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[00:11:12] <MC500> in the .ini file is there just ROTARY and LINEAR now, what happened to ANGULAR?
[00:12:45] <andypugh> Was there ever an ANGULAR?
[00:13:25] <andypugh> That setting actually makes remarkably little difference
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[00:16:42] <MC500> yea a while back I am looking at really old files
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[00:27:49] <andypugh> MC500: Do you think you need it? What did it do that you needed?
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[02:16:10] <PetefromTn_> evening folks
[02:18:16] <XXCoder2> hey
[02:19:31] <PetefromTn_> oy
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[14:18:11] <PetefromTn_> mornin folks
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[15:14:44] <PetefromTn_> Kinda neat idea.
[15:15:26] <XXCoder2> nice it does drain quite a bit though
[15:16:04] <PetefromTn_> apparently not. He showed it off all weekend and still started the car in the morning on monday.
[15:16:21] <XXCoder2> I rather build a new battery with old lathinium ion laptop batteries
[15:16:27] <PetefromTn_> If you are not the type who runs the car stereo with the engine off it would be fine I think.
[15:16:29] <XXCoder2> wonder how much cells it would take.
[15:16:57] <PetefromTn_> apparently the whole thing weighs like a half pound!
[15:17:10] <XXCoder2> compared to lead battery billions
[15:17:12] <XXCoder2> not bad
[15:17:24] <XXCoder2> I want to be rid of lead batteries permently. lead is toxic!
[15:17:49] <PetefromTn_> I just thought it was pretty cool idea.
[15:17:54] <XXCoder2> it is
[15:17:59] <PetefromTn_> I am sure it could be improved upon as well.
[15:18:00] <XXCoder2> capactors is getting better all time
[15:18:16] <XXCoder2> did you see kickstarter of capactor battery AAA?
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[15:18:35] <XXCoder2> its apparently new type, holds nearly as much power ad regular aaa
[15:18:52] <PetefromTn_> he said those caps are like ten bucks or something each so probably more expensive than a typical car battery but if you are into low weight high efficiency car builds it would be worth a look.
[15:19:19] <XXCoder2> heh it will last FOREVER too
[15:19:32] <XXCoder2> 2x cost but lasts 10x or more longer? hell yes
[15:19:53] <XXCoder2>
[15:24:11] <SpeedEvil> 10* longer - and will almost immediately discharge if you leave the ligths on for a minute when shutting off the engine
[15:24:42] <XXCoder2> yeah not quite ready eh
[15:24:53] <XXCoder2> but then this graphite capactors might do it.
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[15:28:54] <XXCoder2> PetefromTn_:
[15:29:01] <XXCoder2> this explains how you could make one
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[15:39:57] <SpeedEvil> Right - great. Now 'kids toy' can be a LCD thing that uses 1mA.
[15:40:11] <SpeedEvil> So the total capacity exhibited may be 20mAh.
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[16:46:03] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
[16:46:35] <IchGuckLive> Quiet night today
[16:47:05] <IchGuckLive> just moments ago USA recived the first EBola pationt
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[16:51:33] <IchGuckLive> hi fenugrec
[16:52:08] <fenugrec> hi guys, hi IchGuckLive
[16:52:29] <IchGuckLive> how has ben your router running today
[16:53:28] <fenugrec> I'm having trouble understanding what is meant by "Straight feed in concave corner cannot be reached by the tool without gouging" , I suspect I may have set my tool orientations wrong (running a XZ lathe here)
[16:54:00] <IchGuckLive> your G41 CRC ofset does not fit the path
[16:54:05] <fenugrec> (IchGuckLive I have a lathe, and it seems to be running fine - except for some minor problems I still have to iron out)
[16:54:15] <CaptHindsight> somebody put a voltage regulator on a capacitor and put it up on Kickstarter and has raised over $10K so far
[16:55:06] <SpeedEvil> CaptHindsight: For amusement.
[16:55:18] <SpeedEvil> Go and look up the datasheet of the li-ion capacitors he's using.
[16:55:28] <SpeedEvil> Now, work out the actual mAh of thecells he can make.
[16:55:30] <SpeedEvil> Pitiful.
