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[01:47:23] <PetefromTn_andro> Evening folks
[01:49:25] <anarchos> hi hi
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[01:50:18] <PetefromTn_andro> :D
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[01:59:27] <PetefromTn_andro> Man I took some time to straighten out the shop this weekend. Amazing how messy things can get when you are working on several different projects at once. With any luck my new spindle motor bearings will arrive sometime tomorrow.
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[02:01:23] <skunkworks_> we cleaned the garage for a rummage sale coming up... I think there was 7 shovels full of dirt where the cars parked..
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[02:01:37] <skunkworks_> it now smells like a garage again. (oil and gas)
[02:02:02] <skunkworks_> and about a cubic yard of cardboard
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[02:02:25] <PetefromTn_andro> I hear ya I got like four garbage bags full of aluminum chips I need to get to the recycling folks
[02:02:30] <skunkworks_> (it hasn't been cleaned for a couple of years
[02:02:32] <skunkworks_> _
[02:02:34] <skunkworks_> )
[02:03:02] <anarchos> my machine design has started ;)
[02:03:05] <anarchos>
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[02:03:30] <PetefromTn_andro> I Did manage to find some time to turn down an insertion tool for the breech seal on my RWS54 air rifle
[02:03:53] <skunkworks_> anarchos, what is the scale?
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[02:04:52] <PetefromTn_andro> I also replaced the wood piece that the receiver fits into on my spring compressor with a nice aluminum lathe turned one as well.
[02:05:42] <anarchos> 3 bannanas
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[02:06:40] <anarchos> working dimensions are 18" base by 21" column (21"x24" outside demensions)
[02:06:58] <anarchos> by 9" wide
[02:08:15] <skunkworks_> neat
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[02:09:23] <anarchos> the base and column are going to be made from 3" granite surface plates
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[03:05:23] <digshadow> I need to reinstall my linuxcnc rig and am looking at using a pre-packaged .iso vs trying to install on ubuntu 12.04 using these instructions:
[03:05:31] <digshadow> its hard to get a feel for maturity of one vs the other
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[03:05:39] <digshadow> any reason not to go the 12.04 route?
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[03:09:59] <CaptHindsight> digshadow: you might not like Unity
[03:10:16] <CaptHindsight> try it live first
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[03:11:15] <ktchk>
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[03:12:10] <ktchk> I had beenusing it for a while, apt-get gnome panel can replace unity
[03:14:04] <ktchk> It is not sim I can drive the router with 12.04 and is waiting for Heekscad to work under ubuntu 12.04 then it will be perfect.
[03:14:37] <digshadow> CaptHindsight: I don't like unity
[03:14:41] <digshadow> but I can easily install metacity
[03:16:45] <digshadow> also i've been using it for a while
[03:17:07] <digshadow> on other systems and had problems with missing drivers and such
[03:17:48] <CaptHindsight> give them a try, I experienced issues with Ubuntu's choices for X and drivers
[03:18:04] <digshadow> okay, sounds like I should give it a try then
[03:18:08] <digshadow> I'm not hearing things like "it crashes al ot"
[03:18:12] <CaptHindsight> I tried 12.04 for about 6 months
[03:19:02] <CaptHindsight> multitouch was a bit flaky
[03:19:58] <CaptHindsight> the debian hybrid iso uses LXDE
[03:20:25] <digshadow> hmm
[03:20:31] <digshadow> allright, maybe I'll give that atry then
[03:20:49] <CaptHindsight> I think thats the direction the devs are moving to
[03:21:12] <CaptHindsight> Ubuntu has just gotten too crazy
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[03:21:18] <digshadow> yeah I would agree
[03:21:43] <digshadow> i'm the same crowd that thinks that windows 2000 was the height of the windows world
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[03:21:52] <digshadow> (or maybe xp)
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[03:24:26] <CaptHindsight> I'm using wheezy with the 3.4-9 RTAI and Gentoo with 3.14 RTAI
[03:26:35] <CaptHindsight> both with LXDE
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[03:30:22] <roycroft> the windows world had a high note?
[03:31:31] <roycroft> doesn't it just meander through a mist of mediocracy?
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[04:09:42] <XXCoder> roycroft: windows xp
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[04:09:45] <XXCoder> then windows 7
[04:10:15] <XXCoder> windows 95 had meh start but got allright. 98 se flopped at start but got awesome
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[04:10:33] <XXCoder> but then they gotr BAAD low points. windows me. they dont even list it in website
[04:10:41] <XXCoder> vista is almost as bad as win me
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[05:45:39] <anarchos>
[05:45:58] <anarchos> i'm starting to think i need to find some thinner profile slides
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[05:46:05] <anarchos> now that i've added the saddle in...
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[05:46:17] <anarchos> still have to add in a cross table
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[06:11:29] <archivist> and move the slides apart for the drive screws
[06:12:16] <archivist> and think about the rotational stiffness of the thing
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[06:38:58] <Valen> A friend of mine has this widget
[06:39:20] <Valen> its a pair of threaded things held together with a set screw for "reasons"
[06:39:34] <Valen> he wants to measure the concentricity of the two parts
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[06:39:37] <Valen> without a lathe
[06:39:47] <Valen> he has V blocks
[06:39:52] <Valen> any suggestions for him?
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[06:40:07] * Valen pokes archivist
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[06:41:25] <Deejay> moin
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[06:53:54] <archivist> Valen, looks worn
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[06:54:12] <Valen> archivist its brand new i believe
[06:54:14] <Valen> never used ;->
[06:55:26] <archivist> function? I can see a vertical line and a polished area to the right
[06:55:52] <archivist> typical of a video/audio tape guide
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[06:56:51] <Valen> some big mystery
[06:56:58] <Valen> all hush hush
[06:57:15] <Valen> some vacuum part
[06:57:27] <Valen> I'm going to guess part of a microscope or something like that
[06:57:38] <Valen> talsit is the one whose widget it is
[06:58:43] <talsit> what now?
[06:58:53] <talsit> ah... now i read :D
[06:59:21] <talsit> it's part of a science machine
[06:59:26] <Valen> archivist makes bits for mechanical clocks, he can do precision ;->
[06:59:36] <talsit> not worn, never used
[07:00:20] <talsit> i've just been removing excess oil with a cloth
[07:00:33] <archivist> well marked for never used
[07:00:45] <talsit> marked where?
[07:00:54] <Valen> the band in the middle on the right
[07:01:15] <Valen> and at the end
[07:01:51] <Valen> surface finishes can be hard to see in photos though
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[07:02:17] <talsit> better?
