#emc | Logs for 2011-02-02

[00:14:58] -!- logger[psha] [logger[psha]!~loggerpsh@] has joined #emc
[00:16:53] <JT-Shop_> andypugh: did you ever figure out what to do with your boring head?
[00:17:23] <andypugh> I am bidding on a smaller one, and I will try to re-sell the too-big one.
[00:17:40] <JT-Shop_> I was wondering if they had made a smaller one
[00:17:56] -!- pjm has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[00:21:08] <andypugh> Indeed. Mine is a UPA4, I think I want a UPA3. There is a UPA2 (No2 Morse) on eBay now. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Wohlhaupter-UPA2-ausdrehkopf-boring-head-MK2-CM2-/160539832266
[00:22:53] <JT-Shop_> can you refit the morse taper with your mt30?
[00:23:01] <JT-Shop_> or bt30
[00:23:35] <andypugh> For the baby one, yes. BT30 to MT2 adaptors are easy.
[00:24:03] <andypugh> Howver, there is a new-style UPA3 with the demountable taper on eBay that I have my eye on.
[00:26:23] <danimal_garage> anyone know of a cheaper comprable steel to 17-4ph?
[00:26:32] <danimal_garage> h1150 preferably
[00:27:41] <andypugh> Try http://www.matweb.com/search/QuickText.aspx
[00:29:00] <danimal_garage> thanks
[00:30:07] * JT-Shop_ wanders inside to strap on the feed bag
[00:30:35] <andypugh> Night all
[00:30:41] -!- andypugh has quit [Quit: andypugh]
[00:32:42] * Tom_L fires up the livecd on a pc104
[00:36:03] <danimal_garage> i keep scaring the crap out of myself... i forget the mill has tripple the velocity now, so when i go to touch off my tools, i get startled
[00:36:24] <cradek> no wheel?
[00:36:44] <mikegg> i just got a phase II quick change tool post
[00:36:53] <mikegg> it's pretty nice for an import
[00:37:41] <cradek> is that an aloris clone?
[00:37:58] <mikegg> yeah
[00:38:22] <cradek> I was reading a thread about some import aloris clone that was $8/holder and everyone was happy with them
[00:38:26] <danimal_garage> cradek, i just got one, but i havent put it on yet
[00:38:33] <mikegg> the kit is 289 at enco
[00:38:42] <cradek> someone showed a photo of 40? that he had in a box.
[00:38:47] <mikegg> you can hardly get an aloris tool post used on ebay for that much
[00:38:58] <cradek> heh
[00:39:01] <Tom_L> woops, there went the monitor
[00:39:32] <danimal_garage> i have the chineese enco phase II tool post kit
[00:39:44] <danimal_garage> on my manual lathe
[00:40:30] <danimal_garage> i would say they are a good deal but definitely not as good as an aloris
[00:40:36] <danimal_garage> definitely usable though
[00:40:43] <mikegg> what size did you get? i got the CXA and I think it's a skosh big
[00:41:04] <mikegg> better than a skosh small I guess
[00:41:26] <Tom_L> standard response:
[00:41:31] <Tom_L> that's what she said
[00:41:58] <mikegg> zing!
[00:42:59] <Tom_L> i should do something with all these watertight boxes
[00:43:23] <cradek> that's what she said
[00:43:42] <danimal_garage> i dont remember
[00:43:48] <Tom_L> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/SBC/inside_control.jpg
[00:43:55] <Tom_L> i got half dozen of those
[00:44:05] <cradek> what is it?
[00:44:19] <Tom_L> pc104 with a rabbit etc stuff in it
[00:44:26] <Tom_L> was used for vehicle tracking
[00:44:29] <danimal_garage> it says 250-222 on the post
[00:44:30] <Tom_L> gps
[00:44:31] <cradek> neat
[00:44:53] <Tom_L> i pulled a few of the pc104s
[00:44:56] <danimal_garage> i have a 14"x42" lathe, it's the perfect size
[00:45:26] <danimal_garage> holds 5/8" tools
[00:45:51] <Tom_L> the pannel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet"
[00:46:20] <danimal_garage> i just ran my first part with the servos
[00:46:25] <elmo40> did anyone get a sourceforge.net email about passwords reset?
