#linuxcnc | Logs for 2015-12-17

[00:00:21] <JT-Shop> that's a log splitter I built
[00:00:36] <JT-Shop> http://gnipsel.com/images/splitter/
[00:01:01] <JT-Shop> http://gnipsel.com/images/splitter/splitter-28.jpg
[00:01:15] <JT-Shop> used a Dodge K car rear axle
[00:01:42] <enleth> looks totally factory made.
[00:01:55] <JT-Shop> totally made from scrap
[00:02:08] <JT-Shop> the beam is from two drops
[00:03:08] <JT-Shop> I made this from drops and scrap http://gnipsel.com/shop/gantry/gantry.xhtml
[00:03:34] <malcom2073> Where do you find 8ft drops of 4x4? :-P
[00:03:47] <JT-Shop> from 24' stock
[00:04:02] <JT-Shop> they are 9' IIRC
[00:04:15] <malcom2073> Heh, guess if you need a 16ft piece and can only get it in 24s...
[00:04:20] <JT-Shop> yep
[00:05:36] <JT-Shop> I like this one http://gnipsel.com/shop/gantry/gantry-11.xhtml
[00:05:50] <malcom2073> lol
[00:06:09] <JT-Shop> gotta do what you gotta do to get the job done
[00:06:15] <Tom_itx> don't tell OSAH
[00:06:18] <Tom_itx> OSHA
[00:06:46] <JT-Shop> they don't know I exist
[00:07:01] <Tom_itx> let's keep it that way
[00:07:03] <andypugh> That looks a lot like my engine crane. Is yours made of cheese too?
[00:07:17] <JT-Shop> http://gnipsel.com/shop/gantry/gantry-10.xhtml
[00:07:32] <andypugh> They say “2 ton” but if you look at real 2-ton castors, those aren’t
[00:07:46] amnesic is now known as amnesic_away
[00:07:56] <JT-Shop> the castors on the gantry are rated for 6 tons
[00:08:12] <enleth> JT-Shop: heh, I have an identical red chinese engine hoist
[00:08:29] <enleth> Bought it to get the bridgeport aparat
[00:08:53] <andypugh> The result of lifting 750kg in the 1.5 ton position: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/XL4OqxaxNMEKRxir614JftMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink
[00:09:14] <JT-Shop> you might like this page http://gnipsel.com/shop/unload-308/unload-308.xhtml
[00:09:35] <malcom2073> I used a crane to stick the ram on my mill: https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/t31.0-8/12045801_1141203632560683_6446400785873927288_o.jpg
[00:09:37] <malcom2073> Gotta love them things
[00:09:43] <enleth> interesting, mine handlet 500kg in the 500kg position just fine
[00:09:48] <enleth> *handled
[00:10:07] <JT-Shop> hmm the photo won't load
[00:10:14] <enleth> works for me
[00:10:22] <malcom2073> depends entirely on the crane. Mine is a 4t, a guy I know just bought a 4t, and it's easily half the size, and doesn't look nearly as strong
[00:10:22] <JT-Shop> andy's photo
[00:10:23] <enleth> ah, the second one
[00:10:42] <andypugh> Maybe yours is made of thicker-gauge steel? Or actual steel rather than steel-like metal?
[00:10:47] <enleth> no, wait, both work for me
[00:11:11] <enleth> andypugh: dunno, but I used it to move the base casting, boom fully extended, no problems
[00:11:16] <malcom2073> Mine is indeed a thicker gauge steel
[00:11:20] <malcom2073> and has more reinforcements
[00:11:33] <Tom_itx> i've been having trouble loading your picasaweb pages lately too
[00:12:01] <JT-Shop> must be a bottleneck in the Atlantic
[00:12:07] <enleth> reassembling the head was hard though, as the CNC 2J2 head is more than 15cm taller than a manual
[00:12:23] <enleth> and that's 4cm higher overall than this hoist can do
[00:12:41] <andypugh> The problem is likely to be Google redirecting to Google+ away from Picase
[00:12:46] <andypugh> (Picasa)
[00:12:58] <JT-Shop> yea, I saw a google in the link
[00:13:01] <enleth> I had to cram a steel beam into the boom and attach the chain to that
[00:13:20] <JT-Shop> lol I have an extension for mine too
[00:14:15] <enleth> oh, and it almost survived having the bridgeport's 200kg table hit it on the way down when it slipped off the chain
[00:14:26] <enleth> (the table was fine, the floor less so)
[00:15:43] <enleth> one of the legs is dented and the caster on the end of it exploded, so I had to swap one caster from the rear
[00:15:56] <andypugh> Does this link work? https://picasaweb.google.com/108164504656404380542/Holbrook#6154759317991166354?noredirect=1
[00:16:18] * JT-Shop slips on the chef hat and get the chicken and dumplings going
[00:16:30] <enleth> andypugh: the page is there, but the middle is blank white, no photo
[00:16:41] <JT-Shop> yep
[00:16:45] <andypugh> https://picasaweb.google.com/108164504656404380542/Holbrook#6154759317991166354 ?
[00:16:54] <enleth> much better
[00:17:14] <JT-Shop> yep that works for me
[00:17:38] <JT-Shop> bet that got you excited
[00:17:50] <Tom_itx> 2nd one did, first one not so much
[00:17:51] <enleth> anyway, yours must have been made of crappier material or something indeed
[00:18:08] <andypugh> With a new-to-me 750kg lathe half-way out of the back doors of a van, and the lathe resting at a jaunty angle threatening to overturn the (hired) van, that was an over-exciting happening
[00:18:12] <JT-Shop> say goodnight Gracie
[00:18:25] <Tom_itx> goodnight Gracie
[00:19:00] <andypugh> I complained, and now I have _two_ rubbish engine-hoists.
[00:19:16] <enleth> andypugh: well I used mine to support the far end of the truck's lift with the whole bridgeport on it - it was too heavy for the lift alone and I didn't have a forklift for unloading
[00:19:21] <Tom_itx> make one good one from them
[00:19:27] <enleth> *that* was exciting
[00:20:04] -!- tobias47n9e has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[00:20:09] <andypugh> enleth: That was mis-use of lifting gear.
[00:20:17] <enleth> I was operating the release knob on the hoist while the driver lowered the truck side of the lift, inch by inch
[00:20:21] <enleth> andypugh: no shit!
[00:20:27] <andypugh> My gripe is that I was comfortably inside plated loads
[00:20:43] <enleth> I think even the chinese manual warned against doing that
[00:21:30] <enleth> I mean, things to that effect, they did not specifically predict this level of creativity in equpment misuse
[00:22:21] <andypugh> Large numbers of helium balloons would have worked
[00:22:39] <andypugh> Or a cluster of drones
[00:23:00] <enleth> https://gallery.hackerspace.pl/pictures/Bridgeport/img_5946.jpg - there it is. We put pallets under the lift just in case, taking them out one by one as the lift progressed downwards
[00:23:17] <enleth> fail safe-ish, of sorts
[00:24:15] <enleth> I'm sure though that it's not even close to the worst things people do moving heavy machinery
[00:24:23] <andypugh> You know what I hate about your setup?
[00:25:00] <enleth> I could imagine a lot of things, but please tell
[00:25:22] <andypugh> The tension in the ratchet strap is about 8x the lift force
[00:27:29] <enleth> correct
[00:27:58] <CaptHindsight> is this the one that also ends up going down some stairs into a basement?
[00:28:05] <enleth> CaptHindsight: the same
[00:28:49] <enleth> only the base casting though, the rest went down the elevator
[00:29:43] <enleth> andypugh: I was actually this close to welding a quickie steel bracket for the lift edge, with a chain attachment in the middle
[00:29:49] <andypugh> It worked, so it was OK, but you could have run the strap at a better angle without any difficulty, I think
[00:30:27] <andypugh> I guess the van owner wasn’t there?
[00:31:40] <andypugh> Or is it the guy in the vest top? He looks like a Polish van driver :-)
[00:31:54] <CaptHindsight> anchor a chain to the mill and wall, stack 100 pillows behind the truck, rev engine, 1st gear, pop clutch
[00:32:04] <enleth> but I tested the strap with some pallets going up until less than 10mm under the lift but not touching it yet, by jumping in front of the mill, and the strap did not show any signs of tearing
[00:32:09] <enleth> so we went ahead with that
[00:32:35] -!- xreal_alt has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[00:32:40] -!- GargantuaSauce_ has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[00:32:43] <enleth> worst case during that test, the strap would give and the lift would drop 8mm onto the pallets, not far enough to knock the mill out of position
[00:32:56] <andypugh> There is a 2x as strong way to link the hooks, too, I think
[00:34:01] <enleth> andypugh: that's this guy, and he was half-Polish, half-Ukrainian, half-illiterate I think
[00:34:02] <andypugh> (I mention this for when you get a Cincinatti like Stuart’s
[00:34:16] -!- GargantuaSauce [GargantuaSauce!~sauce@blk-224-177-97.eastlink.ca] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:34:33] <enleth> he was actually quite amused by this unloading method and not in any way worried
[00:34:56] <andypugh> I assume it was fok-lifted in?
[00:35:01] <enleth> he was either too dumb to see any danger or that wasn't even close to the worst he'd seen
[00:35:04] <enleth> possibly both
[00:35:09] <enleth> andypugh: yeah
[00:35:35] <andypugh> It amazes me that fork-lift forks don’t just straighten out
[00:36:15] <andypugh> We have some extensions at work and they lift whole cars from the front-end. Looks crazy.
[00:36:32] <enleth> you mean break off and bend downwards?
[00:37:02] <enleth> crazy strict steel and weld quality control, I guess
[00:38:07] -!- sumpfralle1 [sumpfralle1!~lars@c.mail.systemausfall.org] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:39:03] <andypugh> Ah like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y9Icv8MSqc
[00:39:31] <andypugh> But they do it with £100,000 development cars that they want to keep
[00:40:06] -!- sumpfralle has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[00:41:02] <enleth> anyway, when the time comes to get the mill out of this basement, I'm just making a damn hole in the wall to the other part of the building that has a long ramp going up to the ground level
[00:41:29] <enleth> and getting the mill out and up with a forklift
[00:41:44] <andypugh> Sounds like a bteer plan
[00:41:48] <andypugh> (better)
[00:42:15] <andypugh> By the way, have you seen the videos of the big Cincinatti mill controlled by LinuxCNC that I was alluding to earlier?
