#linuxcnc | Logs for 2013-09-02

[00:00:53] <kwallace2> There really is no root these days. The password for username that installed the system gets to sudo.
[00:02:12] <kwallace2> I really prefer having a root user. Moving LinuxCNC to Debian might fix that?
[00:05:33] -!- jfire has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[00:07:49] -!- Servos4ever [Servos4ever!~chatzilla@74-45-200-61.dr01.hnvr.mi.frontiernet.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:17:55] <NickParker> k got your xorg.conf into /etc/X11
[00:18:38] <NickParker> lets see what my latency is after reboot..
[00:20:42] <NickParker> ok it put me in low graphics mode, i let it run low graphics for one session and now my latency is higher than it was before
[00:20:44] <NickParker> almost double
[00:22:06] <NickParker> deleted xorg.conf, restarting now then i'll try to disable HT
[00:22:30] -!- mhaberler has quit [Quit: mhaberler]
[00:24:11] -!- asdfasd has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[00:25:35] <kwallace2> You may want to comment out (#...) the HorizSync, VertRefresh and Modes lines. They where there to force X to show the proper resolution on my monitor. Changing Driver "vesa" to a different driver might help.
[00:28:31] <kwallace2> If you find the PC won't boot, you might need to boot with a LiveCD, mount the hard drive, and edit or remove the xorg.conf file and boot again.
[00:34:45] <NickParker> ok commented out the lines and changed driver to nouveau, still worse than without xorg.conf
[00:39:33] -!- _BJFreeman [_BJFreeman!~bjfree@144.sub-75-233-158.myvzw.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:40:17] _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
[00:40:26] <NickParker> huh. the echo nothing trick got me down to 17 when i did it with latency test already open
[00:40:32] <NickParker> but restarting latency test brought me back up to 24
[00:40:50] <NickParker> anyway, you said 24 is fine so i guess i'll live with it while i wait for my buddy to find his matrox card
[00:41:10] <kwallace2> Have you looked at http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?TroubleShooting , other than that I'm out of ideas for now.
[00:41:47] <kwallace2> The 50,000 spikes bother me.
[00:42:05] <NickParker> i wasn't getting 50k spikes with the echo nothing
[00:42:09] <NickParker> 24 steady
[00:43:41] <kwallace2> Okay, maybe someone that knows more might be able to shed light on why.
[00:43:53] <kwallace2> I gotagoeat.
[00:45:57] <kwallace2> NickParker: did you try the SMI thing? http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?FixingSMIIssues
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[01:05:13] -!- jerryitt has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[01:06:10] -!- brent_lap [brent_lap!~brent@168-103-136-8.bois.qwest.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:07:11] <NickParker> No i didn't try that, but I don't have periodic spikes. my "spikes" were just when i was doing stuff.
[01:07:14] <NickParker> opening documents and such
[01:07:31] <NickParker> and the echo nothing seems to have fixed that.
[01:07:55] <NickParker> anyway, i'm going to work on an arduino program to convert a pwm signal into the ttl hex input my spindle controller takes
[01:08:05] <NickParker> ty for all the help kwallace2
[01:22:36] -!- c-bob [c-bob!~c@pD9EADB92.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #linuxcnc
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[01:40:51] <WalterN> is there a good program in linux for sending/receiving CNC programs over the parallel port?
[01:48:00] -!- ktchk [ktchk!~eddie6929@n219079226056.netvigator.com] has joined #linuxcnc
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[01:58:56] <AR_> wat
[02:01:53] <WalterN> communication between a computer and a CNC machine controller (like fanuc)
[02:02:11] <skunkworks> most likely the serial port - not parallel
[02:02:17] <AR_> ^
[02:02:51] -!- Servos4ever has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.20/20130803195701]]
[02:02:57] <WalterN> I don't remember how its set up currently, its been a while since I looked at it
[02:03:07] <WalterN> as in, a few years
[02:04:52] <WalterN> but anyways, is there a decent program to do that with in linux?
[02:08:59] <ktchk> linuxcnc
[02:09:47] <AR_> nah i think he is talking about a system where the motion controller is separate
[02:09:57] <AR_> you just send the file from the computer to the controller on the machine
[02:10:29] <ktchk> tape?