[16:57:31] <fenugrec> IchGuckLive, that's kind of a problem - my toolpath is like this ; and few dozen lines similar to the last 4. Trouble comes with G0, like you say it wouldn't fit the path...
[16:57:41] <SpeedEvil> Also - typical AA capacity = 2Ah. Assuming a 100% efficient charger, that requires a 120A charger to charge the battery in 30 seconds,
[16:58:01] <CaptHindsight> is that a linear regulator?
[16:58:13] <CaptHindsight>
[16:58:36] <fenugrec> IchGuckLive so I'm not sure if I should somehow change my postprocessor, or disable gouge checking...
[16:58:40] <SpeedEvil> CaptHindsight: Almost certainly, yes
[17:00:05] <CaptHindsight> does kickstarter sell their donations list? I'd like to get a copy to use as a mail list for my sale on famous bridges and wetlands in Florida
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[17:02:28] <IchGuckLive> fenugrec: yiu shoudt always give the first line all ofsets negative
[17:02:39] <IchGuckLive> and end with all ofsets negatic 2
[17:04:11] <fenugrec> what offsets ?
[17:06:01] <IchGuckLive> G40
[17:06:06] <IchGuckLive> G49
[17:06:31] <IchGuckLive> can you give me the line for T5 inside your Tooltable
[17:06:54] <IchGuckLive> just post it in here
[17:07:23] <fenugrec> IchGuckLive : T5 P5 X31.489 Z0 D0.5 I50.000000 J3.000000 Q2 ;sdjcr
[17:07:54] <fenugrec> (I already have G40 and G49 at the top of my program but I didn't paste it)
[17:08:17] <fenugrec> (units are mm)
[17:08:20] <IchGuckLive> ok thats why you shoudt normaly post all your g-code ;-)
[17:10:40] <fenugrec> yeah I cut the sample a bit short. Here's a better paste )
[17:12:08] <fenugrec> with the tool diam 0.5mm, it won't "fit" when I do X63.1; Z-7.15; X63.54; Z0.225
[17:13:01] <fenugrec> hmm I guess the easiest is to go back in my CAM and set the X retract to be at least 0.5mm
[17:13:13] <fenugrec> but, yuck. I hadn't thought of this.
[17:20:31] <IchGuckLive> why does the campost not give you a G40 on the out X to be moving Z +
[17:21:12] <IchGuckLive> it shoudt acct as follow Move G0 towards X Z save
[17:21:21] <IchGuckLive> G42
[17:21:28] <IchGuckLive> move inwards to X
[17:21:41] <IchGuckLive> move Z
[17:21:45] <IchGuckLive> move X save
[17:21:49] <IchGuckLive> G40
[17:21:59] <IchGuckLive> G0 Z save
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[17:24:41] <fenugrec> hehe I can't remember seeing an option to emit a G40 for every retract move. what's "save" ?
[17:25:10] <IchGuckLive> save is double crc
[17:26:12] <IchGuckLive> X64.4
[17:26:23] <IchGuckLive> wikk work nice
[17:26:28] <fenugrec> well I set all my tools in the CAM as radius=0 , to have the cutter comp happen in linuxcnc
[17:27:32] <IchGuckLive> i assume you got a S in your G-code
[17:27:53] <IchGuckLive> 2.6.0 fails on no s and move X -
[17:28:36] <fenugrec> I'm running 2.5.4, but the only S I have is "G96 S100 D600 M4"
[17:28:51] <fenugrec> oh you mean I need for example G97 S100 M4 before, so it has a "preset" RPM ?
[17:29:52] <IchGuckLive> no not nessesary in 2.5.4
[17:30:20] <fenugrec> ok
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[17:32:31] <IchGuckLive> her Gcode runs perfect
[17:34:45] <gambakufu> I have a gcode file that contains loops and the file is loading VERY slowly. is this a known issue? turning off axis preview isn't helping...
[17:34:54] <gambakufu> version 2.5.4, btw.
[17:35:30] <IchGuckLive> gma yes it is
[17:35:51] <IchGuckLive> gambakufu: interpreter is maybe confused by the loops
[17:36:27] <gambakufu> is there anything I can do about it?
