#leaflet | Logs for 2013-07-07

[00:13:14] -!- BJfreeman has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
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[02:43:06] -!- Laremere [Laremere!~quassel@68-190-103-225.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #leaflet
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[07:38:00] Cylly is now known as Loetmichel
[08:03:23] -!- stsydow [stsydow!~stsydow@p4FC1840A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #leaflet
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[08:38:41] -!- cpresser has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[08:48:45] <ybon> mourner: hey :) Sounds like the stable branch is not up to date, isn't it?
[08:49:06] <mourner> not sure, it should be...
[08:51:40] <ybon> seems like the 0.6.2 stuff is not merged
[09:02:26] -!- mourner has quit [Quit: mourner]
[09:04:18] -!- mourner [mourner!~mourner@] has joined #leaflet
[10:07:04] -!- Nickparker has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
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[11:42:52] -!- Heinz_60 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
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[12:49:32] -!- stsydow [stsydow!~stsydow@dslb-178-012-129-007.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #leaflet
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[13:43:48] -!- gregory [gregory!~gregory@] has joined #leaflet
[13:44:13] <gregory> hi all
[13:44:33] <gregory> i'm looking for the best way to achieve it :
[13:45:02] <gregory> I need to add multiple polygon on a map. The thing is i need to do it in a layer.
[13:45:19] <gregory> i tried to extend the layerGroup class to modify the on add method.
[13:45:26] <gregory> What do you think about it ?
[13:53:21] <gregory> is there anyone here ?
[13:53:38] <ybon> gregory: http://leafletjs.com/examples/layers-control.html
[13:55:16] <gregory> ybon: thanks for the link, i know that it already, the point is i need to encapsulate all of this in one layergroup in order to reuse it.
[13:55:49] <ybon> this is exactly what is done there, no?
[13:55:54] <gregory> ybon : For example : my company ask me to group some town in one layer. Then they want me to be able to reuse this group in another map
[13:56:16] <gregory> something dynamical without rewriting all each time
[13:56:28] <ybon> what is your data source?
[13:56:35] <gregory> mysql
[13:57:18] <ybon> so you just need to loop into your rows somewhere in the chain, create markers, and add them to you layer
[13:57:19] <gregory> i receive lat,lon for town needed to be displayed
[13:57:38] <gregory> yes i agree. sorry, it's hard to explain in english i will try to reformulate.
[13:58:02] <gregory> my problem is not to display markers or circle on the map, i achieved it.
[13:58:16] <gregory> in fact,
[13:58:23] <ybon> create your layergroup before looping
[13:58:50] <ybon> then in the loop, create your feature (marker...), and so: mylayer.addLayer(myfeature)
[13:58:57] <ybon> en then add mylayer to the map
[14:00:25] <gregory> ok, my main idea was to encapsulate this loop into a class to be able to reuse it without rewriting loop.
[14:00:45] <gregory> i made it in openlayers. I created a layer, and put all its bbeahvior into it
[14:01:03] <gregory> because i can have a map with multiple layers, which have different behavior
[14:01:37] <gregory> do you understand my problem ?
[14:02:24] <ybon> you can add methods to LayerGroup by using LayerGroup.include()
[14:02:38] <ybon> or extending it with MyLayerClass = LayerGroup.extends({})
[14:02:53] <gregory> ybon there we are...
[14:03:16] <gregory> i extended LayerGroup but i got an error which is annoying me..
[14:03:41] <gregory> can i just show in a pastebin my class ? (it's very short) maybe can you notice something wrong in my code ?
[14:04:08] <ybon> yep
[14:06:26] <gregory> here is my new class :
[14:06:27] <gregory> http://pastebin.com/7ycA2Z3b
[14:07:14] <gregory> when i do :
[14:07:14] <gregory> var rssi = L.layerGroup.signalCoverage();
[14:07:15] <gregory> rssi.addTo(this);
[14:07:20] <gregory> i get this javascript error :
[14:07:39] <gregory> SyntaxError: invalid property id
[14:07:39] <gregory> [Stopper sur une erreur]
[14:07:40] <gregory> tile.src = this.getTileUrl(tilePoint);
[14:08:17] <ybon> humm
[14:08:27] <ybon> you should call parent initialize, maybe
[14:08:29] <gregory> it's in the _loadTile method of the TileLayer
[14:08:55] <gregory> ybon : let me try...
[14:09:22] <ybon> watch out, missing var in self = this;
[14:09:59] <gregory> oh yes thanks
[14:10:20] <ybon> can't you use proper json instead of self._hexagones = eval('('+msg+')'); ?
[14:12:54] <gregory> ok tried to add parent initialize with L.LayerGroup.prototype.initialize.call(this);
[14:13:01] <gregory> no progress
[14:13:10] <ybon> and btw you should use geojson and then you will be able to use the GeoJSON layer
[14:13:12] <gregory> ybon : what do you mean ? in eval, it's a json string
[14:13:44] <ybon> so do JSON.parse
[14:14:09] <gregory> oh i read on internet that eval do the trick .. but JSON.parse seems clearer
[14:14:33] <ybon> be careful on what you read on Internet ;)
[14:15:33] <gregory> ybon: yeah ;)
[14:16:21] <gregory> ybon : however you told me that i can add a method with .include() ? how does it work ?
[14:18:52] <ybon> just like extend, but you don't create a new class
[14:20:37] <gregory> mmmh .. ok try it.
[14:21:03] <gregory> However , no tips for why my new class don't work ? i'm driving crazy to look for my error :(
[14:23:44] <ybon> have a look at this, for a lazygeojson class: https://github.com/yohanboniface/Leaflet.Storage/blob/master/src/js/leaflet.lazygeojson.js
[14:24:07] <ybon> using sync calls is not a user friendly idea
[14:26:40] -!- Laremere [Laremere!~quassel@68-190-103-225.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #leaflet
[14:31:08] <gregory> ybon : great your lazy class !!
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[14:42:21] -!- chillly [chillly!~chris@adsl-178-78-91-198.karoo.kcom.com] has joined #leaflet
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[14:51:57] <gregory> ybon : what's your geojson_getter params in your initialization method ?
[14:55:20] <ybon> the method that will be called to get the geojson
[14:55:32] <ybon> in your case, should be a jQuery thing
[14:56:37] <gregory> ok got it but i don't see where you use it in your code ?
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[14:59:14] <ybon> just add this layer to the map, as usually
[14:59:26] <ybon> and when it will be added to the map, so the geojson will be fetched
[15:05:35] <gregory> ybon : why do you fetch data only the first time ? i mean , this layer could added multiple time ? or maybe that if you uncheck the checkbox in the LayerControl it remove it then ?
[15:06:17] <ybon> it's cached
[15:06:26] <ybon> and then will be fetched only once
[15:06:44] <ybon> but it's fetched only if you do add it to the map
[15:06:56] <ybon> for example if the used check it on the layer control
[15:07:20] <ybon> so you can add 100 layers unchecked, nothing will be done until the user click on one
[15:08:03] <gregory> oh understood :)
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