[02:17:45] <Tom_itx> WalterN, most controls were serial with flow control of some sort
[02:18:20] <Tom_itx> we had a couple we DNC'd due to lack of memory onboard the control
[02:19:02] <Tom_itx> so some program that would send pure ascii with flow control should work
[02:19:35] <Tom_itx> i've used procomm and a few specific to the cad cam we used at the time
[02:19:55] <Tom_itx> none of which were linux
[02:20:21] <Tom_itx> iirc the procomm i used was actually back in DOS days
[02:21:20] <Tom_itx> figure out if it uses ack nak or xon xoff for flow control
[02:22:21] <WalterN> yeah
[02:22:58] <WalterN> Tom_itx: thats basically what I'm asking about, only if there is any known good ones in linux :-x
[02:22:58] <Tom_itx> we jumpered a couple serial pins but i don't recall which ones atm
[02:23:09] <Tom_itx> there surely are
[02:23:15] <WalterN> I used one once with OSX...
[02:23:28] <WalterN> ages ago when I still had my iBook
[02:24:39] <Tom_itx> i've heard of minicom but dunno about it
[02:24:55] <Tom_itx> http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/connect-soekris-single-board-computer-using-minicom.html
[02:25:30] <Tom_itx> i bet it would work
[02:26:03] <Tom_itx> just set it up as a raw ascii download
[02:26:21] <WalterN> hmm, yeah
[02:29:19] <Tom_itx> if it were windows i'd suggest realterm
[02:29:34] <Tom_itx> it's very configurable
[02:31:00] <WalterN> I'm going to see if its possible to switch everything over to linux... heh.. assuming freeCAD and pyCAM work well
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[02:31:46] <WalterN> but thats really something to worry about for later
[02:31:50] <Tom_itx> you do mostly 2.5d?
[02:31:54] <WalterN> yeah
[02:32:05] <Tom_itx> most any of them should do ok i suppose
[02:32:11] <Tom_itx> 3d is a different story
[02:32:33] <Tom_itx> flat pattern isn't so complicated
[02:33:00] <WalterN> you mean with pycam's capabilities?
[02:33:14] <Tom_itx> i've never used it
[02:33:32] <Tom_itx> but it's gonna be alot easier to find a free 2.5d over 3d cad cam
[02:33:55] <Tom_itx> or even not so free but linux
[02:33:56] <WalterN> s/free/opensouce/
[02:34:41] <WalterN> it says its full 3-axes machining for pycam... *shrug*
[02:35:21] <Tom_itx> probably doesn't support all the surface modes etc
[02:35:36] <Tom_itx> i dunno, it may
[02:35:41] <WalterN> what do you mean surface modes?
[02:35:59] <Tom_itx> spline, polyline, nurbs, etc
[02:36:04] <WalterN> oh
[02:36:10] <WalterN> yeah, I donno
[02:36:16] <Tom_itx> spun etc
[02:36:54] <Tom_itx> if you don't need em, don't worry
[03:00:42] -!- Cylly [Cylly!cylly@p54B12C58.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #linuxcnc
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[03:27:23] <joebog> good afternoon gentlemen
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[03:51:42] <nspiel_> does anyone know the units on the angular scale in the ini files?
[03:52:06] <Aero-Tec> is it possible to read the tool table for a non loaded tool?
[03:56:49] -!- bosto [bosto!~bosto@99-44-12-226.lightspeed.btrgla.sbcglobal.net] has joined #linuxcnc
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[04:02:48] <Aero-Tec> from Gcode
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[04:15:49] <nspiel_> anybody know the scaling in the ini what the units are
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[04:57:46] <KimK_1> nspiel: See http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/config/ini_config.html#sub:TRAJ-section under LINEAR_UNITS and ANGULAR_UNITS
[04:58:27] <KimK_1> Oops
[04:58:46] <KimK_1> nspiel_: See http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/config/ini_config.html#sub:TRAJ-section under LINEAR_UNITS and ANGULAR_UNITS
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[05:04:14] -!- Fox_Muldr [Fox_Muldr!quakeman@frnk-5f74195e.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[05:05:06] <nspiel_> thanks!
