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[09:16:11] <popeye> Hi all
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[09:21:43] <popeye> I was about to use leaflet with a IGN orthophotos layer (a french provider) but it need to set good licence attributions according to where the user is vieving...
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[09:22:21] <popeye> so i can't use this source without using their api
[09:24:07] <popeye> is there a way to use bing/google or any other and set their good attribution ?
[09:24:29] <popeye> (for satellite imagery)
[09:34:34] <popeye> ok i find a bing plugin wich seem to do the trick
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[09:36:08] <popeye> i'll try to see if i can do a plugin for ign
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[13:58:10] <masix> hi every body
[13:58:38] <masix> can anyone help me plz
[13:59:15] <masix> is there a way to use google maps DirectionsService in leaflet.js ?
[14:01:14] <WrinkledCheese> Yes
[14:03:06] <masix> do you have a link or a tutorial talking about, or just a code snippit
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[15:07:20] <WrinkledCheese> Anyone have experience with D3 and SVG generation?
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[15:08:40] <WrinkledCheese> masix: I have my understanding of leaflet and my understanding of Direction Services. You will probably want to look at D3 for managing the data returned by the Google service.
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[15:09:09] <WrinkledCheese> Oh, he's gone
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[19:14:09] <ojokinen> Hi. Can you reproduce this: 1) open leaflet map with your mobile browser (e.g one in homepage) 2) pan the map until blank tile is coming out 3) hold your finger still for a moment 4) blank tile never gets loaded
[19:15:37] <ojokinen> i thought i had somekind of css error, but its same thing in
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[19:32:08] <ojokinen> confirmed with android and ios safari
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[23:00:10] <Lee__> looking for some advice on creating a custom popup in leaflet. Anyone have experience extending the popup functionality?
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