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[00:42:49] <JT-Shop> in my head :)
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[04:05:11] <the_siggy> so... this is not a chanel for EMC storage users then
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[04:10:30] <bill2or3> nope
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[04:57:28] <Valen> stepper motors are noisy lol
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[05:31:03] <factor> Valen, yup
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[09:29:00] <pingufan> Hello, is there a G-code for milling a deep circle which has to be milled in multiple turns, or must I code that by hands?
[09:29:45] <pingufan> I'm looking for one which loops and advances the tool in Z-direction by itself.
[09:29:59] <pingufan> until it reached the final depth
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[09:56:02] <elmo40> Valen: you think steppers are noisy? servos whine. have a high pitch squeal to them.
[09:56:25] <Valen> elmo40: depends on what frequency you run the PWM at
[09:56:35] <Valen> i run 25khz i think so i cant hear it ;->
[09:56:51] <Valen> i can actually hear the servo loop running at 1khz though lol
[09:59:06] <elmo40> not all servos can handle that high frequency, can they?
[09:59:31] <Valen> the motors prefer higher frequency drive
[09:59:40] <Valen> the fets in the drivers doesnt
[10:05:11] <elmo40> such a trade off ;)
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[10:46:23] <Valen> elmo40: see noisy
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[13:26:37] <JT-Shop> YEA! I found a Honda dealer that knows how to change a tire
[13:29:20] <skunkworks> no air wrenches in site? ;)
[13:30:45] <awallin_> hmm
[13:35:00] <FinboySlick> Autodesk, to me, is a bit like the Sony of CAD. They've focussed most of their energy trying to lock people into their product and forgot how to make good ones along the way.
[13:35:10] <JT-Shop> skunkworks they use the proper wheel weights and know how to dismount and mount the tire... something my local dealer doesn't understand
[13:36:10] <JT-Shop> and I only have to drive 2hrs to get there from here
[13:38:53] <awallin_> the advertized 3D printing stuff probably is only web-orders from their partner companies. I'm guessing the free software won't generate g-code for diy printing...
[13:43:57] <awallin_> can anyone get this PDF?
[13:50:07] <Jymmm> Heh, I'm a musical genius!
[13:51:38] <FinboySlick> Jymmm: Sort of makes me think of the White Stripes... You must be a genius.
[13:51:59] <Jymmm> FinboySlick: did you play with it?
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[13:52:23] <Jymmm> awallin: Sure, for $35
[13:52:48] <FinboySlick> Jymmm: Well, I played it. I haven't tried playing with it ;)
[13:53:20] <Jymmm> FinboySlick: goto and just mosue over the logo
[13:53:27] <Jymmm> mouse
[13:55:02] <Jymmm>
[13:58:34] <FinboySlick> Jymmm: Well, yeah, I found that yesterday. I mean I haven't tried making a tune ;)
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[14:02:43] <FinboySlick> Damn, now I want some white stripes ;)
[14:05:17] <Jymmm> =)
[14:07:42] * FinboySlick bounces to Hotel Yorba.
[14:08:59] <Jymmm> FinboySlick: WTH?! LOL
[14:09:30] <FinboySlick> It's a good song!
[14:09:43] <Jymmm> lol
[14:09:54] <FinboySlick> Didn't know it?
[14:09:58] <Jymmm> Well sure.... with enough boose =)
[14:10:14] <Jymmm> Never heard it before till now
[14:10:29] <FinboySlick> The white stripes are totally awesome.
[14:10:42] <Jymmm> I'll take yur word for it ;)
[14:14:27] <FinboySlick> Jymmm: From the same album, try 'Fell in love with a girl'
[14:17:40] <FinboySlick> Okay, the kittens were unnecessary, but I'm in a silly mood.
[14:20:23] <Jymmm> cradek will like them
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[14:26:46] <Userli> Is there a way to access the information usually exposed through an array emcStatus->task (in the user interface) from within a hal component?
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[14:36:53] <JT-Shop> you might grep the other components to see if anything jumps out at you
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[15:05:23] <chille_> 38? det är ju typ min rumstemp :
[15:05:26] <chille_> wtf
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[15:27:52] <Userli> Well, I did but the user interfaces are all using NML. I was hoping that this info is in a shared memory.
[15:29:13] <OoBIGeye> chille?
