#leaflet | Logs for 2013-02-06

[00:02:23] -!- mephux [mephux!~mephux@unaffiliated/mephux] has joined #leaflet
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[01:27:08] -!- chriscalip [chriscalip!~quickstar@c-98-206-35-67.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #leaflet
[01:27:36] <chriscalip> hello is there a leaflet api function to generate a bounding box from a center map point and a distance ?
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[09:08:59] -!- Blorb [Blorb!blorb@nullcore-pt.tunnel.tserv6.fra1.ipv6.he.net] has joined #leaflet
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[09:34:28] -!- mattions [mattions!~mattions@cpc3-cmbg14-2-0-cust202.5-4.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #leaflet
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[09:49:47] -!- Blorb [Blorb!blorb@nullcore-pt.tunnel.tserv6.fra1.ipv6.he.net] has joined #leaflet
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[10:06:26] -!- Blorb [Blorb!~blorb@nullcore-pt.tunnel.tserv6.fra1.ipv6.he.net] has joined #leaflet
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[10:37:33] -!- Consolas [Consolas!4fa826f8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #leaflet
[10:37:37] <Consolas> Hey everyone
[10:38:55] <Consolas> guys, any of you guys have issues with leaflet and firefox ?
[10:44:13] -!- plushy [plushy!~plushy@Wikipedia/Plushy] has joined #leaflet
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[11:02:44] -!- Dupe has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[11:08:34] -!- Blorb has quit [Quit: changing servers]
[11:16:00] <Consolas> why doesn't my map renders correctly at #1 time and if I resize the firefox window, for instance, it refreshes and appears correclty?
[11:35:17] <knut_> Consolas: I have the very same problem. It only happens when using a bootstrap modal though. Is that by chance also what you are doing?
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[11:36:03] <Consolas> Not really, I was just trying to initiate the map on a regular "way"
[11:36:09] <Consolas> L.map, set view, etc etc
[11:36:37] <Consolas> kind of ifgured it out by forcing the map to reload using the L.Util.requestAnimFrame etc etcv
[11:36:50] <Consolas> but I'm still having issues when placing markers etc etc
[11:37:32] <knut_> could you maybe paste your code that fixed the issue for you? I'd be glad to have a fix for the problem
[11:37:54] <Consolas> test it out: L.Util.requestAnimFrame(map.invalidateSize,map,!1,map._container);
[11:38:04] <knut_> If I use a regular map everything works fine for me. Are you using version 0.5?
[11:38:10] <Consolas> when loading the map, after doing whatever you need to do, call a function with that (or run it)
[11:38:13] <Consolas> see if that works
[11:38:43] <knut_> great, that fixed it!
[11:38:57] <knut_> One should probably not have to do that, right? ;)
[11:42:40] <Consolas> Glad to hear.
[11:42:56] <Consolas> Well, I think this is a problem with leaflet when the map is not showing or something
[11:43:12] <Consolas> I don't think it is that big of a deal, I'm using it and so far, no problems came from that
[11:43:17] <Consolas> at least problems that I know of
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[11:57:26] -!- odogono [odogono!~mohiam@cpc14-king9-2-0-cust212.19-1.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #leaflet
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[12:34:27] -!- Poincare has quit [Quit: changing servers]
[12:38:11] -!- plushy [plushy!~plushy@Wikipedia/Plushy] has joined #leaflet
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[13:03:53] -!- Sendoushi has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:08:21] <Consolas> Now I'm having issues with panTO in IE
[13:08:23] -!- phantoxeD has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[13:08:28] <Consolas> the first pan doesn't center the map correctly
[13:11:09] -!- chopper79 has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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[13:35:30] -!- dway [dway!~dway@mrc45-2-82-240-75-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #leaflet
[13:36:57] -!- wildbilldonovan [wildbilldonovan!~anonymous@cpe-72-177-39-147.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #leaflet
[14:04:29] <plushy> Consolas: what's the size of your map div?
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[14:14:01] -!- nOStahl [nOStahl!~nOStahl@h66-222-48-150.mdsnwi.broadband.dynamic.tds.net] has joined #leaflet
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[14:32:57] <Consolas> baack
[14:33:06] <Consolas> plushy: 412 x 230
[14:33:08] <Consolas> something like that
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[14:42:30] -!- chopper79 has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[14:43:18] sliptonic_away is now known as sliptonic
[14:55:28] <plushy> Consolas: weird, care to show us the example of that?