[00:42:21] -!- koo8 has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[00:43:44] <enleth> forklifting 1,5 tons of a top-heavy machine up a slope with sharp start and end bends is not an easy task in itself, but that beats dragging parts of the mill up the stairs, I'd just need a *good* forklift that can tilt the column far enough back and forwards
[00:44:01] <andypugh> https://youtu.be/mxxdq6y8z8M?t=45s
[00:45:24] <enleth> Tilt it back when getting up the slope, straighten out when the forklift's wheels enter the slope, tilt forwards when the pallet starts clearing the top of the ramp, put it down with the forklift still on the ramp, pull out while raising the forks as the forklift is backing down the ramp
[00:45:32] -!- sumpfralle [sumpfralle!~lars@erina.opennet-initiative.de] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:46:02] <enleth> go up, grab the pallet from the other side
[00:46:50] <enleth> OK, that mill is fucking huge
[00:47:06] <enleth> it looks more massive than most VMC's I've seen
[00:47:25] -!- sumpfralle1 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[00:47:55] <andypugh> It’s probably not the biggest, but it might be the biggest non-gantry design
[00:50:11] <enleth> another video shows it from farther back and to the side, with the rear in the view
[00:50:24] <enleth> I bet most of the rear body just acts as a counterweight
[00:52:10] <andypugh> He has at least two of them.
[00:52:51] <enleth> how does one get to have two of those?
[00:53:04] <andypugh> I thnk he gets them relatively cheap as the original controller is ancient and none of the big guys want to retrofit.
[00:53:32] <andypugh> it’s this business: http://www.mpm1.com
[00:53:56] <andypugh> (site of a couple of LinuxCNC meetups, I went there myself a few years ago)
[00:54:32] <enleth> The HAAS VMCs look puny compared to this
[00:55:27] <andypugh> The Viper is bigger in envelope, but not as hefty: http://www.mpm1.com/viper.html
[00:55:45] <enleth> well it's a gantry mill
[00:56:30] <enleth> it doesn't look like a humongous mecha straight out of a sci-fi movie slowly getting up to crush you
[00:58:59] <andypugh> The Cinci’s look like At-Ats don’t they?
[00:59:47] <andypugh> This is quite big: http://www.archivist.info/cnc/Travelling_Gantry_Machine.pdf
[00:59:51] <enleth> something to that effect, yeah
[01:00:30] <enleth> same thing - it doesn't really look intimidating
[01:00:55] <andypugh> Yes, it’s just an overgrown hobby routr isn’t it?
[01:00:57] <enleth> it's so big it's just, well, a heavy gantry with a milling head attached
[01:01:18] <enleth> no, more like, it looks like a generic overhead gantry crane
[01:01:40] <enleth> not really evoking the feeling of looking at a robot
[01:02:05] <andypugh> I think it was also the swan-song of one of the worlds finest machine tool builders :-(
[01:02:06] -!- irontree9 has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[01:04:16] <enleth> when your machine has an operator seat, like some lathes do, on the saddle, you know it's big
[01:04:33] <enleth> when it's got an OPERATOR'S BOOTH, or even TWO of them - you know it's fucking enormous
[01:06:57] <andypugh> It’s not like the booths are even particularly cramped, You could get a double bed in there :-)
[01:08:52] <andypugh> Anyway, it’s pretty late here. And even later in .pl, (in fact later than average) http://blog.poormansmath.net/how-much-is-time-wrong-around-the-world/
[01:09:29] <andypugh> CET is only actually correct for western Poiland, Austria, etc.
[01:09:51] <andypugh> I’ts _very_ wrong for Spain.
[01:11:13] <enleth> andypugh: well it's 2AM for me
[01:11:40] <enleth> but I'm not expected to show up at the office before 11AM, so here I am
[01:12:38] <andypugh> I am expected anywhere between 0700 and 0900. But I generally appear at 0930.
[01:13:04] <andypugh> So, time to go.
[01:13:04] <Sync_> very good. :D
[01:13:11] <enleth> well, strictly speaking, it's the same for me
[01:13:23] <enleth> but they just adjusted their expectations to be more in line with reality
[01:14:00] <andypugh> I don’t have _anything_ to do. The last car is on sale, the next car prototypes are due in february.
[01:14:23] <andypugh> I have to turn up and invent work.
[01:14:31] -!- irontree9 [irontree9!~irnotree@2601:283:c001:a7ef:20e:7bff:fea4:709e] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:15:31] <andypugh> I saved a 30 minute job from today so I would have something to do tomorrow. Not a great way to be going on.
[01:16:16] <enleth> well I spent 2 hours today talking with my coworkers about woodworking
[01:16:19] <malcom2073> Woohoo, I have my first "real" project now
[01:16:28] <enleth> hint: we're an IT team in a financial institution
[01:16:29] <andypugh> But they keep paying me, so I keep turning up.
[01:16:37] <malcom2073> Friend of mine does crafty stuff, and the handle on her roll press broke, she wants me to make her a new one
[01:17:03] <andypugh> Sounds easy enough.
[01:17:10] <malcom2073> Yep, fairly straightforward
[01:17:24] <malcom2073> hardest part is the square hole in the center, I figure drill and use my dads powered filer to square it up
[01:17:25] <andypugh> Though I expect it is an off-the-shelf handle you can just buy
[01:17:31] <malcom2073> I don't have (and don't wanna buy yet) a broaching set
[01:17:31] <enleth> malcom2073: make a knurled one, knurled is always better
[01:17:42] <malcom2073> andypugh: Yeah for like $50, it's good practice for me though
[01:17:51] <andypugh> Do you have a CNC lathe?
[01:17:55] <malcom2073> andypugh: No, manual only
[01:18:09] <malcom2073> Square hole would be easy with that :P
[01:18:21] <andypugh> I can (in theory) turn a square hole on the lathe.
[01:18:28] <malcom2073> It's a tiny hole though
[01:18:34] <malcom2073> like 6mm
[01:18:40] <andypugh> Make a broach
[01:18:43] <enleth> malcom2073: oh, there was this screwed up drill-thingy that drills almost square holers
[01:18:52] <enleth> but it's probably expensive
[01:18:56] <malcom2073> enleth: I've seen the one that drills square holes in wood
[01:19:06] <malcom2073> andypugh: Make one?
[01:19:14] <enleth> AvE has a video on making square hole broaches out of scrap, I think
[01:19:26] <andypugh> malcom2073: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7n1r5XfVkyk
[01:19:44] <enleth> that one
[01:20:58] <andypugh> I made one myself for a light switch that I made: http://bodgesoc.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Neracar10%20Finishing%20up
[01:21:04] <malcom2073> Could do that I suppose
[01:21:14] -!- Loetmichel2 [Loetmichel2!~cylly@p54B10D24.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:21:17] <malcom2073> man a CNC grinder would be awesome for making one of them
[01:22:19] <enleth> the only CNC grinder AvE had was his own hands, so that's certainly possible freehand
[01:22:26] -!- Loetmichel has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[01:22:54] <malcom2073> I do have access to a 50T press
[01:23:01] <malcom2073> though not that much is probably needed for a 6mm square heh
[01:25:39] -!- kalxas has quit [Quit: Goodbye]
[01:29:40] -!- andypugh has quit [Quit: andypugh]
[01:36:28] <Tom_itx> zeeshan|2?
[01:37:35] -!- rob_h has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[01:40:05] <zeeshan|2> sup
[01:40:30] -!- skorasaurus has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[01:41:52] <Tom_itx> you ever do any sheetmetal stuff in Sw etc?
[01:41:57] <zeeshan|2> yred
[01:42:00] <zeeshan|2> yes
[01:43:19] <Tom_itx> one sec
[01:44:38] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/practice_drawings/Problem21.jpg
[01:44:51] <Tom_itx> good candidate for sheetmetal functions?
[01:44:55] <zeeshan|2> sup
[01:44:58] <zeeshan|2> yea
[01:45:15] <zeeshan|2> not sure about 2006 :P
[01:45:30] <Tom_itx> ?
[01:45:39] <zeeshan|2> i dunno if 2006 has
[01:45:47] <Tom_itx> oh
[01:45:49] <irontree9> OKay CNC is back up. Added a extra bearing in a drive shaft, and replaced the dremel.
[01:47:14] <zeeshan|2> inventor is stronger though :P
[01:51:28] <Tom_itx> i'm not sure what all that ver has in it
[01:53:42] <Tom_itx> zeeshan|2, did you draw that clevice part?
[01:53:48] <zeeshan|2> no
[01:53:51] <zeeshan|2> i fell asleep :P
[01:54:32] <chupacabra> I called china and they will send 2 cables
[01:54:36] <chupacabra> anyone have a 3040 chinese with 4th axis? I cant figure out where to plug the 4th axis in.
[01:54:37] <chupacabra> just for reference
[01:55:00] <zeeshan|2> im gonna try drawing that part in solidworks
[01:55:02] <zeeshan|2> need to do it
[01:55:03] <zeeshan|2> been a while
[01:55:06] <zeeshan|2> been using inventor too much
[01:56:55] <Tom_itx> i'm trying to keep up on SW and catia
[01:57:49] -!- CaptHindsight has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[01:58:32] <malcom2073> How much does it typically cost to get sheet metal cut? Do they charge by the inch of cut, or what?
[01:58:35] -!- chupacabra has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[01:59:33] <Tom_itx> shouldn't be that much.. they just shear it
[01:59:51] -!- chupacabra [chupacabra!~chupacabr@2605:6000:101d:8042:221:63ff:feba:539] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:00:05] <malcom2073> Sorry, what about like patterns, like plasma cut?
[02:00:13] <Tom_itx> dunno about that
[02:00:25] <malcom2073> Like if you wanted this: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/practice_drawings/Problem21.jpg without the bends
[02:00:50] <zeeshan|2> http://i.imgur.com/l93Qge0.png
[02:00:54] <zeeshan|2> tada
[02:00:55] <chupacabra> malcom2073, usually by the job
[02:01:03] <zeeshan|2> malcom2073: i cant tell you how much
[02:01:07] <zeeshan|2> it is top secret at our company :P
[02:01:12] <malcom2073> Getting parts machines is cost prohibitive for a hobbiest, which is why I wanted a mill (Mill cost less than a typical job), is getting stuff like that cut also cost prohibitive?
[02:01:34] <zeeshan|2> that part will cost you 85$
[02:01:35] <malcom2073> s/machines/machined
[02:01:41] <Tom_itx> zeeshan|2 was that using sheetmetal tools?
[02:01:45] <zeeshan|2> Tom_itx: yes
[02:01:52] <malcom2073> zeeshan|2: Including bends, or just the cut?
[02:02:04] <zeeshan|2> including cut
[02:02:06] <Tom_itx> how do you determine which edge holds the tolerance on a bend?
