#emc | Logs for 2011-11-13

[00:01:54] <JT-Shop> Tom_L: I have much better than 12% voltage balance between phases
[00:02:39] <Tom_L> you need it for cnc's
[00:02:41] <JT-Shop> 12% is like 28.8 volts I'm less than a couple of volts difference between phases
[00:03:27] <JT-Shop> that's why I assume it is more sales hype than real information that it is playing to be
[00:03:42] -!- Tom_itx has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[00:04:13] -!- Tom_itx [Tom_itx!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #emc
[00:05:01] <Tom_L> i suppose irc is gonna act up all night now
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[00:05:35] -!- Tom_L [Tom_L!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #emc
[00:07:07] <JT-Shop> why is that?
[00:07:52] <Tom_L> both pc's lost connection
[00:07:54] <JT-Shop> jdhNC: I'm not sure what the caps do but I know you need 3 times as much on one leg to generated as the other
[00:07:56] <Tom_itx> or lag by minutes
[00:09:12] -!- WalterN has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:09:13] <Tom_itx> they're like storage batteries
[00:09:28] <jdhNC> JT: that could be to make up for motor inefficiency. Seems like that would have to induce lag for charge time
[00:09:47] -!- Quack [Quack!~chatzilla@c-50-131-153-208.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #emc
[00:09:55] <jdhNC> Tom_itx: got the box, packed full! Thanks!
[00:10:02] <Tom_itx> great
[00:10:12] <JT-Shop> I don't know what you said :/
[00:10:12] <Jymmm> Tom_L: Wher'es my box?
[00:10:27] <Tom_itx> Jymmm it was a limited time offer
[00:10:48] <Jymmm> Tom_L: Damn legalese! ;)
[00:10:52] <jdhNC> surely that was all the kittens you had.
[00:10:54] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop, it takes time for a cap to charge
[00:11:05] <JT-Shop> ah, ok
[00:11:13] <Tom_itx> introducing lag
[00:11:34] <JT-Shop> are the caps charging/discharging all the time to balance the voltage?
[00:12:13] <Tom_itx> i forgot what little i remembered about those things
[00:12:49] <Tom_itx> i think it use one leg of the motor to run the motor and the other windings to produce the other phases
[00:12:49] <Tom_itx> the diodes were there to split the phases as well as the caps to retain the charge
[00:12:59] <JT-Shop> what does the different UF numbers mean? are they any indication of charge time?
[00:13:09] <Tom_itx> Farads
[00:13:12] <Tom_itx> or micro farads
[00:13:13] <Tom_itx> capacity
[00:13:14] <andypugh> Ideally you switch in extra caps when the load goes up.
[00:13:43] <Tom_itx> andypugh that explains the switches we had on ours
[00:13:51] <Tom_itx> i couldn't remember what the were wired for
[00:13:53] <JT-Shop> capacity in what way?
[00:14:16] <Tom_itx> it's like trying to start your car with a dead battery
[00:14:18] <Tom_itx> or a live one
[00:14:30] <Tom_itx> storage
[00:14:31] <andypugh> JT-Shop: V = CIt,
[00:14:45] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: uF = unit of measurement of capacitors
[00:14:54] <andypugh> No, wait, that's wrong.
[00:15:06] <JT-Shop> Jymmm: yea I assumed that but what does it measure?
[00:15:13] <andypugh> VC = It sounds more right
[00:15:19] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop, capacitance
[00:15:28] <JT-Shop> lol, what is that?
[00:15:33] <andypugh> One farad is one volt per coulomb
[00:15:33] <Tom_itx> µF is micro farads
[00:15:52] <andypugh> one coulomb is 1 amp-second
[00:16:04] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: It's kinda along the ines of what an OHM is for resistors.
[00:16:15] <Jymmm> s/ines/lines/
[00:16:17] <jdhNC> http://wilmington.craigslist.org/tls/2643937793.html
[00:16:24] <jdhNC> local guy is selling that phase converter
[00:16:28] <andypugh> So, put 1 amp for one second into a 1 farad cap, and it will charge to 1 volt
[00:16:41] <JT-Shop> ah, I see now
[00:17:00] <jdhNC> 1 farad is a huge cap though, in general
[00:17:11] <Tom_itx> so as your load demands more current, you put more caps in the circuit
[00:17:13] <Jymmm> SuperCAP!!!
[00:17:18] <JT-Shop> he has enough start caps on that beast for sure
[00:17:55] -!- Loetmichel has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[00:18:06] <Tom_itx> don't ever discharge one with a screwdriver
[00:18:12] <JT-Shop> I need more caps then
[00:18:14] <Tom_itx> you may not have a screwdriver when it's done
[00:18:26] <Tom_itx> or a hand
[00:18:27] <JT-Shop> to handle the rapid moves and the spindle spool up
[00:18:35] <Tom_itx> give it a try
[00:18:37] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: I prefer to wire them to the anti-static mat and the chair =)
[00:18:40] <Tom_itx> put em on a switch
[00:18:47] <JT-Shop> the 15k did well today
[00:18:54] <jdhNC> is it loud?