[05:05:42] <nspiel_> wait no i mean the units for input scale
[05:05:51] <nspiel_> is it encoder counts/degree
[05:15:38] -!- ktchk [ktchk!~eddie6929@n219079226056.netvigator.com] has parted #linuxcnc
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[05:20:09] <tjtr33> anybody need a set of pin gauges? http://www.shopgoodwill.com/auctions/Set-Vermont-Gage--Class-ZZ-Gage-198-Members-14119973.html
[05:20:21] -!- vladimirek [vladimirek!~vladimire@] has joined #linuxcnc
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[06:43:30] <DJ9DJ> moin
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[10:32:46] <unbekanntespezie> hi
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[10:41:00] <DJ9DJ> hi there
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[14:15:27] <skunkworks> running over night.. http://www.electronicsam.com/images/KandT/testing/Screenshot%20from%202013-09-02%2009:14:15.png
[14:16:00] <skunkworks> Just dawned on me that the nic isn't supported by rtnet yet.. Oh well. it will be a nice testing laptop
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[14:31:02] <pcw_home> The NIC will be supported by RT-preempt however, so that may eventually be an option
[14:34:32] krusty_ar_ is now known as krusty_ar
[14:37:05] <skunkworks> pcw_home: neat
[14:42:25] <skunkworks> well - it is using the linux RTL8169 driver.. I wonder if the rtnet one would work
[14:42:48] <skunkworks> (it is the 8411
[14:46:20] <pcw_home> Might be the same (Windows driver is the same)
[14:46:22] <pcw_home> But I know the RT-net 8169 driver does not work with the 8168 so no guarantees
[14:47:47] <skunkworks> ah
[14:48:07] <pcw_home> These MAC issues are why I would like to get a rt-preempt/packet-mmap option
[14:48:09] <pcw_home> even if theres 200 usec or so of latency
[14:48:33] <pcw_home> I can deal with the latency issues in hardware
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[14:54:36] <spack> what's the xenomai kernel?
[14:55:07] <spack> nm, just looked it up
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[16:11:32] <gambakufu> when I click home the values of the axis doesn't change to 0. what could cause that? some global variable the defines the axis messed up?
[16:15:32] <cradek> http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/common/User_Concepts.html#_when_you_8217_re_lost
[16:15:42] <gambakufu> ok, it seems I messed around with g54
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[16:58:50] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
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[17:05:48] <IchGuckLive_> power outige here
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[17:06:36] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
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[17:07:13] <IchGuckLive> a nice warm sunner day as temp has retched the summer level here
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[17:31:25] <IchGuckLive> all quite here
[17:45:02] <IchGuckLive> im off by
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[19:23:32] <andypugh> I don't think I will be welcome in Machinist Heaven any more: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/GQJ640wFi03H2VrakHD-YdMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink
[19:24:09] <andypugh> (How to turn a 9" foundry pattern on an 8.5" lathe)
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[19:25:42] <jthornton> nothing wrong with that... what are you making?
[19:26:04] <andypugh> jthornton: Look more carefully at the headstock..
[19:26:16] <jthornton> I saw that
[19:26:31] <jthornton> super idea
[19:26:42] <andypugh> Ghetto riser blocks.
[19:27:03] <andypugh> It's a pattern for a drive pulley for the lathe.
[19:27:17] <andypugh> The one I have is too small and the steps are wrong.
[19:28:07] <andypugh> So not only do I need an idler at the back to stop the belt rubbing, I need a _stepped_ idler at the back to make up for the different belt path lengths.
[19:34:11] <andypugh> Yikes! http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=870_1377954297
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[19:36:03] <jthornton> that was close
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[19:58:39] <andypugh> I don't need one, but this seems keenly priced: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/9-SKIMPY-OIL-SKIMMER-FOR-CNC-LATHEMILL-OIL-SKIMMERS-/300958860417
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[20:09:45] <toastydeath> oil skimmers are a goddamn lifesaver
[20:10:01] <syyl> normaly those things are incredible expensive
[20:10:31] <kwallace2> It seems like it would be easy enough to make.
[20:10:57] <syyl> friend made one, using round urethane belt
[20:11:06] <syyl> looked almost the same like the one in the ebay link
[20:13:52] <skunkworks> andypugh: a couple of things that would make 'purists' upset... :0
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[20:53:26] -!- joebog [joebog!cbb06e6a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:53:38] <joebog> good morning all
[20:53:47] <joebog> is andypugh avail;able ?
