#linuxcnc | Logs for 2012-09-07

[00:00:10] <r00t4rd3d> which most hardware stores sell for alot cheaper then CNC places
[00:00:14] <tjb1> The machines end is for the oldham
[00:00:19] <tjb1> *machined
[00:00:30] <jp__> so is the intention of the collars to remove end play?
[00:00:43] <r00t4rd3d> hold it in place
[00:01:07] -!- logger[mah] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:01:11] <jp__> act as a shoulder
[00:01:13] -!- logger[mah] [logger[mah]!~loggermah@ns2.mah.priv.at] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:01:29] <tjb1> Thrust bearings
[00:01:51] <tjb1> Does that look ok that way r00t?
[00:02:42] -!- sumpfralle1 [sumpfralle1!~lars@31-16-20-95-dynip.superkabel.de] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:03:00] -!- sumpfralle has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[00:03:21] <jp__> why not just machine shoulders on the screw?
[00:04:16] <tjb1> Shoulders for what?
[00:04:32] <jp__> your thrust bearings
[00:05:08] <tjb1> they have 1/2" inside diameter
[00:05:14] <tjb1> they wouldnt sit against anything
[00:05:49] <tjb1> r00t4rd3d:
[00:06:32] <jp__> Then i would say the bearings are too big. but should work fine considering the application and load
[00:06:49] <jp__> the shaft collar setup that is
[00:07:32] <tjb1> To make the thrust it against the screw I would have to machine the whole way through then the support bearing wouldnt work
[00:08:43] -!- micges has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:11:02] -!- mhaberler [mhaberler!~mhaberler@91-113-92-154.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:11:38] <jp__> you could pocket the thrust on one side and the pocket the support on the other side of your block. looks like you have plenty of material
[00:12:48] <jp__> but what you have looks like it could work. What kind of motors are driving this
[00:14:45] <tjb1> nema 23 stepper
[00:16:28] <r00t4rd3d> yeah it looks ok
[00:16:41] <tjb1> Can I cut that acme flush with the end of the support block?
[00:17:13] <jp__> do you need it longer?
[00:17:18] <tjb1> no
[00:17:29] <r00t4rd3d> i have my z axis lead screw set up the same way
[00:17:37] <r00t4rd3d> only in wood
[00:18:48] <tjb1> Cut it flush?
[00:19:30] <jp__> if you dont need it But if you ever wanted to put an encoder on it you could leave it proud
[00:19:39] <r00t4rd3d> i think he means the lead screw is sticking way out pass the end on one side
[00:20:37] <jp__> i know some motors dont have good encoder mounting options
[00:21:14] <jp__> so the end he's going to cut he could leave 1/4 to 1/2 for future murphy
[00:24:32] <tjb1> thats the bottom and it will never have an encoder
[00:26:27] <jp__> then cut it flush
[00:26:34] <r00t4rd3d> just got offered a 800 dollar a week job
[00:26:47] <r00t4rd3d> think i am going to pass though
[00:29:07] <Dolence> guys, i am having lots of trouble trying to get my Z axis working, someone who use steppe could please send ini file so I can take a look on where is my mistake?
[00:29:35] <r00t4rd3d> what controller and did you use stepconf?
[00:29:45] <r00t4rd3d> to set it up and test it
[00:31:16] <Dolence> i am using stepconf
[00:31:50] <Dolence> my controller is unknown, i had to measure all the output pins to get ti working
[00:31:56] <Dolence> or kind off
[00:31:58] <Dolence> *of
[00:32:13] <r00t4rd3d> unknown? picture?
[00:32:52] <Dolence> with Z axis pin invert checked, z min and max -12.5 and 0 and home -0.01
[00:33:22] <Dolence> when I press page down, the axis move down, pg up move up, but i cant get a job to start
[00:33:30] <Dolence> always says its outside z limit
[00:33:55] -!- Loetmichel has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[00:33:59] -!- Loetmichel [Loetmichel!cylly@p54B11B85.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:34:00] <Dolence> controller is under an heatsink
[00:34:29] <Dolence> it's ok z axis move from 0 to a negative number?
[00:38:53] -!- mhaberler has quit [Quit: mhaberler]
[00:40:07] -!- morfic has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[00:41:45] <jp__> Should your max not be positive
[00:42:12] <jp__> or home is -.01?
[00:43:18] <jp__> sorry cant read today!!
[00:43:53] -!- Roguish has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:52:31] <Dolence> ok
[00:53:21] <Dolence> i have my home switch on top of z axis
[01:00:04] -!- morfic [morfic!~morfic@unaffiliated/morfic] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:01:31] <r00t4rd3d> ur negative to negative
[01:01:36] <r00t4rd3d> you can do that
[01:01:53] <r00t4rd3d> you have no room for material
[01:02:01] <r00t4rd3d> atleast in your machines eyes
[01:02:42] <r00t4rd3d> you Z should be like 12.5 to -0.4 and 0 home
[01:03:49] <r00t4rd3d> you CANT do that*
[01:04:28] <jdh> my Z is negative down
[01:04:39] <r00t4rd3d> it should be
[01:04:58] <r00t4rd3d> or you wouldnt be able to cut into anything
[01:05:39] <r00t4rd3d> Dolence, so you have 12.5 inches of travel in your z axis?
[01:06:57] <Dolence> 12.5 centimeters
[01:07:06] <Dolence> this si my scenario
[01:07:14] <r00t4rd3d> to table travel would be like -.5 to 12.5 , Home location 0.0
[01:07:19] <r00t4rd3d> to/so
[01:07:20] <Dolence> i have my home and limit switches on the top of Z axis
[01:07:34] <r00t4rd3d> thats gonna suck
[01:07:37] <jdh> mine is -11.5 to 0.0
[01:07:44] <r00t4rd3d> has to go all the way up to home
[01:08:08] <Dolence> jdh, could you send youtr config file to me?
[01:08:15] <r00t4rd3d> my z is -0.08 to 10 , home 0
[01:08:28] <r00t4rd3d> err -0.8
[01:08:30] <Dolence> r00t4rd3d but you have limit and home switches on top?
