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[03:13:48] <Nexty> need suggestions how to make the current scope pass into a layer.on('event')
[03:13:52] <Nexty>
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[07:51:46] <Nexty> q: for onEachFeature: (feature, layer) -> | layer.on 'event'. How does one pass in or bind to a different scope.
[07:52:12] <Nexty> when the event is fired, this. refers to the scope of the firing layer/object.
[07:52:41] <Nexty> tried binding the onEachFeature and also layer.on via call or _.bind (underscore)
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[13:39:58] <ahhhh> dudes
[13:40:10] <ahhhh> which is the usage quota limit for leafletjs?
[13:40:24] <ahhhh> is there a daily quota usage limit?
[13:40:27] <b_b> what quota ?
[13:40:41] <ahhhh> leaflet.js has no usage limit?
[13:40:44] <ahhhh> request limits?
[13:40:49] <b_b> nope
[13:40:56] <ahhhh> rly?? :O
[13:45:27] <ahhhh> why leaflet better than openlayers?
[13:45:31] <ahhhh> i'm using openlayers right now
[13:45:54] <mourner> Leaflet is a JS library, it is service-agnostic, depends on what tiles you use
[13:46:25] <mourner> CloudMade tiles quota is 500k/month
[13:47:10] <mourner> Leaflet is much better than OpenLayers in terms of simplicity, ease of use and performance
[13:47:48] <mourner> OpenLayers is better than Leaflet in terms of number of features — use it if you need those specific features that Leaflet doesn't have (supporting some weird GIS formats etc.)
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[14:15:44] <zomg> Leaflet seems to have better docs than OpenLayers too
[14:16:01] <zomg> Although it was still a bit confusing in places, it was way less confusing than OpenLayers =)
[14:21:48] <mourner> if you find any particular areas confusing, file an issue on GitHub
[14:21:53] <mourner> we'll try to sort it out
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[14:49:28] <pygmee> lo, i'm discovering leaflet. It seems awesome. I would know if there is a way to load a custom map and in which format. Is there a list somewhere ?
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[14:52:21] <ybon> Leaflet doesn't come with any map builtin, so I'm not sure what you mean by "map custom"
[14:54:51] <skorasaurus> pygmee: leaflet accepts tileJSON,
[14:55:24] <pygmee> ah, i was reading GeoJson here
[14:57:51] <pygmee> i think it will be hard. My source files are Illustrator file :(
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[15:13:53] <skorasaurus> it also accept geojson as a layer.
[15:21:11] <pygmee> hum, what are the difference between all those json. Are they so different ?
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[15:27:10] <mourner> you can export the illustrator file into a huge image and use
[15:27:19] <mourner> it will produce a Leaflet map out of it
[15:33:33] <pygmee> huge ! thanks a lot mourner, i'm testing immediately
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[15:46:58] <pygmee> hum unfortunately it doesn't work, it doesn't recognize the content type even with SVG :(
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[16:19:41] <tmcw> pygmee: you would export to png
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[16:24:43] <pygmee> ho, no vectors, strange. But ok, it's worth a try
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[17:20:22] <mourner> tmcw: hey Tom, nice to see you here
[17:20:53] <tmcw> hey mourner
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[17:23:55] <ybon> mourner: is instanciating LatLng from a GeoJSON of type Point somehow in your plans (and thus to be able to setCenter and so on with a GeoJSON) ?
[17:24:58] <mourner> ybon: not sure yet, it's not a simple question — stay tuned for more discussion in
[17:25:51] <ybon> oh, great
[17:26:28] <ybon> I'm +1 on this, GeoJSON is somehow the "globish" of the GIS ;)
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[19:27:37] <tmcw> mourner: any news on the mocha switch?