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[20:54:13] <andypugh> 'Appen as maybe
[20:54:51] <joebog> quick question for ya does linuxcnc drive driver boards directly ?
[20:55:05] <joebog> or do we need an interface
[20:55:29] <andypugh> I think you need to define "driver board" and "directly"
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[20:55:54] <joebog> driver board equals decoder and probably buffer amps
[20:56:18] <joebog> directly means say two pins carrying info direct to driver board with buffers
[20:56:31] <andypugh> You always need _some_ interface, because linuxCNC is just software.
[20:57:15] <andypugh> But you can, for example, drive steppers with only a current buffer direct from the parport.
[20:57:22] <joebog> OK any circuits available ?? I have done a moderate search on site, BUT theres more information here than in London Library
[20:57:27] -!- rob__H [rob__H!~rob_h@] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:57:42] <andypugh> What sort of current?
[20:57:56] <joebog> those motors in my pics
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[20:58:17] <joebog> I dont have an exact current but the boards in the Cipher box are rated 3 amps or so
[20:58:49] <joebog> I understand of course that the parr port cant drive direct
[20:58:55] <joebog> I will need drivers
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[20:59:14] <andypugh> Well, with _really_ small unipolar steppers you probably could drive dirct.
[20:59:16] <joebog> or buffer amps or whatever the techy name is
[20:59:43] <andypugh> (I have some 6mm dia steppers, but they are not Unipolar so I have not been able to try it).
[20:59:59] <joebog> yep I understand that :) the first "printer" I owned was an ex PMG teletype
[21:00:02] <andypugh> I thought you had stepper drivers in tge box?
[21:00:12] <joebog> I do
[21:00:42] <joebog> I dont have ANY information on what the box requires its a winderz disaster that I know nothing about
[21:00:44] <andypugh> If you can figure out what the input to those is (quite probably a 4-phase pattern) then you can generate that direct from the parport.
[21:00:55] <joebog> plus I bought 5 more small boards
[21:01:11] <joebog> OK thats what I was after
[21:01:31] <andypugh> The small boards you got are step/dir. The original drives look to have a few more pins than that.
[21:01:56] <andypugh> At 4 pins per drive you will soon run out of pins on the parport, though
[21:02:10] <joebog> yep that I know
[21:02:18] <joebog> thats what I am asking
[21:02:31] <joebog> I know my question was pretty broad
[21:02:46] <andypugh> I know that Mesa cards support step patterns other than step/dir, though.
[21:02:58] <joebog> although I have (or will have ) 4 motors
[21:03:23] <joebog> BUT I think I will need some sort of feedback maybe in the form of limit switches or similar
[21:03:32] <andypugh> Though I am not sure which firmwares do
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[21:03:57] <andypugh> Yes, you will want home switches at the very least, but they can all share an input pin.
[21:04:01] <joebog> so the brag of linuxcnc is up to 9 axis
[21:04:36] <andypugh> The 9-axis limit is a G-code limit. LinuxCNC can control an indeterminate number of separate motors.
[21:04:36] <joebog> somebody must have tested that and come up with some sort of decoder/pre driver circuitry
[21:05:35] <joebog> and g-code is the interpreter for linuxcnc isnt it ?
[21:05:50] <joebog> I mean my understanding is this
[21:05:56] <andypugh> I have a 7i80 behind me that would drive 64 three-phase brushless motors, if I could afford the interface boards and drives, and that connects to the PC via a single ethernet cable.
[21:06:32] <joebog> start with DXF convert to rs432 or whatever it is, using g-code to make it talk engraving machine language
[21:06:34] <andypugh> Yes, the 9-axis limit is that G-code only understands XYZ ABC UVW as axis movement commands. All other letters mean something else.
[21:07:09] <joebog> OK
[21:07:48] <andypugh> But you can use a subset of LinuxCNC and a custom (non G-code) interface to drive as many motors as you have IO pins to control.
[21:08:22] <joebog> I staryted reading the beginners instructions and have worked out its gonna take me more time to learn the software than to build the machine :)
[21:08:28] <andypugh> And I reckon you could get up to 5000 IO pins if you maxed out all the PCI slots, ethernet ports and parallel ports of a standard PC.