[01:08:41] <r00t4rd3d> no, dont use switches at all
[01:08:46] <jdh> Dolence: I don't have a Z limit/home switch on this machine.
[01:08:46] <Dolence> i see
[01:08:46] <r00t4rd3d> limit or home
[01:09:06] -!- sumpfralle1 has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[01:10:08] <jdh> I do on another one, it is min -3.0, max 0.01
[01:11:20] <r00t4rd3d> so i dont think canon liked me calling their service department a pile of inbred retards.
[01:11:42] <jdh> surely they didn't understand what you meant.
[01:12:08] <r00t4rd3d> its in virginia, they knew.
[01:12:44] <ReadError> r00t4rd3d: so they sending you a free camera?
[01:12:50] <r00t4rd3d> everybody in west virginia is first cousins
[01:13:05] <r00t4rd3d> ReadError, thats what i am shooting for
[01:13:58] <r00t4rd3d> i called today, I want to speak to the supervisor, okay sir, just one moment. Hello this is supervisor, yeah i want to talk to your boss now.
[01:14:05] <jdh> does canon have an official stance that a third party card will work in their camera?
[01:14:20] <r00t4rd3d> yeah it is suppose to work
[01:14:33] <r00t4rd3d> they dont make their own memory cards anyway
[01:14:37] <jdh> officially supposed to work, or just happens to work?
[01:14:51] <r00t4rd3d> so all cards are technically 3rd party.
[01:14:55] <jdh> it's just a mem card issue?
[01:15:00] <jdh> not the wifi thing?
[01:15:09] <r00t4rd3d> the wifi thing, normal cards work fine
[01:15:49] <jdh> their official stance is that some third party wifi card will work in their camera and if not, they will make it work?
[01:16:21] <r00t4rd3d> all memory card are 3rd party. Canon does not manufacture memory cards.
[01:16:23] <Dolence> home should be on table or on top?
[01:16:33] <Dolence> i cant get it working ;(
[01:16:46] <jdh> home is up high, safe, out of the way.
[01:16:57] <Dolence> ok
[01:17:03] <r00t4rd3d> i would disable all limit and homing switches till you get it working
[01:17:07] <Dolence> it's how i have it
[01:17:26] <r00t4rd3d> then start adding them one at a time
[01:17:36] <Dolence> the other axis are ok
[01:17:45] <Dolence> just Z giving me a headache
[01:18:12] <jdh> mine did also (with the limit/home switch)
[01:18:31] <r00t4rd3d> jdh https://www.usa.canon.com/cusa/support/consumer/eos_slr_camera_systems/eos_digital_slr_cameras/eos_rebel_t1i_ef_s_18_55mm_is_kit?pageKeyCode=prdAdvDetail&docId=0901e02480464938
[01:18:35] <r00t4rd3d> that is their stance
[01:18:52] <r00t4rd3d> The Canon EOS digital SLR cameras affected by this phenomenon will be inspected and repaired free of charge. If you own one of the affected cameras, please contact our Customer Support Center. Please register your EOS 60D, EOS Rebel XSi, EOS Rebel XS, EOS Rebel T3i, and EOS Rebel T1i .
[01:19:56] <jdh> seems simple enough then.
[01:20:39] <jdh> why did you have to have the main PCB replaced?
[01:21:52] -!- phreak__ [phreak__!~phreak@] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:22:26] <r00t4rd3d> i didnt
[01:22:47] <r00t4rd3d> i got the camera used so maybe someone else did
[01:23:13] -!- geo01005 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[01:23:39] -!- phreak_ has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[01:24:50] <r00t4rd3d> i asked for a work history but they ignored that
[01:25:29] <r00t4rd3d> their tech support is super shitty
[01:25:56] <r00t4rd3d> their lucky i dont live in va beach no more
[01:26:09] <r00t4rd3d> or i would be going down there with a baseball bat
[01:28:15] <r00t4rd3d> everyone i talk to sounds like their part time job is crack selling thug
[01:29:12] <r00t4rd3d> i asked to speak to a non-ebonics white person today
[01:29:25] <jdh> gotta pay the rent somehow when the girls aren't working
[01:29:51] <r00t4rd3d> im not sure i dare send my camera back to them now
[01:31:14] <jdh> send it to nj or ca
[01:31:30] <r00t4rd3d> "i dont understand ebonics, can i talk to a white person?"
[01:31:31] <jdh> or, ebay it
[01:31:42] <jdh> I'm sure that went over well.
[01:32:19] <r00t4rd3d> well you should have heard this lady i got first
[01:32:31] <r00t4rd3d> i think she had some KFC in her mouth while talking to me
[01:32:48] <r00t4rd3d> i swore i heard her lick her fingers
[01:33:04] <jdh> are you from alabama or mississippi?
[01:33:10] <r00t4rd3d> new york
[01:41:05] <r00t4rd3d> im not racist much either, i voted for obama
[01:42:23] <r00t4rd3d> and i am going to again
[01:42:43] <r00t4rd3d> cause mittens is a mormon asshat
[01:45:08] <r00t4rd3d> read into mormonism, thats some retarded shit
[01:45:34] <r00t4rd3d> anyone who believes in that crap should be 86
[02:01:27] -!- zzolo has quit [Client Quit]
[02:02:49] <jp__> Can an A axis in Linuxcnc be linear? is it as simple as changing the type in the ini?
[02:08:35] -!- plushy has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[02:13:49] <skunkworks__> jp__: you could use U.. but I do no know what issues you would run into if you changed a rotory to linear. (give it a try)
[02:14:14] <jp__> Im wondering if i even need too
[02:14:49] <jp__> as long as i scale it the way i need i dont think it matters
[02:17:54] <jp__> Actually it would matter for speed settings would it not
[02:18:08] -!- FinboySlick has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[02:18:42] <skunkworks__> I think so.
[02:20:21] <jp__> the gcode output from slic3r is in mm for the a axis
[02:21:37] <jp__> it would be ok for the distance but the feeds would be messed
[02:21:37] <r00t4rd3d> i just changed my dirtbike tire in 30 minutes :D
[02:22:11] <ReadError> r00t4rd3d, you dont believe in magical underwear?