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[15:00:39] -!- wildbilldonovan [wildbilldonovan!~anonymous@outside.tpwd.state.tx.us] has joined #leaflet
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[16:44:16] <Consolas> plushy: sure thing.
[16:44:24] <Consolas> I have two issues here, to be honest
[16:44:31] <Consolas> one I'm able to replicate in jsfiddle
[16:44:36] <Consolas> the other I can't, don't know why
[16:44:53] <Consolas> I have a div with width and height defined
[16:45:00] -!- wildbilldonovan [wildbilldonovan!~anonymous@outside.tpwd.state.tx.us] has joined #leaflet
[16:47:49] <Consolas> and when I map the map
[16:47:58] <Consolas> it doesn't consider my coordinates as the center
[16:50:41] -!- nOStahl_ [nOStahl_!~nOStahl@h66-222-48-150.mdsnwi.broadband.dynamic.tds.net] has joined #leaflet
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[16:55:32] -!- racycle [racycle!~racycle@75-25-129-128.lightspeed.sjcpca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #leaflet
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[17:09:57] -!- Blorb [Blorb!blorb@nullcore-pt.tunnel.tserv6.fra1.ipv6.he.net] has joined #leaflet
[17:12:19] <Consolas> so, the first pan doesn't work properly and the map center isn't set correctly
[17:12:37] <Consolas> if I pan to the exact same coordinates, it get the center on the correct point
[17:12:40] <Consolas> any tips ?
[17:13:22] Sendoush_ is now known as Sendoushi
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[18:02:34] -!- sumpfralle has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
[18:02:40] -!- mattions [mattions!~mattions@cpc3-cmbg14-2-0-cust202.5-4.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #leaflet
[18:02:51] <Consolas> hard to get some info around here
[18:07:41] -!- dway_ [dway_!~dway@mrc45-2-82-240-75-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #leaflet
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[18:22:59] -!- Loetmichel has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[18:25:02] Cylly is now known as Loetmichel
[18:25:03] <plushy> Consolas: you still haven't shown it
[18:28:06] <Consolas> ops
[18:28:16] <Consolas> http://jsfiddle.net/sQ5sZ/30/
[18:28:19] <Consolas> eheh here it goes
[18:28:25] <Consolas> wow, someone deleted my post from the google groups
[18:35:44] <Consolas> did you check it?
[18:43:45] -!- wboykinm [wboykinm!~quassel@2620:104:e001:3020:aed4:a6e6:7380:de22] has joined #leaflet
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[18:47:26] -!- cncbasher___ has quit [Quit: time to make some more scrap]
[18:52:09] -!- Blorb [Blorb!blorb@nullcore-pt.tunnel.tserv6.fra1.ipv6.he.net] has joined #leaflet
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[19:08:29] -!- mephux has quit [Excess Flood]
[19:09:29] -!- mephux [mephux!~mephux@unaffiliated/mephux] has joined #leaflet
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[19:14:20] Guest98514 is now known as fragalot
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[19:16:31] <nOStahl> hows it going this afternoon guys
[19:17:27] <nOStahl> I'm trying to find out what all is possible for creating toggles that manipulate the markers shown with leaflet
[19:18:40] -!- Blorb [Blorb!~blorb@nullcore-pt.tunnel.tserv6.fra1.ipv6.he.net] has joined #leaflet
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[20:00:19] -!- Balaji [Balaji!a46af9fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #leaflet
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[20:10:43] <nOStahl> is there a way to highlight markers besides a popup
[20:11:05] <nOStahl> i.e. can i use css some how to fade the marker image and unfade the one your moused over
[20:17:35] -!- norbert has quit [Quit: Verlassend]
[20:18:43] -!- sanjayb [sanjayb!~sanj@] has joined #leaflet
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[20:27:24] <sanjayb> hey .. I'm loading a WMS layer, where I need to pass in srs=EPSG:900913 instead of the default srs=EPSG:3857 . Does anyone have any idea how to achieve this?