[00:19:18] <JT-Shop> is what loud?
[00:19:25] <Tom_itx> your cannon
[00:19:25] <jdhNC> the phase converter
[00:19:37] <JT-Shop> no, pretty quiet
[00:19:54] <Jymmm> Canon? I thought he was making a cross bow, then a trebuchet???
[00:19:57] <JT-Shop> on the other hand the cannon is quite loud
[00:19:58] <Tom_itx> jdhNC, you get enough pc board, you don't mind screwing up a little
[00:20:11] <JT-Shop> Ray is making the rebuchet
[00:20:32] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: Oh, I thought the gantry would double as a trebuchet
[00:20:34] <jdhNC> Tom: oh yeah! The Z leveling code seems to work pretty well. I need to work on depth though
[00:20:35] <JT-Shop> I made the sub orbital tannerite rocket launcher
[00:20:43] <Jymmm> ah
[00:20:56] <JT-Shop> the ballista is getting close to a test firing
[00:21:17] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: BTW are you going to war with your neighbors or something?
[00:21:54] <JT-Shop> oh no, we get along fine... in fact I do most of my explosive and shooting at my neighbors house
[00:22:01] <Jymmm> heh
[00:22:14] <JT-Shop> the rest of the neighbors only come over with caution
[00:23:25] <andypugh> JT-Shop: You remind me of the Iowans in a book I just read
[00:23:33] <JT-Shop> lol
[00:23:41] -!- Loetmichel [Loetmichel!Cylly@p54B140C4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #emc
[00:23:42] <jdhNC> the iowa militia?
[00:24:47] <andypugh> Actually, if you like Neal Stevenson, his latest book "REAMDE" is very good. Fast-paced, like Snow Crash, but more of a Cryptonomicon feel to it.
[00:25:04] <Tom_itx> ever shake any windows out?
[00:25:16] -!- theorb [theorb!~theorb@] has joined #emc
[00:26:01] <JT-Shop> no, we take all the proper precautionary measures first, and watch Ray like a hawk!
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[00:26:22] theorb is now known as theorbtwo
[00:28:18] <JT-Shop> andypugh: I can't remember when I read a novel last but that one seems neat
[00:28:41] <jdhNC> snowcrash was good, anathem was incredibly bad
[00:29:15] * JT-Shop heads inside to strap on the feed bag
[00:29:23] <JT-Shop> say goodnight Gracie
[00:30:48] -!- Quack has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[00:31:38] -!- toastyde1th [toastyde1th!~toast@c-69-140-223-139.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #emc
[00:32:56] <andypugh> I liked Anathem. And I think that the Sytstem of the World trilogy was the best thing I have read. I know a lot of people found it too slow, but if you read 200 pages a day,,,
[00:34:55] -!- toastydeath has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
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[01:01:09] -!- skunkKandT has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[01:02:22] <andypugh> Night
[01:02:30] -!- andypugh has quit [Quit: andypugh]
[01:09:29] -!- crazy_imp has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
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[03:05:46] -!- danimal_laptop [danimal_laptop!~kvirc@ip70-179-51-115.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #emc
[03:05:59] <danimal_laptop> hi
[03:07:05] -!- Tom_L [Tom_L!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #emc
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[03:07:30] Tom_L is now known as Tom_itx
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[03:12:41] -!- zlog [zlog!~zlog@ip68-102-110-69.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #emc
[03:17:08] <danimal_laptop> manual lathe is in it's new home
[03:17:24] <Tom_itx> nice
[03:17:40] <danimal_laptop> and i didnt screw up my back!
[03:17:42] <Tom_itx> dan, out of curiosity, how big is your shop?
[03:17:48] <danimal_laptop> way too small
[03:17:55] <danimal_laptop> 20x20ish
[03:17:59] <Tom_itx> k
[03:18:03] <danimal_laptop> standard 2 car garage
[03:18:05] <Tom_itx> not alot of room to move
[03:18:07] <Tom_itx> yup
[03:18:08] <danimal_laptop> no
[03:18:24] <Tom_itx> that's where my friend started out when i started programming for him
[03:18:42] <danimal_laptop> it's cheap lol
[03:18:56] <danimal_laptop> i gotta pay the mortgage regardless, so...
[03:19:00] <Tom_itx> he started with a tracer and a boss 5
[03:19:07] <danimal_laptop> nice
[03:19:27] <Tom_itx> making sheetmetal dies
[03:19:58] <danimal_laptop> i just make bike parts
[03:20:03] <Tom_itx> i know
[03:20:10] <danimal_laptop> and the occasional electric car part
[03:20:14] <Tom_itx> do you make the actual crank handles etc too?
[03:20:18] <danimal_laptop> na
[03:20:23] <danimal_laptop> i keep it simple
[03:21:03] <danimal_laptop> i'm hoping i'll have enough room for the new mill now
[03:21:36] <Tom_itx> he had to remove the z servo when he got his first fadal and it was a tiny mill
[03:21:39] <danimal_laptop> still gotta move the compressor and a few rollaways
[03:21:53] <danimal_laptop> to get it in the shop?