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[16:07:51] <chille> OoBIGeye: my keymap was wrong, so i accidently switched window before pressing enter instead of getting the character i wanted :)
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[16:30:35] <pcw_home> Happy Friday!
[16:36:15] <cradek> Userli: what are you trying to do?
[16:43:30] <Userli> cradek: I'm still trying to show the percentage of lines executed in a hal pin. The current line number is in motion but the total number is missing.
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[16:44:11] <Birdman3131> Anyone know some decent servo motors for a smallish desktop cnc machine?
[16:44:49] <cradek> ah I see. I don't think anything knows that except the user interface that loads the file (if it does the counting itself; touchy does this)
[16:46:33] <cradek> Birdman3131: for a really small machine, I used pittmans. what is smallish?
[16:46:46] <Userli> emctop knows it. Although it's calling it wrongly current_line it holds the total number. But I don't manage to decode how it gets it. I assume it's through NML....
[16:47:27] <cradek> I bet that is the currently-last-interpreted line, which may or may not be the end of the file
[16:48:02] <cradek> that is in the stat buffer
[16:48:03] <cradek> but it's not what you want for your task
[16:49:07] <Userli> No, that's not it. Otherwise properties in Axis has it but I found that this is really looking at the file size....
[16:49:57] <cradek> bbbbbbbbbyes task/interp/motion do not load the whole file, by design
[16:50:02] <cradek> oops
[16:50:37] <cradek> a gui may choose to do that, but is sure not required to
[16:51:16] <Userli> Mmmhh. So the only way would be to get the file name (however I could do this) an count myself?
[16:52:30] <Birdman3131> cradek: It is my first machine so I was going small because it usually means cheaper.
[16:52:31] <cradek> yes
[16:52:49] <cradek> file name is definitely in the stat buffer
[16:54:14] <Userli> Just to expose my ignorance: what is the stat buffer?
[16:55:06] <cradek> the thing that emctop (and all the GUIs) read
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[16:55:28] <cradek> it contains the status of pretty much everything happening
[16:55:53] <cradek> the python programs use the emc python module to access it
[16:56:49] <Userli> Sorry for another dump question: what would be the way to access it from within a hal component?
[16:57:04] <cradek> touchy does what you want in the most naive way: see src/emc/usr_intf/touchy/
[16:57:28] <cradek> you could possibly add it to halui and make it available there
[16:57:55] <Userli> Sounds good. I'll give it a try. Thanks!
[16:58:27] <cradek> when halui sees a new file is the current file, it could open the file and count the lines.
[16:58:39] <cradek> I'm not sure what "current file" does if you have subroutines in other files, though
[16:59:07] <cradek> what you're trying to do is not particularly easy or clean
[16:59:43] <cradek> if you're using AXIS as your GUI, you could possibly add an axisui.* pin that gives total lines or % done
[17:00:48] <cradek> since AXIS reads the file in already
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[17:03:49] <Userli> I'm using Axis myself, but this is for a pendant using a LCD touch screen. So it should be independent of the GUI.
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[17:04:45] <cradek> do you eventually want to use the pendant as the entire UI?
[17:06:27] <Userli> Well, at least the info shown should be sufficient for most of the operations. It's already running like this under another widely used soft and I would like to mimic the functionality under EMC2 now.
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[17:08:17] <cradek> I guess I'm wondering whether your approach should be to make a new UI for/with it, or to try to add enough to halui that you can use hal to wire it up
[17:08:51] <Userli> The pendant shows different screens depending on the machine mode. All the screens are totally configurable.
[17:09:07] <cradek> what's the hardware interface to it?
[17:09:37] <IchGuckLive> is there a image of the pendant ?
[17:10:03] <Userli> It's using USB. You use a JAVA graphical editor to configure the screens. I will upload an image, give me a second....
[17:10:46] <IchGuckLive> connor and i working also on a low cost highly modyficatianal pendant for emc
[17:13:34] <Userli> Here you are:
[17:14:34] <Userli> I'm using a 32bit ATMEL with a 3.2" touch screen. The encoder is an optical one.