[00:46:26] <danimal_garage> all went smoothly
[00:46:37] <Tom_L> the pannel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_IndicatorApplet"
[00:47:03] -!- robh__ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[00:48:34] -!- skunkworks has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
[00:52:18] -!- tlab [tlab!~tlab@c-69-243-187-136.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #emc
[00:52:24] <danimal_garage> wow it's nice to have the acceleration to not have to put in a g64pXXX just to hold speed doing contours
[00:54:08] <ries> elmo40: yes, the SF password reset mail is real
[01:08:17] <Tom_L> i bet this takes all night on this old thing
[01:08:43] <Tom_L> what chat client does ubuntu use by default?
[01:08:47] <Tom_L> on the livecd?
[01:09:14] <cradek> for irc, try installing xchat if you prefer a gui, or irssi if you prefer a terminal
[01:09:26] <cradek> the built-in one only handles irc as an afterthought
[01:10:48] <Tom_L> does ubuntu use apt-get like debian?
[01:10:55] <cradek> yes
[01:11:08] <Tom_L> i'm not much of a linux guru
[01:11:11] <Tom_L> just on my server
[01:14:05] -!- Dannyboy has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:16:45] <danimal_garage> yay found a cable to use for my pendant
[01:22:05] <mikegg> danimal: what kind of machine do you have?
[01:22:08] <Tom_L> do they just have an encoder inside?
[01:23:33] <danimal_garage> the one i'm working on is a shizuoka an-s mill
[01:23:55] <danimal_garage> tom, if you mean my pendant, then yes, an encoder and a couple switches
[01:24:21] -!- tlab has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[01:27:27] <danimal_garage> is anyone else noticing a sudden bump in the economy over the past month or so?
[01:28:02] <Tom_L> bump or slump?
[01:28:14] <danimal_garage> bump
[01:28:16] <danimal_garage> upswing
[01:28:18] <Tom_L> not here
[01:28:29] <Jymmm> Slumpin
[01:28:35] <danimal_garage> really?
[01:28:39] <danimal_garage> where's here?
[01:28:48] <Tom_L> tax season will bring retailers to life for a bit
[01:28:58] <Tom_L> mid usa
[01:29:02] <cradek> dow > 12k yesterday
[01:29:14] <danimal_garage> hm
[01:29:28] <cradek> steady rise for 6 months
[01:29:42] <Tom_L> sales on my programmer have been dead for several weeks now
[01:29:49] <Tom_L> it was fairly steady for a while
[01:29:50] <atmega> what programmer
[01:29:54] <Jymmm> Take your choice... Here's the upcoming layoff notices for California... http://www.edd.ca.gov/jobs_and_training/layoff_services_warn.htm#ListingofWARNNotices
[01:30:00] <Tom_L> avr programmer
[01:30:09] <atmega> oh... good choice :)
[01:30:22] <Tom_L> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/USBTiny_Mkii_index.php
[01:30:22] <Jymmm> atmega sucks!
[01:30:28] <danimal_garage> im in california, but i barely sell anything here, most stuff is on the east coast or colorado
[01:30:56] <cradek> would be smarter to live in CO and sell in CA :-)
[01:31:27] <atmega> I don't own an avr 'programmer'
[01:31:39] <cradek> I bought one from olimex? and have never used it
[01:31:52] <Tom_L> this one covers all the 8bit avrs
[01:32:00] -!- 5EXAB48SU [5EXAB48SU!~bluntz@fl-71-52-209-121.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #emc
[01:32:02] <Tom_L> mega, xmega and the 6pin tinys
[01:32:03] <danimal_garage> then i'd have to live in CO lol
[01:32:06] -!- JT-Shop_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:32:26] <danimal_garage> i like living in southern california, i can do whatever i want outdoors year round
[01:32:39] <Tom_L> obama jerked the rug out from under our local economy when he made the comment about corporate jets
[01:32:42] <atmega> that would be nice, except for the whole socal thing :)
[01:32:54] -!- 5EXAB48SU has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:33:02] <Tom_L> it shut down a whole program overnight
[01:37:51] <danimal_garage> it's weird, december was my worst month ever, and january was the best month by a longshot
[01:38:12] <cradek> could just be a fluke?