[07:02:20] <talsit>
[07:02:49] -!- jerryitt has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
[07:02:56] <talsit> literally taken out of the plastic, put on that, wiped a bit, then taken a photo
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[07:03:46] <archivist> 1 ground finish, 2 wear mark
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[07:04:35] <archivist> second pic shows an obvious flat
[07:04:45] <talsit> yes, there is a wrench flat
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[07:06:20] <archivist> unless you can clamp the v block to a table and clamp the item in v it is not too easy to measure concentricity
[07:07:20] <talsit> yeah, that's what i'm seeing
[07:07:59] <archivist> I made a jig plate here to clamp the v blocks separate from the v clamps to tests some bevels I made
[07:09:26] <archivist> I am on the UK mailing list for scientific instrument info :)
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[07:09:42] <talsit> which list is that?
[07:09:48] <archivist> rete
[07:10:18] <archivist>
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[07:12:05] <archivist> I have a comparator with the right kind of anvil built in to test that item
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[07:22:10] <talsit> oh, that list looks interesting
[07:23:47] <archivist> I never did post to that list with a level I have (took it into that museum)
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[08:05:43] <anarchos> archivist: the slides are fixed because they are based off of the dxf from supplier
[08:05:56] <anarchos> unless you mean move the base and column slides apart
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[08:08:50] <anarchos> i was thinking if the base saddle could slide under the column slides I'd be able to maximize my Y travel
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[08:12:05] <anarchos> but i suppose that would introduce a problem when there's something on the saddle :P
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[08:14:08] <archivist> which supplier/slides?
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[08:14:33] <anarchos> setco
[08:15:02] <anarchos> well, setco is the only ones i could find that provide drawings :P
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[08:15:14] <anarchos> i haven't actually contacted them about price/availability yet
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[09:13:50] <archivist> cheap toy
[09:17:14] <anarchos> oh man i wish i had the space for stuff like that
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[11:05:45] <rwlloyd> HI All. Trying to get the default LinuxCNC nc program to run but the controller is complaining that it isn't moned, even though it is. Is this a common problem?
[11:06:04] <rwlloyd> homed, not moned. weird typo
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[11:08:18] <MattyMatt> rwlloyd, what controller, and do you have home switches?
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[11:10:07] <MattyMatt> I don't have home switches, so I have to go through a routine starting with Unhome All Axis to move below the initial origin it powers up with
[11:10:08] <rwlloyd> It's a chinese TB6560 and yes, I have home switches.
[11:10:51] <rwlloyd> the system homes normally, but then spits its dummy if i try to give an MDI command or run a program
[11:11:55] <MattyMatt> do you have the little fiducials by the axis DRO?
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[11:12:23] <MattyMatt> if an axis is homed, the fiducial is next to the co-ordinate. it's like a little target shape
[11:12:44] <rwlloyd> yes
[11:12:58] <jthornton> new technical term I'
[11:13:08] <jthornton> m not familiar with "spits its dummy"
[11:13:49] <MattyMatt> it's like "throws its toys out of the pram", but more immediate :)
[11:14:25] <rwlloyd> more of a shitfit than a tantrum
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[11:14:51] <MattyMatt> childcare and IT industries will merge eventually, and you'll get a social worker on your back if you abuse them
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[11:15:33] <Tom_itx> diagnosable as ADD so Dr's can make money off it
[11:15:52] <SpeedEvil> As long as it doesn't go the other way round.
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[11:16:00] <SpeedEvil> 'Have you tried turning it off and on again?
[11:16:19] <rwlloyd> sounds like a job for the off hammer!
[11:16:22] <MattyMatt> rubber hammer. I've been rebooting MY kids for years
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[11:16:45] * MattyMatt safe to say that on irc. no kids
[11:18:08] <rwlloyd> so.... no ideas? what else is required for machines to think they've been homed?
[11:18:36] <rwlloyd> won't let me touch off even
[11:18:41] <MattyMatt> that's about it afaik, if all the axis are homed, it should run a program or MDI
[11:18:50] <archivist> have you set up more axes than you have homed
[11:22:12] <rwlloyd> there are 4 axis on the machine, but i've not given the a axis any sort of homing. Not even in the config. Does that need to be done manually?
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[11:23:32] <archivist> yes A still needs some form of homing
[11:23:42] <jthornton>
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[11:23:51] <archivist> I manually home A and B
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[11:24:09] <rwlloyd> annnnd it seems to be working. sorry for my idiocy
[11:24:21] <rwlloyd> i still prefer this to mach3 though
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[11:39:05] <Valen> pshaw homing is for chumps!
[11:39:06] <Valen> ;->
[11:39:21] <Valen> we run without homing all the time
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[11:40:37] <rwlloyd> I would. But i want the machine to be fairly idiot proof
[11:41:42] * Loetmichel likes that "homing A " feature
[11:41:55] <Loetmichel> makes the machine "co-worker-proof"
[11:42:16] <Loetmichel> he comes to me EVERY time.. "i want to mill something bit it says "not homed?"
[11:42:41] <Loetmichel> he cant seem to remember Menue-> homing-> home A
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[11:43:27] <Loetmichel> so i know when he mislls something and can account broken mill bits to him ;-)
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[12:25:00] <PetefromTn_> Morning folks...
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[12:25:16] <PetefromTn_> Got a quickie question for you machine guys
[12:25:44] <PetefromTn_> I am expecting the new spindle motor bearings to arrive here today and have been contemplating grease for them.
[12:26:06] <PetefromTn_> I asked the seller but they do not sell grease nor did they have any specific recommendation.
[12:26:24] <PetefromTn_> I have a couple greases here that I think would be suitable.
[12:26:36] <archivist> look at bearing company data
[12:26:57] <PetefromTn_> The bearings will see 12k RPM for extended periods of time and are rated for much higher than that.
[12:27:22] <PetefromTn_> I have something called Ultimox 226 in a small tub with enough quantity for the bearings and then some.
[12:27:32] <PetefromTn_> It is supposed to be ideal for bearing applications.
[12:27:53] <PetefromTn_> I also have some Super lube with PTFE/PFPE
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[12:30:02] <jdh> Pete: get some of that Kluber stuff from connor
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[12:30:17] <MattyMatt> is there no chance on a wet sump for the bottom bearing at least?
[12:30:36] <MattyMatt> 12krpm is oil territory surely
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[12:30:48] <PetefromTn_> I actually have some kluber grease here but it is a very small vial and not nearly enough
[12:31:08] <PetefromTn_> No actually the original bearings are special high speed angular contacts that ran in grease.
[12:31:10] <MattyMatt> duh spindle motor, not spindle
[12:31:21] <PetefromTn_> spindle is grease too.
[12:31:32] <jdh> spindle is half speed though?
[12:31:38] <PetefromTn_> yeah 6k
[12:31:53] <PetefromTn_> cannot wait to be able to run it at 6k without cringing LOL
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[12:32:19] <PetefromTn_> Does Connor have kluber grease?