[03:21:57] <Tom_itx> yeah
[03:21:59] <danimal_laptop> haha
[03:22:09] <Tom_itx> then cut a hole in the ceiling for it
[03:22:09] <danimal_laptop> yea i had to remove half the head on mine
[03:22:19] <danimal_laptop> haha nice
[03:22:27] <Jymmm> Sounds liek it be easier to build a room around it
[03:22:51] <danimal_laptop> i scored a kiln today for heat treating
[03:23:09] <Jymmm> danimal_laptop: how big? electric? gas?
[03:23:12] <Jymmm> wood?
[03:23:35] <danimal_laptop> electric, maybe 12x12x12 inside?
[03:23:36] <A2Sheds> wood kiln or wood burning kiln? :p
[03:23:48] <danimal_laptop> it was free
[03:24:03] <Jymmm> danimal_laptop: how thick are the walls?
[03:24:05] <danimal_laptop> i ordered a digital temp control for it, that was $60
[03:24:10] <A2Sheds> how much power do you have in that garage?
[03:24:18] <danimal_laptop> 3 or 4" i think
[03:24:19] <Jymmm> A2Sheds: 2 amps =)
[03:24:24] <danimal_laptop> not enough lol
[03:24:32] <Jymmm> danimal_laptop: not bad
[03:24:42] <danimal_laptop> let's just say i have a 200a service, and most of it goes to the garage
[03:24:52] -!- demacus [demacus!~demacus@erft-4db7d327.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #emc
[03:25:03] <Jymmm> all solar =)
[03:25:07] <danimal_laptop> i dont run much in the house when all the machines are going
[03:25:11] <Jymmm> no sun == no tools!
[03:25:19] <danimal_laptop> riiighttt
[03:25:20] <Tom_itx> storage batteries
[03:25:31] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: are for the weak!
[03:25:41] <danimal_laptop> solar pannels cost more than my machines
[03:25:46] <Jymmm> danimal_laptop: bicycle pwr!
[03:25:51] <danimal_laptop> right
[03:26:09] <danimal_laptop> i do put out close to a kw lol
[03:26:38] <Jymmm> and thats just your mouth alone! LOL
[03:27:00] <danimal_laptop> and 10,000btu's from the ass
[03:27:15] <Jymmm> I think you forgot a zero there
[03:27:21] <danimal_laptop> ha
[03:27:23] <Jymmm> 100,000 BTUs
[03:27:36] <Tom_itx> on the plus side, you probably don't have to heat it
[03:27:37] <Jymmm> Gawd help ya if you ever light a match!
[03:27:50] <danimal_laptop> i gotta go to home depot and get some peg board
[03:28:06] <Jymmm> Beans, Beans, the musical fruit! The more you eat, the more you toot!
[03:28:31] <danimal_laptop> the more you toot, the better you feel, so why not eat beans with every meal!
[03:30:07] <danimal_laptop> so if i get rid of my computer desk and one roll away, i think i'll have room for my work bench in the middle of the shop
[03:30:21] -!- KimK has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[03:30:47] <danimal_laptop> i just need to figure out where to put my tumblers and if i should move the drill press and bench grinder
[03:31:10] <Tom_itx> he had his tumblers on the table in the middle of the garage
[03:31:38] <Tom_itx> with the bridgeports against the door
[03:31:38] <Eartaker> my lathe has chatter from somewhere... I think it might be the spindle bearings
[03:31:39] <danimal_laptop> mine were on my bench when it was against the wall, but i need space on the bench now
[03:31:57] <Eartaker> all of my gibs are tight
[03:32:07] <Tom_itx> listen to them. see if they talk to you
[03:32:26] <danimal_laptop> Eartaker: throw an indicator on the spindle and try to see if there's any play
[03:32:40] <Eartaker> danimal_laptop, I did... .001"
[03:32:43] <Tom_itx> i wasn't kidding...
[03:32:52] -!- Quack has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[03:32:53] <danimal_laptop> there's the problem
[03:32:55] <Eartaker> yep
[03:33:03] <danimal_laptop> time for new bearings
[03:33:11] <danimal_laptop> or better bearings
[03:33:14] <Eartaker> they have had a good run for a china lathe...