[17:36:40] <IchGuckLive> also if you doint shut down axis proper by menue the .ko is not rejekted and the loop takes very long to load
[17:37:13] <IchGuckLive> gambakufu: if your g-code is not secret are you able to paste it
[17:38:08] <gambakufu> sure:
[17:38:49] <gambakufu> actually, there's an infinite loop there, now that I see it, but even before, with just one loop, it took a long time
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[17:42:59] <IchGuckLive> i see
[17:43:26] <IchGuckLive> gambakufu: you did see the simple python files for makeing gcode to get ahad of this
[17:43:45] <IchGuckLive> it adds real gcode lines and its within seconds done
[17:44:48] <gambakufu> haven't heard of it.
[17:44:56] <IchGuckLive>
[17:45:01] <gambakufu> thanks
[17:45:32] <IchGuckLive> you can open them inside axis direct and give the numbers you like and then get the gcode towards axis in one shot
[17:46:27] <IchGuckLive> ;-) yes im the writer of the code sorry as it may not work proper you like
[17:48:15] <gambakufu> I'm sure it's better than what I have now and as it's open source i can always modify :)
[17:52:06] <IchGuckLive> are you going to test it ?
[17:52:47] <IchGuckLive> havent test this since 2.4.3
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[17:53:21] <gambakufu> IchGuckLive: probably, but not right now.
[17:53:30] <IchGuckLive> ok
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[17:54:58] <IchGuckLive> let me try your code irs R100 Depth 5 full down at F100 XY
[17:55:07] <IchGuckLive> gambakufu: the tool diameter is
[17:55:27] <IchGuckLive> and startpoint at X0 Y0 ?
[17:55:36] <IchGuckLive> circle center
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[18:00:43] <gambakufu> circle center should be where ever the cutter is right now.
[18:01:01] <gambakufu> but I've fixed the code and it's loading fast now...
[18:01:04] <IchGuckLive> ok still works with the pathpreview fault i wars fighting years ago
[18:02:00] <IchGuckLive> so you came out best to go
[18:02:35] <IchGuckLive> ok im off for today BYE
[18:02:44] <gambakufu> later. thanks for the help.
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[18:16:40] <MrHindsight> what's a good setup for high volume rigid tapping of 1/4"-20 and 3/8"-16 in 6061 t-slot? The t-slot comes extruded with the appropriate hole size.
[18:17:51] <archivist> making sure you have the right machine taps and lube
[18:17:57] <MrHindsight> Not sure if I have time to make a dedicated machine for this but I might just have to
[18:19:23] <MrHindsight> spindle mounted on a single axis positioner with a fixture for the t-slot
[18:20:14] <MrHindsight> t-slot lengths might be anything from 1-210"
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[18:28:29] <MrHindsight> or maybe a right angle adapter for a dedicated mill
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[19:05:52] <MrHindsight>
[19:10:20] <MC500> is the 7I80HD Ethernet Anything I/O card supported by LinuxCNC
[19:11:03] <MrHindsight> MC500, hm2-eth is in master as of last week
[19:11:53] <MrHindsight> it's been working for several weeks at up to 2KHz IIRC
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[19:19:24] <MC500> does it support analog and digital io, who make it?
[19:19:25] <MC500> makes
[19:19:35] <MC500> makes shit I cant type
[19:23:15] <MC500> oh I get it, its a feature of EMC
[19:23:23] <MC500> er LinuxCNC
[19:24:14] <MC500> so is control over ethernet some kind of defacto standard, will it work with any ethernet i/o controller that complies?
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[19:27:26] <CaptHindsight> it has to be on a dedicated point to point connection, not shared, I think that it works better on some NIC's more than others
[19:27:40] <CaptHindsight> USB NIC's would be out for obvious reasons
[19:27:59] <CaptHindsight> but motherboard, PCI or PCIe should work
[19:30:28] <MC500> That was my next question, I bet cheap software NICs dont work as well either
[19:31:03] <MC500> I suppose they could.. but the driver would be key, not just simple hal intergration
[19:33:23] <MC500> so will it work with the 7I80HD Ethernet Anything I/O card, are there other Ethernet based IO moduels out there Mesa seems to be well supported and liked by LinuxCNC
[19:34:35] <cradek> are you going to be experimenting and helping development, or controlling a real machine?