[01:38:13] <danimal_garage> feb is going well so far too
[01:38:34] <danimal_garage> i'm already at 1/4 of december's sales
[01:38:42] <cradek> in 1 day?
[01:38:49] <danimal_garage> yes
[01:38:53] <cradek> heh
[01:38:59] <atmega> what do you make?
[01:39:05] <danimal_garage> bicycle components
[01:39:10] <Tom_L> kogs on a wheel
[01:39:18] <Tom_L> :)
[01:39:20] <danimal_garage> only thing i can think of is i updated my website a little
[01:39:29] <cradek> winter just can't be a good time for bike parts
[01:39:30] <atmega> to indiividuals, or shops/mfg?
[01:40:10] <danimal_garage> cradek, it is in the other half of the world
[01:40:28] <danimal_garage> atmega, mostly individuals, but some distributors as well
[01:40:31] <atmega> it's always september, somewhere on the net.
[01:40:39] <Tom_L> that's the good thing about web sales
[01:40:47] <cradek> atmega: yes, eternally
[01:40:50] <Tom_L> it's always 5oclock somewhere
[01:40:54] <Tom_L> err..
[01:42:06] -!- skunkworks [skunkworks!~chatzilla@str-bb-cable-south2-static-6-412.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #emc
[01:42:38] <cradek> $ sdate
[01:42:38] <cradek> Tue Sep 6363 19:42:31 CST 1993
[01:43:30] <danimal_garage> Tom_l, thats my motto
[01:44:12] <cradek> actually, it's currently not 5:00 anywhere
[01:44:27] <cradek> it will be, briefly, in about 15.5 minutes
[01:44:47] <danimal_garage> it's in the 5 o'clock hour here
[01:44:51] <danimal_garage> close enough
[01:45:07] <danimal_garage> i'm just 44 minutes late for my first beer
[01:46:26] <Tom_L> how long does it take to cut out one of those ti sprockets?
[01:46:45] <danimal_garage> depends on which one
[01:47:12] <danimal_garage> approximately 15-20 minutes for all operations and deburring
[01:47:36] <danimal_garage> aluminum i've got down to about half that
[01:47:47] <danimal_garage> not including anodizing
[01:47:59] <mikegg> you ever mess with....what are they called? board trackers?
[01:48:14] <danimal_garage> me?
[01:48:18] <mikegg> bikes that guys mod with a little two stroke and a gas tank
[01:48:29] <mikegg> yea
[01:48:39] <danimal_garage> ah
[01:48:40] <danimal_garage> no
[01:49:06] <danimal_garage> just bicycles
[01:57:59] -!- Athlocatle has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[01:59:27] -!- ries has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[02:00:14] -!- Athlocatle [Athlocatle!~vip0@cc27x197.sels.ru] has joined #emc
[02:02:06] -!- paul11586 has quit [Quit: Visitor from www.linuxcnc.org]
[02:02:22] -!- ries [ries!~ries@] has joined #emc
[02:06:04] <Tom_L> danimal_garage, is that your primary income?
[02:07:22] <Tom_L> i wish i could set something up and make parts to peddle
[02:07:33] <Tom_L> i did the electronics for fun
[02:07:44] <danimal_garage> yes
[02:07:49] <danimal_garage> it's not easy
[02:08:02] <Tom_L> i know
[02:08:06] <danimal_garage> but it's rewarding in many aspects
[02:08:14] <Tom_L> i have a friend in Au that does model stuff
[02:08:32] <Tom_L> continually making new stuff to peddle
[02:08:46] <danimal_garage> thats cool
[02:09:06] <Tom_L> it's pretty competetive
[02:09:16] <danimal_garage> so is the bicycling industry
[02:09:22] <danimal_garage> all the crap made in china
[02:09:38] <Tom_L> yup, same with him
[02:09:51] <danimal_garage> but the core people still prefer domestic stuff
[02:10:27] <Tom_L> have you tried making crank arms etc?