[12:32:37] <jdh> he got some super grease for his spindle bearing upgrade
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[12:33:00] <jdh> but maybe not super enough for 12krpm
[12:33:03] <PetefromTn_> oh okay.. probably got the same little vial I got somewhere around here.
[12:33:35] <PetefromTn_> This ultimox 226 is supposed to be a high performance grease
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[12:33:59] <PetefromTn_> it cost about as much as gold per ounce it seemed like LOL
[12:34:04] <archivist> high perf in what application!
[12:34:25] <jdh> those special nights when the kids are out.
[12:34:32] <PetefromTn_>
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[12:35:22] <jdh> I use Krytox for oxygen clean places.
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[12:35:38] <PetefromTn_> I have some krytox here too..
[12:35:47] <PetefromTn_> It is an oil tho this is a grease
[12:35:54] <PetefromTn_> it is apparently made from the same stuff.
[12:35:58] <jdh> not a great lube other than preventing oxgyen fires
[12:36:24] <PetefromTn_> thats not my experience at all
[12:36:35] <jdh> you had oxygen fires with it?
[12:37:05] <PetefromTn_> no but I have used it in several metal to metal lubrication situations where an oil would be suitable and it works great.
[12:37:35] <jdh> Lubricates spark plug boots
[12:37:46] <jdh> Eliminates squeaks, judder and sticking of rubber seals and weather-stripping in convertible top
[12:38:01] <jdh> IMO, high performance bearing grease should be way too expensive to use on your convertible.
[12:39:59] <PetefromTn_> What do you call expensive?? This tiny tub was like $30.00
[12:41:05] <jdh> did you see the note on bearings?
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[12:41:46] <Jymmm> 55gal lube for $900
[12:42:01] <Jymmm> (read the comments)
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[12:43:15] <PetefromTn_> what note?
[12:43:38] <jdh> NOTE: PFPE/PTFE greases in bearing applications may not work as effectively if contaminated with other types of lubricants. Make sure that the bearing is free of hydrocarbon oil, grease and any residue before lubricating with ULTIMOX 226, Krytox or any other PFPE/PTFE grease).
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[12:44:19] <PetefromTn_> oh yeah well this is going to be a brand new set of bearings so no concerns there I suppose.
[12:44:40] <PetefromTn_> it did say it is an ideal grease for bearings tho..
[12:44:52] <Jymmm> charcoal lighter fluid does great to remove lithium grease.
[12:48:30] <PetefromTn_> Well according to the PDF from Fafnir that bearing spec is for Kluber ISOFLEX NBU15. As I said I have some around here but I cannot find it. And worse it is probably not enough to do both bearings.
[12:49:07] <PetefromTn_>,d.eXY
[12:50:14] <PetefromTn_> 2MM209WI and 2MM306WI
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[12:51:36] <PetefromTn_> on page 135 it says kluber isoflex in 15% and 20% 2.77 and 3.70 I guess that means ounces or something?
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[12:52:45] <jdh> grams maybe
[12:54:29] <Jymmm> page 134 sys grams
[12:54:34] <Jymmm> says*
[12:57:36] <PetefromTn_> Check it out guys!! Just got an email from my friend Pascal in France. He posted photos of my rails I sent him on a French Field Target Forum. I'm world famous now hehehe
[12:58:07] <Jymmm> But it's Frances, doens't really count
[12:58:13] <Jymmm> -s
[12:58:33] <PetefromTn_> Gee thanks man you're all heart.
[12:59:10] <Jymmm> No worries, I'm sure some other location will pick it up
[12:59:24] <PetefromTn_> the second guy said C'est Magnifique!! LOL
[12:59:34] <jdh> pete: looks nice!
[12:59:35] <PetefromTn_> I think that means good LOL
[13:00:17] <PetefromTn_> Trying to figure this out. How to tell if you need 15% or 20% grease in the bearings?
[13:00:22] <PetefromTn_> Thanks JDH
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[13:01:23] <archivist> speed and temperature effect the fill factor
[13:01:37] <Jymmm> PetefromTn_: I wasn't picking on you as much as France btw =)
[13:01:42] <jdh> do you have a bearing packer?
[13:01:52] <SpeedEvil> PetefromTn_: That's convenient. For 15% fill factor, you only need to fill one in seven.
[13:02:20] <PetefromTn_> I know I was just kiddin'
[13:02:26] <Jymmm> PetefromTn_: =)
[13:02:31] <PetefromTn_> I don't know which percentage to go with tho.
[13:02:42] <PetefromTn_> I need to get some of this stuff ordered quick tho.
[13:02:56] <PetefromTn_> I also need to tear down the shop and find that damn grease I bought.
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[13:03:35] <PetefromTn_> if both bearings take about 3.7 grams of grease that means I need about 8 grams of kluber grease.
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[13:04:33] <PetefromTn_> that really seems like not a lot at all.
[13:07:30] <Jymmm> PetefromTn_: You should just request a sample
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[13:08:47] <Jymmm> of each
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[13:12:29] <PetefromTn_> Damn accidentally unplugged my computer LOL
[13:17:45] <PetefromTn_> I just translated the website from French to english and apparently he said they were a little stunned by the customs taxes. He also had to pay like $48.00 shipping for them. I guess if they want more over there in france they are gonna have to do a group buy or something LOL.
[13:19:47] <jdh> ship them as used cheese presses
[13:20:53] <PetefromTn_> Hell I will ship them as whatever it takes if they order enough of them LOL...
[13:21:10] <PetefromTn_> rubber dog doo hell I don't care hehe
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[13:21:34] <PetefromTn_> just went back out there to look for the kluber grease tiny tube I bought.
[13:21:44] <PetefromTn_> Still can't find the damn thing.
[13:21:59] <PetefromTn_> Spent my load on these bearings for the week too unfortunately.
[13:22:48] <jdh> look in that box in teh corner under the other box with that stuff you thought you would never use but can't throw away.
[13:23:20] <PetefromTn_> Yeah it's probably behind it in the corner covered in dust and chips on the floor.
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[13:23:43] <jdh> or oozing out in the back corner of a toolbox
[13:23:58] <PetefromTn_> I know I did not wind up using too much of it I bought it for the RF45 bearing upgrade I did awhile back.
[13:26:41] <PetefromTn_> Well I gotta get some things done this morning. I need to get some of that Kluber grease tho somehow. I will be back in a bit.
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[13:55:08] <rwlloyd> Anybody got any advice on turning stepper drivers without knowing what they expect pulse wise? Two of the axis sound lovely. The Y sounds like a woodpecker having a fit
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[13:56:19] <Rab> rwlloyd, sure it's the stepper and not resonance in the axis hardware?