[03:33:22] <Eartaker> yeah I will get some AC's
[03:33:55] <danimal_laptop> Tom_itx: i have a bridgeport and soon to be 2 cnc mill's against one wall
[03:34:03] <danimal_laptop> 2 lathes against the other
[03:34:25] <danimal_laptop> surface grinder, anodizing setup, sink, washer and dryer against the back wall
[03:34:41] <danimal_laptop> compressor and roll aways against the door
[03:34:44] <Eartaker> nice
[03:34:50] <Tom_itx> Eartaker, i got some from here the other day: http://www.vxb.com/
[03:34:54] <Eartaker> my next step in a mill is a bridgeport
[03:35:00] <danimal_laptop> bandsaw, belt sanders, grinders in the center
[03:35:02] -!- KimK [KimK!~Kim__@] has joined #emc
[03:35:08] <Eartaker> Tom_itx, thats where I got mive for my mill
[03:35:12] <Eartaker> mine
[03:35:31] <Eartaker> the stock ones were rated at 3K RPM and I wanted 6K
[03:35:45] <Eartaker> replaced them and used Kluber grease
[03:36:00] <danimal_laptop> well im gunna run to home depot, adios
[03:36:16] <Eartaker> cya
[03:36:33] <A2Sheds> danimal_laptop: 120/208V 200A or delta 120/240V? older parts of some cities still have delta
[03:56:54] -!- jsr__ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[04:03:57] <danimal_laptop> no clue
[04:04:15] <danimal_laptop> 208 i think
[04:40:50] -!- Quack [Quack!~chatzilla@c-50-131-153-208.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #emc
[04:50:23] <Jymmm> delta?
[04:52:50] <Jymmm> nm, I'll ask some other time
[04:57:35] -!- sparr [sparr!~kvirc@pdpc/supporter/active/sparr] has joined #emc
[04:58:00] <sparr> Can anyone recommend a small modular stepper driver for a 3-4A NEMA23 motor?
[05:14:35] <A2Sheds> Jymmm: http://www.phaseconverterinfo.com/phaseconverter_deltawye.htm Dan only has 1 phase 2 pole, but delta would have 10% more power available (240v vs 208v)
[05:15:17] <A2Sheds> for any 2 pole loads
[05:40:22] <Jymmm> A2Sheds: Yeah, anything above 110VAC I have nfc, other than if a 3ph motor is going the wrong way, flip any two legs.
[06:08:04] <danimal_laptop> i wish i had 3 phase
[06:20:09] -!- mhaberler [mhaberler!~mhaberler@] has joined #emc
[06:20:37] <sparr> annoying part of 3 phase in my warehouse is that my two phase outlets are 208V instead of 220+
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[14:53:49] <JT-Shop> I just added two 60uf caps to the CHNC phase converter and now the 308 will take S6000 M3 with no problem :/
[14:54:02] <JT-Shop> how long have I been fighting this?
[14:54:59] <Tom_itx> who knows
[14:55:06] <Tom_itx> cool that you got it
[14:55:24] <Tom_itx> 60µF is pretty small really
[14:56:39] <JT-Shop> it bumped the generated leg to the other two up about 15v higher than the others
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[15:20:46] <Spida> did anybody compare gantry style routers/mills with both x and y axis clearing the maximum workpiece height to those which have one of these axis below the table?
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[15:23:56] <Spida> like this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Gd04N_t3yA
[15:25:30] <danimal_laptop> JT-Shop: nice!
[15:25:55] <JT-Shop> Spida: anything in particular your comparing to/with
[15:25:59] <JT-Shop> Thanks Dan
[15:26:08] <JT-Shop> and Good Morning
[15:26:20] <danimal_laptop> Morning John
[15:26:36] <danimal_laptop> I picked up a kiln yesterday for heat treating
[15:26:40] <Spida> JT-Shop: no, just position of the x and y axis
[15:26:43] <JT-Shop> how big?
[15:27:03] <JT-Shop> I need to drag mine home and test it out
[15:27:07] <danimal_laptop> it's probably 12x12x12 inside
[15:27:30] <JT-Shop> regular heat treat oven?
[15:27:31] <danimal_laptop> i ordered a digital temp control on ebay for it
[15:27:37] <danimal_laptop> na, pottery kiln
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[15:27:53] <JT-Shop> lol, that is what mine is too but it is round
[15:27:56] <danimal_laptop> i found it free on craigslist
[15:28:04] <Spida> I am vaguely thinking about building my own with both x and y axis high above the table. but all I see have on axis below the table and only one above
[15:28:16] <JT-Shop> my neighbor gave me one of his...
[15:28:32] <Spida> I am not sure if this setup has an specific disadvantages I should be aware of
[15:28:37] <danimal_laptop> mine looks kinda like a heat treat furnace, but the door is on the top (i may change that)
[15:29:04] <danimal_laptop> it runs on 110v, but i wonder if it could be run on 208
[15:29:17] <JT-Shop> mine has some kind of temp control and timer on it and runs on 220v 1ph
[15:29:29] <Spida> I kep thinking that when I have both high above the table, I have lower moving mass, and can build the standoffs for the linear rails more stable without having to watch for weight
[15:29:31] <danimal_laptop> nice
[15:29:43] <JT-Shop> just depends on how the elements are wired up
[15:30:38] <danimal_laptop> yea i have no clue about it
[15:30:42] <JT-Shop> Spida: yea, that seems to be the major difference
[15:30:51] <emcrules_w700> has anyone had sucess using fanuc red caps with the matching fanuc drive?
[15:31:06] <Spida> so why is everybody building ne axis below the table?
[15:31:21] <danimal_laptop> emcrules: those are dc, right?
