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[09:14:08] <bmwyss> Hi there, I am trying to add a layer group, but when I add the layer group into my list of overlays the layer group is rendered behind the base layers
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[09:16:39] <bmwyss>
[09:17:05] <bmwyss> how can I render the layer group on top of the base layers?
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[10:47:56] <mikos> :window splitv 50
[10:47:59] <mikos> oops :D
[10:48:10] <mikos> hi all
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[12:49:40] <mourner> Hey
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[12:52:05] <b_b> hey mourner ;)
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[12:55:28] <ybon> :)
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[13:33:23] <mourner> ybon: hey Yohan - sorry for not replying to that projections pull, the questions are complex, didn't have the time to figure that out
[13:33:38] <mourner> will do a bit later
[13:34:27] <ybon> mourner: thanks :)
[13:35:23] <ybon> mourner: I will normaly go in Haiti with HOT during mars for at least six weeks, so I'm planning to dedicate some time to finish this work before, if possible
[13:42:15] <ybon> btw, b_b, did you had a look at uMap project?
[13:42:33] <b_b> yes i've seen this couple of days ago
[13:42:36] <b_b> sweet :)
[13:42:43] <ybon> ok, cool :)
[13:42:57] <b_b> by my side i'm working on the next version of GIS plugin for SPIP
[13:43:01] <ybon> I've set up a Leaflet.Storage plugin, which is backend agnostic
[13:43:12] <ybon> so maybe a Spip backend could be usefull also ;)
[13:43:14] <b_b> swithed to the last leaflet version, but i got a small problem with a plugin for now
[13:43:25] <b_b> yes i was thinking about it ;)
[13:43:35] <ybon> :)
[13:43:48] <ybon> Don't hesitate to ping me if I can help
[13:43:52] <b_b> i've got to rewrite my gis_geometries plugin too
[13:44:22] <b_b> which the old leaflet draw i've wrote before the official was made by jacob
[13:44:36] <b_b> thanks ybon
[13:44:53] <ybon> :)
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[13:54:31] <mourner> ybon: wow, going with HOT in Haiti sounds great! Send my regards to the team, doing such an awesome job
[13:55:51] <ybon> I will :)
[13:56:03] <ybon> And yeah, this is great :)
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[17:24:13] <Wildhoney> when loading in a geoJSON file, is it possible to set a class name based on the
[17:24:41] <tmcw> Wildhoney: class of what? with markers, yes
[17:25:49] <Wildhoney> class of the <path>, tmcw
[17:26:02] <tmcw> less easy
[17:26:06] <Wildhoney> i need to be able to reference each <path> differently depending on its class
[17:26:31] <Wildhoney> i have:
[17:26:44] <tmcw> this is assuming you will not use canvas or vml?
[17:27:00] <Wildhoney> just leaflet's default for geoJson
[17:27:23] <tmcw> yes, that changes per-browser to canvas and vml
[17:27:32] <Wildhoney> we're ignoring vml for now
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[17:28:30] <Wildhoney> so ideally i'd be able to set a class for each shape: <path class="Berlin">...
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[17:38:29] <scottman> man pxe is a love hate relationship
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[17:39:24] <Wildhoney> any idea, tmcw?
[17:39:40] <tmcw> no idea, that will be a bit tricky
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[20:05:14] <pvertenten> I am using the marker cluster plugin, and the clusters do not render properly on ie8, the numbers render, but not the circle surrounding it, has anyone else seen this issue?
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