[13:57:15] <rwlloyd> the noise moves when i swap the axis
[13:57:24] <Rab> ah
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[13:57:41] <rwlloyd> im playing with the levels of microstepping now... i think it might be a dodgy driver
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[13:58:59] <jdh> swap drivers with another axis
[14:00:59] <rwlloyd> iut's one of those chinese tb6560 boards....
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[14:02:33] <rwlloyd> strangely though it sounds fine if you jog the axis with the pendant controls.
[14:02:54] <BonnyII> Hello.. Can someone help me to setup webcam tab? (psha work)
[14:03:01] <Jymmm> rwlloyd: axis idle current setting?
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[14:03:51] <rwlloyd> jymmm: its only when moving that it's weird
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[14:05:35] <Jymmm> rwlloyd: move it to a different driver on the board. see if it follows the motor, cable, or driver.
[14:05:55] <rwlloyd> done that, it follows the driver
[14:06:11] <BonnyII> Is this IRC work? (sorry IRC newbie here)
[14:06:31] <Jymmm> BonnyII: yes.
[14:06:43] <BonnyII> Thanks....
[14:07:24] <Jymmm> rwlloyd: verify that all the drivers have the same settings.
[14:07:52] <BonnyII> I Had all working but the computer died. Now I transfer to the new one but can't get camview working .
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[14:09:41] <carper64> do anyone know if there's any more work been done on the indexing lathe spindle running as C axis I think it might have been Andypugh that was working on it
[14:09:55] <BonnyII> with cheese I get video from webcam, but camview say 640X480 UNRECOGNIZED
[14:11:30] <BonnyII> I just find that camview complain in console with Warning: /dev/video0 does not support VIDIOC_CROPCAP
[14:12:05] <archivist> have you changed camera or OS as well
[14:12:46] <BonnyII> Camera is same. But changed from 6.4 to lucid
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[14:15:12] <rwlloyd> jymmm: done that too. All seems well. Still the noise though. If the pendant (which is a separate system) is moving the drive smoothly, I wonder is it is the pulse timings...
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[14:20:07] <MattyMatt> TB6560 can be reliably driven at 7µs mark & space
[14:20:42] <rwlloyd> Cheers matt!
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[14:20:58] <MattyMatt> I've resisted the temptation to get the pendant and DRO
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[14:21:23] <MattyMatt> manual control and steppers don't really mix, without encoders
[14:22:04] <rwlloyd> yeah. I'm going to take it off once everythings running
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[14:22:55] <rwlloyd> still making the noise though. I think it's definitely the driver.... might have to check what the support is like from china...
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[14:23:42] <MattyMatt> I got 2 of those boards, each which had been hacked to work a different way
[14:24:22] <rwlloyd> this is what's weird, it works, just not nicely
[14:24:49] <MattyMatt> so I assume they're all factory rejects which have been revived in small workshops
[14:25:21] <MattyMatt> that describes these 4 axis boards to a T. they work, just not nicely
[14:26:00] <MattyMatt> and if you go too near the 36V limit, they stop working with extreme prejudice
[14:26:13] <MattyMatt> that hasn't happened to me, but I've seen pics
[14:27:50] <rwlloyd> I told them to buy geckos
[14:27:51] <MattyMatt> I've got 2 of those DIV-268 TB6600 drivers to play with. on paper they are much better, and still good value
[14:28:19] <rwlloyd> This is a HY-TB4
[14:29:01] <MattyMatt> yep I got 2 of those too. I bypassed the optos on one, and killed the other board attempting the same
[14:29:11] <rwlloyd> It came with a 3 axis machine that I have largely disassembled in preparation for involving a laser...
[14:29:40] <rwlloyd> this is one of the versions that has two seperate boards
[14:30:25] <MattyMatt> for a laser, I'd consider new drivers too then, or you'll be crippled on top speed
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[14:31:21] <MattyMatt> or prevented from using microstepping, in order to achieve high speed
[14:32:12] <archivist> longshine drivers are not too bad, for speed use servos
[14:32:13] <rwlloyd> its for laser drilling. Doesn't need the speed or even the accuracy really, just positional reliability for setup
[14:33:42] <MattyMatt> bypassing the optos didn't buy me a whole lot a of extra speed either
[14:34:38] <zq> what's the idiomatic way to get continuous jogging?
[14:34:49] <MattyMatt> I haven't pushed the envelope of stepping rate tho, as 7+7µs is already way outside the spec of 15+15
[14:34:56] <zq> using external input, that is
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[14:35:35] <MattyMatt> zq with a jogwheel generating quadrature?
[14:36:02] <zq> MattyMatt: with a pair of pushbuttons, actually
[14:36:20] <MattyMatt> HAL pins either way, I think
[14:36:24] <zq> well yeah
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[14:36:42] <zq> but .jog-counts don't really do continuous regardless of jog-vel-mode
[14:36:50] * MattyMatt hazy on details too. try the wiki
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[14:48:00] <anarchos2> any good g code editors for linux?
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[14:49:37] <Rab> anarchos2, I've been using vim quite a bit, and it works well.
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[14:50:13] <rwlloyd> nano, gedit, emacs, vim...
[14:50:41] <anarchos2> i was hoping for something g code specific....with like a built in simulator and what not.
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[14:51:17] <CaptHindsight> use the above for editing and Linuxcnc SIM for simulating
[14:52:22] <Rab> anarchos2, tried OpenSCAM?
[14:53:40] <Rab> Website seems to be down right now, but here's the github page:
[15:01:18] <anarchos2> yeah i tried installing that but there's some dependancy issues i couldn't resolve
[15:01:35] <anarchos2> well, resolve using aptitude, didn't go as far as trying to compile the dep
[15:02:10] <Rab> I haven't been able to compile it for Slackware, so I feel your pain. But it looks like it ought to be a good solution.
[15:02:28] <anarchos2> it says i need
[15:02:49] <anarchos2> and i have libv8 3.8.x.x
[15:03:19] <anarchos2> 'spose i could try compiling it. I kinda hate compiling things :P. just seems so messy. i love a good package manager :P
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[15:07:19] <anarchos2> and to think i used to be a huge gentoo enthusiast :P
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[15:18:09] <anarchos2> hmm
[15:18:17] -!- snafu79213 [snafu79213!80e9f95d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has parted #linuxcnc
[15:18:22] <anarchos2> emc doesn't recognize O words?
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[15:23:42] <anarchos2> well, OpenSCAM compiled fairly painlessly
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[15:26:25] <anarchos2> it's actually very nice!
[15:26:29] <anarchos2> QT too, i think.
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[15:27:24] <archivist> anarchos2, linuxcnc does know O codes
[15:27:57] <anarchos2> I wonder if OpenSCAM could be utilized as the GCode viewer for a future QT based GUI?
