#leaflet | Logs for 2013-08-21

[00:03:58] -!- Nick001-Shop has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 23.0.1/20130814063812]]
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[09:12:23] -!- helpless-student [helpless-student!~MK@ns213475.ovh.net] has joined #leaflet
[09:14:42] <helpless-student> Hi experts, I was wondering if you could get some help. Hopefully it's quite a simple issue. I have been following the tutorials for making layers and layer groups etc. However, I would like to make the map center on a specific point when I click on a specific layer. i.e. Layer1 - clicked = LatLng1, Layer2 - clicked = LatLng2 etc etc. I understand there is setView() and panTo(), but am having major n00b issues in implementing it at the correct place
[09:15:29] <helpless-student> I should add, that I am using the "Layer Groups and Layers Control" tutorial, and the map I have made is very similar, i.e. same grouping style etc.
[09:16:01] <helpless-student> Except each of my groups is just one polygon & marker - grouped together so I can display both when an option is ticked on the control menu.
[09:42:29] <Logi> I'm not an expert onleaflet, but you probably need to add an event listener to each layer which then instrcuts the map what to do.
[09:49:53] <perl> Logi: regarding your slow map, I can reproduce the problem here... can't say much about it, but as you already might have guessed, I think chrome chooses some really bad rendering path for your layout
[09:50:42] <perl> Logi: I tried playing around with positioning, size, etc. but couldn't find any quick solution
[09:51:50] <perl> Logi: I would try to finding some other way to style/organize things that looks (sort of) the same, to try convincing chrome to use some other rendering method
[09:52:41] <perl> Logi: I guess someone with deeper knowledge about how browsers render stuff could give you a hint on why this layout causes trouble for chrome...
[10:09:17] -!- andrewblack [andrewblack!~andrew@] has parted #leaflet
[10:13:25] -!- Valen has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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[10:24:40] <Logi> perl: Yes... I previously put all the text in a massive big div inside a screen-height div with overflow-y:scroll. I might go back to that. I never tested it with a larger amount of text, though.
[10:25:06] <Logi> perl: Thanks for your effort. At least it makes me more confident that I'm not doing something monumentally stupid :)
[10:27:36] <Logi> perl: I'll have a look at that tonight. Unless I get so sick of trying to work around chrome SVG rendering race conditions at the day job that I give it a go earlier.
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[13:01:46] -!- dway [dway!~dway@gas45-2-82-239-0-32.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #leaflet
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[13:53:26] -!- Logi has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
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[15:10:20] -!- flippyhead [flippyhead!~peterbrow@c-66-235-0-81.sea.wa.customer.broadstripe.net] has joined #leaflet
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[15:40:56] <helpless-student> does anyone know a way to panTo a layers when it is selected in the menu perchance?
[15:49:41] <tmcw> map.fitBounds(layer.getBounds())
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[15:53:20] <helpless-student> cheers, but it doesnt seem to shift the map when i click on a layer on the menu system. each of my layers just consist of 2 items, a polygon and a marker. I have approx 10 layers.
[15:54:07] <helpless-student> for each layer i have made a variable defining a specific latlng that i guess could be used slesewhere. at the moment, the map moves if i create a link <a href='#' onclick="map.addLayer(layer1).panTo(parking1_LL)">
[15:54:23] <helpless-student> where parking1_LL is the LatLng for that layer.
[15:54:43] <helpless-student> but it wont work for the inbuild Leaflet l.control.layers portion.
[15:54:49] <helpless-student> inbuilt*
[15:55:12] <tom_o_t> helpless-student, might be easier if you can share your code in a jsfiddle or similar
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[16:03:32] <helpless-student> excellent, ill just direct you to the hosted part (where im testing it all atm). 2 seconds
[16:04:54] -!- Kup has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[16:06:13] <helpless-student> okay, heres the "draft" code. obviously many kinks to work out: http://cultureortrash.com/maptest/
[16:07:00] <helpless-student> i essentially want the menu on the map (topright), to what the button "test anchor" at the bottom does. but in the style of a checkbox so layers can be interchanged and deselected.