[02:02:11] <zeeshan|2> and bend
[02:02:26] <malcom2073> How much would just cut cost?
[02:02:32] <zeeshan|2> $20
[02:02:41] <malcom2073> Yeah I'd imagine not much, bending is a lot more labor intensive
[02:02:41] <Tom_itx> ie the bottom flange measures 1" from the edge to the inside wall
[02:02:41] <zeeshan|2> to $40
[02:02:53] <zeeshan|2> malcom2073: depends on the brake they got
[02:02:57] <zeeshan|2> our brakes are cnc
[02:03:00] <zeeshan|2> so all the dies adjust themself
[02:03:05] <zeeshan|2> all operator has to enter is width of flange
[02:03:07] <zeeshan|2> and angle
[02:03:13] <zeeshan|2> and flange length
[02:03:15] <malcom2073> Nice
[02:04:45] <zeeshan|2> Tom_itx: its usually outside to outside
[02:04:52] <zeeshan|2> so for example in your example
[02:04:59] <zeeshan|2> the top most face
[02:05:07] <zeeshan|2> to the bottom most face would be the flange length
[02:05:14] <zeeshan|2> it is the number the operator needs
[02:06:55] <zeeshan|2> Tom_itx: at the end of the day
[02:07:01] <zeeshan|2> i deviate from that rule
[02:07:07] <zeeshan|2> because sometimes the internal dimension is more important
[02:07:14] <zeeshan|2> so ill dimension it and put a note to "hold"
[02:07:18] <zeeshan|2> so they know its important
[02:09:45] <chupacabra> and lucky if first bend is within 1 degree
[02:10:12] <zeeshan|2> chupacabra: all the machines have calibration for springback
[02:10:17] <zeeshan|2> holding a degree isnt a prob
[02:10:31] <Tom_itx> there are formulas for that
[02:10:39] <zeeshan|2> they get you close
[02:10:43] <zeeshan|2> but there is many assumptionms
[02:10:45] <chupacabra> i remember the first programmable back stops
[02:10:56] <Tom_itx> i had to make a bunch of hydro blocks that had bend allowance built in
[02:10:58] -!- Valen [Valen!~Valen@c110-21-196-253.blktn5.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:11:15] <Tom_itx> forms for sheetmetal in a hydropress
[02:11:41] <gregcnc> At a shop i worked at they always had to test the material that actually came in
[02:11:56] <gregcnc> but we were bending 1/4-1/2"
[02:11:56] <chupacabra> every sheed of chinese metal has different bend factor
[02:12:01] <chupacabra> sheet
[02:12:47] <chupacabra> gregcnc, gotta check it
[02:14:31] <gregcnc> only three people in the place knew what bend factor was, the press operator, only through experience and couldn't do the math, only long time engineer, and myself who only knew from books
[02:14:43] <chupacabra> I was a machinist before CNC
[02:14:53] <gregcnc> they crashed and burned, for many reasons
[02:15:24] <gregcnc> i think the owner is serving jail time now
[02:15:35] <chupacabra> Most Sheet metal fabricators fudge their way through life
[02:16:30] <gregcnc> plus we had designs in metric we had to build in fractional sheet
[02:16:31] <chupacabra> As a machinist I weld and do sheetmetal. just came with the territory
[02:17:10] <chupacabra> Ha. Im now setting all my machines to metric.
[02:17:18] <chupacabra> About time
[02:18:27] <chupacabra> hey. my 3d printer is hollering at me.
[02:20:07] <gregcnc> I had to redimension every part of a rather large melting furnace to make up for differences in available material stock while trying to interpret german prints
[02:22:54] <chupacabra> ahh great fun. Hope they paid you well
[02:23:38] <gregcnc> actually they did and i could walk to work, it's too bad they failed
[02:23:59] <chupacabra> oooh that does suck
[02:25:15] <chupacabra> sounds like trying to keep a container of mitsubishi cyl grinders running rescued fro ww2
[02:25:56] <chupacabra> a wonderful challenge. made lots of money with them too.
[02:27:51] <gregcnc> I did get notice 7i77 shipped. Thanks pcw_home
[02:28:39] <chupacabra> what is that?
[02:29:23] <gregcnc> motion control break out board
[02:29:57] <chupacabra> oic cool
[02:33:31] <chupacabra> do it yourself.
[02:34:06] <gregcnc> yes. http://www.dieselrc.com/projects/emcocompact6/
[02:34:15] <chupacabra> Its hard for me from proprietary machine tools +100,000 dollars to DIY
[02:35:51] <chupacabra> that you? Emco were always good for the price
[02:38:35] <gregcnc> yes. this one didn't need anything. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vKAeQLTAiQ
[02:39:01] <gregcnc> Emco is expensive if it breaks though
[02:46:34] <chupacabra> ok
[02:47:02] <chupacabra> not as expensive as mitsubishi
[02:47:25] <chupacabra> 144 cm bearings
[02:47:48] <gregcnc> VTL?
[02:47:56] <chupacabra> grinder
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[02:48:04] <chupacabra> horizontal
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[02:48:36] <chupacabra> for grinding bearings that big plus
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[02:49:42] <chupacabra> I hate to say it but that grinder is now a part of me. along with about 5 other machine tools and cars.
[02:50:06] <gregcnc> That must be expensive in the first place
[02:50:34] <chupacabra> was free for shipping I heard
[02:50:53] <chupacabra> along with 6 other big honking grinders
[02:51:12] <chupacabra> war surplus
[02:51:33] <chupacabra> brand new. cosmoline all over.
[02:52:00] <chupacabra> 1 mil of machinery now
[02:52:17] <chupacabra> except ancient
[02:52:32] <chupacabra> 1 mil worth scrap
[02:53:24] <gregcnc> curious that nobody used them
[02:53:36] <chupacabra> we used them up
[02:53:57] <gregcnc> Ok I misunderstood
[02:54:23] <chupacabra> they were headed to jap bearing factories before we dropped the bomb.
[02:54:48] <chupacabra> My boss bought em.
[02:55:29] <gregcnc> where were they built?
[02:55:29] <chupacabra> he also bought old huge stationary engines and we got em running.
[02:55:47] <chupacabra> JAPAN Mitsubishi
[02:56:32] <chupacabra> Mitsubishi has been a major manufacturor in Japan since way before ww2
[02:57:07] <chupacabra> They made the Zero that bombed Perl Harbour
[02:57:35] <chupacabra> Irony is lost on the youth.
[03:00:03] <gregcnc> i know of mitubishi, i'm just confused about being shipped to japan when they were there already, who sold them after the war?
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[03:58:45] <irontree9> Holy cow everything is covered in saw dust. Can saw dust be too fine or am I looking for bigger chips?
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[04:31:21] <chupacabra> soebody sent them to us
[04:31:42] <chupacabra> occupiers i guess
[04:32:15] <chupacabra> im in texas where the grinders were
[04:33:35] <chupacabra> We made cryopumps and used all sizes of grinders
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[04:34:26] <chupacabra> superglue them to mandrells then grind them eccencentric
[04:35:00] <chupacabra> super glue spring blanks to grinder mandrells
[04:36:48] <chupacabra> good times
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[05:43:38] <trentster> So guys- this is a non CNC related question, but what would you guys use excess solar power for in a shed or home workshop if you had it?
[05:45:28] <trentster> I have an 80W panel on the shed and a 100Amp Hour battery connected to it - at the moment I am only really using it for minimal LED lighting which is movement activated when I go into the garage. Any other suggestions as I have quite a bit of power going to waste?
[05:48:29] <Jymmm> It's not necessarily "excess" power. The moment you use it for something, you'll be draining the battery and that battery will need to be recharged.
[05:49:03] <Jymmm> 80W @ 12V = 6.7A
[05:49:23] <trentster> Jymmm: yes but there is a ton of sun here, so the solar regulator is most of the time preventing the battery from being charged as its always full.
[05:49:43] <trentster> thats why I want to use the power for something useful
[05:50:06] <trentster> especially during the day
[05:50:14] <Jymmm> 100AH / 6.7A = 14 Hours of 100% full sun to recharge the battery, and there is only one day a year where you have THAT much sun.
[05:50:57] <Jymmm> Plus, you can't discharge the battery that low else risk shortening it's overall lifetime
[05:51:05] <trentster> yes assuming a safe limit of battery drain, not reccomended to go over 60% for battery longevity there is still excess power
[05:52:01] <Jymmm> and most panels never do their full "rated" capacity.
[05:52:24] <Jymmm> Unless you are in the Mojave or something =)
[05:53:11] <Jymmm> Use it for backup winter lgihting for the house
[05:53:36] <Jymmm> Keep batteries topped off
[05:53:48] <trentster> Jymmm: playing with the numbers this is what I have thus far https://monosnap.com/file/EzdOdb8iuMASUCHHkYbtmGImnPbKIK
[05:54:09] <trentster> still trying to learn this stuff so it may not be perfectly accurate
[05:54:47] <trentster> I was thinking of maybe using it to generate hydrogen from water during the day or for electroplating or something else useful
[05:55:22] <Jymmm> Um why do you have it at all in the first place?
[05:56:09] <trentster> I wanted to learn about solar plus - have some kind of mini-backup
[05:56:25] <Jymmm> ah
[05:56:58] <trentster> but it irks me to think of the watts going to waste every day just to keep a battery topped up that hardly gets used
[05:57:17] <Jymmm> do you have a well pump?
[05:57:42] <Jymmm> fans that run constantly?
[05:58:31] <Jymmm> ham radio?
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[05:58:49] <trentster> nope literally at the moment just some 12V stuff I use intermittently, like lights that come on when I go into the garage, extraction fan for soldering station, and lighting above soldering station.
[05:59:48] <trentster> I also have a server cabinet in there, and will probably put some 12V fans at the top connected to a temperature sensor that closes the circuit when the temp inside cabinet gets hot.
[06:01:05] <trentster> So in essence at the moment the only power which is really used is a Led light strip that is on when I am working on cnc stuff which uses 5.1W when on
[06:01:26] <trentster> I probably average about 20 hours a week of usage with it
[06:02:55] <Jymmm> cooling in the summer is a perfect usage for solar
[06:03:25] <trentster> yeah - besides a fan how else do you use it for cooling?
[06:03:42] <trentster> Aircon is obviously not practical - it uses ridiculous ammounts of power
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[06:09:02] <trentster> anyway - I will carry on pondering some inventive uses, thanks for the input
[06:13:06] <Jymmm> swap cooler depending on where you are.