[15:31:58] <JT-Shop> I built mine with the Y axis rails at table level but I only have 2" of Z
[15:33:02] * JT-Shop gets back to work on the trigger assembly
[15:33:14] <danimal_laptop> JT-Shop: got the manual lathe in it's new home, and my work bench in place. i gotta hang some peg board and do a little more organizing then i can start to drywall and insulate the other walll where the new mill will go
[15:33:23] <emcrules_w700> Danimal_laptop: nope AC
[15:34:13] <JT-Shop> danimal_laptop: nice, you will like it when it is well insulated
[15:34:50] <danimal_laptop> there's still no insulation or ceiling under the roof
[15:34:57] <danimal_laptop> that's gunna be a job
[15:36:25] <Tom_itx> how cold does it get where you are?
[15:36:34] <danimal_laptop> 60 lol
[15:36:42] <Tom_itx> wast of insul
[15:36:45] <Tom_itx> waste
[15:36:50] <danimal_laptop> it's for noise
[15:37:21] <Tom_itx> i did that on the interior walls of the house too
[15:37:37] <danimal_laptop> it gets to the mid 40's at night
[15:37:41] <danimal_laptop> in the winter
[15:38:03] <danimal_laptop> i'm just doing it in the shop to keep the noise down for the neighbors
[15:38:23] <Tom_itx> yeah
[15:38:43] <JT-Shop> helps with keeping the cool inside during the summer too
[15:38:45] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop just invites his neighbors to the noisy party
[15:38:49] <danimal_laptop> lol
[15:39:04] <danimal_laptop> it's a little different out here
[15:39:10] <JT-Shop> yea, the ones that like to party with noise
[15:39:45] -!- FinboySlick [FinboySlick!~shark@squal.net] has joined #emc
[15:40:07] -!- bpuk [bpuk!~ben@boopotter.plus.com] has joined #emc
[15:40:23] <danimal_laptop> well i'm off to walk the dogs, take it easy
[15:40:30] <JT-Shop> ok have fun
[15:41:13] <bpuk> Afternoon all. Big thanks to pcw, JT and tom3p - the stalling is fixed :)
[15:47:46] <JT-Shop> nice!
[15:49:22] -!- skunkKandT [skunkKandT!~chatzilla@184-158-5-191.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #emc
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[16:05:00] <bpuk> keep coming back to the computer to check stuff - trying to get the spindle encoder to work properly now, I'm either limited on top speed, or the signal is so noisy it's unusable.
[16:05:58] <JT-Shop> how are you reading it?
[16:06:06] <JT-Shop> 5i20 wasn't it you have
[16:06:19] <Tom_itx> if it's open collector encoder, you need pullups on it
[16:07:45] <bpuk> aye, I had it connected to a 5i20.encoder through the 7i37TA. Tried hooking it up to the 7i47S (disabled termination, shorted /RXx to ground). Haven't tried it hooked up to the 37 with the corrected servo-preiod though
[16:08:53] -!- theorbtwo has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[16:08:56] <JT-Shop> 7i37 might be too slow for an encoder
[16:08:57] <bpuk> its a simple A+Z opto-isolator encoder, no idea what output type it'd be classed as
[16:09:27] <JT-Shop> the 7i47 has encoder inputs
[16:09:44] <JT-Shop> no B?
[16:09:55] <bpuk> no B, it's a *really* crude spindle encoder :P
[16:10:32] <bpuk> i.e. 101 holes in a disc and two photointerrupters (detectors? slot thingies)
[16:10:40] * JT-Shop listens to House of Fun by Madness
[16:11:14] <Tom_itx> so, are they open collector or not?
[16:11:21] <JT-Shop> that will be one floor up from my level of guesspertice :)
[16:11:46] <Tom_itx> is there a part number on them?
[16:11:52] <bpuk> I have no idea :D 5v into photodetector, 0v/5v out when it see's itself
[16:12:05] <Tom_itx> will it light an led?
[16:12:26] <Tom_itx> (with a resistor on it of course)
[16:12:31] <bpuk> give me 5 minutes and I'll try to get a part number ;)
[16:12:39] <Tom_itx> if it does, you don't need pullups
[16:12:53] <skunkKandT> I think this is what andy was talking about last night.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-MNy6-QanI
[16:14:11] <skunkKandT> pretty cool
[16:17:12] -!- atom1 [atom1!~tom@ip68-102-110-69.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #emc
[16:17:30] <bpuk> got the p/n - http://docs-europe.electrocomponents.com/webdocs/04e0/0900766b804e06c2.pdf
[16:18:21] <bpuk> theres a pair of them on the encoder board with 2 resistors - which look like current limiters (just from an eyeball of the traces)
[16:18:37] <Tom_itx> see the schematic>
[16:18:39] <Tom_itx> ?