[02:22:18] <ReadError> i think we see who the crazy one is here...
[02:22:23] <ReadError> its obvious
[02:22:29] <r00t4rd3d> wait what?
[02:22:38] <ReadError> mormons have "magical underwear"
[02:22:40] <ReadError> its enchanted
[02:22:45] <ReadError> true story, look it up
[02:22:45] <skunkworks__> jp_ for a reprap?
[02:22:50] <r00t4rd3d> oh
[02:22:54] <jp__> yeah
[02:23:12] <jp__> homebrew but yes
[02:23:17] <skunkworks__> How are others doing it?
[02:23:30] <jp__> not too sure
[02:23:49] <r00t4rd3d> i want to get a 4 axis tb6560 and just put a hotend on my z axis
[02:24:12] <jp__> reprap uses an arduino so i guess its codded to have the a axis treated as linear
[02:24:30] <ReadError> oh lordy
[02:24:34] <ReadError> the reprappers are here?
[02:24:52] <ReadError> mormon god please save his soul!
[02:24:58] <r00t4rd3d> #reprap
[02:25:04] <skunkworks__> I think there are quite a few using linuxcnc for rep-raps - I just remember them having to convert the gcode so it ran the A axis
[02:25:49] <jp__> i get the gcode all ready using the a axis but wont the feed be messed up
[02:26:05] <r00t4rd3d> i initially wanted to build a cnc router so i could make my own parts for a reprap. How it all started.....
[02:26:07] <jp__> 30mm/s vs 30 deg/s
[02:26:50] <jp__> or am i missing something?
[02:28:02] <jp__> or if i just treat it as a unit is it a mute point
[02:32:59] <tjb1> r00t4rd3d: How did you preload the thrust bearings?
[02:33:16] -!- toastydeath [toastydeath!~toast@c-69-244-86-195.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:33:40] <r00t4rd3d> i have no idea what you mean by that
[02:33:43] -!- toastyde1th has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:34:01] <tjb1> how do you put a load between the 2 so they dont move during a direction change?
[02:34:19] <r00t4rd3d> fingers
[02:34:27] <tjb1> Do you know what I mean?
[02:34:50] <r00t4rd3d> i just used collars
[02:35:10] <tjb1> Well if there isnt some kind of pressure there will be movement
[02:35:23] <tjb1> I dont know if just pushing the collar against it is enough :)
[02:35:29] <r00t4rd3d> it is
[02:35:38] <r00t4rd3d> atleast it worked for me
[02:35:40] <tjb1> Did you grease the thrust before you put them in?
[02:35:48] -!- Dolence has quit []
[02:35:52] <r00t4rd3d> im dont think im using thrust bearings
[02:36:03] <tjb1> Just collars?
[02:36:18] <r00t4rd3d> they are like skateboard wheel bearings that are 3/8
[02:36:48] <r00t4rd3d> are those thrust bearings?
[02:36:57] <jp__> nope
[02:37:21] <tjb1> they are like needle bearings but sideways
[02:37:32] <jp__> but they will take a bit of a side load
[02:38:06] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.ebay.com/itm/5-R6ZZ-R6-ZZ-Ball-Bearings-ID-375-3-8-x-7-8-Bearing-/390460025797?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5ae93b2bc5
[02:38:16] <r00t4rd3d> those are what i used
[02:38:32] <r00t4rd3d> ball bearings :D
[02:38:34] -!- Fox_Muldr has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[02:38:43] <r00t4rd3d> im high tech
[02:38:46] <r00t4rd3d> back up
[02:39:03] <jp__> tjb1: use the collars to take up the gap if you cant get a .001" feeler gauge in you will be good
[02:39:24] <jp__> you may want to preload your nut
[02:39:58] <jp__> to do that with acme the easy way is to use two nuts on one screw
[02:40:00] <tjb1> those cant take side load
[02:40:08] <tjb1> those collars clamp on
[02:40:19] <tjb1> I have an antibacklash nut
[02:40:29] <jp__> plastic?
[02:40:37] <tjb1> yes
[02:40:40] <tjb1> r00t4rd3d: http://www.made-in-china.com/image/2f0j00yBsTQovFlGcNM/Thrust-Needle-Roller-Bearing.jpg
[02:40:56] <tjb1> I think its acetal
[02:41:00] <jp__> you nut cant take any load either then
[02:41:14] <jp__> 25 lbs or something like that
[02:41:33] <tjb1> Thats more than enough
[02:42:14] <r00t4rd3d> is using the type if bearing i am using a bad thing?
[02:42:19] <r00t4rd3d> if/of
[02:42:28] <jp__> not for $7
[02:42:40] <jp__> when they blow up buy new ones
[02:42:52] <r00t4rd3d> i still have 3 left
[02:42:54] <tjb1> Show me a picture of your setup
[02:43:03] <tjb1> your probably not putting any sideload on the bearing itself anyway
[02:43:23] -!- Fox_Muldr [Fox_Muldr!quakeman@frnk-5f742885.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:43:30] <tjb1> Most get sideload with those support bearings with the set screws
[02:43:36] <jp__> not with a big shaft collar pushing on it
[02:43:48] <tjb1> I doubt the collar is actually touching the bearing anyway
[02:43:51] <jp__> probably touching the outside race
[02:44:58] <r00t4rd3d> http://i.imgur.com/y7gYN.jpg
[02:45:04] <r00t4rd3d> u cant see crap really in that
[02:45:18] <tjb1> cant see anything that I need to see :P
[02:45:31] <tjb1> well I can see the y axis
[02:45:38] <tjb1> Where is the collar on that one?
[02:45:58] <r00t4rd3d> no collars on my y , only z
[02:46:28] <tjb1> What kind of coupling is on y?
[02:46:49] <r00t4rd3d> just a normal flex one
[02:47:04] <tjb1> thats the only thing holding your acme in place?