[06:13:28] <trentster> ? swap cooler
[06:13:59] <ink> evaporative cooling
[06:14:13] <Jymmm> swamp*
[06:14:23] <Jymmm> or evaporative cooling
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[06:14:40] <ink> basically dripping water over a mesh and pointing a fan at it as the water evaporates, it pulls heat out of the air
[06:16:26] <trentster> yup, I have hd evaporative coolers before - it would require running water, and a seperate build, but its an option - thanks for the tip
[06:17:02] <Jymmm> Or a larger reservoir instead
[06:17:28] <Jymmm> You are just recirculating the water, and topping off as needed.
[06:17:34] <trentster> or maybe just wire up some pumps to an arduino and automatically water some hydroponics or plants etc
[06:18:42] <Jymmm> Sorry, but it sounds like you are trying to find a problem to your solution.
[06:18:51] <trentster> I found a rear projection tv on the curb today and took out the Fresnal lens - I have been dying to get my hands on one. Man! that thing is seriously dangerous
[06:19:17] <trentster> a solid piece of wood bursts into flames in seconds
[06:19:26] * ink really likes the idea of solar cooling
[06:19:43] <trentster> ink: yeah me too
[06:19:53] <Jymmm> ink: Yeah, made TOTAL sense to me when running AC you have LOTS of sunlight.
[06:20:01] <trentster> gonna look into the most efficient way of doing a mini diy evaporative cooler build
[06:20:08] <ink> hehe totally
[06:20:12] <ink> zeer pots are also interesting
[06:20:26] <trentster> zeer pots?
[06:20:31] <Jymmm> oh the pots in the pots?
[06:20:39] <Jymmm> with moist sand in between
[06:20:45] <ink> basically a double-walled pot with sand between the two pots you wet the sand and it cools the inside as it evaporates
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[06:21:20] <trentster> hmmm interesting
[06:21:52] <Jymmm> trentster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmb-kCcDLxQ
[06:22:40] <trentster> thanks looking
[06:27:55] <trentster> interesting
[06:28:23] <trentster> Nice survival skill to have - will jot it down in the event of a zombie outbreak ;-)
[06:30:55] <ink> hehe
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[08:06:08] <Deejay> moin
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[08:17:06] <Jymmm> Hi DJ
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[08:23:23] <Deejay> Hi Jymmm :)
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[09:23:10] <tiwake> http://phys.org/news/2015-12-tiniest-picture.html
[09:24:35] <archivist> I think IBM beats that by many years, they deposited individual atoms
[09:27:41] <archivist> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_%28atoms%29
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[09:28:56] <archivist> I hate false claims from later workers :)
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[09:55:43] <archivist> a toy http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mitutoyo-FN905-Coordinate-Measuring-Machine-CMM-Renishaw-PH10T-Plus-/281886074395
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[13:40:45] <ReadError> anyone used leadshine gear before?
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[13:42:33] <archivist> survey type question?
[13:43:37] <JT-Shop> yes he has, but I don't think anyone is here at the moment
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[13:45:10] <ReadError> eh was just curious if its decent stuff
[13:45:13] <ReadError> or chinese garbage ;(
[13:45:22] <archivist> I think many have used leadshine
[13:45:35] <malcom2073> My dads mill runs on leadshines, and his small router runs on chinese clones, both work pretty good
[13:46:06] <archivist> I think leadshine badges for others too
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[14:09:41] <gregcnc> Anyone used NI DAQ in Linux?
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[14:21:45] <trentster> ReadError: I use leadshines, they are pretty good specially their digital stuff
[14:24:26] <trentster> ok folks I am going to rewire all the electrical this weekend. I now have a VFD in the mix - should I wire Live from wall to go physically through an emergency stop before supply to controller or to the VFD?
[14:25:07] <trentster> My logic here is that if you press emergency stop all power to everything is cut - only issue there is there may be a limit on how many amps emergency toggle switch can handle
[14:25:21] <Tom_itx> sp/or to the /and to the VFD
[14:25:41] <Tom_itx> ever hear of a relay?
[14:25:45] <trentster> Tom_itx: ?
[14:25:54] <Tom_itx> wire the estop to a relay
[14:26:00] <Tom_itx> or 2
[14:26:19] <ReadError> trentster, their servo drivers?
[14:27:42] <trentster> Yeah I have got 2 of these relays for AC and another smaller 4 channel relay that is optoisolated for the DC stuff - not sure how to throw them all into the mix as far as best practice is concerned
[14:27:56] <trentster> ReadError: no they are stepper drivers
[14:28:27] <Tom_itx> usually by the time you realize you need to hit ESTOP, it's too late anyway
[14:28:39] <Tom_itx> then you're just sparing the damage
[14:28:50] <trentster> ReadError: this is what I have, and I can vouch those guys are good sellers and the real deal http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/3-PCS-Leadshine-AM882-Stepper-Motor-Driver-with-Sensorless-Detection-Up-to-80VDC-8-2A-512/1452584_2046501243.html
[14:29:05] <trentster> The bundled break out board is junk, I recommend not using it
[14:30:30] <trentster> Tom_itx: I am trying to follow the wiring logic used here - altho I dont use Gecko g540's
[14:30:31] <trentster> http://www.homanndesigns.com/pdfs/EN010_V8.pdf
[14:31:04] <trentster> I have the same 2 RL-04 48Vcoil 20A SPST that is shown there.
[14:31:58] <trentster> Tom_itx: I also want to wire up external switches on the enclosure so I can power up each individually and see via rocker switch light what is on.
[14:32:33] <trentster> the spindle water pump I guess makes sense to wire direct to vfd so when vfd comes on pump is on
[14:32:39] <trentster> Agree?
[14:32:59] <Tom_itx> sounds fair
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[14:34:16] <trentster> in that diagram there I just not understanding why there is 2 48V relays? is the other one there on the assumption someone is gonna control a router via it?
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[15:12:23] <Erant> gregcnc: I once looked at the NI stuff when I couldn't get a 5i25.
[15:12:34] <Erant> I think it would've ended up being a pain in the ass
[15:13:06] <gregcnc> I actually want to measure
[15:13:26] <Erant> Ah. Nope, sorry :/
[15:15:41] <malcom2073> Heh, I tried to use NI DAQ in linux... gave up
[15:16:13] <malcom2073> Didn't want to pay their exhorbidant fees for using their libraries, wound up using a labjack
[15:16:28] <malcom2073> Muuuuch easier to interface with
[15:16:46] <Erant> Ooh, cutters are coming in today.
[15:16:51] <malcom2073> gregcnc: ^^ Consider if Labjack would meet your timing requirements
[15:17:11] <gregcnc> I have an old one
[15:17:20] -!- Akex_ has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
[15:17:35] <gregcnc> i guess they still make the U12
[15:18:02] <malcom2073> It's free to use in linux, and actually supported by the community. The NI stuff uses mono iirc
[15:18:34] <malcom2073> The NI stuff is fantastic with windows, if you already have the hardware, I suggest using a windows box
[15:20:02] -!- Akex_ [Akex_!uid58281@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-kzmoeiwwwzsshszr] has joined #linuxcnc
[15:22:09] <gregcnc> OK. I looked a few years back and and I don't think NI was supported on linux at all.
[15:22:53] <malcom2073> It didn't used to be, it sorta is now if you want to pay for their IDE, and deal with mono
[15:23:05] <malcom2073> Only some of the devices are supported
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[15:40:08] -!- maxcnc [maxcnc!~chatzilla@ip5f58b75e.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has joined #linuxcnc
[15:40:15] <maxcnc> Hi all ;-)
[15:40:36] <maxcnc> last workday here in germany so now on xmas holiday
[15:41:35] <maxcnc> if there is not as always a urgent job to make :-(
[15:44:44] <maxcnc> trentster: the 882 are realy good stuff better then the 880 in longtherme use
[15:46:42] <maxcnc> pcw_home: ?
[15:54:14] <maxcnc> Bye till later
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[16:42:31] <CaptHindsight> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Matsuura-760-V-2-cnc-mill-plus-free-cnc-knee-mill-Great-Deal-/262179867379 $4500 or best
[16:42:54] <ssi> damn
[16:45:41] <CaptHindsight> with tooling and extra cnc knee mill
[16:46:28] <CaptHindsight> well lots of collets and chucks
[16:46:36] <ssi> which is the important part :)
[16:47:00] <CaptHindsight> tempting
[16:48:32] <ssi> I'd be all over it if I had any way to transport them and any room left in the shop :)
[16:50:47] <ssi> that knee mill looks like a cat spindle too D:
[16:53:43] -!- bennylope has quit [Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in]
[16:54:15] <CaptHindsight> they just don't sell around here, $3k sounds crazy low but he might end up getting stuck with them
[16:54:23] -!- Tecan has quit [Quit: Live Long And Phosphor!]