[16:18:46] <Tom_itx> it has an internal pullup already
[16:19:08] <bpuk> right-o - no no external pullup should be needed
[16:19:12] <Tom_itx> nope
[16:19:19] <Tom_itx> and it says ttl logic otu
[16:19:20] <Tom_itx> out
[16:19:44] <skunkKandT> more info http://www.cnczone.com/forums/1020710-post212.html (fanuc brushless dc stuff)
[16:21:04] -!- The_Ball has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[16:21:14] <bpuk> yup, if I'm hooking it to the 7i47S I'll need to fool the board into thinking it's differential?
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[16:24:42] <Tom_itx> how much current does the high voltage need?
[16:25:52] <bpuk> max forward current of each is 50 mA - theres plenty of juice on that 5V supply (7i47 power supplied from an external power pack)
[16:26:25] <Tom_itx> skunkKandT
[16:26:28] <Tom_itx> on that video...
[16:26:39] <Tom_itx> how much current does the high voltage need to run the motor?
[16:26:40] <bpuk> heh - oops
[16:27:20] -!- isssy [isssy!~isssy@78-83-51-185.spectrumnet.bg] has joined #emc
[16:28:29] <skunkKandT> Tom_itx: I don't know.. But that amc drive looks on the small side.. like 20a or less.
[16:28:42] <skunkKandT> peak
[16:29:40] <skunkKandT> I wonder how jone does it - he has a magic little circuit that does the translation. same way?
[16:29:45] <skunkKandT> johE
[16:29:48] <skunkKandT> heh
[16:29:55] <skunkKandT> JonElson
[16:30:03] <Tom_itx> does what?
[16:30:34] <Tom_itx> nothing is magic... it's all science and blue smoke
[16:31:42] <skunkKandT> he has a circuit he sells that converts the fanuc comutation pattern to the normal 3 line signal
[16:32:07] <Tom_itx> oh
[16:32:48] <Tom_itx> well, look at the waveforms of what each needs
[16:33:54] -!- atom1 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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[16:35:57] <Tom_itx> the 3 line is likely 120 deg phase shift
[16:38:22] <skunkKandT> right
[16:38:45] <Tom_itx> what's the fanuc pattern?
[16:39:05] <skunkKandT> if you listen to the video - sound like it has 4 lines
[16:39:52] <skunkKandT> instead of 3 - so the emc componant that andy wrote converts the 4 line patern to the 3 line that normal amps like amc use
[16:41:37] <Tom_itx> where's that at?
[16:42:17] <skunkKandT> (it does a ton more things than that...)
[16:43:02] <Tom_itx> i probably wouldn't be able to figure it out anyway
[16:43:06] -!- bootnecklad__ [bootnecklad__!~bootneckl@host-78-151-92-93.as13285.net] has joined #emc
[16:43:07] <skunkKandT> Tom_itx: I think http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.5/html/man/man9/bldc.9.html
[16:44:56] <Tom_itx> so JonElson's circuit takes the place of this or vice versa?
[16:45:23] <skunkKandT> if I under stand it right - yes
[16:45:34] <Tom_itx> oh the fanuc uses gray code
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[17:53:59] JT-Shop_ is now known as JT-Shop
[18:01:12] -!- newbynobi [newbynobi!~norbert@a89-183-1-135.net-htp.de] has joined #emc
[18:06:38] -!- Calyp [Calyp!~Caly@unaffiliated/calyptratus-tzm] has joined #emc
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[18:20:31] <skunkKandT> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mach1mach2cnc/message/131760
[18:22:27] -!- e-ndy [e-ndy!~jkastner@static-84-242-102-36.net.upcbroadband.cz] has joined #emc
[18:22:31] <motioncontrol> good evening.I want compine emc2.5.0.pre2 but in .configure run in plase have error:checking location of Python header files... /usr/include/python2.5
[18:22:31] <motioncontrol> checking for Python headers... -I/usr/include/python2.5
[18:22:31] <motioncontrol> checking for Python libraries... -lpthread -ldl -lutil
[18:22:31] <motioncontrol> checking whether the Boost::Python headers are available... no
[18:22:31] <motioncontrol> configure: error: boost::python is required to build EMC2
[18:22:37] <motioncontrol> because ?
[18:23:20] <motioncontrol> the version before the emc2.4.6 is compiled ok
[18:25:50] <JT-Shop> yea, you need to add... hmm let me look it up
[18:28:18] -!- jsr__ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:28:47] <JT-Shop> libboost-python-dev
[18:28:54] <JT-Shop> motioncontrol: ^^
[18:29:17] <motioncontrol> OK thanks i install it
[18:31:17] -!- emc2-buildmaster has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[18:31:25] <motioncontrol> JT-Shop, more thenaks now is ok
[18:31:33] <JT-Shop> np
[18:31:48] * JT-Shop takes a nap now :)
[18:31:58] <Jymmm> CODE WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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[18:36:41] <mhaberler> motioncontrol: why are you using emc2.5.0.pre2 - checkout master as per wiki
[18:38:20] <motioncontrol> mhaberler, i want use iov2 whit o_abort and M6 coomand because my tool change have more move for tool change.O_m6demo fuction in this release ?
