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[00:25:28] <Eartaker> anyone us Mach3?
[00:28:15] * cpresser used it one. most likely i cant answer specific questions
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[00:32:34] <clytle374> is emc dependant on gnome? Or can I use another like xfce?
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[00:32:59] <FinboySlick> clytle374: It's got some gtk dependencies, you'll be fine with xfce
[00:33:12] <FinboySlick> clytle374: It's mostly for Axis I think.
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[00:35:03] <clytle374> I can still install gtk
[00:35:23] <FinboySlick> clytle374: From what I know of xfce, you already should have gtk
[00:36:11] <clytle374> thanks, was trying to install emc and realized I don't have a desktop yet.. oops
[00:36:25] <cpresser> clytle374: what distribution are you using?
[00:36:31] <clytle374> gentoo
[00:36:50] <cpresser> isnt there an ebuild for emc?
[00:37:07] <clytle374> idk, none for rtai
[00:37:07] <cpresser> it should calculate dependencies automatically!?
[00:37:46] <clytle374> not finding an ebuild
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[00:38:33] <clytle374> there is a DIY overlay, but I decided on manual
[00:38:36] <cpresser> you could read the dependency list for the debian-package and get the ones with the similar names out of portage
[00:40:00] <clytle374> I found a dependency a while back
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[00:49:23] <jthornton> aww, he left
[00:49:46] <skunkworks_> I showed up...
[00:50:02] <jthornton> Hi Sam
[00:50:13] <skunkworks_> Hi!
[00:52:00] <clytle374> 110 packages to build, might as well sleep... good night all.
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[01:34:34] <skunkworks_> heh - my laptop gets quite hot running xp in a vm (and all the other crap I have running)
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[02:40:07] <Antichip> So is there a mesa card that can do 10v analog and strp dir outputs?
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[02:44:26] <Ekkeri> I'm pretty confused with Mesa cards and I think I bought the wrong ones.. :)
[02:48:28] <skunkworks_> what did you buy and what are you trying to do?
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[02:50:17] <Ekkeri> well, first I have 7I52 for encoders and RS485, but there seems to be no support for it
[02:50:52] <Ekkeri> and then I have 7I37 & 7I42, but I'm not sure how I will drive servo cards..
[02:52:27] <Ekkeri> those have step/dir, quadrature, pwm, +-10V analog and SPI input.. step/dir should be easy, but I'm not sure what to use :)
[03:00:13] <pcw_home> How were you intending to use the RS-485?
[03:02:07] <Ekkeri> for vfd, not sure if it's possible (for me)
[03:04:02] <Ekkeri> it's Hitachi, similar to more popular SJ200 and it has modbus
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[03:08:39] <Jymmm> A2Sheds: I havent played with UV LED's, just high-powered LEDs
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[03:15:32] <pcw_home> No unfortunately theres no driver support for the UART module so the RS422-485 interface is mainly for SSERIAL I/O expansion
[03:15:34] <pcw_home> So a 7I52S would be better (it has buffered step/dir or PWM/DIR instead of the RS-485)
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[03:18:50] <Ekkeri> can I connect encoders through 7I52?
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[03:20:54] <pcw_home> yes 6 channels
[03:21:51] <pcw_home> You could get 3 step/dir outputs from a 7I52
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[03:23:58] <pcw_home> (but for step/dir a 7I52S is better = 6 step/dir or PWM/DIR outs and 6 encoder inputs)
[03:24:16] <Ekkeri> yup :/
[03:25:13] <Antichip> 10v analog out as well?
[03:25:54] <Ekkeri> that's just sad that I already have the 7I52 :)
[03:26:35] <Ekkeri> well, just a ~100$ mistake
[03:27:18] <Ekkeri> hmm, those have the same pcb?
[03:27:59] <Ekkeri> ("don't even think about it..")
[03:28:34] <pcw_home> Yes they are identical except for chips installed (and resistosr removed)
[03:31:32] <Ekkeri> could you provide more details? I have a rework station, reflow oven and some soldering skills..
[03:32:57] <A2Sheds> Jymmm: have you ever heard anything about those 50+ UV flashlights?
[03:33:38] <A2Sheds> looks like an array of 10-50mw UV leds
[03:35:31] <Ekkeri> pcw_home, just those big chips between P2 & P3?