[16:54:51] <ssi> and they're sufficiently hard to move that it limits folks like me coming up and snagging them
[16:55:07] <CaptHindsight> the knee mill might get all the offers
[16:55:15] <ssi> yeah
[16:55:44] <CaptHindsight> ~ an hours drive for me
[16:56:19] <CaptHindsight> and the two combined are 12k lbs
[16:57:35] <CaptHindsight> the most difficult part looks like getting it out of his garage
[16:58:06] -!- Roguish [Roguish!~chatzilla@c-50-143-183-159.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:59:16] <archivist> still a nice cheap toy here, but too far,heavy/no transport http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161914877309
[16:59:48] <CaptHindsight> nice
[17:00:10] <CaptHindsight> Travel X 1200 mm Y 650 mm Z 700 mm
[17:00:44] <archivist> I need to win the lottery
[17:02:14] -!- paulliebenberg [paulliebenberg!~paulliebe@S01065cd99867f923.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:07:49] <ssi> don't we all
[17:08:05] <ssi> hard to win without playing though, and I refuse to play because I won't win :)
[17:08:25] <CaptHindsight> odds are about the same either way :)
[17:08:35] <ssi> yuuup
[17:08:40] <ssi> my mom plays scratchoffs constantly
[17:08:41] <archivist> same here not played in years
[17:08:42] <ssi> and WINS A LOT
[17:09:31] <ssi> I have no idea how she does it
[17:09:32] <ssi> I watched her win at least $500 on scratchers while she was visiting for four days this weekend
[17:09:33] <ssi> and she gets 1, 5, 10k prizes regularly
[17:09:33] <ssi> couple times a year
[17:09:33] <CaptHindsight> sounds like she might be a shill for the state :p
[17:09:33] <ssi> maybe
[17:09:34] <ssi> I suspect she spends at least as much buying ticktes
[17:10:06] <CaptHindsight> I hear similar stories
[17:10:38] <CaptHindsight> and spend >$100 a week
[17:10:51] <archivist> my only gambling is ebay toys :)
[17:11:36] <ssi> I gamble on barn-find airplanes that haven't flown in 25 years :D
[17:11:53] <CaptHindsight> http://www.ebay.com/itm/SL-2H-Mori-Seiki-CNC-lathe/231784904938 $1500
[17:12:06] <archivist> £20 http://www.collection.archivist.info/searchv13.php?searchstr=Sigma+Bench+micrometer+complete+with+base
[17:12:14] <ssi> ooo
[17:12:17] <ssi> that's close to metoo
[17:12:29] <ssi> I wonder what's dead electrically
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[17:13:33] <CaptHindsight> "child with Jacobs Ladder went wild in the control panel" :p
[17:14:22] <CaptHindsight> worth it even if the whole panel looks like toast
[17:14:26] <ssi> yeah
[17:14:59] <CaptHindsight> but another project for you
[17:15:10] <archivist> project++
[17:15:15] <CaptHindsight> I have a few here myself in pieces
[17:15:16] <ssi> which I desperately don't need :)
[17:15:25] <ssi> I just have a machine hoarding fetish
[17:15:34] <ssi> someone come take this stupid NC punch press away from me
[17:16:39] <archivist> but you need it for panel making
[17:16:50] <ssi> yeah but I don't want to convert it
[17:16:55] <ssi> and the guy never brought me the tooling for it
[17:17:00] -!- jdh has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:17:00] <ssi> he said he had over a hundred dies
[17:17:04] <ssi> but I have zero of them
[17:19:59] <CaptHindsight> and at the same time people post things like this trolling for suckers http://www.ebay.com/itm/Scotle-HY-3040-4-Axis-CNC-Aluminum-Router-Machine-for-Drilling-Milling-DHL-/111832107306
[17:21:40] <CaptHindsight> http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/~ioAAOSwHQ9WVB0A/s-l1600.jpg comes with properly marked 4th axis connector location and cable :P
[17:21:53] <ssi> lul
[17:22:06] <ssi> people buy that stuff because you don't have to be and/or pay a rigger to get it home
[17:22:08] <archivist> CaptHindsight, Accuracy/Repeatability: 0.01mm http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/310562732677 another one
[17:22:17] <ssi> and you don't need an industrial space to run it
[17:22:27] <malcom2073> Holy hell ssi, I misread that
[17:22:34] <ssi> lolololol
[17:22:51] <CaptHindsight> t-slot madness
[17:23:28] <CaptHindsight> maybe it comes with a 10 year warranty
[17:23:39] <CaptHindsight> nope only 1 year
[17:24:00] <archivist> the warranty covers the inaccuracies
[17:24:24] <malcom2073> Holy hell that t-slot thing is expensive
[17:24:30] <malcom2073> A lot of things areshocking to me today
[17:24:31] <malcom2073> it seems
[17:24:44] <ssi> hahaha
[17:24:46] <archivist> which one
[17:25:35] <malcom2073> The 10k one
[17:26:03] <archivist> that is pounds even more of your dolla
[17:26:15] <ssi> that's absurd
[17:26:19] <ssi> is it made of magic?
[17:26:23] <archivist> total lies for the accuracy
[17:26:51] <ssi> not if it's made of magir
[17:26:52] <CaptHindsight> 10450 British Pound equals 15539.31 US Dollar
[17:27:32] <malcom2073> Hey, if someone buys it
[17:27:33] <malcom2073> meh
[17:27:36] <malcom2073> sucker born every day
[17:27:44] <archivist> the sellers reply We build using Class 5 precision rolled ballscrew, preloaded...assembled with matched sets of preloaded end bearings
[17:27:44] <archivist> Our figure have been independently verified by the worlds largest measuring machine company....we produce machines for this Company!
[17:27:51] <Erant> ssi: I got a micro mill, which'll outperform that aluminum piece of c* all day.
[17:27:53] <malcom2073> Oooo class 5!!
[17:27:56] <malcom2073> That's like, better than class 4
[17:28:02] <ssi> Erant: I don't doubt it at all
[17:28:10] <ssi> malcom2073: yeah it's at least 25% better :D
[17:28:12] <archivist> C5 cannot achieve that claim
[17:28:13] <Erant> And you still don't need an industrial space.
[17:28:34] <ssi> Erant: what did the micro mill cost you all up?
[17:28:38] <CaptHindsight> did Mach3 increase the price of their pro version or something?
[17:28:40] <Erant> Or a rigger. (Though the thing still weighs like 150lbs)
[17:28:55] <ssi> I didn't hire a rigger for my 10klb vmc :P
[17:29:15] -!- vapula has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[17:29:51] <Erant> ssi: Euh. $700 for the mill, $400-ish for the servos, $100 for the supplies, couple hundred for the Mesa, plus various tooling and whatnot.
[17:30:03] <CaptHindsight> http://www.ebay.com/itm/MachMotion-3-Axis-CNC-Milling-Machine-Control-Retrofit-Kit-/321407780807 US $8,409
[17:30:06] <Erant> Maybe $400-$500 for assorted shit like vices and whatnot.
[17:30:16] <Erant> So around $2k total, I'd say.
[17:30:25] <ssi> Erant: yea see in my experience there's a price disparity between big machines and little machines
[17:30:54] <archivist> CaptHindsight, fishing for suckers too
[17:30:58] <malcom2073> At the auctions I go to, the smalelr it is, the more it costs
[17:31:03] <ssi> the price starts low for machines around your size, gets higher and higher up to some reasonable size, then goes way back down
[17:31:11] <ssi> malcom2073: yeah exactly
[17:31:11] <Erant> Interesting.
[17:31:31] <ssi> cause huge machines that are antiquated and need retrofit are only interesting to people like us
[17:31:33] <malcom2073> I've seen cnc knee mills go for less than $500
[17:31:38] <malcom2073> yeah
[17:31:44] <ssi> and only some of us are capable of moving, storing, setting up, and powering huge machines
[17:31:44] <malcom2073> But tabletop? Shit, won't go for less than $3k
[17:31:50] <Erant> This is the right size for my space (which is half of a 2 car garage).
[17:32:37] -!- sumpfralle [sumpfralle!~lars@erina.opennet-initiative.de] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:33:11] <Erant> And it's still Chinese, so it needs some TLC to get it to where I want it.
[17:34:11] <CaptHindsight> now that I'm looking there are all sorts of way overpriced parts on ebay, tool posts for $3K etc
[17:34:33] <ssi> I paid $1k for my hardinge HNC
[17:34:40] <CaptHindsight> add an extra zero, see what happens
[17:34:40] <ssi> and then three times that on tooling for it right out the gate
[17:34:42] <malcom2073> I paid $350 for my Clausing knee CNC
[17:35:29] <malcom2073> Oh hey ssi, I've decided I'm going to make a quill clamp to stick a router on my mill
[17:35:36] <ssi> nice
[17:35:53] <ssi> I need to find an enclosure and some connectors and start building a new control for the new knee mill
[17:37:28] <malcom2073> I have the origonal electronics enclosure I'm going to re-do for my stuff
[17:38:40] <cpresser_> I need unc 4-40 rivet nuts. anybody know a distributor for europe?
[17:39:27] <CaptHindsight> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Fuji-ANS-31T-CNC-Turning-Center-Fanuc-21-T-Control-/141853733411 Randleman, North Carolina Starting bid:
[17:39:27] <CaptHindsight> US $2,995.95
[17:39:46] <t12> morning
[17:40:06] <ssi> UNC 4-40?
[17:40:12] <ssi> you mean #4 size, 40tpi?
[17:40:16] <ssi> that wouldn't be UNC I don't think
[17:40:44] <ssi> hm disregard, 48tpi is UNF
[17:41:23] <cpresser_> ssi: actually i dont have a clue. "unc 4-40" is what the datasheet of the connector says.
[17:41:35] <cpresser_> so i guess its the correct name :)
[17:41:46] <ssi> http://www.mcmaster.com/#standard-rivet-nuts/=10a3he7
[17:43:27] <CaptHindsight> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Shulson-ERM-EDM-Machine-Sinker/281782749095 $1200 or best
[17:43:39] <cpresser_> google says they have problems shipping to europe :/
[17:44:08] <malcom2073> Mmm I could use an EDM
[17:44:17] <ssi> me too :P
[17:44:35] <malcom2073> That's only 5 hours from me too
[17:45:44] <CaptHindsight> 5 hours, isn't that like 1/2 way across Pennsylvania? :)
[17:45:52] <CaptHindsight> or just feels that way
[17:45:55] <malcom2073> Feels that way
[17:46:51] <CaptHindsight> http://www.ebay.com/itm/EDM-Machine-Eltee-Pulsitron-Sinker/181958918597 New Cumberland, Pennsylvania $1k
[17:47:12] <malcom2073> Even better, only 40 minutes away :P
[17:53:41] <gregcnc> I sorta want another http://www.ebay.com/itm/281882663902?
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[17:54:22] <Jymmm> malcom2073: And you can use the cabinets for a Frankenstein move remake =)
[17:54:25] <Jymmm> movie*
[17:54:29] <malcom2073> hah
[17:55:24] <Tom_itx> cpresser_, is fastenal in uk?
[17:55:33] <Jymmm> malcom2073: see background http://movieboozer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/YoungFrankenstein.jpg
[17:55:40] <malcom2073> Indeed
[17:56:20] <Jymmm> malcom2073: https://eternityandfingerprints.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/gliniany-czc582owiek.jpg
[17:56:25] * Tom_itx feels Jymmm has been letting us down on the morning imagery
[17:56:40] <malcom2073> I enjoyed young frankenstein
[17:57:02] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: NSFW http://i.imgur.com/yISeNZ3.jpg
[17:57:51] <Tom_itx> that was quick. you must have those bookmarked
[17:58:10] <Jymmm> nah
[17:59:09] <ssi> gregcnc: decent machine?
[17:59:21] <CaptHindsight> why are the monsters feet so big?
[17:59:59] -!- jdh [jdh!~jdh@miranda.org] has joined #linuxcnc
[18:00:17] <Tom_itx> CaptHindsight, ever wear a foot brace?
[18:01:20] <gregcnc> I'm still working on mine. for the size they are nice. Stepper motors with 5um resolution on diameter. The made a 320 with servos and real controls.