[18:39:02] -!- e-ndy has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[18:40:02] <mhaberler> please read this (example description only: http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/emcinfo.pl?RemappingStatus) and the documentation: http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/devel/html/remap/structure.html
[18:40:13] -!- e-ndy [e-ndy!~jkastner@static-84-242-102-36.net.upcbroadband.cz] has joined #emc
[18:41:07] -!- e-ndy has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:41:15] <mhaberler> try the samples in configs/sim/remap as described and read the configs there
[18:41:18] * skunkKandT really needs to ply with that...
[18:42:05] -!- theorbtwo [theorbtwo!~theorb@] has joined #emc
[18:42:37] -!- servos4ever [servos4ever!~chatzilla@74-45-200-106.dr01.hnvr.mi.frontiernet.net] has joined #emc
[18:43:15] <mhaberler> motioncontrol: actually you dont need to compile from source anymore, see http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/
[18:50:01] -!- IchGucksLive [IchGucksLive!~chatzilla@95-89-244-199-dynip.superkabel.de] has joined #emc
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[19:09:43] <skunkKandT> hundreds of tool changes now with no issues... awesome. (emc is cool)
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[19:20:39] <FinboySlick> mhaberler: Wow, that makes firefox 8 crash and burn on my system.
[19:21:10] <FinboySlick> Which is odd, I wouldn't expect the page to have anything overly complicated on it.
[19:21:19] <mhaberler> what are you talking about?
[19:21:36] <FinboySlick> mhaberler: http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/ <-- that
[19:21:58] <mhaberler> *that page* crashes firefox?
[19:22:17] <FinboySlick> No idea why either.
[19:22:37] <mhaberler> stuxnet developer?
[19:23:06] <FinboySlick> Hehehe... Let's hope not. I think it might be something messed up with my system too, I'm in the middle of an update spree.
[19:25:28] -!- maxster [maxster!~maxster@143-73-252-216.dsl.colba.net] has joined #emc
[19:30:27] <pcw_home> No problem here with FF8
[19:31:26] <FinboySlick> pcw_home: Yeah, probably a some sort of library that's been updated and ff is still linking to an older version. I'll sort it out.
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[19:44:24] <JT-Shop> http://www.linuxcnc.org/component/option,com_kunena/Itemid,20/func,view/catid,38/id,14788/lang,english/#14792
[19:44:33] -!- Calyp has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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[19:55:54] <Spida> skunkKandT: what kind of tool changer?
[19:57:52] <skunkKandT> Spida: old old old
[19:58:19] -!- acemi [acemi!~acemi@unaffiliated/acemi] has joined #emc
[19:58:46] <skunkKandT> Spida: http://youtu.be/Kh4YD0d071c
[20:01:06] <Spida> ah, cool
[20:02:00] <Spida> anybody tried to build a toolchanger on his own?
[20:02:29] -!- cncbasher [cncbasher!~quassel@cpc15-hart9-2-0-cust101.11-3.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #emc
[20:02:36] <JT-Shop> yea, some have for a lathe
[20:06:11] * Spida would be more itnerested in toolchangers for small mills/routers
[20:06:37] <JT-Shop> some have done rack tool changers for a mil
[20:11:55] <JT-Shop> another Deckel refit just joined the Forum
[20:13:35] <skunkKandT> cool
[20:16:21] -!- andypugh [andypugh!~andy2@cpc2-basl1-0-0-cust492.basl.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #emc
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[20:31:51] <FinboySlick> A2Sheds: may I once again call upon the great memleak?
[20:38:36] <skunkKandT> Take the driver for instance it is LOCKED in as a 32 bit driver and may never change. I believe Mach will evolve to only running motion controllers as outside hardware like everyone else has done.
[20:39:06] <syyl> hmm
[20:39:20] * skunkKandT huggs emc
[20:40:23] <syyl> are there vernier calipers with inch scale on the lower half?
[20:40:41] <syyl> all i can find have the metric scale on the lower half
[20:40:52] <Tom_itx> you're in the wrong country
[20:41:17] <syyl> (whats seems logic to me, but a friend of mine looks for calipers with inch scale/vernier on the lower half)
[20:45:16] <skunkKandT> how come all my wood handed paint brushes have such short handles... (I really have to stop using them as chip breakers)
[20:46:48] <syyl> hr
[20:46:49] <syyl> same here
[20:50:04] <JT-Shop> syyl: my Mitutoyo has inch scale on the bar
[20:50:09] <JT-Shop> and mm
[20:50:49] <skunkKandT> is there a way to clear the tool path in emc? (the cut path) though gcode. I see I can turn the preview off -
[20:50:52] <syyl> but inch on the upper half?
[20:51:25] <syyl> he wants one with inch on the lower half (or best, with no metric..)
[20:51:32] <syyl> why? dont know :D
[20:53:01] <jthornton> inch on the bottom and mm in the middle
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[21:19:10] <andypugh> I have seen digital calipers which do fractions, which I can imagine would be handy if you are perverse enough to still use fractions. (Or you are American, which amounts to the same thing)
[21:19:31] <andypugh> However, I doubt that was the question.