[03:35:33] <Antichip> When i redid the x axis on my router i choose dual shaft for encoder confirmation. My x axis is not the most efficient so i would like to know when if a side sticks. I doubt they will. I would keep it as is. But y and z need more speed.
[03:35:45] <A2Sheds> there is a bunch of them on ebay with wavelength specs from 400-300nm, probably all wrong
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[03:41:40] <pcw_home> yes plus remove the 6 150 Ohm 1206 termination resistors
[03:41:42] <pcw_home> I dont have the exact info in front of me but I can get it to you basically you remove the RS-422 receivers in the COM section
[03:41:44] <pcw_home> install RS-422 transmitters on the now empty locations and remove the 6 resistors (but it might be easier for us to just swap a 7I52S for your 7I52)
[03:42:40] <Ekkeri> pcw_home, not sure about that, I live in Europe :)
[03:43:26] <pcw_home> (that is to say the added drivers go in the places that are now blank, when you remove the receivers they locations remain empty)
[03:46:30] <Antichip> I would also order the cards for the hurco kmb1 at the same as the router control cards here in a few days.
[03:47:44] <Antichip> Need to find cheap encoders sourced for herco servos first
[03:49:49] <Ekkeri> pcw_home, what RS-422 transmitters do you use? MAX30xx?
[03:52:17] <pcw_home> Yes MAX3042? you can look at the ones already there
[03:52:19] <pcw_home> we use them because they have full 5V swing
[03:52:28] <Ekkeri> hmm..
[03:53:58] <Ekkeri> there isn't any 3042 in my board, just 26LS32
[03:54:58] <pcw_home> 26ls32s are receivers for the encoder section
[03:56:07] <pcw_home> there have to be some Drivers, thought sure they were MAX3042s
[03:56:31] <Ekkeri> two MAX3092 from Maxim only
[03:57:27] <Ekkeri> and two DS34C87TM
[03:57:41] <Ekkeri> I think.. damn it's dark in here
[03:58:52] <Ekkeri> MAX3094E :)
[04:00:31] <pcw_home> ok those are the RS422 receiver(s) that need to be removed (and replaced with DS34C87 or MAX3042)
[04:01:32] <Ekkeri> ok
[04:01:40] <pcw_home> But I am doing this from memory best email me tomorow and Ill send you a schematic
[04:02:13] <Ekkeri> yup..
[04:03:16] <Ekkeri> there are RoHS sticker, so I assume those have leadfree solder..
[04:04:59] <Ekkeri> and I need EMC2.5 to support this card?
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[04:07:40] <Ekkeri> and how I can get real RS-485.. :)
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[04:27:17] <Jymmm> A2Sheds: Nope, but thats about the only way you'll get any light of of them
[04:33:45] <pcw_home> Yes you need 2.5 for the encoders
[04:33:47] <pcw_home> as far as 485 goes add some driver code?
[04:35:20] <Ekkeri> driver code?
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[04:37:45] <Ekkeri> I think I'm not following.. I don't have RS485 interface if that 7I52 isn't supporting it?
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[04:50:41] <Ekkeri> I'm familiar with RS232 only, RS422 & 485s are new to me :)
[04:51:16] <Ekkeri> there seems to be RS232<->RS485 converters in the market..
[04:56:21] <pcw_home> Honestly thats probably your best bet or the VFD (If its one that EMCs modbus interace will talk to)
[04:58:14] <pcw_home> on the VFD
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[04:58:26] <clytle374> I thought I read that modbus wasn't a realtime interface?
[04:58:45] <pcw_home> its not but ok for spindles
[04:59:03] <Ekkeri> there's some info, and RS232<->RS485 adapter mentioned
[04:59:25] <clytle374> good enough for rigid tapping?
[05:00:02] <pcw_home> Yes because EMC does spindle synchonized motion
[05:00:26] <pcw_home> the real time link is the spindle encoder
[05:00:39] <clytle374> duh, thanks
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[05:01:55] <pcw_home> may/may not good enough for good PID spindle speed control
[05:02:19] <pcw_home> 'nite my eyes are hooding over...