[02:47:24] <r00t4rd3d> my Y axis has a normal lead screw, machined ends
[02:47:41] <tjb1> Oh so that block holds it?
[02:48:24] <r00t4rd3d> yeah, the bearing blocks
[02:48:25] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.ebay.com/itm/18-3-8-12-ACME-Lead-Screw-w-Delrin-Nut-/110947270887?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19d4f900e7
[02:48:32] <r00t4rd3d> that lead screw is what i have on my Y
[02:48:48] <tjb1> ah ok
[02:48:58] <tjb1> I went to shop and turned that end today
[02:49:05] <tjb1> Its a big PITA to work in the shop here
[02:50:05] <r00t4rd3d> http://i.imgur.com/pzjF5.jpg
[02:50:33] <r00t4rd3d> my old setup but the lead screw is still the same
[02:50:56] <r00t4rd3d> you can see my collars in that too on my Z
[02:51:12] <tjb1> they sitting against the outer race of the bearing
[02:52:32] <r00t4rd3d> http://i.imgur.com/CSspj.jpg
[02:52:37] <r00t4rd3d> alittle better pic
[02:53:09] <tjb1> Those carriages suck lol
[02:53:16] <tjb1> Im trying to make 6 of them
[02:53:22] <tjb1> School doesnt have any metric
[02:53:42] <r00t4rd3d> wanna see something funny?
[02:53:44] <r00t4rd3d> http://i.imgur.com/uFh1e.jpg
[02:53:56] <tjb1> how small it is?
[02:54:10] <r00t4rd3d> my mom said it was average
[02:54:26] <tjb1> Im using 8.5" carriages on my z lol
[02:55:32] <r00t4rd3d> i think they are like 6inches long
[02:56:08] <tjb1> those little ones are 4
[02:56:15] <tjb1> if they are the CNCRP ones
[02:56:20] <r00t4rd3d> ya
[02:56:34] <tjb1> I have the 8.5 on z and I will still have like 7" travel
[02:57:24] <r00t4rd3d> thats overkill
[02:58:25] <r00t4rd3d> i use 8mm linear rods on my z
[02:58:43] <r00t4rd3d> i did have them on my Y
[02:59:54] <tjb1> rather have too much
[03:00:01] <r00t4rd3d> adds weight
[03:00:10] <r00t4rd3d> more stress
[03:02:30] <tjb1> oh well ;)
[03:05:54] -!- ve7it [ve7it!~LawrenceG@S0106001c10b7770f.pk.shawcable.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:07:18] <tjb1> r00t, what kind of finish does CNCRP put on their parts
[03:07:25] <tjb1> looks like a tumbler or something
[03:13:38] <r00t4rd3d> i have no idea
[03:13:42] <r00t4rd3d> the shiny kind
[03:13:46] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/quarter-dollar-coin-3d-model/484366
[03:13:52] <r00t4rd3d> who can make me this?
[03:13:57] <r00t4rd3d> for free
[03:14:51] -!- Keknom has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[03:23:38] -!- vladimirek has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:25:20] <tjb1> print it?
[03:33:21] -!- geo01005 [geo01005!~chatzilla@] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:36:24] <r00t4rd3d> i want to cut one in foam
[03:38:22] <r00t4rd3d> i wanna try this
[03:38:23] <r00t4rd3d> http://imgur.com/a/n4gTq
[03:39:18] <r00t4rd3d> im trying to make my own in ArtCam
[03:41:27] -!- broofa has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
[04:00:07] -!- phreak4257 [phreak4257!~phreak@] has joined #linuxcnc
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[04:09:56] -!- Fox_Muldr has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[04:13:24] -!- Fox_Muldr [Fox_Muldr!quakeman@frnk-4d01f121.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:17:29] -!- dhoovie [dhoovie!~kvirc-aye@] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:31:15] <Thetawaves> http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007W66BRG/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B007W66BRG&linkCode=as2&tag=ou00-20
[04:31:20] <Thetawaves> READ EM AND WEEP BOYS
[04:36:39] <ScribbleJ> Saw what
[04:36:42] <ScribbleJ> what
[04:36:44] <ScribbleJ> That's insane
[04:36:59] <ScribbleJ> That's possibly the stupidest product I've seen in months.
[04:37:04] <r00t4rd3d> lol
[04:37:22] <ScribbleJ> I dunno about you guys but I wear out a keyboard at least twice a year.
[04:37:33] <r00t4rd3d> i smash them for fun
[04:37:42] <r00t4rd3d> and spill drinks on them
[04:38:26] <r00t4rd3d> minus the keyboard case I could build a better one for cheaper
[04:39:40] <ScribbleJ> They've really made it retro by including VGA and no HDMI
[04:39:58] <ScribbleJ> I mean, that and copying the design concept of the Commodore 64.
[04:40:41] <r00t4rd3d> d525 has no hdmi options
[04:40:50] <r00t4rd3d> vga only
[04:41:37] <r00t4rd3d> if they were 150ish, maybe
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[04:55:16] <MattyMatt> I'm leaving the house with 2 model Ms in for 24 hours. no burglary please
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[04:56:27] * MattyMatt doesn't get through keybs anymore
[04:56:49] <MattyMatt> ttfn
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[05:17:36] <r00t4rd3d> i have no idea what you just tried to convey
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[05:26:05] <r00t4rd3d> was that some kind of UK slang?
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[05:39:26] <uw> i read that as "no buggery please"
[05:39:45] <uw> you're the boss mattymatt
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[06:32:30] <Loetmichel> mornin'
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[06:57:18] <DJ9DJ> moin
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[10:53:10] <jthornton> what do you look for when getting a touch screen to use with LinuxCNC?
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[11:02:12] <dhoovie> probably would start with if linux (if you are starting with the live cd from the linuxcnc.org then thats ubuntu 10.04) supports your touch screen? though I don't know to be honest. may be a place to strat looking.
