#leaflet | Logs for 2013-04-23

[00:00:08] -!- servos4ever has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [SeaMonkey 2.0.11/20101206162726]]
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[19:37:57] -!- jlonganecker [jlonganecker!324b9996@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #leaflet
[19:40:34] <jlonganecker> I have been trying to use MarkerCluster but I keep getting this error when I click a cluster Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'call' of undefined
[19:41:11] <jlonganecker> I go to that line of code and it is trying to use L.FeatureGroup.prototype.hasNode.call( ... )
[19:42:05] <jlonganecker> but it returns hasNode is undefined. Any idea on what to do to fix this? when I pull the current version of MarkerCluster the examples in that repo get the same error message
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[20:51:31] <kjn> anyway to get leaflet.draw to draw a circlemarker instead of either a circle or a marker?
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[21:49:31] -!- thesisb [thesisb!~thesisb@] has joined #leaflet
[21:50:52] <thesisb> Hi I'm new to leaflet and wondering how the zoomlevels are calculated. This old system I'm working on uses large numbers as some kind of scale, but in leaflet i just see numbers from 1 to 20
[21:51:29] <thesisb> Is it possible to use a scale system? Why is it ambiguous with a small integer from 1-20 anyways?
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[22:54:44] <saik0> I'm thinking of creating a plugin to decode elevation data from 16 bit single channel pngs, and subclassing TileLayer to handle loading it. Is there any reason I cant think of why this might be a bad idea?
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[23:06:21] <saik0> Might I be better off forking utfgrid and holding a single array of elevation values as json?
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