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[15:32:53] <anarchos2> archivist: hmmm...the gcode tutorial i was following has O word as an ID number, basically
[15:33:06] <anarchos2> like to start out with % Oxxxxx
[15:33:25] <archivist> where is that tutorial
[15:33:49] <anarchos2>
[15:34:15] <anarchos2> @2min
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[15:35:09] <archivist> please follow better stuff, that does not state which flavour
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[15:35:37] <anarchos2> i think he mentiones that it's fanuc
[15:35:48] <anarchos2> i could be wrong, that might have been the last one i watched
[15:36:37] <archivist> may I point you at 1:20 at the beginning where he states the flavours vary
[15:37:08] <archivist> I have slow drawl videos, they dont help much at all
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[15:37:46] <anarchos2> heh
[15:38:07] <anarchos2> so linuxcnc follows the NIST standard?
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[15:39:05] <archivist> something like that
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[15:40:14] <archivist> I think there is nothing without some extensions and differences to any known standard
[15:40:41] <anarchos2> yeah
[15:41:09] <anarchos2> if i had to pick a tutorial to follow, is there a major manufacturer that is the most close to lcnc?
[15:43:15] <archivist> linuxcnc is the closest!
[15:44:20] <archivist> do you learn to drive a 3 wheeler in order to be a truck driver
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[15:45:27] <roycroft> hey, folks
[15:45:36] <roycroft> this conversation reminds me of something i was going to ask about
[15:46:04] <roycroft> while waiting for my ball screws to arrive, and while working on the design of my router, i want to spend some time on the software side of my build
[15:46:22] <roycroft> i have a computer ready to go running linuxcnc - i built that a long time ago when i was going to cnc my mini-mill
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[15:46:46] <roycroft> but i don't know much about how to get from acad/solidworks/illustrator to gcode
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[15:46:59] <roycroft> any primers/pointers on that?
[15:47:29] <archivist> acad, wouldnt bother, solidworks there are some cam plug ins
[15:49:17] <roycroft> i can import 2d acad drawings into solidworks, and that's a lot easier than trying to do 3d stuff in solidworks
[15:49:17] <roycroft> er, in acad
[15:49:17] <roycroft> i don't have inventor
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[15:49:17] <roycroft> although from what i'm told, it's easier to import dwg into solidworks than into inventor
[15:49:17] <archivist> but...I use inside rear of skull for my cam
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[15:49:17] <roycroft> i'll be doing a fair amount of engraving
[15:49:20] <roycroft> i generally do that design work in illustrator
[15:49:28] <archivist> see truetype tracer
[15:49:39] <roycroft> ok, thanks
[15:49:57] <anarchos2> roycroft, get HSMExpress for SolidWorks
[15:50:06] <anarchos2> free 2.5D CAM plugin
[15:50:08] <anarchos2> it's great
[15:50:28] <anarchos2> super easy and very powerful
[15:51:09] <roycroft> cool, thanks
[15:51:15] * roycroft has two things to check out now
[15:52:00] <anarchos2> it's HSMWorks that's limited to 2.5D, but otherwise the same, so unless you have a 4+ axis machine, it's $10k worth of software for free :)
[15:53:45] <jdh> and free solidworks?
[15:53:47] <CaptHindsight> how is their CAM 2.5D vs being 3D?
[15:54:01] <roycroft> i'll eventually have a 4 axis machine
[15:54:06] <roycroft> but not for a while
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[15:54:28] <roycroft> solidworks was anything but free
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[15:54:42] <roycroft> fortunately work paid for that
[15:54:49] <roycroft> unfortunately work won't pay for support
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[15:54:54] <roycroft> so i have the version i have
[15:54:56] <anarchos2> CaptHindsight, 2.5D from what i understand basically just means 3D on 3 axis'
[15:55:05] <roycroft> which is 2012, so i'm not too far behind yet
[15:55:06] <anarchos2> CaptHindsight, no overhangs, etc
[15:55:19] <Rab> roycroft, I've been doing engraving (and other 2D) in Inkscape, then exporting with Gcodetools. It works OK. Not sure if you'd rather use Inkscape than Illustrator.
[15:55:52] <anarchos2> I have the .edu version of SolidWorks
[15:55:53] <roycroft> i've never heard of nor (obviously) used inkscape
[15:55:59] <anarchos2> It's gonna run out soon :(
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[15:56:05] <roycroft> so i don't know if i'd rather use it than illustrator
[15:56:14] <roycroft> take a class, anarchos2!
[15:56:20] <roycroft> cheaper than buying the software
[15:56:23] <Rab> roycroft, it's an open source vector drawing program similar to Illustrator.
[15:56:25] <anarchos2> lol that's for sure
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[15:57:47] <anarchos2> roycroft, my ex school keeps access available to the email account for a number of years (as they will only officially communicate via their email) so all I have to do is send an email every year or two being like "oh hey i'm thinking of coming back..."
[15:57:56] <anarchos2> that would be dishonest, though ;)
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[15:59:14] <anarchos2> but can't beat $150/yr. and you get a free t-shirt!
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[16:02:35] <Deejay> namd
[16:02:40] <anarchos2> a fully OSS workflow would be nice, though
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[16:05:30] <roycroft> so are there any free/low-cost 4d cam packages?
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[16:05:51] <roycroft> it will be some time before i have a 4th axis, but that's definitely coming
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[16:06:31] <roycroft> "low cost" meaning <$1k, in this context
[16:06:40] <archivist> you can cheat for engraving around A, pretend it is a linear axis
[16:07:07] <roycroft> yes, i suppose that would work
[16:07:12] <roycroft> and probably pretty well
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[16:07:45] <archivist> any regular pattern around axes are relatively simple to code by hand, what I do for gears
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[16:08:22] <roycroft> sure
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[16:08:36] <roycroft> but for complex, artistic stuff, that can be challenging
[16:08:39] <roycroft> and not cost effective
[16:08:46] <archivist> sure it is
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[16:09:22] <archivist> because one bit of code can do all sizes(number of teeth)
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[16:09:56] <archivist> gcode is more programmable than you first think
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[16:10:44] <archivist> I wrote a gear gcode generator first, soon dropped it when I realised the power of ocodes
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[16:11:18] * cpresser also likes to manually write gcode. especially with the different "O"-codes
[16:11:23] <anarchos2> i remember seeing a package for translating flat gcode onto a curved surface
[16:11:26] <anarchos2> for linux
[16:11:29] <ssi> yea I write gcode by hand with subs and loops too
[16:11:43] <zeeshan> im lazy
[16:11:45] <cpresser> however, when it comes to 'design', text engraving, ... an integrated CAM/CAD is nice
[16:11:49] <zeeshan> you guys have too much time
[16:11:50] <zeeshan> :P
[16:11:58] <archivist> for some stuff I would thing cam is the hard way
[16:12:06] <zeeshan> if im drilling 4 holes
[16:12:08] <zeeshan> CAM!