[18:01:35] <Tom_itx> cpresser_, http://www.rivetwise.co.uk/rivets/rivet-nuts.asp
[18:01:58] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: Though this is MUCH sexier (semi-NSFW) http://i.imgur.com/6JT9quJ.jpg
[18:02:31] <JT-Shop> yuck time to clean the coolant tank on the CHNC
[18:02:38] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: Hey
[18:02:58] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: Were you serious or kidding when you said you make "fuel" from wood ?
[18:03:22] <Tom_itx> Jymmm, you can
[18:03:42] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: I realize it can be done, but dont know of anyone that has.
[18:04:00] <ssi> are we talking like wood gas, or something different?
[18:04:26] <Tom_itx> http://www.motherearthnews.com/green-transportation/wood-gas-truck-zmaz81mjzraw.aspx
[18:04:39] <Jymmm> ssi: Like powering a chainsaw from wood extracted fuel.
[18:04:47] -!- jdh_ [jdh_!~jdh@miranda.org] has joined #linuxcnc
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[18:04:52] <Tom_itx> that woudl be a bit bulky
[18:05:44] <JT-Shop> wasn't me
[18:06:24] * Tom_itx believes Jymmm has a honda: http://www.instructables.com/id/Convert-your-Honda-Accord-to-run-on-trash/
[18:06:55] <Tom_itx> wait... Ca plates... is that YOU!
[18:06:57] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: I sold it
[18:07:09] <jdh> /quit z
[18:07:19] <jdh> heh
[18:07:19] -!- jdh has quit [Quit: leaving]
[18:07:26] <ssi> jdh has a tell
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[18:07:56] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: 2015-11-21.05:32:33 jthornton: yea, I know what wood gas is, I have plans for a wood gas generator somewhere lol
[18:08:02] -!- Daerist has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[18:08:11] <Jymmm> the logs never lie =)
[18:09:17] <malcom2073> That's totally furrywolf
[18:09:21] <malcom2073> speaking of which, where is he?
[18:09:31] <Tom_itx> someone told him to leave
[18:09:40] * Tom_itx looks at zeeshan|2
[18:09:42] <ssi> bah fw is too damn sensitive
[18:09:42] <malcom2073> Lol and he took them seriously?
[18:09:54] <malcom2073> Yeah you won't make it long on the internet if you leave when people tell you to
[18:09:57] <ssi> y'all goan have to try harder than that to run me out of here :
[18:09:58] <ssi> :)
[18:10:47] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: Bonus NSFW http://i.imgur.com/7Vfr0GT.gif
[18:11:02] <Tom_itx> unable to view currently
[18:11:15] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: it's animated =)
[18:12:27] -!- Komzpa has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[18:14:32] <JT-Shop> like I said I have the plans somewhere
[18:15:50] <malcom2073> I kinda wanna try doing wood gas from grass clippings
[18:16:02] -!- duc has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[18:16:15] <malcom2073> Or pellatize them
[18:16:40] <Jymmm> malcom2073: pellet
[18:16:48] <malcom2073> yeah
[18:17:01] <Jymmm> lots on ebay, electric, diesel, etc
[18:17:20] <malcom2073> Why buy one when I can make one? :P
[18:17:35] <ssi> I could think of some reasons :)
[18:17:39] <malcom2073> Psh heh
[18:17:46] <malcom2073> I figured it'd be an interesting project to design and build a mill
[18:17:53] <Jymmm> malcom2073: Fine, make two, send me one and I'll be your beta bitch! I have SHIT LAODS of leave and pineneedles
[18:17:58] <malcom2073> Hah
[18:18:05] <malcom2073> I have a spare 17hp lawn motor I can use to run it
[18:18:19] <Jymmm> malcom2073: And no burn permit needed right now either.
[18:18:28] <malcom2073> I have a burn permit, it's $1 a year heh
[18:18:32] <malcom2073> here
[18:18:39] <malcom2073> but burning grass is smoky
[18:18:41] <ssi> I never burn with a permit
[18:18:52] <ssi> thanks folks, I'm here all week
[18:19:08] <malcom2073> That's unfortunate :P
[18:19:25] <malcom2073> Jymmm: Pay for my materials and I'll make two :-P
[18:20:13] <Jymmm> malcom2073: are you going for the tiny or 3/8" pellets?
[18:20:24] <malcom2073> 3/8, go big or go home
[18:20:44] <Jymmm> malcom2073: Let me know how much and I might consider it.
[18:20:46] <malcom2073> I figured use the gasoline motor to heat the thing too, and use some of the organic pellet glue
[18:20:49] -!- maxcnc [maxcnc!~chatzilla@] has joined #linuxcnc
[18:20:58] <maxcnc> G eveninf from GERMANY
[18:21:07] <ssi> yay GERMANY!
[18:21:07] <Jymmm> malcom2073: IT's the compression that generates the heat iirc
[18:21:09] <maxcnc> g
[18:21:11] <malcom2073> Still working on the logistics, since there's little information on the process available, I need to do some testing
[18:21:36] <malcom2073> I had thought it might, was unsure
[18:21:54] <malcom2073> Gonna make some test rigs and compress some grass with a 50T press and see what happens heh
[18:22:14] <Tom_itx> press it harder and make diamonds
[18:24:12] <maxcnc> pcw_home: ?
[18:25:15] <pcw_home> yes?
[18:25:20] <maxcnc> ;-)
[18:25:37] <maxcnc> i did change today all mashine components as the com error
[18:25:39] <Jymmm> pcw_home: RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!
[18:26:03] <maxcnc> the mashine now is usabel ;-) BUT
[18:26:31] <maxcnc> the update for the 7i76 has the fault comerrors still eith no mashine brekdown
[18:26:47] <maxcnc> if ic change the 7i76 from a old mashine it has not
[18:27:17] <maxcnc> the old mashine insted with the new version 7i76 does provide the error imidet
[18:28:05] <maxcnc> is there a change to fet a version number on SW out of the device itself
[18:28:30] <maxcnc> to see if the SW is different it must i updated only one
[18:29:48] <Jymmm> Wood Gas Truck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRbYiP0cJmg
[18:29:48] <pcw_home> Yes but the change only fixes a firmware bug (and that update was done about 2 years ago )
[18:30:03] <malcom2073> Yeah I've seen that video heh
[18:30:30] <maxcnc> the 3mashines are aboutt this old i dont know actuly as lothar buildet them
[18:31:27] <maxcnc> SO as yiou say its only a bug in firmware it has nothing to do on serial communication
[18:32:49] <maxcnc> i just dont understand why this fault ocures only on the updated one in different mashines that do not have that fault on non updated
[18:32:50] -!- cncbasher has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[18:33:37] <pcw_home> main changes are that linuxcnc 2.7 has more complete error reporting.
[18:33:38] <pcw_home> As I said the 7I76 firmware update was a very limited bug fix
[18:33:40] <pcw_home> (for a bad but hard to trigger bug)
[18:33:41] <pcw_home> What is the actual sserial error? (this requires a dmesg log as the on-screen errors can lose the first error)
[18:35:13] -!- swarfer [swarfer!~Thunderbi@] has joined #linuxcnc
[18:39:24] <maxcnc> ok i missed that sorry i will check next year and report back
[18:39:33] <malcom2073> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zygs9pb_zBw
[18:39:35] <malcom2073> That's scary
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[18:42:07] -!- TAPit [TAPit!~membiblio@pool-173-75-137-55.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[18:43:36] <maxcnc> pcw_home: is there a prefered gronding point on the 7i76 i hooked it up to the DB25 connector
[18:43:54] <TAPit> I'm running a program (g code file) that should be 24 inches wide and long - it is 9 - LinuxCNC does move 10 inches when commanded to manually - any idea where I went wrong?
[18:43:58] -!- cncbasher [cncbasher!~Sarah@cpc8-hart9-2-0-cust254.11-3.cable.virginm.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[18:44:09] <maxcnc> the 1284Cable is now inside a Double shilded tube with Ground on the outside and 24V on the inside
[18:44:38] <maxcnc> TAPit: SCALE in INI
[18:45:03] <maxcnc> TAPit: its in steps per unit MMorInch
[18:45:38] <TAPit> maxcnc - You are saying that the gcode must have a SCALE command at the 'beginning' ?
[18:45:40] <pcw_home> For a plasma machine, to avoid ground loops, I would not ground the 7I76 5V ground anywhere
[18:45:46] <swarfer> TAPit chekc that is has a G20 at the top, seems your machine might think it is metric
[18:46:43] <TAPit> maxcnc and sqarfer - I will relay to cnc operator. I have seen SCALE in the linuxcnc splash file.
[18:46:57] <swarfer> 20/9 = roughly 2.6 = roughly 2.5cm per inch? that is why I think the machine is in mm mode and the code is in inch, put G20 or G21 at the top of EVERY gcode file
[18:47:02] <pcw_home> (except at the PC)
[18:47:03] <pcw_home> that means no encoder or step/dir gnd pins connect to any local (to 7I76) gnd
[18:47:46] <maxcnc> pcw_home: no griounding on that side
[18:48:08] <pcw_home> the 24V I/O is isolated so not an issue, and normally the step/dir signals are isolated at the drives
[18:48:53] <pcw_home> also unless you need a fair amount of 5V from the encoder interface, its better to power the 7I76 from th e5I25/6I25
[18:49:07] <maxcnc> i dont think the problem is there as the same 7i76 runs fine on a mill but not on the plasma
[18:49:41] <maxcnc> you recomended that last time abnd i did it your way
[18:50:56] <pcw_home> sometimes a line filter on the PC helps
[18:51:26] <maxcnc> is this a part between the connectors
[18:51:41] <maxcnc> sry for my english
[18:52:16] <pcw_home> its a filer that goes in series with the PCs power connection
[18:52:21] <pcw_home> filter
[18:52:26] <CaptHindsight> http://www.designworldonline.com/how-do-you-really-use-3d-printing-systems/ "When asked what process was used for the initial prototype, the surprising answer was CNC machines, with more than two-thirds (67.61%) of the respondents turning here first."
[18:53:12] <maxcnc> pcw_home: i will get one
[18:53:59] <pcw_home> if the sserial error is multiple extra character errors, I have a 5I25 firmware change that
[18:54:00] <pcw_home> will improve noise rejection in the 5I25 receive UARTs
[18:55:13] <maxcnc> is this error 4
[18:55:54] -!- jduhls has quit [Quit: Bye]
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[18:58:37] <maxcnc> pcw_home: is the firmware available on the net
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[19:01:06] <TAPit> maxcnc and swarfer - there is a G20 at the top of the file - when you say SCALE in ini - do you have a example entry?
[19:01:33] <TAPit> Or did you mean G50/G51 to set and cancel scaling?
[19:02:15] <maxcnc> NO does the mashine move wright in manuell movement ?