[19:36:07] <MC500> hoping real machine, Im not a developer.. though my company is getting there we are week in the softare development department
[19:36:22] <CaptHindsight>
[19:36:56] <cradek> then you don't want to run master and you don't want to pick hardware that is so recent.
[19:36:58] <MC500> Though we intend on hiring people to develop for some of our medical insturments, this would be a very nice product to have
[19:37:30] <MC500> I am going to beat my sevo to go card into submission and use it untill this works for now :)\
[19:37:47] <cradek> for real machining work, you should probably pick hardware that runs with the stable 2.6 release
[19:37:55] <CaptHindsight> "The 7I80 is compatible with all of Mesa’s 50 pin daughtercards."
[19:39:17] <MC500> wow the7I80HD is $150 bucks?? wow
[19:40:01] <pcw_home> CaptHindsight: Thats a forward looking statement :-)
[19:40:55] <pcw_home> (doesnt work with the resolver interface yet due to my lazy programming )
[19:42:43] <MC500> my god my servo to go card was around a grand I cant believe how much this stuff costs now
[19:43:44] <Jymmm> MC500: If you want a cheap hobby, go collect baseball cards! Oh wait... nevermind, no such thing as a "cheap" hobby =)
[19:44:33] -!- pcw_home has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:50:16] <Jymmm> (these days that is)
[19:51:23] <Loetmichel> grr. i definetly want faster internet... captured a 20 minute run in Elite:Dangerous 3.5 hours ago... 2.8gb 1024*768 h264... now 50% upload complete. youtube says "215 minutes left" :-(
[19:51:54] <MC500> most kits on the Mesa site are $200.00 or less, thats cheaper than base ball cards
[19:52:11] <Jymmm> lol, no shit huh
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[19:52:49] <CaptHindsight>
[19:53:57] <MC500> thats a big drill
[19:54:56] <MC500> slightly bigger than the one I am thinking of buying but same basic idea
[19:57:45] -!- pcw_home [pcw_home!] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:57:45] <toastydeath> they do make itty bitty tunnel bores
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[20:00:51] <SpeedEvil> toastydeath: they're available on ebay
[20:01:07] <SpeedEvil>
[20:01:07] <toastydeath> i think they're called pipe jackers
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[20:01:17] <toastydeath> no no
[20:01:18] <toastydeath> i mean like
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[20:01:23] <toastydeath> 2 foot diameter tunnel bores
[20:01:32] <toastydeath> for installing things like sewers
[20:02:02] <SpeedEvil> ah
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[20:06:18] <MC500> wow the 8I20 2200W 3 Phase Amplifier is qute a bit less spendy than Baldor...
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[20:16:29] <skunkworks_> MC500: mesa is awesome
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[20:27:59] -!- Solarlux [Solarlux!Solarlux@] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:28:38] <Solarlux> Hello all
[20:31:26] <CaptHindsight> vs
[20:32:56] <Solarlux> CaptHindsight Hello
[20:33:09] <CaptHindsight> howdy!
[20:33:26] <Solarlux> Fine thanks
[20:33:32] <Solarlux> And u?
[20:33:37] -!- eFuchs_mobil has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:34:29] <CaptHindsight> great
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[21:03:42] <PetefromTn_> that is not surprising to me actually the first shop I worked in used floating tap heads even tho the machines were equipped with rigid tapping. They said it is easier on the taps and more forgiving of slight programming errors.
[21:04:07] <PetefromTn_> I cannot wait to get my machine setup with the damn spindle encoder so I can rigid tap and that will be the first step to toolchanger operation.
[21:04:31] <Deejay> gn8
[21:04:40] <PetefromTn_> Gn8 deejay!
[21:05:28] <Deejay> nighty pete :)
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[21:13:15] <toastydeath> tbh rigid tapping only makes sense if you're using form taps
[21:13:24] <toastydeath> i don't understand why you'd rigid tap with a cut tap
[21:13:47] <PetefromTn_> yeah well the second shop I worked in did it on basically everything.
[21:14:06] <PetefromTn_> I like form taps but have only used them a handful of times.
[21:14:20] <PetefromTn_> I have some nice metric ones in the shop I have yet to find a need for.