[11:03:05] <archivist> first find out which type of screen driver etc, elo is one iirc
[11:03:32] <jthornton> someone has mentioned elo before iirc
[11:04:17] <archivist> I never managed to get mine running anyway and now the thing has died
[11:04:53] <jthornton> thats not a good sign
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[11:06:44] <archivist> I had no docs whatsoever for the integrated screen/pc thing
[11:08:05] <jthornton> hmm someone mentioned something about how the touch part connected up but I can't remember now
[11:08:07] <archivist> I was guessing that it sent the touch in via com port but it also had plenty of external com ports
[11:09:21] <archivist> I was looking at the parts on it,s internal interface to work out/guess, but as any look inside was an hours work I soon gave up
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[11:15:20] <jthornton> this looks good https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EloTouchScreen
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[11:46:39] <DJ9DJ> re
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[12:56:59] <skunkworks> TGIF
[12:57:08] <jdh> yep.
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[13:02:55] <Jymmm> How difficult is it to braize/weld brass with brass (not solder)?
[13:03:55] <archivist> use silver solder
[13:04:44] <Jymmm> Whats the melting point of silver solder?
[13:05:48] <archivist> below brass a bit, but red heat
[13:06:07] <archivist> depends on the particular solder
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[13:07:11] <Jymmm> I'm trying to a tiny (vapor) leak in a brass alcohol burner, it gets very hot..
[13:07:18] <Jymmm> ^fix
[13:07:54] <DJ9DJ> for making moonshine? ;)
[13:08:22] <Jymmm> DJ9DJ: No, but you could use moonshine in it for fuel.
[13:08:40] <DJ9DJ> ah :)
[13:08:54] <Jymmm> or store some in it, holds 2.5oz of fuel
[13:09:54] <archivist> we used to use easyflo http://www.jm-metaljoining.com/products-pages.asp?pageid=61&sectionid=3
[13:12:31] <Jymmm> Mmmm cadmium!
[13:13:34] <Jymmm> I've inadvertently melted aluminum with it, so not sure if soldering is the right way to go or not.
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[13:48:33] <JT-Shop> seems most touch screeens use 5-wire resistive is that good in an industrial environment?
[13:58:52] <pcw_home> I think the acoustic wave ones are preferred (better clarity and glass surface))
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[16:08:56] <skunkworks> Dolence, http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.5/html/config/ini_homing.html
[16:10:41] <tjb1> stepper mounted on z :D
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[16:22:29] <joe9> this is not a linuxcnc question. just wanted to ask your opinion on this, given the expertise here. I am trying to make http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003M6WJDK/ref=ox_sc_act_image_2?ie=UTF8&smid=AIB7X6SK6CU3C these black dots.
[16:22:40] <joe9> Anyone knows what material it might be?
[16:22:54] <joe9> I go to mcmaster.com and there are a lot of different plastics.
[16:23:11] <joe9> I am not sure what kind would be used for something like this. Any thoughts, please?
[16:24:26] <jdh> are they plastic? not just paper labels?
[16:25:40] <joe9> jdh: i need to make from plastic. I think paper is not removable.
[16:26:26] <joe9> actually, I do not even if I need to make it from plastic. It has to be really smooth. I have one before me now bought a long time ago (and, cannot find them anymore)
[16:26:32] <joe9> It is very shiny and smooth
[16:26:49] <joe9> and, on the other side is silvery in color.
[16:27:01] <jdh> like foil?
[16:28:11] <joe9> jdh, yes, on the other side. but, the top side is black in color, shiny and smooth.
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[16:48:53] <Loetmichel> re @ home
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[16:51:00] <IchGuckLive> Hi all
[16:51:13] <ktchk> hi
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[16:53:57] <ktchk> IchGuckLive: my heekscnc is working now latest from github waterline is testing 100%cpu time for long time
[16:54:30] <IchGuckLive> ask awallin he does the zigzag waterline
[16:54:43] <joe9> IchGuckLive: do you know about plastics?
[16:54:55] <IchGuckLive> why is waterline needet cand you go for Pocket ?
[16:55:18] <joe9> i think pocket does not work with Heekscnc, the last I checked (a few weeks ago)
[16:55:20] <IchGuckLive> PVC PMMA ?
[16:55:24] <joe9> yes.
[16:55:40] <joe9> I am trying to make http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003M6WJDK/ref=ox_sc_act_image_2?ie=UTF8&smid=AIB7X6SK6CU3C these black dots.
[16:55:44] <joe9> IchGuckLive: ^^
[16:55:54] <IchGuckLive> i worked in a factory that made this plates for 5 years
[16:56:22] <joe9> IchGuckLive: do you know what the name of the material is?
[16:56:29] <ktchk> IchGuckLive: just testing my most used is counterbore
[16:56:37] <IchGuckLive> ktchk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3m5Liw8LVY
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[17:01:49] <IchGuckLive> joe9: its only on paper
[17:01:56] <IchGuckLive> ther is no plastic
[17:02:40] <joe9> IchGuckLive: i want to use plastic to make those dots.
[17:04:23] <cpresser> joe9: take acrylic, line them with double-sided-tape, then laser-cut it.
[17:04:33] <cpresser> but i would rather buy the finished product, thats cheaper :)
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[17:06:48] <Loetmichel> cpresser: simpler: buy some "d-c-fix" in the desired colour, get a paper punch for folders and get going ;-)
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[17:12:04] <IchGuckLive> Loetmichel: Good idee
[17:12:14] <IchGuckLive> Loetmichel: how is the spoindel doing
[17:12:21] <IchGuckLive> spindel
[17:13:26] <Loetmichel> which one?
[17:13:30] <IchGuckLive> ER
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[17:13:42] <IchGuckLive> or did you go further
[17:13:48] <Loetmichel> still: which one?
[17:13:53] <IchGuckLive> Lathe Maybe
[17:13:58] <Loetmichel> the chines bought or the selfbuilt?