[17:14:55] <IchGuckLive> ah ok
[17:15:31] <IchGuckLive> im sofar this way
[17:15:44] <IchGuckLive> the lcd is 128x64
[17:16:39] <IchGuckLive>
[17:16:48] <IchGuckLive> this is the milling pcb
[17:17:01] <IchGuckLive> so everyone can do it on his own mashine
[17:17:19] <IchGuckLive> the max costs including all stuff is below 85Euro
[17:18:09] <IchGuckLive> im waiting for the connecting cable stuff
[17:18:30] <IchGuckLive> trying to get all done till the end of next week
[17:19:17] <Userli> I also set it up initially as a self made project but only few people did it up to now. Most people get a finished device.
[17:19:48] <IchGuckLive> Userli: agree
[17:19:55] <IchGuckLive> what is your price
[17:20:22] <JT-Shop>
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[17:20:47] <cradek> JT-Shop: are you building one too?
[17:21:02] <JT-Shop> yea, just got finished with the cad work
[17:21:13] <Userli> 150Euro. Display, case and processor make it expensive...
[17:21:51] <IchGuckLive> therefore is stay with the 20Eur Display in multi color
[17:21:52] <FinboySlick> JT-Shop: Your design there?
[17:22:45] <IchGuckLive> Userli: cas is a Bopla ?
[17:23:01] <FinboySlick> JT-Shop: I'm wondering why you chose four contact rods instead of three.
[17:23:20] <Userli> IchGuckLive: Yes, Bopla 800.
[17:23:24] <FinboySlick> JT-Shop: Actually, I might have just not seen this right.
[17:23:54] <IchGuckLive> Userli: here 2 but the low cost for 7.95
[17:25:13] <Userli> IchGuckLive: I'm using the special joint, which is already close to 10
[17:26:37] <JT-Shop> FinboySlick: basically a copy of what is out there now and 3 arms not 4
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[17:26:57] <JT-Shop> kinda copied this one
[17:26:59] <FinboySlick> JT-Shop: Yeah, I just saw the outline of the other balls.
[17:27:38] <FinboySlick> JT-Shop: I'm plannint for something like this as my first milling project too so I'm pretty curious.
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[17:28:10] <JT-Shop>
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[17:28:41] <cradek> yes 4 arms would be a very wrong approach
[17:28:46] <JT-Shop> when I'm happy with the design I'll put pdf's of the drawings on my web site
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[17:29:00] <FinboySlick> JT-Shop: the part rendering style reminds me of Catia.
[17:29:15] <cradek> I'm still baffled by how you guys always want to start with 3d cad drawings :-)
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[17:29:43] <Userli> cradek: I must confess I didn't know much about EMC2 when I started to adapt the pendant. Thus I didn't even consider a UI. Might have been the better choice...
[17:29:45] <JT-Shop> at this point I'm unsure if I want to fasten the contact plate to the body from the bottom with some button head screws or just use the pointed set screws from the side???
[17:29:56] <JT-Shop> FinboySlick: SolidWorks
[17:30:14] <FinboySlick> JT-Well, that's Dassault too now so I guess I was close enough ;)
[17:30:21] <cradek> JT-Shop: 3 pointy screws with 3 divots seems like a good first shot?
[17:30:56] <JT-Shop> kinda what I was thinking with a little wiggle room to center the styli up
[17:31:02] <cradek> not sure how you'd center it otherwiseise
[17:32:31] <JT-Shop> almost have to have the 3 screws from the side to center it up
[17:32:55] <Tom_itx> drop a tiny ball in the adjust hole and use a dimpled set screw
[17:32:59] <cradek> my renishaw has 4 centering screws
[17:33:14] <JT-Shop> hmmm
[17:33:21] <cradek> you can slide it just like centering a 4 jaw chuck
[17:33:24] <cradek> maybe consider 4 screws with a continuous V groove, instead of divots
[17:33:34] <cradek> if you have 3, you can't adjust it in only one axis no matter how you try
[17:33:37] <Tom_itx> it would give it something smooth to adjust against
[17:33:55] <JT-Shop> yep 4 makes more sense from the adjustment side of things
[17:34:03] <JT-Shop> easy to change now
[17:34:05] <Tom_itx> how so?
[17:34:30] <JT-Shop> like cradek said with three it is hard to adjust just one axis
[17:34:37] <cradek> Tom_itx: because with 4 you can adjust one axis at a time
[17:35:36] <JT-Shop> I may go with dog point set screws and button heads from the bottom...