[16:12:11] <zeeshan> click click done
[16:12:12] <roycroft> i would agree there, archivist
[16:12:18] <zeeshan> :-)
[16:12:27] <archivist> MDI for 4 holes!
[16:12:27] <mozmck> I'm lazy too. Instead of writing it by hand, I use the keyboard and type it in...
[16:12:28] <roycroft> but on the other hand, hand-coding gcode is not always appropriate either
[16:12:32] <cpresser> true. but for some stuff manuall programming is PITA
[16:12:33] <zeeshan> archivist: exactly lol
[16:12:48] <zeeshan> i'm kidding around
[16:12:50] <zeeshan> if i had 4 holes
[16:12:55] <zeeshan> i'd prolly just do it manually with the jog
[16:12:59] <zeeshan> you're not supposed to
[16:13:02] <zeeshan> but i do it anyway
[16:13:07] <roycroft> for four holes, a vertical mill and a dro is the most one needs :)
[16:13:20] <archivist> I did 3 parts a week ago all on mdi
[16:13:30] <roycroft> and i would question the need for a dro for that simple a job
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[16:13:59] <archivist> the right manual machine is sometimes a lot faster than cnc
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[16:19:10] <zeeshan> i honestly dont think manual machine is faster
[16:19:24] <zeeshan> on both cnc and manual you gotta zero the part out
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[16:19:36] <zeeshan> after that with cnc you can just type the coordinate in mdi
[16:19:47] <zeeshan> and drill
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[16:20:21] <zeeshan> with manual machines you'd have to move the handles to get to the correct position
[16:20:30] <zeeshan> which i have a tendency of overshooting and then come back to the true position
[16:20:35] <zeeshan> and then manually move the quill :P
[16:20:38] <zeeshan> more work!
[16:21:48] <anarchos2> what tools do i want from grizzly/harbor freight (i'm poor)?
[16:21:54] <anarchos2> i'm thinking of doing a border run soon
[16:22:03] <archivist> by the time I have made the part on a manual you would still be button pressing :)
[16:22:11] <zeeshan> archivist: haha
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[16:22:41] <jthornton> for holes I just punch in the coordinates in my g code generator and it spits out the g code I need
[16:22:59] <archivist> zeeshan, I found the Schaublin lathe exceedingly fast on a job change
[16:23:12] -!- carper64 has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[16:23:44] <archivist> you can go from toolpost to hand turning in a few secs
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[16:24:37] <zeeshan> clutch meachanism?
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[16:25:51] <archivist> the motor was direct online 3 phase, and the crossslide/toolpost is a loosen nut slide off slide on tighten
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[16:27:07] <archivist> you can just see black knob under the bed
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[16:28:01] <SpeedEvil> archivist: that's racist
[16:28:05] <Rab> archivist, nice B&L scope. I have one of those.
[16:28:46] <zeeshan> rab
[16:28:46] <archivist> Rab, those scopes are rather wonderful I got some more later
[16:28:50] <zeeshan> where the heck did you come from
[16:28:51] <zeeshan> :)
[16:32:00] <Rab> zeeshan, thought I'd see what freenode is all about.
[16:32:08] <zeeshan> freenode is the best
[16:32:17] <jdh> it was anyway
[16:32:24] <zeeshan> till jdh came
[16:32:25] <zeeshan> !
[16:32:26] <zeeshan> jk
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[16:33:42] * jthornton wanders off to take a nap...
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[16:42:32] <lair82> Hello Guys, Having some issues updating one of my machines
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[16:43:27] <lair82> I have a few errors that keep coming up when i try starting from the command line.
[16:44:49] <lair82> The first one is "inifile: warning: File contains DOS-style line endings." I have only edited these files with gedit and haven't changed any formatting.
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[16:50:23] <anarchos2> lair82, i would suggest backspacing every line up to the one above them hitting enter, and saving?
[16:50:44] <anarchos2> sounds like a pesky dos line break snuck in there :P
[16:50:53] <lair82> Ok, will give it a shot
[16:52:46] <anarchos2> also look for errorenous things at the end of lines
[16:53:56] <pcw_home> in gedit theres a line ending option in the save-as menu
[16:55:21] <pcw_home> might try opening the file and "Save As" with unix/linux line ending option selected
[16:55:26] <Rab> lair82, $ cat textfile.txt | tr -d `\r' > newtextfile.txt
[16:57:29] <Rab> Oops, make that: cat textfile.txt | tr -d '\r' > newtextfile.txt
[16:57:57] <pcw_home> just dont do that to a MacOs file
[16:58:10] <anarchos2> gmoccapy on screen i need to install something for it to work?
[16:58:15] <anarchos2> i just get a blank space
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[16:58:58] <CaptHindsight> anarchos2: if you figure it out please post the howto on the wiki
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[16:59:36] <CaptHindsight> if it's not just user errror :p
[17:02:47] <lair82> pcw_home that did the trick, I must have bumped that box to windows when converting my files from gscreen to gmoccapy, thats what it was saving as. 1 down 1 to go now.
[17:04:37] <pcw_home> gedit saves in the original file format so if you accidentally "DOSify" the file, it will stay that way
[17:04:47] <lair82> here is the next one, "initialize: module '/home/cinci12mo/linuxcnc/python/' init failed: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/cinci12mo/linuxcnc/python/", line 1, in <module> import remap ImportError: No module named remap"
[17:05:17] <pcw_home> that's beyond my pay grade
[17:05:55] <lair82> I will have to watch that, it dosen't help that I'm typing on this swinging/bouncy machine pendant.
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[17:11:06] <cpresser> lair82: install the 'remap' python module
[17:12:18] <lair82> Shouldn't that already be installed?
[17:12:40] <cpresser> should, but it seems like it is not
[17:12:47] <lair82> I did a complete install from scratch,
[17:13:36] <lair82> Where would i get it from?
[17:14:05] <cpresser>
[17:14:09] <cpresser> see point 6.3
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[17:21:04] <lair82> I have tried that a few different ways, starting with the wayit is described in the latest integrator manual "" page 69
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[17:25:41] <cpresser> lair82: there might be an error in the manual. using single a ">"-symbol doestn seem to make this much sense.
[17:26:02] <cpresser> i dont know the details. i would have to take a look at the files themselfes
[17:26:39] <anarchos2> well, i think i'm about to give up on debian and install ubuntu
[17:27:04] <cpresser> ah, using > seems to be okay. the manual says the the module can be empty.