[17:14:16] <IchGuckLive> selfbuild
[17:14:19] <Loetmichel> +e -t-d
[17:14:39] <IchGuckLive> coils also selfmade
[17:14:42] <Loetmichel> ahen, not going further, last few weeks were 60+ hrs work each
[17:15:10] <IchGuckLive> i got also somany work no action on the mill
[17:16:35] <IchGuckLive> ktchk: do you got a Win PC to generate G-code
[17:17:02] <ktchk> IchGuckLive: no I always use ubuntu 10.04
[17:17:08] <IchGuckLive> ok
[17:17:47] <ktchk> IchGuckLive: win pc heekcnc no waterline
[17:19:29] <ktchk> IchGuckLive: I just replace bearings for my chinese 0.8 kw spindle with ute ceramic bearings
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[17:22:38] <IchGuckLive> ktchk: Noice ß
[17:23:56] <IchGuckLive> ktchk: do xou got a STL part for the Waterline Testing
[17:24:55] <ktchk> IchGuckLive: only the sphere
[17:25:03] <IchGuckLive> ok
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[17:27:19] <Loetmichel> ktchk: hmm, sounds like an idea, mine (watercoled) acts up a bit lately, one of the bearings is chirping at certain speeds/temperatures
[17:28:51] <ktchk> Loetmichel: My bearing heatup a lot and not up to speed only few months
[17:30:47] <gmagno> hey, I'm willing to carve some small pieces of wood (78x69x8[mm]) with some nice patterns. Any suggestions on what to carve? Some nice symbols or brands. I'm using a 2mm drill.
[17:31:31] <gmagno> I'm not very satisfied with my google search on svg images... :P
[17:34:09] <ktchk> gmagno: 3d greyscale?
[17:35:04] <gmagno> ktchk, hmm I could try that. Using image_to_gcode, right?
[17:35:48] <ktchk> gmagno: I use linuxcnc directly
[17:35:54] <IchGuckLive> gmagno: http://www.deskproto.com/download/3dmodels.htm
[17:36:27] <gmagno> ktchk, how?
[17:36:33] <IchGuckLive> gmagno: your faforited lady
[17:36:34] <gmagno> IchGuckLive, nice models
[17:36:41] <gmagno> :)
[17:36:50] <IchGuckLive> a Musicen
[17:36:58] <IchGuckLive> Your Face
[17:37:40] <ktchk> gmagno: from linuxcnc input the grayscale and fill up a table linuxcnc will generate the gcode
[17:37:47] <gmagno> I'm using a 2mm drill in a relatively small wood pieace. Image can't have too much detail, you know
[17:37:59] <IchGuckLive> gmagno: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI7uj-6KgyE
[17:38:20] <IchGuckLive> gmagno: get your body onto it
[17:39:47] <IchGuckLive> Fun is always lola Bunny
[17:40:30] <IchGuckLive> there are somany pictures of here around also §D models
[17:40:31] <gmagno> :)
[17:41:03] -!- phreak_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:41:15] <gmagno> I think I'll try a real face
[17:41:18] <IchGuckLive> http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs30/f/2008/049/6/1/Space_Jam__s_Lola_Bunny_Sketch_by_Sprivate.jpg
[17:41:27] -!- phreak_ [phreak_!~phreak@] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:41:27] <gmagno> ktchk, that calls image_to_gcode, right?
[17:42:19] -!- sendoushi has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:42:46] <ktchk> gmagno: I don't know just open a prg greyscale image file
[17:42:52] <IchGuckLive> gmagno: Google image search -> face grayscale
[17:43:40] <IchGuckLive> Angelina or the President !
[17:45:11] <gmagno> ktchk, yeah, it's perfect! I was calling it outside... shame on me
[17:45:57] <ktchk> gmagno: try chinese grayscale http://blog.china.alibaba.com/blog/cncengraver/article/b0-i6591616.html
[17:47:05] <gmagno> IchGuckLive, found my model: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Poster-HD-Photo-13x19-Sexy-Beautiful-Summer-Walker-Cute-Face-Hot-Babe-Thong-158-/00/s/Mzk0WDU3Ng%3D%3D/%24(KGrHqN,!qEE8WVe!WRzBPMqz),Zy!~~60_3.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.ebay.com/itm/Poster-HD-Photo-13x19-Sexy-Beautiful-Summer-Walker-Cute-Face-Hot-Babe-Thong-158-/270910702496&usg=__VNo0_oNlmVVRMTyFIWDF9_uabfQ=&h=394&w=576&sz=147&hl=en&start=63&zoom=1&tbni
[17:47:05] <gmagno> d=--Wf5h5ycygIWM:&tbnh=92&tbnw=134&ei=-zJKUI-hHpKT0QW-6IDgCQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhot%2Bbabe%2Bface%26start%3D60%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1
[17:47:10] <IchGuckLive> gmagno: Google for this "Büchsenmacher Rosl"
[17:47:56] <ktchk> gmagno: copy and patse 灰度圖 to search a lot of chinese grayscale
[17:48:18] <gmagno> IchGuckLive, who's that nice and sympathetic lady :)
[17:48:46] <gmagno> ktchk, chinese logos and are great
[17:49:14] <IchGuckLive> there are 2mio cards sold etch year with here face ! B) :D O.O
[17:49:30] <gmagno> IchGuckLive, :-o
[17:49:52] <gmagno> almos as good as michael jackson
[17:49:57] <gmagno> :)
[17:52:38] <ktchk> gmagno: a b/w picture can do lithophane with corin plastic
[17:55:06] <ktchk> bye
[17:55:07] -!- ktchk [ktchk!~eddie6929@n219079127075.netvigator.com] has parted #linuxcnc
[17:55:43] <gmagno> bye
[17:57:04] <IchGuckLive> gmagno:
[17:57:11] -!- ve7it has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:57:19] <IchGuckLive> use makehumen for a good 3D model
[18:01:07] -!- CIA-62 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[18:01:37] <gmagno> IchGuckLive, nice app. I think you guys helped with lots of good suggestions. Gonna start working on it now
[18:02:00] <IchGuckLive> wait some minites i gereate a STL
[18:04:19] <gmagno> IchGuckLive, sure!
[18:04:41] <gmagno> but I dunno how to convert STL to gcode with pycam
[18:05:14] <gmagno> can you send me the image? Image should fit in 78x69x8 [mm]
[18:07:34] <IchGuckLive> i can generate the G-code
[18:08:15] <gmagno> perfect!
