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[12:07:07] <abu> hello, can anyone point me to an example of how to launch a function when user clicks on any GeoJSON feature? (so is passed to that function). I have seen the examples on launching a popUp, but I want the info to be shown in a separate div (instead the feature binded popup)
[12:08:52] <ybon> abu: yourfeature.on('click', function(e) { do the job}) ?
[12:12:37] <abu> thanks ybon , gonna try ...
[12:19:34] <abu> I want that to be applied to every features ... where should I put the code in an example like this?
[12:20:25] <abu> inside onEachFeature function? (line 33)
[12:24:54] <ybon> abu: yes
[12:30:05] <abu> thanks ybon ... I get an error: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'on'
[12:30:50] <ybon> humm
[12:31:47] <abu> I used your code,like this in the example above: feature.on('click', function(e) { });
[12:32:15] <ybon> feature is the geojson
[12:32:26] <ybon> layer is the Marker
[12:32:32] <ybon> so try layer.on instead
[12:32:39] <ybon> brb
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[15:10:07] <norm> i'm still struggling with an image overlay. the image is larger than my map, and i can't figure out how to configure leaflet to allow me to zoom out
[15:10:20] <norm> that is, the overlay is always displayed at full resolution when zoomed to 0
[15:10:38] <norm> i'd like full resolution when zoomed to, say, 5. that would allow me to zoom out further and see the whole image
[15:10:48] <norm> any ideas?
[15:11:49] <Simon2> You need to set bounds bigger than your image
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[15:20:32] <norm> i started on that, not having any luck
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[15:21:22] <norm> i'm using L.CRS.Simple, i add my image overlay within a given bounds ([0, 0] - [image_height, image_width]), then do map.setBounds() on a larger bounds
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[16:46:04] <norm> MicroNotSoft: it seems that changing the bounds after the map is created has no effect
[16:46:36] <norm> it won't zoom out any farther than "0"
[16:47:19] <MicroNotSoft> Well 0 is the maximum zoom
[16:47:25] <norm> right
[16:47:59] <norm> when using L.CRS.Simple, i'm adding an ImageOverlay within a certain bounds. is there a way to specify what bounds represent the "whole world"
[16:48:02] <MicroNotSoft> Have you tried setting the maxBounds at the map construction ?
[16:48:22] <norm> i tried changing maxbounds after creation, let me try via the constructor
[16:49:09] <norm> no change :(
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[16:50:23] <MicroNotSoft> Sorry I have to go right now can't help anymore today =/
[16:50:29] <norm> no worries thanks
[16:50:32] <MicroNotSoft> Cya
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[17:40:44] <madical74> hi
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[20:18:46] <mas_> any chance someone could point me to an example to make a button with this.
[20:22:25] <ybon> mas_: not sure to understand what you are trying to do AND/OR what you don't reach to do
[20:22:33] <ybon> have you added the control to the map?
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[22:40:52] <mas_> sorry ybon had to leave for awhile
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[22:54:34] <mas_> ybon, I'm not that great with JavaScript but I'm trying to create a button on the map that when clicked zooms to original extent.
[22:55:54] <mas_> I've tried variations of this var myButton = new L.Control.Button({options:{'text':'My Button', 'onClick':zoomFull} }).addTo(map);
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[23:02:33] <ybon> humm
[23:03:04] <ybon> this piece of code sounds correct
[23:03:17] <ybon> what is the actual behaviour?
[23:03:35] <ybon> Is the button showing on the map? or is the onclick that doesn't work?
[23:04:15] <ybon> humm, the L.Control.Button code seems a little bit complicated
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[23:14:55] <mas_> very complicated
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[23:15:23] <mas_> and no the button doesn't appear
[23:15:30] <ybon> ok
[23:15:47] <ybon> let me show you a working example
[23:16:02] <mas_> that would be nice, thanks
[23:17:07] <ybon> have a look at this:
[23:17:11] <ybon> this is a simple locate control
[23:18:07] <ybon> (you can see it working here:
[23:19:14] <ybon> you just have to change the fn function
[23:20:37] <mas_> ok, thanks, I'll have a look at it
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[23:23:03] <mas_> very nice, hope I can get it to work. It's just what I'm looking for
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