[17:27:10] <cpresser> it just needs to exist
[17:32:42] <lair82> It's in there,
[17:32:48] <lair82> "cinci12mo@cinci12mo:~/linuxcnc/python$ ls
[17:32:51] <lair82>
[17:33:25] <cpresser> is this path set in you ini? try writing a test-program which imports 'remap' and see what happens?
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[17:33:34] <lair82> Has anything changed in the last week that would effcect tihis
[17:33:42] <PetefromTn_> Wow guys pretty cool I just got an email from a nice fellow in France that orderd some of my custom drop compensated riser rails. He ordered a piar of rails one for the P70 and one of the P800 model. This one is the P800 model. I thought I would show you guys the rail pictures.
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[17:33:59] <PetefromTn_>,Sq3E4mr,jhd7Swy,sO3egmE#0
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[17:34:46] <JT-Shop> the scope riser?
[17:35:22] <lair82> TOPLEVEL= /home/cinci12mo/linuxcnc/python/
[17:35:24] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:35:25] <lair82> APPEND= /home/cinci12mo/linuxcnc/python
[17:35:54] <PetefromTn_> yeah you can see the scope riser rail under the scope mounts.
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[17:36:04] <PetefromTn_> there are four pictures there if it is not apparent
[17:36:48] <archivist> PetefromTn_, that is a fail for clients which see one url only (all pics)
[17:37:49] <archivist> if the comma was a space at least one would be usable in the client
[17:38:12] <PetefromTn_>,Sq3E4mr,jhd7Swy,sO3egmE#1,Sq3E4mr,jhd7Swy,sO3egmE#2,Sq3E4mr,jhd7Swy,sO3egmE#3
[17:38:15] <PetefromTn_> sorry
[17:39:50] <lair82> cpresser , I don't need to recompile after moving those python files do I?
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[17:40:15] <cpresser> lair82: no, i dont think so. python is a interpreter, not a compiler
[17:40:34] <cpresser> (although there are python compilers)
[17:40:44] <lair82> I didn't think so.
[17:41:47] <lair82> I dont know if maybe I should start over, and re-install from the begining? something is screwy
[17:43:15] <jdh> start over
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[17:44:41] <lair82> Thats what I was thinking.
[17:45:51] <jdh> Pete: what's the knob on teh riser for?
[17:45:58] <jdh> and do you have a parallelism spec?
[17:46:05] <lair82> Only have an hour and a half left, better get with it
[17:46:07] <lair82> Thanks Guys
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[17:46:46] <PetefromTn_> the round knob is actually a custom built inclinometer to help with high angle shots.
[17:47:11] <PetefromTn_> The rail is not parallel it is drooped. That one is drooped 20 MOA as I recall
[17:47:58] <jdh> how do you make them 20MOA non-parallel?
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[17:52:58] <PetefromTn_> just clamp them vertically in my kurt vise and tap the end until I get a measurement necessary along the top. I have a chart I made in CAD that shows what the actual rise needs to be over 8.5 inches for each MOA etc.
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[17:53:00] <anarchos2> wow
[17:53:06] <anarchos2> not sure if my dial indicator sucks
[17:53:19] <anarchos2> or if my mill is super inaccurate :P
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[17:54:13] <zeeshan> explain
[17:54:32] <anarchos2> i move 0.1" from the computer, dial moves 1.1
[17:54:54] <zeeshan> sounds like an incorrect calibration
[17:54:54] <zeeshan> :P
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[17:55:02] <anarchos2> very consistantly, though, almost like my calibration is wrong
[17:55:05] <anarchos2> yeah, exactly
[17:55:06] <archivist> scale factor error
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[17:56:03] <anarchos2> hmm
[17:56:20] <anarchos2> i used stepconf, but i've edited my ini so much i don't want to go back and redo it all :P
[17:56:32] <jdh> 1.1 is a lot different than .1
[17:56:49] <Jymmm> 1
[17:56:51] <jdh> and that's quite the stroke for a decent dial indicator
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[17:56:54] <Deejay> 1 ist not a lot ;)
[17:56:56] <Deejay> -t
[17:56:59] <anarchos2> er sorry
[17:57:07] <anarchos2> it moves .11
[17:57:29] <archivist> move .1 then to .2 then to .3 etc
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[17:57:41] <jdh> is only the first move off?
[17:58:04] <archivist> 1st move often has backlash
[17:58:56] <archivist> or 1st few if doing a high resolution test with a lot of points
[17:59:44] <archivist> then reverse in a similar fashion and step back to 0
[17:59:46] <anarchos2> ok so 1st move is .109, 2nd, 1.07, 3rd 1.09
[18:00:10] <zeeshan> lol
[18:00:11] <zeeshan> wtf
[18:00:24] <archivist> scale and some error
[18:01:13] <anarchos2> hmm
[18:01:13] <archivist> as seen on this plot
[18:01:13] <anarchos2> where's scale set at? main ini?
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[18:08:47] <JT-Shop> usually scale is in the ini but not always
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[18:10:03] <archivist> it is where you left it :)
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[18:10:56] <anarchos2> ok i think i'm just crazy/stupid (i'm new at all the stuff). I had the indicator at a bit of an angle to what was pushing it
[18:11:02] <anarchos2> i think that was the problem
[18:11:24] <anarchos2> now i am getting +/- 0.001"
[18:12:00] <jdh> wouldn't an angle always show less?
[18:12:14] <skunkworks> no
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[18:13:00] <skunkworks> if you move .1 and the indecator is not parallel to the axis - you will get <.1
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[18:13:06] <skunkworks> heh >.1
[18:13:30] <archivist> an angle also then includes friction (plunger to surface) and spring of the indicator holder, adds randomness in the reading
[18:13:50] <skunkworks> and the surface it rides on
[18:14:12] <skunkworks> (might not be flat an perpinducular
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[18:14:28] <archivist> my pic shows an added flat for that reason :)
[18:14:30] <skunkworks> perpinducular? jeeze
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[18:15:03] <anarchos2> well, not bad i think! +/- 0.001 across a full inch
[18:16:05] <archivist> some may cry at +-.001 to others it is too accurate
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[18:17:22] <anarchos2> i'm going to blame my $20 dial indicator and just pretend it's accurate to .000001" ;)
[18:19:14] <archivist> .0001 is good for homebrew machines
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[18:25:42] <anarchos2> wow some wild inaccurasies in Y :(
[18:27:41] <anarchos2> hmm, it appears it is backlash...0.01". is that weird to have backlash on one axis but not the other (or a lot more on one)?
[18:27:53] <anarchos2> they're using the same balls screws, nuts, steppers, etc
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[18:28:01] <zeeshan> anarchos2: yes
[18:28:06] <zeeshan> sometimes the fixed end support
[18:28:09] <zeeshan> isnt really fixed
[18:28:13] <jdh> bearing mounts tight?