[18:08:25] <gmagno> I'm using a 2mm drill
[18:08:43] <gmagno> I also need to know where the reference is
[18:14:40] <gmagno> to position my spindle
[18:15:02] <gmagno> if you can put the reference right in the middle of the square, it would be great
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[18:33:44] <Dolence> guys, please, there is a shortcut key in Axis to move all axis to home location?
[18:34:07] <gmagno> in Axys?
[18:34:12] <gmagno> Axis*
[18:34:18] <IchGuckLive> Dolence: HI G52 G0 X0 Y0 Z0
[18:35:30] <IchGuckLive> gmagno: i maybe missunderstud you you want The Summer Lady in 3D
[18:35:38] <IchGuckLive> or only a laydy
[18:35:47] -!- FredrikHson [FredrikHson!~Silverwol@90-230-36-147-no43.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[18:36:06] <IchGuckLive> Summer lady is only in Engrave nice
[18:36:15] <IchGuckLive> 3d needs a color change
[18:36:43] <FredrikHson> hi i was wondering if you need to have 2 pins for the spindle direction control or if its possible to do it with just one
[18:36:47] <gmagno> IchGuckLive, if you generate a nice g-code for me to carve within those dimensions, I would be very grateful. It does not matter what image, I trust you. But dont want you to lose much time with it, I'm sure you have much more to do
[18:38:41] <gmagno> IchGuckLive, there is only one thing that worries me, the fact that I'm using a 2mm drill. That might not be small enough reach much detail
[18:39:30] <gmagno> maybe you're doing a too fine 3d object, which after carving would lose all of the detail
[18:41:35] <gmagno> when I do my images in inkscape, I set the stroke width to the drill diameter. This way I can see exacly how the carving will exacly be
[18:43:50] <Dolence> IchGuckLive hi! how are you Sammel?
[18:44:06] -!- zzolo has quit [Quit: zzolo]
[18:44:08] <Dolence> IchGuckLive I was just cutting some pieces here :D
[18:44:10] <IchGuckLive> ktchk how do you remove this red
[18:44:27] <IchGuckLive> inthe 3D scales
[18:45:18] <gmagno> IchGuckLive, he left some time ago, afaik
[18:45:57] <IchGuckLive> isee
[18:46:00] <IchGuckLive> i got it
[18:48:56] <IchGuckLive> gmagno: some dxf from lola_bunny can you generate this then for your needs
[18:49:51] <gmagno> IchGuckLive, ?
[18:50:09] <gmagno> do you have lola_bunny dxf?
[18:51:01] <IchGuckLive> dont you got a cam
[18:51:14] <IchGuckLive> yes and SVG
[18:52:46] <gmagno> IchGuckLive, SVG is fine, can you send it to me?
[18:52:55] <IchGuckLive> querry
[18:52:55] -!- Loque has quit [Client Quit]
[18:53:04] <IchGuckLive> no open mails
[18:53:17] <IchGuckLive> 140kb
[18:54:00] -!- phreak_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:54:15] <IchGuckLive> i opend a querry please respond
[18:54:23] <gmagno> goncalo (dot) magno (at) gmail (dot) com
[18:54:26] -!- phreak_ [phreak_!~phreak@] has joined #linuxcnc
[18:55:00] <gmagno> IchGuckLive, what is a querry?
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[18:56:54] <IchGuckLive> its a privat talk look down to your IRC there is my name listet
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[18:57:29] <Dolence> how could I add a button to go home? i think i need to read about HAL/integration, right?
[18:57:56] <IchGuckLive> WHY
[18:58:03] <IchGuckLive> Dolence: USE MDI
[18:58:18] <Dolence> a phisical button, i mean
[18:58:34] <Dolence> I'm palnning to do a panel like this one
[18:58:42] <Dolence> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvhJj1yzqks&feature=related
[18:58:51] <Dolence> of course, not Mach3 crappy
[18:59:36] <IchGuckLive> PVC
[18:59:46] <IchGuckLive> PCV is your frend
[18:59:47] <FredrikHson> python+halui worked just fine for me
[19:00:35] <Dolence> PVC? Material?
[19:00:57] <FredrikHson> and an atmega chip/ardino for the physical device part
[19:01:11] <Dolence> I acn do it, with avr
[19:01:21] <Dolence> *can
[19:01:37] <Dolence> I just dont know how could I integrate to linuxcnc
[19:01:46] <Dolence> are you using PS/2 port?
[19:01:56] <Dolence> or serial...
[19:02:03] <FredrikHson> usb serial
[19:02:17] <FredrikHson> https://ckcnc.wordpress.com/basic-arduino-emc-howto/ followed this guide and well made some major changes after
[19:03:06] <Dolence> ty very much
[19:03:35] <FredrikHson> used an ft232rl chip for the usb part
[19:05:20] <Dolence> I have one of these laying around
[19:11:07] <Dolence> look, all this can be done using PS/2
[19:11:08] <Dolence> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=158670&d=1335660856
[19:11:49] <Dolence> thats a pretty cool control panel, I would remove some button through
[19:12:07] <FredrikHson> if its just regular buttons then sure it can be done through ps/2 since you can do all those options though the keyboard
[19:12:54] <Dolence> yeah, just missing go to home position, but surely I could do a new home scan
[19:12:59] <Dolence> usign homing
[19:13:09] <Dolence> it would be the same, right?
[19:13:23] <Dolence> I mean, almost... in practice
[19:13:58] <FredrikHson> perhaps i haven't messed with making a homing button or anything like that
[19:14:20] <FredrikHson> my device was just a jog wheel + display
[19:25:03] <Dolence> I'm using a touch screen lcd too
[19:25:13] <Dolence> but wasnt able to load a file in touchy yet
[19:25:34] <Dolence> and I dont know if touchy have a preview window
[19:25:37] <Dolence> like in axis
[19:25:54] <Dolence> axis is just fine :D
[19:26:38] <IchGuckLive> gmagno: Mail
[19:28:38] <gmagno> IchGuckLive, what do you guys call Axis?