[19:28:48] <mourner> tmcw: have been a bit busy last days, so didn't look at it yet, but I think there are enough good reasons to switch
[19:29:18] <tmcw> Just looking for direction - like I/john can work on issues full-time so if there's something where you're into the direction, plz unassign yourself and we can hack them together
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[19:32:53] <tmcw> like I could work on a mocha port today
[19:33:14] <tmcw> but I want to make sure that there's no 5,000 line pull req that isn't welcome
[19:33:39] <mourner> sure
[19:34:29] <mourner> I think Mocha is the way to go — Jasmine devs are not friendly, pull reqs and issues go unanswered for years, and Mocha is becoming a trend among new projects
[19:34:53] <mourner> and I like that there are different libraries for matchers, mocks, etc. — makes it more flexible
[19:36:22] <tmcw> Cool, so I'll start working on that.
[19:36:33] <mourner> Tom, one thing I'd like you or John to work on is the zoom animation and inertia stuff — I know you'd like to make it more smooth/natural, and there's definitely a lot of room for improvement but that's a complex part and perhaps needs a fresh look
[19:37:20] <mourner> and fixing any glitches/etc. so it's as smooth and good looking as possible
[19:37:35] <tmcw> Yeah, I tried a leaflet/easey port a while ago, but realized that there would be a lot of work in leaflet core itself - it's not really designed for arbitrary redraws ala mm
[19:38:01] <mourner> yeah, I started working towards this a bit recently but more work to do
[19:38:40] <mourner> you can put off the easey thing for now and look closely at the default zoom/pan behavior
[19:39:08] <jfire> tmcw: I can do a mocha port today if you want to work on easing
[19:39:16] <mourner> it would be easier to perfect the basics first
[19:39:31] <mourner> jfire: hey John, nice to see you here too!
[19:39:37] * tmcw would prefer mocha, got burned by my previous tries at leaflet-inertia
[19:39:46] <jfire> hah
[19:39:49] <jfire> ok
[19:40:41] <jfire> I don't know anything about inertia, where would I start?
[19:41:09] <mourner> tmcw: sorry :) I feel the existing code makes you angry at times, but hopefully we'll bring it to a state when you're both happy with it mostly
[19:43:04] <mourner> jfire: start by just using it and comparing to an implementation you feel is the best, noticing any particular patterns/issues, and then look at the implementation in Map.Drag.js, and PosAnimation.js (helper class for animating translate with CSS3 with a timer fallback, stoppable etc.)
[19:44:27] <tmcw> jfire: basic easey impl is here:
[19:45:02] <tmcw> the main difference between the two is that easey is always drawing and basically does exponential drag whereas leaflet is static -> transition -> static and uses css3 easing curves rather than js
[19:45:33] <tmcw> the mm camp was never able to find a perf difference between getframe + css3 transforms rather than animating transforms with transitions
[19:46:00] <tmcw> re: easing in general, the paper is
[19:47:14] <jfire> ok, thanks for the pointers. I'll start looking at this
[19:48:11] * ybon suggest to the geo-JS ninjas around looking for things to help on ;)
[19:48:15] <mourner> tmcw: there were differences earlier (when reqAnimFrame was not as widespread, e.g. iOS < 6)
[19:48:34] <mourner> tmcw: but perhaps it's not as noticeable on modern browser versions
[19:51:11] <tmcw> mourner: at least the advantages outweighed disadvantages - you can cancel an animation frame pretty easily, but it's tricky with css transitions
[19:51:41] <tmcw> and/or modifying the transition in-place - easey will extend a mousewheel zoom action to zoom more than one level at a time
[19:53:01] <mourner> tmcw: it's may be more complicated with zoom, as there are other layers to consider - e.g. would it perform the same with 500 zoom-animated markers?
[19:53:39] <mourner> tmcw: I agree with the canceling/modifying stuff, had to scratch my head quite a bit on it with transitions
[19:54:13] <tmcw> over a certain number of markers, wouldn't you just highly recommend canvas and re-render on a debounce?