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[05:13:17] <friedsteev> hey
[05:13:30] <friedsteev> anyone in here expereicned with move large cnc equipment?
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[05:14:46] <clytle374> how large? And you mean EMCing it?
[05:14:57] <Jymmm> dont drop it?
[05:15:05] <frysteev>
[05:15:09] <frysteev> one of those,
[05:15:17] <frysteev> not that exact one, but same model
[05:15:22] <Jymmm> loval tow truck operator is your new best friend?
[05:15:39] <frysteev> trying to figure out how much the bed weighs (minus the extra pallet option on the front)
[05:18:19] <Jymmm> frysteev: you won the auction?
[05:18:30] <frysteev> no. bout a same model unit locally
[05:18:39] <Jymmm> ah, cool
[05:18:44] <clytle374> how much iron is in it?
[05:20:22] <frysteev> i have no idea how much it weighs, i gotta move it in the next couple of weeks
[05:20:26] <Ekkeri> damn, I want one!
[05:21:09] <clytle374> is it an iron bed?
[05:21:20] <Ekkeri> my friend have a water cutter, thats nice for some jobs too..
[05:21:33] <Jymmm> frysteev: I can help move it to my garage =)
[05:21:46] <frysteev> :P
[05:21:58] <frysteev> hehe
[05:22:06] <Jymmm> I aint laffin!
[05:22:09] <frysteev> im excited about this,
[05:22:13] <frysteev> im in canada :P
[05:22:27] <Jymmm> And it can stay in the US!
[05:22:32] <frysteev> its going to be even more fun cuz my shop is underground :P
[05:22:59] <frysteev> the cnc i bought is up here in toronto, the reason i got it, is cuz the company didnt wanna take it cross the border
[05:23:17] <Jymmm> cool
[05:23:27] <Ekkeri> some shoveling to do? ;)
[05:23:30] <Jymmm> maybe you can add a spindle to the gantry
[05:25:52] <frysteev> if i get it moved :P
[05:26:37] <frysteev> the movements on it are pretty hardcore, i was planning on building a 4x8' machine and having an interchangable router, plasma and laser head
[05:26:46] <frysteev> but then i found this, and was like yaaaa
[05:29:55] <Ekkeri> my friend found ~20k$ VMC for ~2k$ because it wasn't working and estimated repairing cost was ~18k$ :)
[05:30:35] <Ekkeri> found the problem on his own, and repairing cost was <100$
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[05:31:42] <Ekkeri> that wasn't a bad deal.. one now it's sitting in his hall unused because there isn't anyone who is capable to use it
[05:32:20] <Ekkeri> one=and.. maybe it's time to go to sleep
[05:33:14] <Ekkeri> it's 7:33AM here :)
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[12:28:54] <Mjolinor> I have this line to give me a revs display
[12:28:57] <Mjolinor> net scaled-spindle-vel <= scale.0.out => pyvcp.spindle-speed
[12:29:18] <Mjolinor> I am trying to add feedback so I have thsi line to give me that
[12:29:20] <Mjolinor> net scaled-spindle-vel <= scale.0.out => pyvcp.spindle-speed
[12:29:35] <Mjolinor> so I can't have both, how do I make a line that does both
[12:29:53] <Mjolinor> crap, got taht wrong
[12:30:01] <Mjolinor> net pid_feedback <= motion.spindle-speed-in <= scale.0.out
[12:30:06] <Mjolinor> that is my second line
[12:31:18] <Mjolinor> I get seriously confused about what is going where
[12:31:49] <jthornton>
[12:32:16] <jthornton> see the signal direction figure
[12:32:51] <Mjolinor> crap I cant read ont his computer :)
[12:33:02] <jthornton> I think both pid and scale are both signal sources
[12:33:12] <jthornton> and you can only have one
[12:33:31] <jthornton> and as many signal readers (dir in) as you want
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[12:34:03] <Mjolinor>
[12:34:13] <Mjo> thats better :)
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[15:37:20] <syyl> ooops ;)
[15:37:21] <syyl>
[15:37:25] <syyl>
[15:37:30] <syyl> "that shouldnt happen"
[15:38:07] <TekniQue> is that what happens when you crash the toolhead into the toolchanger?