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[18:28:55] <anarchos2> ah yes maybe that's it? my X ball screw is supported on both ends
[18:28:59] <anarchos2> while Y is not
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[18:38:20] <PetefromTn_> Okay folks another shout out to my good friend Connor for selling me some KLUBER grease for my new spindle bearings from his stash. I sure appreciate it and him.
[18:39:36] <Jymmm> Another BROmance for PetefromTn_
[18:39:50] <PetefromTn_> yup We are a nice cute couple LOL
[18:40:28] <Jymmm> Uh, "cute" should not be a word that comes up in describing a BROmance
[18:40:43] <Jymmm> same goes for "precious"
[18:40:57] <Jymmm> or "adorable"
[18:41:59] <PetefromTn_> Okay how about lovey dovey?
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[18:42:27] <PetefromTn_> Of course you realize we are BOTH perfectly heterosexual manly men who just like to play with our machines.
[18:42:36] <PetefromTn_> ;)
[18:42:58] <Jymmm> Well, I guess if you have the hawts for one another, more power to ya! But that's not really a BROMANCE in my mind, that's lust/infatuation.
[18:43:15] <PetefromTn_> jealous JYMMM?
[18:43:50] <Jymmm> Eh, not really.
[18:45:55] <Jymmm> PetefromTn_: What you are talking about is "Philia" love. aka BROmance. Not "Eros"
[18:48:27] <PetefromTn_> yeah RIGHT....Well gotta go pickup my kids. BBL
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[18:51:33] <Rab>
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[19:11:29] <anarchos2> so if i am making a chart of errors on an axis, with 10 readings, would i do the +/- from the refrence point for all of the readings, or +/- from the last reading?
[19:11:51] <anarchos2> I suppose both would work as you could work it out either way
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[20:52:20] <Tom_itx> anarchos2 i'd make the measurements from one reference point
[20:53:03] <Tom_itx> helps eliminate acumulative errors
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[20:56:04] <JesusAlos> hi
[20:57:59] <JesusAlos> I don't have tool table option in my touch off window
[20:58:06] <JesusAlos> Like this
[20:58:08] <JesusAlos>
[20:58:38] <JesusAlos> don't appear 'T Tool Table' option
[20:58:49] <JesusAlos> in my configuration
[20:59:00] <JesusAlos> but don't know why
[20:59:01] <cradek> maybe you don't have a tool loaded
[21:00:08] <JesusAlos> yes, don't have tool loaded
[21:00:22] <JesusAlos> only appear when are tool
[21:00:26] <JesusAlos> ok
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[21:42:41] <roycroft> so folks, trying to conjure up memories from when i has this figured out a year and a half ago or so
[21:42:55] <roycroft> i bought a system board recommended by people here that passes the linuxcnc latency tests
[21:43:10] <roycroft> it has a parallel port
[21:43:31] <roycroft> i believe i just need a bob with opto-isolators to connect to that, and some power supplies for my stepper motors
[21:43:37] <roycroft> is that correct?
[21:43:55] <roycroft> the fancy gecko 540 or whatever similar thing is only necessary if the system board can't handle driving things?
[21:44:58] * cpresser doesnt know about gecko drives. but the first few lines you wrote are correct
[21:45:18] <roycroft> ok
[21:45:40] <roycroft> i seem to recall at the time that if i had a wimpy system board i could push all the driver code to a gecko and let it do the work
[21:45:46] <cpresser> that is how my control-cabinet looks:
[21:45:56] <roycroft> for a lot more money than getting a capable system board would cost
[21:46:20] <cpresser> mesa-anything-io boards are usefull for that. they have a fpga which does the step-timing
[21:46:21] <roycroft> and the bob is not essential
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[21:46:27] <roycroft> but it makes wiring a lot easier
[21:46:41] <roycroft> and the opto-isolators help prevent frying the computer
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[21:47:00] <cpresser> i dont have optos on the breakout board. but they are nice to have
[21:47:23] <roycroft> my linuxcnc computer is a 3u rack mount machine
[21:47:39] <roycroft> and i have a nice little wheel-around rack in which it's mounted
[21:47:48] <roycroft> i figure the control panel and touch screen will go on top
[21:48:01] <roycroft> and i'll get another 3u box to hold the bob and power supplies
[21:48:12] <cpresser> then i suggest you get some 4u case to mount the stepper drivers
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[21:48:29] * cpresser wants to see pictures of the finished control :)
[21:48:37] <roycroft> when it's finished :)
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[21:49:23] <roycroft>
[21:49:29] <roycroft> that's the control panel for my new brewing system
[21:49:32] <roycroft> the prototype
[21:49:41] <roycroft> i'll be making a nicer one eventually :)
[21:49:51] <cpresser> hehe, i have the same fluke mulitmeter^^
[21:49:57] <roycroft> great fluke
[21:50:00] <roycroft> i've had it for years
[21:53:15] <roycroft> the next version of that control panel will use arduinos as pid controllers, a raspberry pi to manage everything, and nixie tubes for the displays
[21:53:45] <roycroft> the front panel will be solid brass, engraved and the engraving filled with enamel
[21:53:56] <roycroft> one reason to make the router i'm building
[21:55:16] <roycroft> i just had this wild idea at lunch today that i might be able to us real enamel - the stuff that needs to be baked on at about 850c - and bake it with a laser on the cnc router
[21:55:36] <roycroft> i don't know if i can make that work, but if it could work it would be really neat
[21:56:13] <roycroft> i'd have to be careful though - brass melts starting at around 900c
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[22:28:36] <SpeedEvil> roycroft: major issue is yes, it works baked at 850C
[22:28:56] <SpeedEvil> but - how long does this baking step need to make a good quality coat - and what ramp-rates can you do without cracking
[22:29:06] <SpeedEvil> And can you re-heat indefinitely
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[22:49:17] <JT-Shop> last two weld repairs for the crawler are in the kiln annealing
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[22:53:32] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop you're becoming an expert at that
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[23:04:37] <JT-Shop> LOL, yea I've done it 1 1/4 times so far
[23:05:00] <JT-Shop> I did plug the top element in this time to speed up the heating
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[23:20:17] <CaptHindsight> JT-Shop: how large is the space in your kiln?
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[23:26:59] <zq> is it normal to have constant 60% cpu usage by rtapi:0 even when idle?
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[23:36:50] <JT-Shop> 24" inside diameter and 27" inside height
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[23:47:44] <MrHindsight> zq: how are you monitoring that load?
[23:48:35] <zq> MrHindsight: top
[23:48:41] <MrHindsight> zq: what kernel?
[23:49:15] <zq> 3.2.58-rt85, rt_preempt
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