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[16:24:24] -!- jfire [jfire!~jfire@69-12-169-82.dedicated.static.sonic.net] has joined #leaflet
[16:24:46] <helpless-student> i was directed this morning to look into listeners. so i considered using "map.on('layeradd'...." but got stuck. and then i tried impletement the actual "panTo(latlng)" code wherever it seemed it could have been relavent
[16:24:52] <helpless-student> but to no avail.
[16:25:45] -!- karavanjo [karavanjo!~karavanjo@] has joined #leaflet
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[16:48:28] -!- fllr [fllr!~felipellr@108-194-58-253.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #leaflet
[16:49:05] <fllr> How come leaflet is only loading one tile at a time, and returning me the wrong center point of my map?
[16:53:57] <tmcw> fllr: could be anything until you post an example
[16:55:04] <Logi> helpless-student: I guess you got it working? At least it seems to work for me.
[16:55:29] <Logi> helpless-student: ah, no it doesn't :)
[16:55:32] <helpless-student> @Logi: it doesnt work for me. If i click on the menu on the topright, it should panTo the point, but doesnt seem to.
[16:55:33] <helpless-student> haha
[16:55:48] <helpless-student> the link at the bottom is essentially what i wanted to achieve.
[16:56:14] <fllr> tmcw: I just did console.log(map.getSize()) and it returned x, and y = 0. I'm thinking that could be it
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[16:58:17] <helpless-student> could even use map.on(overlayadd or something.
[16:58:32] -!- jerryitt [jerryitt!~jerryitt@] has joined #leaflet
[16:59:09] <Logi> helpless-student: try listening for the 'add' event on each layer and have the handler do the panning.
[16:59:46] <Logi> helpless-student: I haven't done this and only started wirking with leaflet a few days ago, but it seems worh a try
[17:00:16] <helpless-student> Logi: thanks. I havent quite given up hope yet.
[17:00:31] <Logi> helpless-student: or even better, listen for layeradd on map
[17:01:12] <Logi> helpless-student: in general, when a layer is added to the map, you want to pan it into view.
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[17:05:39] <helpless-student> Logi: so potentially something like this: http://jsfiddle.net/hFmGs/2/
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[17:05:51] <helpless-student> although it is completely untested atm, but that similar idea?
[17:07:48] <helpless-student> Logi: maybe one thing you may be able to help with is this. On each marker definition, I have added .bindPopup("sometext").openPopup(); however, when the layer is added to the map the popup doesnt open automatically. I feel as though this may be a workaround to my problem as when a popup opens it pan's the map to get the popup in view.
[17:10:39] <Logi> helpless-student: Try adding the 'overlayadd' event listener as you say and just log a message to see if it is being triggered properly. Then think about the next step.
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[17:12:21] <fllr> Where can I download an unminified version of leaflet?
[17:12:41] <Logi> fllr: http://leafletjs.com/download.html
[17:13:01] <Logi> fllr: That's a zip containing the minified javascript and a -src.js file as well
[17:13:02] <b_b> http://cdn.leafletjs.com/leaflet-0.6.4/leaflet-src.js
[17:13:17] <Logi> Or that :)
[17:13:58] <fllr> Thanks! :D
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[17:21:20] <helpless-student> Logi: thanks. I'll give it a go. n00b to both javascript and leaflet atm.
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[17:29:48] <helpless-student> Logi: awesome! it works! the next step it making it pan to specific latlng per item on the list. Any ideas here? Could I potentially do a literal map.panTo([layer] + "_LL");
[17:30:13] <helpless-student> if each of the panTo coordinates were the layername_LL?
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[17:41:19] helpless-student is now known as notso-helpless-s
[17:41:56] <notso-helpless-s> Logi: dont worry, I am done for the day. If I have any other issues I may return tomorrow. But for now. Thanks for all you have done. Just needed that push I think. Leaflet is aweesome.
[17:42:38] -!- AR_ has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[17:43:36] <fllr> How come if I do getSize(), my map returns x:0, y: 0?
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[17:46:29] <dhusea> fllr: maybe the map isn't rendered at that point in the code?
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[18:11:01] <fllr> dhusea: It appears, so. :\ I'm trying to do invalidate size later, but even that's not working...
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