[15:38:22] <archivist> I think so :)
[15:38:22] <syyl> almost :D
[15:38:27] <syyl> machine has a moving table
[15:38:34] <skunkworks> ouch..
[15:38:41] <syyl> and decided to move the table during toolchange...
[15:39:14] <skunkworks> how did it decide?
[15:39:16] <archivist> emc?
[15:39:19] <syyl> no
[15:39:29] <archivist> phew :)
[15:39:38] <syyl> pc controll retrofitted from a professional company ;)
[15:39:51] <syyl> today i bent the pneumatic cylinder and the guide rail straight
[15:40:04] <syyl> filled the bearing shoes with new bearing balls and a lot of lube
[15:40:08] <syyl> made a few new parts
[15:40:14] <syyl> and tada
[15:40:14] <syyl>
[15:40:19] <syyl>
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[15:40:50] <syyl> not as new, but it works until we get a replacement for the cylinder and the guide rail
[15:40:52] <archivist> and put emc2 on the machine?
[15:41:42] <syyl> thats far beyond my decision...
[15:41:54] <syyl> (in my opinion emc2 would be perfect ;) )
[15:42:08] <archivist> you have an excuse now
[15:42:16] <syyl> or a haidenheim cnc controller...
[15:42:37] <syyl> but that crappy "knotenpunkt" controller is..cap
[15:42:39] <syyl> *crap
[15:43:46] <syyl> the straight-bent guide rail sounds real bad now... :D
[15:44:40] <archivist> does look flimsy for its job
[15:45:09] <syyl> its ok
[15:45:24] <syyl> the sk20 toolholders are pretty light
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[17:25:01] <Loetmichel> re vom Friseur
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[17:53:41] <jims> Dumb question. How do you view the output from the "print" debugging message?
[17:54:10] <alex_joni> you get a popup
[17:54:52] <jims> I get a popup with the "msg" command but nothing with "print"
[17:55:49] <jims> I'm trying to view the value of some parameters
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[17:57:11] <alex_joni> try debug
[17:57:11] <jims> like this: (print,endmill dia = #<_endmill_dia>)
[17:58:02] <jims> can I substitute "debug" fpr "print" in the above line?
[17:58:10] <alex_joni> try
[17:59:20] <JT-Shop> doesn't print go to std output?
[17:59:45] <JT-Shop> jims:
[18:00:03] <JT-Shop> oh stderr
[18:00:07] <skunkworks> alex_joni: are you around?
[18:01:00] <jims> Is stderr supposed to be visible all the time, or do you have to display it?
[18:01:09] <alex_joni> apparently ;)
[18:01:25] <alex_joni> jims: gotta start from a terminal to have them visible
[18:01:27] <JT-Shop> stderr goes to dmesg I think... I'm googling it now
[18:01:42] <JT-Shop> or what Alex said
[18:03:15] <jims> Dumb question #2. I know how to launch a terminal, but how do you start stderr from a terminal?
[18:03:51] <JT-Shop> you have to launch emc from a terminal
[18:04:00] <JT-Shop> why are you using print?
[18:06:03] <jims> Will substituting "debug" for "print" direct the output to EMC just like "msg" does?
[18:07:40] <JT-Shop> yes, with the added feature of expanding parameters
[18:08:04] <JT-Shop>
[18:08:44] <jims> Ah, thanks a lot. I'll go give it a shot right now.
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[18:37:07] <Mjolinor> I think I have got some sort of feedback HAL file defined and hte motor huntsif it is off load. If I load the motor (grab its output shaft) shoudl I see the PWM get wider?