[19:29:01] <IchGuckLive> LINIXCNC
[19:29:20] <Dolence> main/default user interface from linuxcnc
[19:29:39] <gmagno> got it, ty
[19:29:45] <Dolence> you can switch to one of the others avaliable
[19:29:54] <IchGuckLive> im stil working on Summer
[19:30:02] <Dolence> whats Summer?
[19:30:16] <Dolence> another UI?
[19:30:18] <gmagno> Dolence, im curious how to switch
[19:30:57] <IchGuckLive> a hot lady Dolence
[19:31:00] <Dolence> in your INI, where reads display
[19:31:17] <Dolence> IchGuckLive hot lady? sounds nice to me...
[19:31:32] -!- Nick001-Shop [Nick001-Shop!~chatzilla@] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:33:29] <IchGuckLive> Dolence: google image -> summer-walker-cute-face-hot-babe-thong
[19:33:38] -!- Dolence has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[19:34:20] <Dolence> +_+
[19:34:27] <Dolence> <Dolence> IchGuckLive hot lady? sounds nice to me...
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[19:34:33] <Dolence> las thing I read/write
[19:35:40] <Dolence> *last
[19:35:44] <IchGuckLive> Did you google for the name
[19:35:49] <Dolence> not yet
[19:35:57] <IchGuckLive> go to www.google.com
[19:36:02] <IchGuckLive> hit image
[19:36:16] <IchGuckLive> and search for -> summer-walker-cute-face-hot-babe-thong
[19:37:08] <Dolence> wow
[19:38:11] <Dolence> hot brunette
[19:38:56] <Dolence> german women are pretty too
[19:44:16] <IchGuckLive> Brazilian ighter
[19:44:24] <IchGuckLive> Globelesa BR1
[19:44:26] <Dolence> it's a bad idea upgrade linux to 12.x version?
[19:44:38] <IchGuckLive> yes keep to 10.04
[19:44:44] <Dolence> ok
[19:45:21] <IchGuckLive> Dolence: http://g1.globo.com/sao-paulo/carnaval/2012/
[19:45:34] <IchGuckLive> live in TV
[19:45:56] <IchGuckLive> http://g1.globo.com/platb/files/2121/theme/musas.html
[19:46:14] <IchGuckLive> MUSa de carneval Raija de Bateria !!
[19:46:48] <Dolence> thats the way we sell it to the world
[19:47:14] <Dolence> carnaval, soccer, mulata, caipirinha
[19:47:36] <Dolence> favela
[19:47:46] <Dolence> monkeys on the street lol
[19:48:04] <Dolence> like stallone said
[19:48:36] <Dolence> I'm the worst brazillian in the world
[19:48:44] <IchGuckLive> B)
[19:49:03] <Dolence> I dont like soccer, dance samba or whatever haha
[19:49:23] <Dolence> IchGuckLive
[19:49:45] <Dolence> thats the way
[19:49:45] <Dolence> http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_KW_sMy9Jm9s/TP-qyW_zZdI/AAAAAAAAFQo/ePntv3Ip-zU/s1600/picanha-no-espeto.jpg
[19:50:12] <Dolence> http://www.costelabrasileira.com.br/img/imghome2.jpg
[19:50:36] -!- broofa has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
[19:50:56] <Dolence> and fo course...
[19:50:56] <Dolence> http://sergiohagio.blogspot.com.br/2012/01/as-mais-bonitas-brasileiras-da.html
[19:54:40] * JT-Shop says bye bye to the Anilam 1100M control...
[19:54:52] <IchGuckLive> Dolence: http://g1.globo.com/carnaval/2012/fotos/2012/02/camisa-verde-e-branco-abre-desfiles-no-anhembi.html#F371076
[19:55:56] <Dolence> thats good ;D
[19:56:51] <skunkworks> JT-Shop, Yay!
[19:56:58] <Dolence> russian women ftw
[19:57:10] <JT-Shop> yea, it's no turning back now LOL
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[20:01:37] <IchGuckLive> im off by
[20:01:41] -!- IchGuckLive has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713225625]]
[20:01:42] <Dolence> bye
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[20:14:41] <Dolence> how its suposed to be file loading on touchy interface?
[20:23:07] <skunkworks> go to the auto tab and select a file
[20:24:50] -!- i_tarzan_ [i_tarzan_!~i_tarzan@] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:25:31] <skunkworks> Dolence, http://electronicsam.com/images/KandT/touchy/auto.png
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[20:26:41] <Dolence> hmmm, i laoded a file, but i think to have an work preview i will need another monitor
[20:27:02] -!- geo01005 [geo01005!~chatzilla@] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:27:36] <skunkworks> if you look at the glade example in the sample configs - there is a preview tab added.
[20:27:41] <skunkworks> (for touchy)
[20:28:14] <Dolence> ok, i will
[20:32:23] <Dolence> seens wonderful ;D lots of customization possoble
[20:32:26] <Dolence> possible
[20:32:42] -!- theorbtwo [theorbtwo!~theorb@] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:33:53] <Dolence> i wil give it a try!
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[21:02:42] <DJ9DJ> gn8
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[21:09:34] <r00t4rd3d> Hmm, a CNC tech/operator job was just posted to my local craigslist
[21:09:52] <r00t4rd3d> never seen that before
[21:11:16] <JT-Shop> is it possible to control more than one GS2 drive in LinuxCNC?
[21:12:35] <micges> JT-Shop: GS2?
[21:13:04] <JT-Shop> the userspace component gs2 for the AutomationDirect VFD drives
[21:13:20] <JT-Shop> it uses modbus over the serial port
[21:13:44] <micges> oh
[21:14:17] <JT-Shop> I would guess you need a serial port for each drive?
[21:15:12] <micges> yes
[21:15:28] <JT-Shop> ok thanks
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[21:29:25] <r00t4rd3d> wow , tank impact in syria http://i.imgur.com/F7Oyq.jpg
[21:29:35] <r00t4rd3d> i wonder if they are dead now
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[21:51:19] <hesgreat> does anyone rent out vps
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