[19:02:33] <maxcnc> ARE you on IUnch or metric
[19:03:41] <swarfer> tapit said that it moves 10 inches if so commanded, so scaling must be correct, then we are left with inch/metric mode or the size of the Gcode itself, maybe th epostprocessor scaled it?
[19:04:11] <maxcnc> swarfer: right
[19:04:40] -!- robinsz has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[19:11:04] <JT-Shop> looks like the ball method to measure a taper is pretty good
[19:11:12] <maxcnc> TAPit: go to your mashine file folder open up the yourMashinename.ini file SCROLL down to [TRAJ] and read out the line LINEAR_UNITS =
[19:11:52] <gregcnc> JT-Shop, still working on the same one?
[19:13:12] <TAPit> maxcnc In TRAJ LINEAR_UNITS=inch
[19:13:36] <maxcnc> ok so is the Gcode also in inch i guess
[19:14:02] <TAPit> maxcnc yes we are using dxf2gcode and it is in inches
[19:14:03] <JT-Shop> just getting back to it and I cut a male part on the CHNC to test the fit
[19:14:38] <rob_h> Whos Idea was it to move machines this time of year!!
[19:14:44] <gregcnc> what did you decide was the actual taper?
[19:15:03] <maxcnc> TAPit: ok so in the INI file there is a line in [RS274NGC] RS274NGC_STARTUP_CODE =
[19:15:26] <maxcnc> Mine reads the RS274NGC_STARTUP_CODE = G17 G21 G54 G40 G49 G80 G90
[19:15:42] <maxcnc> Yours shoudt include the G20 instred of G21
[19:16:28] <swarfer> the G20 in the Gcode file shoudl still override that, surely?
[19:16:47] <maxcnc> swarfer: agree
[19:17:30] <maxcnc> TAPit: can you upload the gcode to pastebin ?
[19:19:51] <TAPit> maxcnc we havea RS274NGC entry but it says PARAMETER_FILE = linuxcnc.var and that is all
[19:20:26] <maxcnc> No problem
[19:21:40] <maxcnc> TAPit: can we get a look at the gcode to see if this is right
[19:23:25] <JT-Shop> 44°F and sun shining... time to go for a bike ride
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[19:29:32] <TAPit> maxcnc yes I will upload to pastebin sorry for taking so long we were experimenting.
[19:31:30] <TAPit> maxcnc http://pastebin.com/iFA26qM6 it is a 24 inch by 24 inch L shape
[19:34:56] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop, snow.
[19:35:06] <JT-Shop> shut up
[19:35:16] <Tom_itx> just started
[19:35:25] <JT-Shop> keep it!
[19:35:29] <JT-Shop> sunny here
[19:35:36] -!- asheppard has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
[19:35:52] <Tom_itx> it's moving due east
[19:36:05] <Tom_itx> http://www.intellicast.com/National/Radar/Current.aspx?animate=true&location=USKS0523
[19:36:11] <Tom_itx> bulls eye on your garage roof
[19:36:17] <maxcnc> TAPit: the gcode is clear
[19:36:49] <TAPit> maxcnc thanks and the machine moves 10 inches when told to manually move 10 inches. hmm and ugh.
[19:37:10] -!- DaPeace has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[19:38:00] -!- swarfer has quit [Quit: swarfer]
[19:38:47] <maxcnc> TAPit: can you please put a G54 behind the G20
[19:39:01] <jdh> 81f here
[19:39:33] asheppard is now known as sheppard
[19:39:35] <maxcnc> TAPit: did you touch of at the P1 G54 coordinate system as we all expect
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[19:43:46] <_methods> wtf is g64
[19:44:14] <maxcnc> _methods: its a speed up for litel gcode pathes
[19:44:26] <_methods> wtf is litel
[19:44:39] <maxcnc> overtakes some small steps and rounds corners by the given P
[19:44:39] <jdh> french spelling of little
[19:44:59] <maxcnc> _methods: G64 P0.2
[19:45:00] <_methods> oh is the g64 the trajectory planning they added or something
[19:45:37] <maxcnc> no as it is since 2.3 in use
[19:45:42] <_methods> oh lol
[19:47:03] <maxcnc> its realy good on foam or loose material
[19:47:15] <maxcnc> also on 3D sculps its perfect
[19:47:56] <TAPit> maxcnc we just got to the point of running a gcode file this morning - it worked perfectly - had a following error - I slowed machine in .ini - did other work - at some point we were thinking 'that is a bit small' and now here we are. I will try G54 after G20 now. Yes we did 'touch off' all three axis.
[19:49:04] <TAPit> maxcnc G54 did not change anything - a side note - after touching off - the shape is no longer 'on the table' but now moves so far to the left that it leaves the table.
[19:49:32] <_methods> yeah you must have touched off wrong
[19:49:46] <_methods> home your machine
[19:49:50] <_methods> then touch off on the part
[19:49:54] <_methods> work coordinate offset
[19:50:06] <_methods> seems like a lot of people like to home the machine on the part
[19:50:45] <maxcnc> _methods: Mach 3 users for instant as they came in shop first time linuxcnmc
[19:51:40] <_methods> well i think it's an easy concept to get confused when you're first starting
[19:51:47] <_methods> homing vs work offsets
[19:52:11] <maxcnc> ok im of for this year HAVE a good Xmas party and sray dry on Newyears eve BYE from Germany
[19:52:22] -!- maxcnc has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 42.0/20151030084315]]
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[19:53:18] <TAPit> In the overall configuration - which parameter sets the size of the work area? MIN_LIMIT and MAX_LIMIT?
[19:53:40] <_methods> they both do
[19:53:51] <_methods> of min is 0 and max is 18
[19:53:51] <TAPit> and they are in inches right?
[19:53:55] <_methods> your work area is 18
[19:54:18] <_methods> or if your min was -18 and max was 18
[19:54:22] <_methods> you'd be at 36
[19:54:45] <TAPit> we have min set to -5 and set to 72 which is 1/2 of our actual work area (one table)
[19:54:54] <_methods> it just depends on how your machine is physically set up
[19:56:36] -!- JT-Shop- [JT-Shop-!~john@] has joined #linuxcnc
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[20:50:14] <CaptHindsight> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nx1/nx1-the-first-fast-3d-printer fast SLA printer people don't really seem to want. Italian? No maker* or cutesy in name? Can't tell where the table ends and printer begins?
[20:50:15] -!- jasen_ [jasen_!4e533e53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:50:41] <CaptHindsight> lack of any wood grain?
[20:55:10] <CaptHindsight> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoAqoc4sLTY this one is 5x faster than ^ (5mm/m)
[20:55:44] -!- fiesh [fiesh!~fiesh@hq.wsoptics.de] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:55:53] <_methods> i was reading this morning that those kickstarter morons finally figured out the laser razor was a LIE
[20:55:59] <_methods> ermahgerd
[20:56:16] <CaptHindsight> was it a complete scam?
[20:56:20] <_methods> oh yeah
[20:56:35] <_methods> how many millions did people sign up to give away for that too
[20:56:45] <_methods> kickstarter is the new ponzi
[20:56:55] <_methods> or as sold on tv
[20:56:57] <CaptHindsight> https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-skarp-laser-razor-21st-century-shaving#/
[20:57:46] <CaptHindsight> http://www.theverge.com/2015/10/13/9518163/laser-razor-kickstarter-banned-indiegogo
[20:57:53] <_methods> heheh
[20:57:54] <enleth> pcw_home: hi, do you think it would be OK if I arranged for a courier to pick up stuff at Mesa after placing an order without shipping included? It appears that a collection request placed at my local branch of an international shipping company may be significantly cheaper than paying for shipping the usual way.
[20:57:55] <_methods> yep
[20:58:11] <CaptHindsight> they jumped from poopstarter to indepoopoo
[20:58:48] <enleth> CaptHindsight: kickstarter was OK at the beginning, then it went to shit at some point
[20:59:00] <enleth> but it's still better than everything else I guess?
[20:59:16] <gregcnc> some guys still use it after they are established?
[20:59:24] <CaptHindsight> how about a combo xray face scanner and razor?
[20:59:31] <_methods> do it
[20:59:36] <Tom_itx> it's done kick started. now it's a scam
[20:59:38] <_methods> airbag rzor
[20:59:53] <gregcnc> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tactical/ti-mqr-titanium-magnetic-quick-release-edc-keychai?ref=project_link
[21:00:00] <CaptHindsight> or a belt sander exfoliator
[21:00:02] <_methods> place your face against airbag and inflate rapidly to remove localized facial hair
[21:00:27] <Tom_itx> or for a _new_ look
[21:00:32] <enleth> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1623255426/fps1000-the-low-cost-high-frame-rate-camera - this is one of the kickstarter projects I'm following. I did not know about it when it was in the fundraising phase but I would contribute if I did.
[21:00:40] <CaptHindsight> CO2 nozzle and then snap the hair off
[21:00:44] -!- jasen_ has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[21:00:49] <CaptHindsight> may cause slight skin irritation
[21:00:59] <gregcnc> I want an fps1000 too, it sounds like they've shipped some
[21:01:07] <enleth> The guy seems to be legit and if his camera works, it will be crazy awesome
[21:01:38] <enleth> high-FPS machining videos are both cool and informative
[21:01:44] <CaptHindsight> you either need a fast enough sensor or multiple sensors
[21:02:03] <SpeedEvil> Or a line camera
[21:02:07] <SpeedEvil> (for some things)
[21:02:19] <CaptHindsight> I built some super fast cameras in the past for strip mining
[21:02:35] <gregcnc> tactical keychain guy doesn't need crowdfunding, I'm not sure why he continues to give them what 12%?
[21:02:38] <CaptHindsight> they would examine the explosions and optimize
[21:03:05] <enleth> CaptHindsight: I think he's got some kind of mostly off-the-shelf sensor and put a lot of work into making all the support stuff around it on the cheap
[21:03:12] <CaptHindsight> the greatest expense in strip mining was the cost of the explosives
[21:04:16] <enleth> If it ships and someone confirms that it meets the advertised specs, I'm definitely buying one
[21:04:31] <SpeedEvil> I want a strategic keychain.
[21:05:49] <gregcnc> I don't get the product either, but he's making money all in his garage.
[21:07:14] <enleth> gregcnc: well at least he's selling something he actually made, and it exists, and seemingly is exactly what's advertised
[21:07:20] <_methods> wtf is a strategic keychain
[21:07:43] -!- gonzo_nb [gonzo_nb!~gonzo@host-92-6-244-28.as43234.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[21:07:47] <enleth> _methods: it's for when "tactical" no longer sounds cool because you can get anything tactical
[21:07:55] <lair82> pcw_home you around?