[21:09:06] <joebog> Ill start with 3 motors :)
[21:09:11] <joebog> no speed control
[21:09:24] <joebog> and later I will add an indexing chuck
[21:09:46] <andypugh> If you ask around I think you will find that most of us here are not using the parport any more. (I am on one machine, but as an interface to an FPGA card)
[21:10:04] <joebog> I have a bunch of steppers taken from Shugart 360k floppy drives
[21:10:22] <joebog> I was gonna try make a quick mockup with those to get a basic understanding
[21:10:39] <andypugh> I was told once that at the "S" in SCSI was "Shugart"
[21:11:34] <joebog> Its the brand !! absolutely beautifully made 8 inch 360 k single sided floppy disk drives
[21:11:46] <joebog> they later went double sided and became 720 k
[21:11:51] <joebog> :D
[21:11:56] <joebog> showin my age aint i ?
[21:12:44] <joebog> I actually started with puch cards and a tape reader :D
[21:12:53] <joebog> PDP11
[21:13:02] <andypugh> http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/hal/rtcomps.html#_stepgen_a_id_sec_stepgen_a has a fairly detailed description of stepgen, and shows the various patterns you can have.
[21:13:05] <joebog> 35 years ago
[21:13:25] <andypugh> My employer retired the last PDP11 2 years ago. I was using it 3 years ago.
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[21:14:11] <andypugh> They only retired it because the entire dyno was due for an upgrade, the controller still worked as well as it ever had.
[21:15:46] <joebog> well its part of history now I guess
[21:17:23] <joebog> are off the shelf commercial boards available that will interface direct to a linuxcnc controlled PC ?
[21:17:39] <joebog> I dont mean current drivers
[21:18:24] <joebog> the Cipher machine would be a good place to start IF I could find anything at all about it
[21:18:34] <joebog> I do have "trial" software to look at
[21:18:44] <joebog> but its Xtra Problems based
[21:19:04] <joebog> XP
[21:19:25] <skunkworks> yes
[21:19:29] -!- toner has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[21:19:40] <skunkworks> look at mesa or pico systems
[21:19:44] <joebog> gday from australia skunk
[21:19:47] <skunkworks> (i like mesa)
[21:19:54] <joebog> OK
[21:19:57] <skunkworks> Hi from wisconsin
[21:20:05] -!- toner [toner!~ink@c-67-170-200-44.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[21:20:05] <joebog> ya have a link ? or is it easy to find ?
[21:20:55] <skunkworks> http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?LinuxCNC_Supported_Hardware
[21:22:27] <skunkworks> for about 89 dollars you can get a pci 5i25 board from mesa that out of the box acts as 2 printer ports with high speed step gen/ pwm/ encoder counters.. (and very expandable)
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[21:23:21] <joebog> HHmm sounds interesting
[21:23:38] <joebog> I just scanned that link you gave !!! wow I have a learning curve
[21:24:34] <skunkworks> linuxcnc strength is its flexibility... (and its weakness as it could be overwhelming..)
[21:24:46] <joebog> have any people from this group shown their systems in circuit form ??
[21:25:00] <joebog> I have looked at plenty of youchoob movies
[21:25:08] <skunkworks> andypugh: did you see this http://www.electronicsam.com/images/KandT/testing/Screenshot%20from%202013-09-02%2009:14:15.png
[21:25:09] <joebog> but thats NOT what Im lookin for
[21:25:12] <skunkworks> laptop
[21:25:25] <joebog> it IS overwhelming skunk :)
[21:25:35] -!- FinboySlick has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[21:25:35] <joebog> and Im not new to SCADA systems
[21:26:29] <skunkworks> joebog: when people get their systems working - the rarely go back and document :(
[21:26:34] <skunkworks> I have not
[21:26:56] <joebog> I see :(
[21:27:05] <joebog> Im more classically trained I guess
[21:27:05] <skunkworks> I am running 48 i/o and 4 + axis
[21:27:23] <joebog> Ill "publish" all I do here for the next noddy like me :)
[21:27:29] <skunkworks> nice!
[21:28:01] <kengu> joebog: that is what you say
[21:28:04] <joebog> did you see my photobucket pics ?