[17:35:48] <Tom_itx> so JT-Shop, when are you gonna whip a batch of those out?
[17:36:06] <JT-Shop> my batch size is usually 1 :)
[17:36:16] <Tom_itx> same here
[17:36:40] <JT-Shop> unless I screw it up then I make more till I get it right
[17:36:48] <Tom_itx> if you made a bunch though you could pick the best from the lot :)
[17:37:03] <JT-Shop> oh, I forgot YEA! I have a man door in the shop now :)
[17:37:09] <cradek> JT-Shop: have you thought about starting with an end mill holder directly? you can usually cut them fine once you break the surface
[17:37:24] <cradek> a big one like 1" will have lots of meat on it to 'adjust' into what you need
[17:37:44] <cradek> I did that to make a BT shank for my renishaw
[17:37:45] <JT-Shop> the thought crossed my mind, I could get an unfinished one... mine are BT30
[17:38:12] <cradek> yeah - just look through your piles and see if one looks like it'd be a good start
[17:38:44] <cradek> I did mine with a carbide tipped lathe tool held in the milling vise
[17:39:27] <Tom_itx> ok, so if you use 4 screws, why not use 2 and put a small stiff spring on the backside?
[17:39:45] <cradek> so you can tighten it
[17:39:50] <Tom_itx> it's not gonna be spinning much when in use and a good spring would hold it in adjustment
[17:40:17] <Tom_itx> then you could have 2 adjusters
[17:40:20] <cradek> like centering a 4 jaw, at the end you just tighten to finish centering
[17:40:20] <JT-Shop> easier to tap a hole than find the right spring
[17:40:34] <Tom_itx> i'm just thinking of how much it'll smash the delrin when you screw both sides tight
[17:40:45] <cradek> there's some truth in that
[17:40:45] <Tom_itx> make a spring
[17:40:59] <cradek> but thermal effects might decenter it less if it's tightened all around
[17:41:14] <cradek> (beware: that's talking out my ass)
[17:41:34] <Tom_itx> that also was the reason i suggested putting a tiny ball in the adjust hole to push against
[17:41:36] <cradek> it'd be best if the centering screws worked on metal, not the plastic
[17:41:46] <JT-Shop> you could ring the delrin with steel or make steel push plates for each side
[17:41:47] <Tom_itx> ^^^
[17:41:55] <cradek> I'd be tempted to make another metal piece
[17:42:01] <cradek> yes exactly
[17:42:12] <Tom_itx> now it's just getting over engineered :D
[17:42:36] <JT-Shop> or just screw the delrin part to a steel disk and push on that
[17:42:38] <cradek> a disc/ring
[17:43:03] <cradek> yes perfect
[17:44:16] <JT-Shop> I have an extra one of these
[17:44:33] <JT-Shop> with funny threads so they replaced no questions asked
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[17:45:25] <JT-Shop> yep, that's for me...
[17:45:30] <cradek> hmm!
[17:46:09] <cradek> haha mine was made out of a maritool part too - they're sure nice
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[17:47:33] <JT-Shop> yes they are, I sent a techno question in and the president of the company answered my question
[17:48:06] <Tom_itx> what size pins are you using on the 3 legs ?
[17:48:20] <cradek> even if I get crap used tooling on ebay I always use new pull studs from maritool
[17:48:20] <Tom_itx> i'd just use some dowel pins
[17:48:44] <cradek> yes I'd use 1/8 dowel pins or some .1000 gage pins I have
[17:49:46] <cradek> hmm, you could easily make plastic "bushings" to press the pins into, and use metal for everything else
[17:49:58] <cradek> er no, the balls have to be in plastic too
[17:50:09] <cradek> forget it
[17:50:42] <JT-Shop> I'm using 1/8 x 5/8 dowel pins
[17:50:51] <JT-Shop> and 3/16 balls
[17:51:47] <fragalot> hur.. balls.
[17:52:46] <FinboySlick> Hmmm... Almost a shame one couldn't use brass. It'd be great to be able to claim that your probe has brass balls.
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[17:55:25] <JT-Shop> now I have to rethink how to build the body to use the face mill holder hmm
[17:55:53] <cradek> heh sorry :-)
[17:56:07] <JT-Shop> no problem, just more fun
[17:56:13] <cradek> when I brainstorm a project on #emc it's never the same project afterward; it's better
[17:56:29] <JT-Shop> cradek: do you know what size threads your styli has?