[21:19:45] <andypugh> Why would you use a vernier caliper nowadays
[21:20:05] <andypugh> I don't see any advantage over a digital one, and several disadvantages.
[21:21:51] <FinboySlick> I kind of like the dial ones still.
[21:21:57] <Tom_itx> fractions are used in construction but not typically in machining
[21:22:06] <FinboySlick> vernier is just mean on my brain ;)
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[21:29:31] <skunkKandT> the only time I use a vernier is our 4ft caliper
[21:36:00] <syyl> oh, i lile vernier calipers
[21:37:09] <syyl> it doesnt simulate accuracy that issnt there
[21:37:25] <syyl> if i want to measure 1/100 of a mm, i use a mike
[21:39:05] <skunkKandT> who is mike? is he your qc guy? ;)
[21:39:38] <syyl> yeah
[21:39:42] <syyl> nobody likes him ;)
[21:40:08] <syyl> maybe its called micrometer screw?
[21:40:24] <syyl> (not to be confused with a c-clamp)
[21:43:29] <skunkKandT> I was just being a brat. Mic is normal slang
[21:43:55] <syyl> ah
[21:43:55] <syyl> ok
[21:44:29] <syyl> its not my native language ;)
[21:44:39] <syyl> sometimes i have a hard time with it..
[21:44:46] <andypugh> There is a motorcycle wheel alignment tool called a "Ronometer" because it was invented by Ron.
[21:50:05] <skunkKandT> syyl: you do great. It is my native language and I suck at it.
[21:50:36] <syyl> uh, thank you, sir :)
[21:51:37] <skunkKandT> It is cool hearing the z axis move smootly - the old control and gear train slack made it sound shunka shunka shunka
[21:51:40] -!- maxster [maxster!~maxster@dsl-173-248-215-239.acanac.net] has joined #emc
[21:52:23] <skunkKandT> smootly?
[21:52:27] <skunkKandT> smoothly
[21:52:37] <skunkKandT> see?
[21:52:50] <Tom_itx> fluid
[21:52:57] <skunkKandT> that too
[21:53:30] <skunkKandT> plus it moves at 200ipm - we were afraid to run the old machine that fast
[21:54:01] <syyl> *pulls out his calculator*
[21:54:11] <syyl> uh, 5m/min
[21:54:32] <syyl> thats not to bad for such a big machine
[21:55:10] <syyl> our much smaller deckel only moves 4m/min in rapid
[21:55:21] <syyl> (and has much shorter ways...)
[21:55:45] <skunkKandT> not bad - that was the max speed of the old control. we figured we would not push it
[21:56:23] <skunkKandT> can't really order parts for it... ;)
[21:57:03] <syyl> hmm
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[21:58:43] <syyl> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24396704/2011-11-12_20-42-49_551.jpg
[21:58:50] <syyl> that is going to be my spindle encoder :)
[21:59:47] <skunkKandT> cool!
[21:59:48] <syyl> used the encoder disc and encoder(?) from an old heds9140 and made a new housing with own bearings..
[22:00:09] <syyl> it will be belt driven..
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[22:00:30] <syyl> as i have seen on your machine, that the belt seems not to be a problem
[22:00:48] <skunkKandT> so far so good.
[22:00:53] <skunkKandT> it is in oil too
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[22:01:10] <skunkKandT> just rigid tapped a few days ago
[22:01:33] <skunkKandT> I wonder if we ordered some extra of those belts..
[22:01:49] <syyl> the belt and encoder are running in oil?
[22:02:20] <skunkKandT> yes. The encoder was a sealed unit.. Oil as in spashed on.
[22:02:32] <syyl> ah ok
[22:02:36] <skunkKandT> it is in the top of the gear box that gets pressurized oiling
[22:02:52] <syyl> thats a pretty rough enviroment for a encoder :D
[22:03:00] <skunkKandT> yes
[22:03:27] <syyl> but as long as it works :)
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[22:03:43] <syyl> rigid tapping is my goal, too
[22:03:49] <syyl> but a bit smaller threads ;)
[22:03:58] <syyl> usual m2-m5
[22:04:02] <skunkKandT> well - I have done 10-32 so far.
[22:04:37] <skunkKandT> also 8mm X 1mm pitch
[22:05:11] -!- motioncontrol [motioncontrol!~i@host123-76-dynamic.16-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #emc
[22:05:26] <syyl> 10-32 has 2,54mm diameter?
[22:06:05] <syyl> not that familiar with inch-threads...
[22:06:05] <skunkKandT> about 4.76ish
[22:06:43] <mrsun> gah just realized that even if i exchange the gibs on the mill the set screws are still in the wrong possition to push om them properly
[22:06:56] <mrsun> sigh
[22:06:58] <syyl> ah ok
[22:07:22] <syyl> 10-32 is pretty small then...thats in the mid range, what i want to do
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[22:11:39] <skunkKandT> syyl: I have used the us digital encoders that are similar to that. (mine didnt have an index though)
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