[19:54:59] <mourner> tmcw: I also kind of hoped several years ago that browsers will start optimizing transform transitions with better hardware acceleration etc., but it didn't happen yet much it seems
[19:56:15] <mourner> tmcw: I would, but if there's a regression after refactoring to frames, it would be an issue — e.g. if 500-marker zoom anim performs great but starts to crawl with a newer Leaflet version suddenly
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[19:57:53] <tmcw> mourner: then I'd degrade to non-animated APIs when getFrame isn't detected
[19:58:26] <mourner> tmcw: I mean, there may be a regression even on getFrame-capable browsers
[19:58:45] <mourner> it may not be noticeable on just the tiles, but can add up with more objects
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[19:58:52] <mourner> we need to test this
[19:58:59] <tmcw> sure, there may also be a regression in interpretation of transitions, ala the swoopy zoom bug
[20:01:57] <mourner> tmcw: jfire: maybe it's better to try improving inertia and zoom with the current transitions approach first, and then move on if it really doesn't work
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[20:08:45] <mourner> we could experiment with changing the transition/transform values on the fly while transition is running for zoom
[20:10:25] <mourner> tmcw: I've given you push/pull rights to Leaflet repo too, feel free to commit minor fixes, tests etc. without creating a PR (but always create PRs for API changes and anything substantial)
[20:12:12] <tmcw> cool, thx - I'll make a pr for this test work, of course
[20:12:34] <mourner> thanks!
[20:13:08] <mourner> will be back in an hour
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[21:42:06] <tshirtisinthemai> q: for onEachFeature: (feature, layer) -> | layer.on 'event'. How does one pass in or bind to a different scope.
[21:42:13] <tshirtisinthemai> tried binding the onEachFeature and also layer.on via call or _.bind (underscore)
[21:42:19] <tshirtisinthemai> when the event is fired, this. refers to the scope of the firing layer/object.
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[22:59:37] <mourner> ok, back for a couple of minutes
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[23:07:49] <tmcw> mourner: updated the near check to be more precise
[23:08:02] <mourner> thanks
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[23:09:17] <mourner> I still don't get the 0 || 1 part, it's always 1 :) maybe you meant delta || 1
[23:27:24] <tmcw> yes, fixed
[23:29:39] <mourner> tmcw: btw, it seems that now tests run about 10 times slower for some reason
[23:29:56] <mourner> 2s with Mocha vs 0.2s with Jasmine
[23:30:11] <tmcw> hm, I don't notice a difference on my system, but I guess you can look into it
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[23:31:08] <mourner> it reports the time when finished, try switching between branches and running jake test
[23:31:41] <mourner> also, can you clarify the coverage issue? just ran "jake test --cov" and it generated a valid report
[23:33:25] <tmcw> I'm seeing
[23:33:35] <tmcw> so testing the test libraries, not leaflet
[23:35:49] <mourner> weird
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[23:44:38] <jfire> mourner: what's the purpose of keeping the _positions and _times arrays in L.Map.Drag?
[23:46:22] <mourner> jfire: I wanted to sort of get an average value for a number of last drag frames, but eventually got to using only the last one
[23:47:06] <mourner> don't remember if I tried the average route and decided not to go with it (but didn't clean up) or just didn't try but was going too
[23:48:31] <mourner> tmcw: I don't know… Couldn't find any things that may possibly lead to such result, my set up should be the same as yours… I made a commit removing the hack with testacular master but it shouldn't affect anything in theory
[23:48:54] <mourner> jfire: could you try the mocha branch and see if "jake test --cov" works for you?
[23:48:56] <jfire> looks like it's not necessarily using the last one, but one from up to 200 ms ago?
[23:49:30] <jfire> mourner: sure
[23:50:39] <mourner> jfire: hmm, looks like an omission from my side (supposed to be the last one if you take only one)
[23:53:53] <jfire> mourner: what's --cov supposed to do?
[23:54:13] <mourner> look for "coverage" folder in /spec
[23:54:19] <mourner> open index.html
[23:56:09] -!- Wildhoney [Wildhoney!] has joined #leaflet
[23:57:46] <jfire> seems to be working for me
[23:58:50] <mourner> tmcw: something to do with your setup then… maybe try reinstalling the node modules, or updating phantomjs
[23:59:07] <tmcw> hm.
[23:59:31] <tmcw> I'm on 1.8.1 of phantomjs, which is quite new