[21:28:52] <skunkworks> no
[21:28:56] <joebog> I will kengu :)
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[21:29:13] <joebog> juzza sec
[21:29:23] <joebog> take a look at "bluesbaby" file
[21:29:33] <skunkworks> this is me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39q6kvrSBSk
[21:29:34] <Tecan> (39q6kvrSBSk) "Kearney and Trecker CNC running simple program. (tool changing and everything)" by "samcoinc" is "Education" - Length: 0:03:29
[21:29:38] <joebog> its a little guitar amp I made for newbies to valves
[21:29:52] <joebog> I did colour coded step by step instructions
[21:31:30] <DJ9DJ> gn8
[21:32:00] <skunkworks> ah - your a tube guy?
[21:32:12] -!- DJ9DJ has quit [Quit: bye]
[21:32:57] <joebog> http://s80.photobucket.com/user/amp_mangler/library/
[21:33:03] <joebog> yes I amp
[21:33:12] <joebog> have been for over 50 years
[21:33:15] <skunkworks> heh
[21:33:19] -!- FinboySlick [FinboySlick!~shark@squal.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[21:33:22] <joebog> I built my first radio at age 8
[21:33:45] <joebog> I design and wind all my own transformers too
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[21:41:43] <joebog> NICE tollchanger skunk !!!!
[21:42:03] <joebog> chip breaker could do with shorter period and ya need coolant :D
[21:42:12] <joebog> cheeky bastid aint I ? :)
[21:42:20] <joebog> toolchanger evn
[21:42:22] -!- sumpfralle [sumpfralle!~lars@c.mail.systemausfall.org] has joined #linuxcnc
[21:43:30] <skunkworks> that was not a well optimized program
[21:44:13] <joebog> mebbe so but Im impressed !! the toolchanger is origional or did you build it ?
[21:44:41] <joebog> and I cannot believe you use unity desk disaster
[21:44:50] <joebog> re the link on laptops
[21:45:17] <joebog> I still run gnome 2.7 !!
[21:45:42] sri is now known as Guest39277
[21:45:44] <joebog> although this laptop is Mint Mate
[21:46:09] <mozmck> I like Cinnamon pretty well.
[21:46:26] <mozmck> and E17 looks slick, but I haven't played with it much
[21:46:43] <joebog> cinnamon is backwards !!!
[21:46:56] <joebog> ya might as well call it windowz
[21:46:57] <mozmck> backwards from what?
[21:47:01] <joebog> horrible layout
[21:47:24] <mozmck> hmm, not much different than the old gnome on layout.
[21:47:54] <joebog> except gnome doesnt need 500 kliks to get anywhere
[21:48:35] <mozmck> nor does cinnamon. not sure what you mean there. Gnome3 takes a lot more clicks...
[21:48:42] <joebog> I guess Ive used old gnome since it was released and Im used to it
[21:48:55] <joebog> I run 2.7
[21:49:03] <joebog> gnome 3 is a bomb
[21:49:06] <joebog> I hate it
[21:49:06] <mozmck> I did too, and now I like cinnamon pretty well.
[21:49:24] <mozmck> and xfce, and lxde, and e17, but not Unity or Gnome3 :)
[21:49:41] <joebog> OK OK I agree with you :)
[21:50:17] <joebog> unity and gnome 3 are designed to con windowz users into it I guess
[21:50:29] <joebog> cause when I try use windows I need replace em
[21:50:43] <joebog> as I throw the bloody stupid thing through a Window
[21:50:53] <mozmck> heh! Have you looked at E17? I installed it today, and it is really slick graphically. The EFL libraries look very interesting as well.
[21:51:26] <mozmck> I use windows only when I have to, and it's XP running under VirtualBox :)
[21:51:28] <joebog> :) I already have 5 PC,s most are dual and triple boot !!!
[21:51:34] <joebog> I have enough desktops
[21:51:53] <joebog> but I always seem to end up with gnome 2.7
[21:52:13] <joebog> I havent installed virtualbox OR wine
[21:52:26] <mozmck> How do you like Mate compared with gnome2.7?
[21:52:29] <joebog> if its not available unix/linux I dont need it
[21:52:35] <joebog> I dont play games I guess
[21:53:10] <mozmck> virtualbox sure beats having to dual boot. I have to use windows for a few things with my work, and dual boot would be a pain.
[21:53:22] <joebog> mate is more logical layout with buttons on left and bar at top
[21:53:27] <mozmck> No gaming here either.