[18:38:01] <archivist> yes if that is the correct way to increase speed
[18:38:28] <Mjolinor> ok
[18:38:52] <Mjolinor> i am feeding the PWM signal into a RC ESC to drive a brushless DC motor
[18:39:03] <Mjolinor> radio control electronic speed controller
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[18:40:53] <pcw_home> If this is like normal RC servos its fairly strange PWM
[18:41:00] <Mjolinor> yup
[18:41:11] <Mjolinor> 1ms pulse is off, 2 ms pulse is full speed
[18:41:21] <Mjolinor> and all inbetween :)
[18:41:28] <Mjolinor> a full ms to play with
[18:42:05] <Mjolinor> so I am thinking that the gains for the pids need to be really small otherwise the speed controller resets itself
[18:42:34] <Mjolinor> if it goes over 3ms or under about 0.9 it resets
[18:42:59] <pcw_home> You need to set the PID limits and probably add an offset component
[18:43:23] <Mjolinor> i have the offset for the spindle before I started messing with the pids
[18:43:40] <Mjolinor> what I need is to stop the pid feedback taking it outside the range that is allowed
[18:43:46] <Mjolinor> I haven't found how to do that yet
[18:44:46] <pcw_home> the PID comp has a MAX_OUTPUT parameter (I think thats what its called)
[18:45:00] <Mjolinor> I will google :)
[18:45:24] <Mjolinor> I used to befuddle my brain at christmas drinking large quantities of alcohol
[18:45:36] <Mjolinor> I now befuddle it trying to get my head round things like this
[18:45:41] <Mjolinor> it's called getting old
[18:47:24] <Mjolinor> pid.N.maxoutput float rw
[18:47:30] <Mjolinor> that would be the one :)
[18:47:38] * archivist is past getting
[18:48:26] <pcw_home> so for example If this was scaled in ms set the PID max output to 0.5 (so the output range of PID comp is -0.5 to +0.5)
[18:48:28] <pcw_home> then offset the output by 1.5 so the offset output range is now 1 to 2
[18:48:30] <pcw_home>
[18:49:21] <pcw_home> I expext these puzzles are not a bad thing for aging brains
[18:49:40] <Mjolinor> pid.N.bias float rw
[18:49:45] <Mjolinor> usiong that to set the offset
[18:50:04] <pcw_home> That wont work
[18:50:15] <Mjolinor> the first 10 things I try never work
[18:50:32] <pcw_home> because its applied before the MAX_OUTPUT limit
[18:51:48] <pcw_home> I think its arguable that the PID comp should have applied the BIAs after the limit but it does not
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[18:53:26] <pcw_home> so I think you need the scale or offset comp (or hack the PID comp to reverse the order of apply BIAs and limit to MAX_OUTPUT)
[18:55:15] <Roguish> hello all. simple (i hope) compile question? when doing the ./configure, i get 'configure: error: boost::python is required to build EMC2'
[18:55:15] <Mjolinor> it doesnt seem sensible that the feedback output will produce a signal lower than the minmum defined with pwmgen.X.offset to me
[18:56:20] <Roguish> when i do an apt-get for python, it says it is installed. what have i done wrong????
[18:57:08] <pcw_home> I vaguely remember that error but the neurons have rotted
[19:00:04] <pcw_home>
[19:01:24] <skunkworks> pcw_home: I don't think bob wants to understand.
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[19:04:58] <Roguish> pcw_home: thanks, that got it. installed the 'boost' thing through the package manager.
[19:05:08] <pcw_home> Yeah after he said that 10 KHz was not fast enough for a CNC machine servo loop I gave up
[19:05:09] <pcw_home> Though I think i did not explaine things very well to someone that comes from a 'all the world is step+dir" land
[19:07:45] <skunkworks> right
[19:23:16] <Mjolinor> ok, need soem educated input.
[19:23:45] <Mjolinor> my motor has 12 poles on the stator and 13 magnets on the rotor
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[19:24:11] <Mjolinor> if I look at hte signal going to the motor and see a sin wave at 1400 hz what revs is the motor doing?
[19:24:37] <Mjolinor> answers on a postcard please
[19:24:40] <Mjolinor> or in ehre
[19:24:43] <Mjolinor> here
[19:25:14] <IchGucksLive> hi today the new release of librecad with all the nice polyline fetures came out !
[19:25:40] <IchGucksLive> all the icon changed from qcad ->bad
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[20:12:26] <mazafaka> LibreCAD?
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[20:22:07] <archivist> a fork of qcad
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[20:32:25] <packrat> anyone know where i might be able to acquire a 10mm diameter t-slot cutter?
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[20:33:32] <archivist> did you google 10mm t-slot cutter
[20:34:51] <packrat> lol
[20:34:59] <packrat> of course
[20:35:30] <archivist> well I got answers!