[17:56:50] <JT-Shop> I picked M4 with a 6mm ball
[17:56:58] <cradek> it's an MP700
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[17:57:44] <FinboySlick> I'd probably put the balls on the top part myself.
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[17:58:58] <cradek> looks like it must be M4
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[18:00:05] <JT-Shop> just pulled up a MP700 data sheet and it gives me some good ideas for centering adjustment
[18:01:03] <cradek> I didn't know it had an angle adjustment
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[18:01:37] <cradek> oh it's optional
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[18:12:11] <skunkworks_> JT-Shop: if you keep an eye on ebay... dad got a renishaw knockoff for $50ish
[18:12:24] <skunkworks_> we started building one also....
[18:12:29] <JT-Shop> skunkworks_: was it any good?
[18:13:24] <skunkworks_> I looks nice... it seems to work electrically. hope to have it on the machine this weekend
[18:13:33] <skunkworks_>
[18:14:02] <JT-Shop> looks cool, was it used?
[18:14:06] <skunkworks_> yes
[18:14:10] <FinboySlick> Such nice endmills and I'm stuck with a 1/4" collet size :P
[18:14:15] <skunkworks_> this was a first attempt
[18:14:39] <skunkworks_> it was in a 50taper holder
[18:15:54] <skunkworks_> I think it was the 3rd thing milled on the k&t ;)
[18:15:57] <skunkworks_> after converstion
[18:16:12] <JT-Shop> cool making tools with the tool
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[18:20:36] <cradek> skunkworks_: I like the break-off notch on your probe
[18:26:35] <JT-Shop> I think I'll explore making a housing similar to this but to fit my BT30 holder
[18:27:50] <Loetmichel> re @ home
[18:47:24] <skunkworks_> cradek: yes - I wonder if I can find more that fit. wonder if it is renishaw to the tee
[18:48:29] <skunkworks_> cradek: do you have a few probes for your renisaw?
[18:50:34] <JT-Shop> skunkworks_:
[18:52:11] <skunkworks_> I don't see the thread diameter or thread pitch
[18:52:45] <JT-Shop> download the cataloge
[18:53:21] <skunkworks_> see that :) looks like they have a range.
[19:02:31] <mrsunshine_> my lathe on the new bench ... bench is bolted to the concrete floor but it needs even more stability .. sigh... nice thing huh ? :P bad picture tho =)
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[19:04:00] <mrsunshine_> aparently a south bend clone =)
[19:10:40] <mrsunshine_> gah cant descide what indicator to get, 0.01 or 0.002 :P
[19:10:44] <mrsunshine_> mm
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[19:42:12] <skunkworks_> logger[mah]:
[19:42:13] <logger[mah]> skunkworks_: Log stored at
[19:46:06] <skunkworks_>,18686.msg128921.html#msg128921
[19:48:19] <awallin> that takes forever to load..
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[19:48:58] <awallin> oh pico board with mach...
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[20:29:05] <skunkworks_> tgif
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[20:32:54] <Guest583> ?? "queue is not empty after probing" Can anyone advise why that would happen?
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[20:35:43] <Guest583> ?? "queue is not empty after probing" Can anyone advise why that would happen?
[20:36:24] <skunkworks__> Guest583: what are your exact steps that cause you to get this error?
[20:37:29] <Guest583> in my gcode I do a G38.2 command repeatedly over the workpiece and store off the Z value in variables...
[20:38:05] <Guest583> there are 70 probes on this one workpiece. At apparently random points, the tool descends and then I get the
[20:38:16] <Guest583> red X error message (AXIS interface)
[20:38:28] <Guest583> program stops and that's it, cannot continue
[20:38:33] <skunkworks__> what version of emc?
[20:39:24] <Guest583> hmmmm, machine is out in the shop, but it's one of the ones bundled in Ubuntu 10.?
[20:39:38] <Guest583> probably 2.4.4, installed it about 60-90 days ago.
[20:39:58] <tom3p> did you log to a file & did the last probe actually trip ( did it 'miss' )
[20:40:03] <Guest583> I can't find a reference to this message anywhere except in the git repository where it's defined.
