#leaflet | Logs for 2013-04-25

[00:07:31] -!- micges has quit [Quit: Wychodzi]
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[07:09:28] -!- digdilem [digdilem!~digdilem@rolf.yuss.org] has joined #leaflet
[07:10:35] -!- ben__ [ben__!c1fb1e2c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #leaflet
[07:11:51] <ben__> Hi there,
[07:12:06] <ben__> I'm trying to have Google on Leaflet + mobile
[07:12:48] <ben__> it is painfully slow, is it because of Google JS and is there something to do about it ?
[07:13:19] <ben__> I've been searching all over the place without a start of a solution...
[07:14:57] -!- stsydow [stsydow!~stsydow@dslb-178-012-129-007.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #leaflet
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[09:49:51] -!- dway [dway!~dway@gas45-2-82-239-0-32.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #leaflet
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[11:31:14] -!- tek__ [tek__!d5882272@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #leaflet
[11:33:00] <tek__> Hello all, I am trying to get the page coordinates for a mouse move event on a leaflet map. An ordinary mousemove event has pageX and pageY attributes, but not the leaflet mouse move event. Any ideas how to accomplish this?
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[14:03:15] will is now known as Guest97804
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[14:17:08] -!- fllr [fllr!~fllr@108-194-57-212.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #leaflet
[14:19:23] <fllr> Hey guys. Let's say #map holds my leaflet map, and I make it so that #map width and height grows and shrinks in relation to the browser's window's size. Some times my map is too small, and some times it is too big for the space available. How can I make the map always try to use the space as efficiently as possible?
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[15:02:49] -!- holierThanThou [holierThanThou!~sjc@cpe-24-210-28-102.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #leaflet
[15:03:03] <holierThanThou> Repent!
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[15:06:17] <holierThanThou> God is angry with you!
[15:07:47] <tmcw> it's working
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[17:09:29] -!- thesisb has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
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[17:17:43] -!- sendung [sendung!~sendung@ip-109-90-144-251.unitymediagroup.de] has joined #leaflet
[17:17:46] -!- chillly [chillly!~chris@adsl-178-78-91-198.karoo.kcom.com] has joined #leaflet
[17:18:46] <sendung> Hi there! Any idea why this doesn't render a polygon? (from GeoJSON)
[17:18:48] <sendung> http://jsfiddle.net/urLSd/2/
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[17:23:55] -!- sendung [sendung!~sendung@ip-109-90-144-251.unitymediagroup.de] has joined #leaflet
[17:26:00] <b_b> your geojson is not ok
[17:26:05] <b_b> sendung
[17:26:17] <b_b> http://leafletjs.com/examples/geojson.html
[17:26:37] <sendung> What's wrong with it?
[17:26:59] <b_b> look at the exmeple
[17:27:05] <b_b> you'll find it ;)
[17:27:35] <sendung> No: I've been looking at that page for quite a while now. And I've been refering to the GeoJSON specs in the first place.
[17:28:14] <sendung> The only example with Polygon uses it in a nested structure.
[17:28:23] <b_b> http://www.geojson.org/geojson-spec.html
[17:28:30] <b_b> as i can read in the specs
[17:28:34] <b_b> this is a polygon
[17:28:35] <sendung> type=Feature > geometry
[17:28:58] <b_b> { "type": "Feature",
[17:28:58] <b_b> "geometry": {
[17:28:58] <b_b> "type": "Polygon",
[17:28:58] <b_b> "coordinates": [
[17:28:58] <b_b> [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0],
[17:28:58] <b_b> [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0] ]
[17:28:58] <b_b> ]
[17:28:59] <b_b> },
[17:28:59] <b_b> "properties": {
[17:29:00] <b_b> "prop0": "value0",
[17:29:00] <b_b> "prop1": {"this": "that"}
[17:29:01] <b_b> }
[17:29:08] <sendung> Damn. Array of array!
[17:29:19] <b_b> :p
[17:29:25] <sendung> "the "coordinates" member must be an array of LinearRing coordinate arrays".
[17:29:28] <sendung> :)
[17:29:41] <sendung> Let me try before I scream.
[17:29:45] -!- jlusbhtabmlojomx [jlusbhtabmlojomx!~jlusbhtab@p14.eregie.pub.ro] has joined #leaflet
[17:30:42] <sendung> Yeah, it's working now. Thanks!
[17:30:51] <b_b> u're welcome
[17:30:54] -!- jlusbhtabmlojomx has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:31:11] <sendung> (Too bad I have to fix some thousand polygons now...)
[17:31:20] -!- erictheise [erictheise!~mataro@] has joined #leaflet
[17:31:32] <fllr> Hey guys. Let's say #map holds my leaflet map, and I make it so that #map width and height grows and shrinks in relation to the browser's window's size. Some times my map is too small, and some times it is too big for the space available. How can I make the map always try to use the space as efficiently as possible?
[17:32:08] <b_b> use a script to change the map container size if window size change
[17:32:10] <b_b> and
[17:32:20] <b_b> call invalidatesize on your map object after that
[17:32:26] <b_b> and you're done
[17:33:06] <b_b> look at here fllr => http://cornes.debru.me/spip.php?page=carte
[17:33:35] <b_b> $(window).resize(function(){
[17:33:35] <b_b> resizeMap();
[17:33:35] <b_b> });
[17:33:51] <b_b> resizeMap is defined at the top of the script
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[17:43:49] <fllr> b_b: I'm gonna try that, thanks! :)
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[18:35:31] <gaffo__> heyo all. Could someone point me to info on doing a cartesian projection in leaflet? I've got a big image map of a game world that I want to draw on.
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[18:48:39] -!- mhaberler has quit [Quit: mhaberler]
[18:50:42] <tmcw> gaffo__: L.CRS.Simple + google
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[18:52:20] <gaffo__> tmcw, thanks. Do you know of an example that I could crib from?
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[18:53:24] <tmcw> plz google for leaflet simple image crs or 'leaflet non-map image'
[18:54:21] <gaffo__> tmcw MUCH THANKS!
[18:54:26] <b_b> http://lmgtfy.com/?q=L.CRS.Simple :)
[18:55:01] -!- juxta has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:55:03] <gaffo__> b_b that just returned a bunch of bug tickets for me. non-map images was a helpful term though. Thanks guys!
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[19:55:08] <Anias> hiya everyone!
[19:56:21] <Anias> Does anybody have a good solution of how to play audio (mp3) in a popup? Looking for a plugin solution for example. Tried using Soundmanager 2, but it seems to be really hard to handle with Leaflet
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[20:18:50] <frewsxcv> Anias, good luck with browsers + mp3s
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[20:20:29] <Anias> thanks!
[20:20:49] <Anias> but noone seems to have an answer. surprising since maps plus audio make a lot of sense...
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