[20:36:33] <archivist> you will get suppliers near you for me in the uk I see
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[20:37:32] <packrat> :near you:
[20:37:34] <packrat> :america:
[20:37:36] <packrat> :metric:
[20:37:47] <packrat> :lol:
[20:39:06] <archivist> you should be able to get metric, we can get imperial here
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[20:41:23] <packrat> i got only one result, at a price of almost $100
[20:41:35] <archivist> J & L America Inc supply over here too
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[20:44:34] <packrat> are you sure you're not getting M10 shank?
[20:45:10] <packrat> thats usually what turns up with the typical google search, e.g. MSC/J&L
[20:46:18] <packrat> or rather, "10.0mm bolt"
[20:47:16] <archivist>
[20:47:27] <syyl> uh
[20:47:29] <syyl> thats cheap
[20:47:45] <archivist> sure is, chines or indian supply
[20:47:47] <syyl> a serious tslot cutter costs about 50 to 70 euros here...
[20:48:20] <packrat> uh, your link is 16mm diameter cutter head
[20:48:25] <packrat> 10mm is the shank size
[20:48:47] <syyl> thats whats called a "10mm t slot"
[20:48:48] <packrat> er, 21mm cutter head
[20:49:10] <packrat> hm, well i wasnt asking for a "10mm t-slot"
[20:49:20] <packrat> but a t-slot cutter with a 10mm diameter
[20:49:29] <packrat> on the cutter head
[20:49:34] <syyl> you asked for a 10mm t-slot cutter :D
[20:49:43] * syyl runs away
[20:49:54] <packrat> 10mm diameter t-slot cutter
[20:50:01] <packrat> to quote myself
[20:50:03] <syyl> ah damw
[20:50:05] <syyl> damn
[20:50:05] <packrat> 10mm diameter
[20:50:10] <syyl> one line above
[20:50:11] <packrat> told
[20:50:13] <syyl> sry ;)
[20:50:14] <packrat> :B
[20:50:22] <syyl> mh
[20:50:38] <syyl> those are a bit harder to aquire
[20:50:44] <packrat> indeed
[20:51:09] <syyl> look for woodrof cutter
[20:51:18] <syyl> thats like a small t-slot cutter
[20:52:11] <packrat> hm
[20:52:51] <Loetmichel> hmm, maybe get a cheap 2 flute or 3 flute 1mm hss and grind the shaft down?
[20:53:34] <Loetmichel> the two or three "upper" cutting edges have to be done "freehand" though, if no tool grinder is at hand ;-)
[20:53:46] <Loetmichel> 10mm
[20:54:25] <Loetmichel> btdt for a 12mm tslot
[20:54:51] <Loetmichel> but i used a wood router bit with a 6mm shaft and a 12 mm cutting drum
[20:54:56] <archivist> I made one for my model adjustable spanner
[20:55:00] <Loetmichel> and just "shortened" it
[20:55:06] <packrat> in actuality, im not machining the part myself, but making sure that the dimensions in my design will not make it ridiculously expensive, and conform to tools easily available to our chinese machinists
[20:55:28] <syyl> chinese machinists?
[20:55:41] <packrat> yar
[20:55:45] <archivist> chines robots
[20:55:48] <syyl> maybe you should skip the t-slot ;)
[20:56:14] <packrat> heh, well it doesnt have to be very precise
[20:56:38] <archivist> they already know imprecise :)
[20:56:55] <packrat> well, anyway
[20:56:56] <syyl> for a normal machineshop, it should be no problem to aquire a cutter for such a job
[20:57:17] <packrat> gotcha
[20:58:03] <archivist> is the bole shank clearance enough for the available cutters
[20:58:07] <archivist> bolt
[20:59:22] <packrat> nope
[21:00:00] <packrat> ill just send them the design, and see what price they shoot back at us
[21:06:13] <Tom_itx>
[21:06:20] <Tom_itx> they may have a slitting saw
[21:06:30] <Tom_itx> slot cutter
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[22:26:47] <Ekkeri> PCW, thanks :)
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[22:32:54] <scanf> hi, is it safe to upgrade to 10.04.1
[22:33:09] <scanf> im using the 10.04 LTS livecd installed to HDD
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[23:32:58] <JT-Shop> might be ok
[23:33:10] <JT-Shop> scanf: ^
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