[21:08:14] <_methods> i'm googlin it and all i'm getting is password keychains lol
[21:08:19] <_methods> and marvel shield keychains
[21:09:00] <anomynous> how about cryptonite keychains?
[21:09:43] <gregcnc> tacticalkeychains.com looks like he stopped the site. try https://www.instagram.com/tacticalkeychains/
[21:10:23] <anomynous> what are you looking for
[21:10:43] <_methods> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tactical/ti-mqr-titanium-magnetic-quick-release-edc-keychai?ref=project_link
[21:11:07] <_methods> its just a keychain?
[21:11:20] <_methods> hahahahah
[21:11:24] <_methods> a magnetic keychain
[21:11:27] <gregcnc> a magnet holds the halves together for quick release
[21:11:43] <_methods> $70k for a magnetic keycahin
[21:11:55] <_methods> gotta love kickstarter
[21:12:58] -!- robinsz [robinsz!~robin@] has joined #linuxcnc
[21:14:33] <DaViruz> looks like a perfect way to lose your keys
[21:14:53] <_methods> and wipe any usb drives in the area
[21:15:11] <anomynous> does magnet wipe them?
[21:15:14] <_methods> nah
[21:15:15] <gregcnc> no
[21:15:22] -!- PetefromTn_ [PetefromTn_!~IceChat9@75-136-59-160.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[21:15:35] <_methods> but floppy disks
[21:15:37] <_methods> look out
[21:15:49] <anomynous> im not using floppydisks anymore
[21:15:57] <_methods> you're missin out
[21:16:02] <anomynous> :(
[21:16:22] <anomynous> hmm... is floppy the hard floppy of flexy floppy?
[21:17:08] <_methods> i think it could be all of them
[21:17:22] -!- ve7it [ve7it!~LawrenceG@S01060014d19d0b68.pk.shawcable.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[21:17:40] <anomynous> having a rar or zip packaged over many floppies and having an error in one of them :(
[21:21:03] <Tom_itx> single sided 5.25" FTW
[21:21:24] <_methods> hehe notched with a paper punch
[21:21:31] <Tom_itx> yup
[21:21:44] <CaptHindsight> How do magnets work?
[21:21:52] <_methods> no one knows
[21:21:59] <Tom_itx> perpetually
[21:22:01] <_methods> is mystery
[21:22:12] <CaptHindsight> si it's like asprin or oprah?
[21:22:18] <_methods> both
[21:22:21] <_methods> in one magical cup
[21:22:30] <_methods> called the magnet
[21:23:59] <CaptHindsight> is this faith based or does it work via contributions or both?
[21:24:05] <Tom_itx> we'd be screwed without em
[21:24:26] <Tom_itx> i've contributed plenty to magnets
[21:24:29] -!- raymondhim has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[21:24:32] <gregcnc> there was a later article on cnet about the laser razor seemed like the tech is real, but it only cut one hair at a time right now and the fiber is impractically fragile.
[21:24:39] <CaptHindsight> "Is it safe from my child to swallow the keychain?"
[21:24:40] <DaViruz> i'm using floppy discs again. the control on my emco mill uses 3.5" DD-discs :)
[21:24:55] <CaptHindsight> from/for
[21:24:55] <Tom_itx> they're physical therapy
[21:25:05] <gregcnc> F1 CNC?
[21:25:20] <DaViruz> vmc-100
[21:25:35] <Tom_itx> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnet_therapy
[21:25:47] <DaViruz> silly little machine, but i got it for a pretty decent price
[21:26:24] <gregcnc> I have a pcmill 125, virtually the same
[21:26:31] <DaViruz> picked up a emco lathe from the same place
[21:26:44] <DaViruz> that one uses mini cassette tapes. that's even more troublesome then floppys
[21:27:17] -!- raymondhim [raymondhim!~raymondhi@c-73-164-116-168.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[21:28:03] <gregcnc> 20-30 years old
[21:28:11] <CaptHindsight> so it's a combination key chain, floppy and magnetic tape eraser, crt color mangler, refrigerator note holder
[21:28:38] <Tom_itx> you should get alot for one of those
[21:29:26] <FinboySlick> Sort of reminds me of that AvE quote: "Why would you use a microcontroller when all you need is a 555, two diodes and a time machine to go back to 1979?"
[21:29:36] <DaViruz> :D
[21:30:32] <CaptHindsight> 555 in DIP package might require a time mashine
[21:30:34] <DaViruz> i picked up a mini cassette to make a backup of the machine data. rs232 is probably a bit more convenient for program transfer
[21:30:45] <_methods> yeah i guess i kinda sold it short......it has so many uses lol
[21:30:48] <_methods> magnetic thereap
[21:30:52] <_methods> therapy even
[21:31:02] <CaptHindsight> dream catcher
[21:31:36] <CaptHindsight> it can hold bags closed without making a hole
[21:32:40] <CaptHindsight> keep fresh socks, gloves, clothing on the side of your VMC with no drilling or gluing
[21:33:50] <gregcnc> fresh pant liners for when the Estop is really needed
[21:34:02] <CaptHindsight> I can already see the infomercial
[21:35:34] <anomynous> how deep can indexable drill drill into steel dry without melting?
[21:35:42] <anomynous> or clogging
[21:36:12] <DaViruz> i was contemplating the most convenient way to mill a hex on the end of a rod
[21:36:18] <DaViruz> when a friend showed me these:
[21:36:21] <DaViruz> http://www.arceurotrade.co.uk/Catalogue/Collets/ER-Collet-Fixtures#Stevensons-ER40-Collet-Blocks
[21:36:27] <DaViruz> quite nifty
[21:36:43] <DaViruz> possibly quite well known though i guess
[21:36:52] <gregcnc> In 5C flavor yes
[21:37:12] <CaptHindsight> isn't there a womens razor that uses light on TV?
[21:37:18] <gregcnc> ER blocks are specific to that source.
[21:37:27] <_methods> heh never seen ER ones
[21:37:30] <_methods> only 5c
[21:37:36] <DaViruz> oh
[21:37:47] -!- Connor has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[21:37:58] <DaViruz> i have nothing 5C, but a bit of ER stuff
[21:38:38] <gregcnc> capt, those are hot wire i think
[21:39:24] <CaptHindsight> https://www.silkn.com/flash-and-go/ here it is
[21:40:18] <gregcnc> that's probably new if it's for home use
[21:40:29] <gregcnc> profesional machines have been around for a long time
[21:41:37] <gregcnc> industry recycles just sent me endmills and a bag of candy
[21:41:47] <CaptHindsight> https://youtu.be/zW7uZU7WXXM?t=2m44s Flash & Go Update #4 NSFB (not safe for bigots)
[21:44:19] <FinboySlick> CaptHindsight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYbP-fkiJ0o is a bit manlier.
[21:46:16] <cradek> I've read that nothing but electrolysis really works well at all, especially home stuff
[21:46:25] -!- sumpfralle [sumpfralle!~lars@erina.opennet-initiative.de] has joined #linuxcnc
[21:47:25] <FinboySlick> "On a scale of one to America, how free are you tonight?"
[21:47:54] <CaptHindsight> UV would have to be low enough to fend off an lawsuits over cancer
[21:48:00] <CaptHindsight> an/any
[21:49:31] <CaptHindsight> then again that what many of these outfits do is sell a buttload of something then go "bankrupt" before the suits
[21:50:06] <CaptHindsight> but the 6-7 figure salaries have all been paid
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[22:19:06] <Deejay> gn8
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[22:52:47] <Jymmm> How to scare the fuck out of Jymmm...
[22:53:53] <Jymmm> Have a pyro experiment started inside, go out on the back porch for a few minutes, watch the lil smoking coning out of the chimney, then all of a sudden see smoke coming out from under the porch!
[22:54:15] -!- Valen has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[22:55:02] <Jymmm> Sidenote: GF doing laundry which VENTS to under the porch (aka steam, not smoke =)
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[23:23:28] <Tom_itx> false alarm
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[23:42:47] <SpeedEvil> http://imgur.com/gallery/OlpI8cf This is not CNC.
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[23:49:38] <Tom_itx> they compete to see how thin they can cut it
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[23:51:54] <JT-Shop-> touch probe is here
[23:52:01] <Tom_itx> cool
[23:52:06] <Tom_itx> it can snow now.
[23:52:13] <Tom_itx> you must stay in and play
[23:52:42] <JT-Shop-> looks nice
[23:52:48] <JT-Shop-> a lot smaller that I thought
[23:53:20] <Tom_itx> what's the diameter?
[23:54:03] <PetefromTn_> What touch probe did you get?
[23:54:17] <JT-Shop-> about 1.148"
[23:54:38] <PetefromTn_> wow that is tiny
[23:54:46] <Tom_itx> sounds about right
[23:54:50] <JT-Shop-> seems well made
[23:55:02] <Tom_itx> i made a smaller one for my sherline and a couple larger ones
[23:55:13] <JT-Shop-> lol facebook wants me to be a friend with Pete
[23:55:25] <PetefromTn_> ?
[23:55:27] <Tom_itx> not sure i'd friend him...
[23:55:32] <Tom_itx> he's quite a character
[23:55:37] <PetefromTn_> you mean PCW?
[23:55:38] <JT-Shop-> not sure how they guess that
[23:55:52] -!- kalxas has quit [Quit: Goodbye]
[23:55:56] <JT-Shop-> no, you
[23:56:15] <PetefromTn_> I didn't friend request you but I just never thought of it ;)
[23:56:31] <JT-Shop-> it was a suggested friend
[23:56:38] <PetefromTn_> besides you are right....I am an azzhole so why would you want to LOL
[23:56:50] <JT-Shop-> I'm like how did they know I know you
[23:57:08] <JT-Shop-> I don't get on there much
[23:57:11] <PetefromTn_> that is a good question
[23:57:22] <Tom_itx> i stay off those types of social media
[23:57:30] <PetefromTn_> I have no idea how they get suggestions
[23:57:33] <JT-Shop-> I did some steel fencing for a guy and they suggested him too
[23:57:40] <PetefromTn_> honestly I quite enjoy facebook
[23:57:54] <JT-Shop-> anyway time to put on the chef hat
[23:58:00] JT-Shop- is now known as JT-Shop
[23:58:02] <PetefromTn_> there are lots of groups on there that I am in for different things
[23:58:16] <JT-Shop> we need to play with probing tomorrow
[23:58:31] <PetefromTn_> and none of them have anything to do with furry costumes :D