[21:53:34] <joebog> and no stuffing about moving and adding things
[21:53:40] <skunkworks> I have 7, xp and 10.04 in virtual box.
[21:53:42] <skunkworks> it is nice
[21:53:43] <joebog> for me its true PNP
[21:55:01] <joebog> attempt number 7 is a disaster !! but NOT as bad bad as the 8 ball
[21:55:19] <skunkworks> joebog: the tool changer and everything is original - just retrofited with linuxcnc. (it was delivered to a local company in 1969)
[21:55:49] <skunkworks> 7 is ok.. compared to vista and 8... agreed
[21:55:49] <joebog> nice machine skunk !!!
[21:56:02] <joebog> but then I havent been in too many machine shops
[21:56:10] <skunkworks> it is old
[21:56:18] <joebog> it works !!!
[21:56:29] <skunkworks> very well
[21:56:30] <joebog> like the engraver im modifying to linux
[21:56:56] <joebog> old and STRONG ( weighs about a ton)
[21:57:33] <joebog> its already been hacked from the origional english NC control to that Cipher crap that there is ZERO information on
[21:57:44] <joebog> and full software is $7500 aus
[21:58:07] <joebog> PLUS you need that commercial virus as an OS
[21:58:17] <kwallace2> joebog: Which amps did you decide to use the Cipher or the kit you got from eBay?
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[21:58:32] <joebog> which as you know comes with a free large pack of blue screens
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[21:58:58] <joebog> I will play with both kwallace
[21:59:47] <joebog> BUT as you ( or was it CaptHindsight) that pointed out the kit I bought is 1.5 amps RMS
[22:00:08] <joebog> I wish yanks would specify like the rest of the world
[22:00:25] <joebog> everything is peak and PMPO power no "real" figures
[22:00:32] <kwallace2> I'm trying to remember the make and model on those Cipher amps.
[22:00:52] <joebog> something or other 2000
[22:01:02] <joebog> Im on another PC now so dont have access
[22:01:18] <joebog> they are rated 3 amps RMS and 4 amps peak
[22:02:06] <joebog> I did a ltency check on the little machine I made for the controller !! I get about 2500 max jitter
[22:02:16] <kwallace2> IM2000F is the chip in the amp or rather driver.
[22:02:19] <joebog> so should work I guess
[22:02:45] <kwallace2> You mean 25000?
[22:02:48] <joebog> I did make another machine after andy told me that simple is better and when I checked he was right
[22:03:06] <joebog> now I have a little 2 gig 2 core instead of the Zeon 3360
[22:03:35] <joebog> 2500
[22:03:38] <joebog> not 25000
[22:03:49] <joebog> BUT its only got linuxcnc on it
[22:03:59] <joebog> all I could do was move files around
[22:04:54] <kwallace2> 2500 is very good.
[22:05:36] <joebog> as I say though I dont have anything on board yet to stress the processor
[22:06:03] <joebog> I will get the type when I get in there
[22:06:10] <kwallace2> Okay I found your driver: http://www.wallawalla.edu/academics/departments/engineering/students/classes/engr480/docs/Steppers/IM483.pdf
[22:06:13] <joebog> its some baby Intel dual core
[22:07:21] <joebog> yep thats it
[22:07:34] <joebog> you found it for me the other day too :)
[22:07:35] <joebog> thanks again
[22:11:05] <joebog> question for everybody
[22:11:24] <joebog> can stepper motor drives be "bridged" to double the output current ?
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[22:13:18] <kwallace2> Page 41 shows the input configuration. (5 -1 V)/470 Ohms = 8.5 ma so you could use a parallel port pin directly, although I use 3ma as a max. but it's safer to sink than source so you should be okay.
[22:14:07] <kwallace2> I would assume the amps worked with those motors so should have enough watts, at least for now.
[22:14:18] -!- KimK_2 [KimK_2!~kkirwan@wsip-184-176-200-171.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:16:24] <joebog> that is an excellent manual !!!
[22:16:43] <joebog> Ive just done a little skimming and suddenly its not so daunting :)
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[22:22:48] <kwallace2> If you have a DB25 connector with solder cups you could run a step and dir signal from the parallel port to the driver step and dir. Run a +5 wire from a PC power DC power plug to the driver's opto supply input. Jumper the other inputs (enable and reset) up or down as needed. Wire up the motor supply. Then you should be ready to move an axis.
