#leaflet | Logs for 2013-05-01

[00:00:26] -!- Nick001-Shop has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[10:21:37] <a-l-e> i'm setting point of interest and i want to show a popup on each of them, where the content of each popup is loaded from an url.
[10:21:42] <a-l-e> the problem is:
[10:22:07] <a-l-e> - i don't want to load all the content of the popups when the map is loaded...
[10:22:21] <a-l-e> - and i want to place the popup on the right side of the point of interest
[10:23:31] <a-l-e> ... but i can't find out the height of the popup, before i do "openOn"
[10:24:03] <a-l-e> any idea how to manually place the popup?
[10:27:17] <a-l-e> personally, i'd like to avoid creating all the popups when creating the POIs... and most of all, i need to avoid loading all their content at once!
[10:28:14] <a-l-e> one other way to see the problem would be to find out how to set the "anchor" of the popup...
[10:30:42] -!- gommo [gommo!~gommo@eth3258.nsw.adsl.internode.on.net] has joined #leaflet
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[12:00:11] <TwoWholeWorms> Don't suppose anyone knows how I can get L.Popup to recalculate its width on mouse-over? I've got some hidden content in them which I want to show when someone hovers on the popup, and that bit works fine, but the popup width doesn't update properly and the content either overflows the container, or the arrow moves from its correct point.
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[12:35:11] -!- Nneon [Nneon!~Nneon@] has joined #leaflet
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[13:05:53] Cylly is now known as Loetmichel
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[13:28:41] -!- JoeyJoeJo [JoeyJoeJo!~brian@pool-71-171-107-196.clppva.fios.verizon.net] has joined #leaflet
[13:30:07] <JoeyJoeJo> I'm trying to zoom into the bounds of a polygon when it's added to the map, but nothing happens when I specify the 'add' event. However, the 'click' and 'mouseover' events work. Any ideas why that would happen?
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[14:03:47] -!- ler_hydra has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[14:10:35] <a-l-e> is there a way to say on which side of the POI the popup gets "anchored"?
[14:15:38] <JoeyJoeJo> a-l-e: Look at L.icon. It has an option called popupAnchor that I think will do what you want
[14:16:24] * a-l-e is having a look at iti...
[14:21:43] <a-l-e> so, the question is: how to dynamically bind a popup to a marker...
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[14:22:04] <a-l-e> i'm trying to display a popup on the right / lower side of a POI...
[14:22:50] <a-l-e> and since the content of the popups is read from multiple html files, i don't want to create all the popus when the map is created.
[14:23:10] <a-l-e> the should get attached to the POI when the POI gets clicked...
[14:25:19] <a-l-e> (currently i'm showing the popup at the same coordinates, but i only get the popup to be placed above, centered, relative to the coordinates)
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[23:05:42] <MattAZ> I am trying to change projections of the map with a WMS layer. It looks like the projection code is cached when the WMS layer is added to the map and not properly adjusting on a refresh after a projection change.
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[23:12:57] <MattAZ> on my local copy of leaflet I changed it so line 2657 didn't cache the crs/srs, and then in 2680 I add in the crs/srs on each URL buildup. It seems like projection changes work properly after doing that.
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