[20:40:49] <Guest583> yes, I'm logging to a file, will have to check. But I've had probes miss before(like oops! probing into a hole) and that's a differenterror message
[20:42:41] <tom3p> can you try the supplied example probe-hole.ngc ( edit as little as possible) and report the result?
[20:43:35] <Guest583> certainly I could, but I don't have that type of probe. I'm doing electrical continuity probing between the tool and the copper-clad workpiece.
[20:43:40] <Guest583> just in Z axis
[20:44:07] <skunkworks__> ah - circuit board z mapping?
[20:44:13] <Guest583> weird, because maybe 30 or 40 probes will go just fine and then gives up
[20:44:23] <Guest583> yes, Z mapping for PC boards, correct.
[20:44:28] <Jymmm> SWPadnos: How's this for a lil o' NAS box =)
[20:44:36] <skunkworks__> neat.
[20:45:11] <Guest583> I generate the Z probing code with software of my own design... done dozens of boards with older EMC2, never got this error.
[20:45:23] <fragalot> for a nas? an i5? :P
[20:45:53] * fragalot suspects this isn't just for NAS use
[20:46:32] <Guest583> I'd be happy to do the legwork, short of trying to examine the source code, to figure this out, but googling the full error message gives very few hits, nothing helpful
[20:46:53] <Jymmm> fragalot: TBH, I've been looking at prebuilt NAS (netgear, thecus, qsnap, etc) and for the price this is far better
[20:47:12] <skunkworks__> only thing I can find is this
[20:47:18] <fragalot> Jymmm: are my suspicions right though? :P
[20:47:44] <Jymmm> fragalot: Not really
[20:48:10] <fragalot> why the graphics card though? or is it just to install it
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[20:48:40] <fragalot> and the 8gig ram :/
[20:48:52] <fragalot> or dvdrw :P
[20:48:58] <Guest583> skunk, my browser doesn't trust that link at all :P
[20:49:15] <Jymmm> fragalot: Well a 5 bay NAS prebuilt is about $600 diskless, for a couple bucks more I go from an ATOM to a i5 cpu, and from 1GB to 16Gb ram
[20:50:04] <fragalot> what good is 16gb ram in a nas though? it doesn't really do anything much :/
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[20:50:27] <Jymmm> fragalot: ESXi + FreeNAS
[20:50:32] <fragalot> and a quad core just for shifting data about seems rather overkill too.. that's just my opinion though :P
[20:50:36] <skunkworks__> I trust it well enough. psha is a developer in russia :)
[20:50:44] <Jymmm> fragalot: ZFS is a ram whore
[20:50:45] <Guest583> ok
[20:50:54] <fragalot> Aah, you'll run a vm on there
[20:50:55] <skunkworks__> logger[psha]:
[20:50:56] <fragalot> nm then
[20:51:24] <Jymmm> fragalot: Well, for the power it has, I might as well.
[20:51:32] <tom3p> Guest583, notice in that post that theres another link with a warning and a work-around
[20:52:06] <Jymmm> fragalot: I NEED the storage for sure, but I've been going over eaver NAS out there and for the price they are just not worth it
[20:53:17] <fragalot> yeah, NAS systems seem rather rubbish
[20:53:43] <fragalot> nearly 500 euro just for something with basically a network port on it and a few bays :/
[20:53:49] <fragalot> atleast last time I looked :/
[20:54:31] <Guest583> skunk, I'm looking at that log now, but I can't decide how to act on anything in it.
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[20:56:39] <Guest583> skunk, I'm gonna run and check my version to make sure. If it's post 2.3, then I think I'll just try and rebuild this machine with an older version
[20:57:52] <Guest583> and the "simply hook each axis.#.motor-pos-probed to the same thing as
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[21:08:14] <JT-Shop> Guest583: if you need to
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[21:14:27] <PCW> Oh no Mr Bill!
[21:14:28] <Connor> jdhNC: Mill here. UN-boxed and on it's stand in the back of my little shop.
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[21:32:36] <tom3p_> skunkworks, kink came up with the polar solution just as i was ready to go cartesian
[21:33:06] <tom3p_> ^^^ spherical cuts using owords in emc2, parameterized
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[21:36:46] <tom3p_> ^^^ and ngc code
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