[22:24:06] <joebog> I have a 25D breakout board with screw terminals
[22:25:07] <kwallace2> You will need the bits on page 43 to setup LinuxCNC's timing configuration in the .ini file, or the stepconf utility.
[22:25:11] <kwallace2> http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/quickstart/stepper_quickstart.html
[22:25:25] <kwallace2> http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/config/stepconf.html
[22:25:45] <joebog> and when I get into town ( Im still at home) ill do some voltage measurements and post em so I can ask better questions with some sort of reference you guys will understand
[22:27:42] <joebog> Ill also do some closeups on the Cipher controller
[22:28:09] <kwallace2> I would tend to remove the drivers and motor supply from the Cipher and screw them to a piece of plywood. That should be all that you need.
[22:28:31] <joebog> the boards dont require heatsinking ?
[22:28:46] <joebog> they are screwed to the steel box in the Cipher
[22:29:20] <joebog> I have umpteen transformers available, Ill make a new supply based on whats already there
[22:29:36] <CaptHindsight> http://softsolder.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/chips.gif
[22:29:37] <joebog> If I can ill try resell the cipher to some windowz user
[22:30:22] <joebog> a micrometer and a hammer :D
[22:30:24] <joebog> I like that
[22:30:25] <kwallace2> Probably not for now, the drivers should have enough thermal and current protection for testing.
[22:30:29] <CaptHindsight> maniacal tux
[22:31:41] <joebog> The gunsmith Im doing the work for has plenty of machines to make anything mechanical Ill need
[22:32:22] <joebog> But I figured on doing a mockup to test all the ideas out, then build a dedicated cabinet for the finalk version
[22:33:19] <joebog> so your suggestion is exactly as I had planned
[22:34:25] <joebog> alright everybody, thanks all very much for the help and suggestions
[22:34:40] <joebog> Ill post some more pics and some data tomorrow
[22:34:55] <joebog> bye for now
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[22:57:53] -!- n215 [n215!n215@c-71-224-192-133.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #linuxcnc
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[23:05:45] <kwallace2> Those IM438 drivers looked pretty neat, so I looked on eBay to see if any were any there, and by mistake, I pressed Buy It Now on a pair of them. Oops
[23:06:23] <kwallace2> oops 1m483
[23:06:28] <CaptHindsight> at least it wasn't a car
[23:07:23] <kwallace2> I'm getting as bad as Andy.
[23:08:05] <Tom_itx> haha
[23:08:51] -!- _ink [_ink!~ink@c-67-170-200-44.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:10:31] <CaptHindsight> whats the actual part number?
[23:11:50] <CaptHindsight> IM483
[23:12:43] <kwallace2> These are the ones I got: http://www.ebay.com/itm/300958566604
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[23:15:42] <CaptHindsight> http://motion.schneider-electric.com/downloads/manuals/im2000s.pdf data sheet for the ims 2000s chip
[23:15:43] <kwallace2> http://motion.schneider-electric.com/products/im483.html
[23:20:19] <CaptHindsight> eBay item number: 321194930667 can't be any noisier than these :)
[23:23:36] <kwallace2> Noisy?
[23:26:25] -!- uwe_ [uwe_!~uwe_@dslb-188-105-027-013.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:32:40] <CaptHindsight> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdbMSwJozF0
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[23:43:56] <andypugh> Yes, I accidentally bought a rack of PSU, Digiplan CD40 and all the other parts, plus the steppers a few weeks ago.
[23:44:13] <andypugh> The bigget stepper I have seen, a 4" dia x 7" long one.
[23:46:05] <andypugh> Handily the whole manual is here: http://www.denfordata.com/downloads/dos/cd20-30.pdf but I have no idea what I am going to do with it.
[23:46:16] <andypugh> I had assumed it was a servo kit...
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[23:54:20] -!- JT-Deck [JT-Deck!c62dbea0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:55:11] * JT-Deck misses Woody
[23:57:04] <andypugh> Night chaps
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[23:57:29] <kwallace2> CaptHindsight: Yes they are noisy. I wonder if they are using multi-stepping? My Shizuoka drivers sing from the PWM current limit as well as half-stepping.
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