[20:33:06] <sanjayb> hmm .. I see this from 2 years ago: https://github.com/CloudMade/Leaflet/commit/5a45784d6ad9b13681dde25ddfba204256aee9c6 .. does anyone know if the Leaflet WMS layer supports projections other than 3857 ?
[20:34:13] -!- bedah has quit [Quit: gn8]
[20:41:46] <sanjayb> ah no worries - adding a crs: L.CRS.EPSG900913 option to the map constructor does the trick. thanks everyone for an awesome project :)
[20:44:51] -!- Blorb [Blorb!blorb@nullcore-pt.tunnel.tserv6.fra1.ipv6.he.net] has joined #leaflet
[20:53:47] <nOStahl> sanjayb:
[20:54:07] <nOStahl> any idea if you can highlight markers in leaflet with css or something?
[21:00:24] <sanjayb> nOStahl, markers, you can change the icon with setIcon() .. and opacity with setOpacity .. not sure if you can change colours via styles ..
[21:00:44] <nOStahl> wondering how I can have a hover effect
[21:01:01] <nOStahl> so the marker you are hovering over gets a little bigger or maybe brighter or something
[21:01:05] <sanjayb> nOStahl, for other types of layers (not markers) .. you can use .setStyle to set styles ..
[21:01:27] <sanjayb> nOStahl, right, so you could set the default opacity of markers to like 0.6, and on mouseover, setOpacity to 1 or so
[21:01:39] <sanjayb> or use two different icons and use .setIcon to swap the icon on mouseover ..
[21:01:51] <sanjayb> nOStahl, im really not sure what best practice to do this is, though ..
[21:01:55] <nOStahl> is that with leaflet or just js in general
[21:02:02] <sanjayb> nOStahl: leaflet.
[21:02:17] <sanjayb> nOStahl: http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#marker
[21:03:12] <nOStahl> ah neat there are all kinds of effects!
[21:04:06] <sanjayb> ah right, there's stuff like riseOnHover, which may give you the desired effect ..
[21:04:27] <sanjayb> hm no, maybe not
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[21:13:05] -!- skunkworks has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[21:15:11] <nOStahl> at least the hover opacity thing will work
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[22:16:49] <nOStahl> hi guys
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[22:20:25] <nOStahl> I swear google is messing up the search results for leaflet related documentation…. cause its better than their google maps or something haha
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[22:28:15] <nOStahl> how do I add opacity to a marker
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[23:04:49] <nOStahl> guess everyone is gone for the day lol
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[23:22:13] <chriscalip> Leaflet Bounding box format is : southwest_lng,southwest_lat,northeast_lng,northeast_lat <--- help this doesnt make any sense to me
[23:22:20] <chriscalip> which one is ne? nw? se? sw ?
[23:22:53] <nOStahl> there's a brain buster puzzle hehe
[23:23:21] <chriscalip> thats right, what the heck were people thinking! and its on docs!
[23:28:05] <chriscalip> oh i get it
[23:28:42] <nOStahl> its kind of like steering your car backwards with a trailer
[23:28:51] <nOStahl> some people can't manipulate their mind around that one hehe
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[23:41:58] <chriscalip> i just went about it mathematically -- the other corners top-left and bottom-right are not necessary because you can derived those 2 other points from the provided 2 points
[23:42:15] <chriscalip> so simple, how come people just dont document that
[23:45:48] <nOStahl> i've noticed leaflet documentation has a few holes
[23:46:18] <nOStahl> i.e. the quick start guide does not have links to other areas you need to go next
[23:50:22] -!- Tecan has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[23:50:56] <chriscalip> yeah tell me about, currently trying to contribute on an open source project.. this project should be not as time consuming, oh well i make do what i have..
[23:51:42] <nOStahl> I am working on a project with leaflet and wordpress
[23:51:55] <nOStahl> trying to make a system where people can add markers
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[23:53:13] <chriscalip> http://drupal.org/project/geocluster I am trying to help on that project. Mingling Server side geocluster and client side leaflet marker clustering
[23:53:33] <chriscalip> will be beautiful once that becomes operational
[23:53:55] <nOStahl> ya
[23:54:26] <chriscalip> i think tackling geoclustering on both serverside and clientside will be a good user experience
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