34> i see
[17:08:33] <chillly> get the location to open it from the click event
[17:08:56] <chillly> e.target. latlng I think
[17:10:57] <franck34> ha ok, i was thinking bund/unbind popup on demand, depending of Ctrl key pressed or not
[17:11:09] <franck34> ho wait
[17:11:28] <franck34> perhaps i can add the popup but unbind it if Ctrl key pressed
[17:13:59] <franck34> no doesn't work. i have to deal with e.target things
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[17:21:40] <franck34> chillly: work like a charm thank you
[17:22:23] <franck34> chillly: my popup contain el binded to some events, do you konw if the popup is completely destroy when it disappear from the screen or just hidden ?
[17:22:38] * franck34 checking that using chrome console
[17:23:13] <franck34> seem's destroyed
[17:23:14] <franck34> cool
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[17:25:31] <franck34> argh
[17:25:40] <franck34> not so easy
[17:25:57] <franck34> for step 2, when Ctrl is pressed, i dragging.enable() it
[17:31:00] <franck34> but of course, i need to click once again to be able to move the marker
[17:38:24] <franck34> i think i need to make my own L.Handler.MarkerDrag
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[18:31:00] <ingsoc> anyone know if there is a way to have a polygon (triangle) as a marker and rotate it
[18:31:08] <ingsoc> sorry i asked this earlier
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[18:37:34] <b_b> there is a plugin to rotate marker
[18:38:03] <b_b> https://github.com/shramov/leaflet-plugins/
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[19:22:06] <ingsoc> is there no way to have a 'title' on mouse hover for polygons ?
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[19:41:42] <b_b> i think there is
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[19:43:48] <b_b> hmm ha maybe not, only for markers..
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[21:09:00] <arkgis> ingsoc: there's the leaflet.label plugin https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.label/blob/master/src/Path.Label.js
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[21:26:11] <ingsoc> arkgis: cheers will take a look
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[21:27:16] <Reventlov> Hello. I'm currently adding points to a Polyline and I must go through the international date line without getting a "big" line accross the globe
[21:27:39] <Reventlov> Is there a "clean" way to do that, without using multipolylines ?
[21:27:51] <Reventlov> trying to avoid that: http://docs.volcanis.me/2013-12-02-195229_1098x410_scrot.png
[21:28:26] <Reventlov> I saw https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet/issues/82 and http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#latlng-wrap
[21:28:34] <Reventlov> but i don't think it will help me.
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[21:44:05] <racicot> Reventlov: I don't see the same type of thing (the wrapping) in my own pages or even on things like http://geojson.io when drawing shapes
[21:45:18] <Reventlov> racicot: I think i don't understand correctly what you are saying
[21:45:45] <racicot> I think I don't understand what you problem is ;-)
[21:46:01] <patrickarlt> racicot: Reventlov i think its getting worked on https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet/pull/1293
[21:47:26] * racicot reads
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[21:48:40] <patrickarlt> mourner seems interested in fixing it but no milestone yet
[21:51:47] <Reventlov> patrickarlt: yes, it's the same kind of problem. But i don't mind if there is no built-in solution, I just want a working solution
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