[21:17:16] <zeeshan> toastydeath: whats wrong with rigid tapping on a cnc
[21:17:30] <toastydeath> nothin'
[21:17:43] <toastydeath> it's just one of those things that i'm like
[21:17:46] <toastydeath> "why did this happen"
[21:17:53] <toastydeath> you can't run cut taps super fast
[21:18:04] <zeeshan> yea they'll snap
[21:18:04] <zeeshan> haha
[21:18:22] <zeeshan> i had to tap 20 holes the other day in aluminum
[21:18:23] <zeeshan> 1/4-20
[21:18:24] <zeeshan> by hand
[21:18:33] <zeeshan> i was really wishing i had rigid tapping at that moment :p
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[21:40:52] <humble_sea_bass> zeeshan: read this book, it saved my life
[21:40:54] <humble_sea_bass>
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[22:06:38] -!- gleapsite [gleapsite!] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:07:26] <gleapsite> hello #linuxCNC. I've got ubuntu12 up and running with the real time kernal, and linuxCNC 2.6 installed and running fine
[22:08:09] <gleapsite> Now, I'm trying to figure out how to properly configure linuxCNC for my MLE-40 CNC laser
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[22:10:25] <gleapsite> here's some dox I found about it:
[22:11:00] <gleapsite> now, he recomends a page where they're building up their own controller board.
[22:11:26] <gleapsite> I *don't believe* that I need to do all that, as I can directly connect the laser via a parrallel port
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[22:17:09] <gleapsite> Hmm. Seems FSE has the pinouts posted to their website :
[22:17:30] <gleapsite> sorry for asking IRC before doing a fully thorough search.
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[22:21:56] <CaptHindsight> gleapsite: that links shows the pinout for STEP and DIRECTION motion control and the limit switches
[22:22:13] <CaptHindsight> but it doesn't show the control of the laser itself
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[22:22:55] <CaptHindsight> oh there it is "RELAY: PWM laser power control. If high, laser is on. If low, laser is off. Setup as PWM spindle in Mach3. S1000 for 1000% power. Set S10 for 1% power. "
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[22:44:44] <MrCurious> are there any usb instead of parallel port) based driver solutions that work with linux cnc (emc)
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[23:06:43] <pcw_home> MrCurious: not that I know of , normally Linuxcnc requires real time I/O
[23:06:44] <pcw_home> and USB is not well suited to real time
[23:08:51] <andypugh> I film came on the TV, which I wasn’t watching ( “The Rookie” ). In the opening sequence there was a “nodding donkey” with a flat belt drive from an adjacent shed. The tension run was on the bottom, and it occurred to me that I have never seen a flat-belt run that way. (and I think that there are good reasons not to, and the film prop guys messed up)
[23:10:14] <pcw_home> Yeah thats odd
[23:11:30] <MrCurious> thats a bummer
[23:12:58] <pcw_home> is the slack part of the belt to dragging on the tension part the main reason they dont do this?
[23:15:13] <pcw_home> For a simple step/dir machine a parallel port works fine (or use a Beagle Bone Black if you dont want to use a PC)
[23:18:28] <t12> how about that bjork movie
[23:18:42] <t12> where they shoot a long scene with her hand sitting in a hydraulic break
[23:18:44] <andypugh> I went looking for evidence to support my point of view on belts, and found:
[23:18:52] <t12> just conversating
[23:18:56] <t12> i couldnt deal
[23:19:02] <andypugh> I can’t decise whether that supports or refutes.
[23:24:37] <andypugh> t12: Bjork is just strange. Cute as heck, but strange
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[23:35:24] <MrCurious> ITS ALIVE!
[23:35:36] <MrCurious> 1 axis of delta now moving under its own power
[23:38:06] <Jymmm> perpetual motion?
[23:42:38] <MrCurious> now if only i had a selection of shunts...
[23:44:28] -!- PetefromTn_ has quit [Quit: I'm Outta here!!]
[23:54:56] <SquirrelCZECH_>
[23:54:59] <SquirrelCZECH_> voiala
[23:55:02] -!- Tom_shop [Tom_shop!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:55:02] <SquirrelCZECH_> magix box for reprap
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