[02:10:28] <danimal_garage> i make the most expensive stuff on the market, it's pretty niche, but there's definitely people to buy it
[02:10:33] <danimal_garage> not yet
[02:10:40] <danimal_garage> i'd like a 4th axis first
[02:10:56] <Tom_L> rotary?
[02:11:12] <danimal_garage> yes
[02:12:14] <Tom_L> i wish i had room and funds for a small haas or mori-seki etc
[02:13:20] <toastyde1th> lol, "i'd like to have a pinto or a ferrari"
[02:13:28] <danimal_garage> here's a motorcycle project i'm working on: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=274483&id=699135975&l=0c7730c3c2
[02:13:38] <danimal_garage> haha toastyde1th
[02:13:51] <danimal_garage> tom, me too
[02:13:58] <toastyde1th> i'm not ragging on anybody, that was just the most disparate wish i've seen in a long time
[02:14:12] <danimal_garage> lol
[02:14:13] <cradek> nice speedo/headlight
[02:14:18] <danimal_garage> thanks
[02:14:26] <danimal_garage> all cnc milled!
[02:14:45] <Tom_L> we had a few okumas
[02:14:49] <Tom_L> they were ok
[02:15:51] <toastyde1th> weird, okuma is a pretty good brand
[02:15:59] <toastyde1th> at least on par with mori
[02:16:17] <Tom_L> and a couple fadals
[02:16:21] <Tom_L> those are bottom end
[02:16:51] <toastyde1th> at least on the fadal controls i've used, the machine had the most epileptic motion for rapids i've ever seen
[02:17:57] <Tom_L> they're easy to use
[02:18:05] -!- seb_kuzminsky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[02:18:33] <Tom_L> the little okuma kadet lathe was fun to play on
[02:19:26] <toastyde1th> we had little no-name import lathes that did really well for their form factor
[02:19:32] <toastyde1th> i was shocked
[02:20:09] <Jymmm> If force is NOT an issue, whats the benefit of servos over steppers?
[02:20:23] <atmega> when is that not an issue?
[02:20:23] <Tom_L> positive feedback
[02:20:38] <Tom_L> and they're faster
[02:20:41] <Emcrules_Laptop> speeds
[02:21:08] <cradek> speed, smoothness, resolution, reliability
[02:21:47] <Jymmm> I can get 50,000 resolutoion from steppers
[02:22:12] <danimal_garage> in theory
[02:22:29] <Jymmm> OEM750's
[02:22:50] <cradek> I mean reliable positioning
[02:22:53] <skunkworks> Jymmm: but you are only accurate to about 1/2 step if you are lucky
[02:23:53] <Jymmm> Eh, it's just bouncing a 1" mirror around, not that big a deal. What I'm seeing is the encoders they are using get lots of dust and cause more issues than steppers
[02:24:13] <Jymmm> and no, changing the encoders isn't an option.
[02:24:27] <atmega> next time, get resolvers
[02:24:56] <Jymmm> not an option either
[02:25:34] <Jymmm> might consider galvo instead
[02:26:01] <danimal_garage> i would never go back to steppers
[02:26:17] <Jymmm> this is for a laser, not mill/lathe
[02:26:45] <mikegg> wow, I just crashed a 2.5" shell mill into a block of steel and nothing broke
[02:26:55] <cradek> eek
[02:27:20] <danimal_garage> ouch!
[02:27:49] <mikegg> protip: set your ferror limits tight
[02:28:10] <cradek> no kidding
[02:28:18] <danimal_garage> lol
[02:33:11] <skunkworks> but if you have the ft-lbs... http://www.electronicsam.com/images/KandT/conversion/testing/oopsform.JPG
[02:33:27] <skunkworks> The estop was hit before it f-errored.
[02:33:45] <Jymmm> skunkworks: your machien doens't count!
[02:38:20] -!- skunkworks has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[02:39:30] <Tom_L> ok it already locked up the menu
[02:42:37] -!- skunkworks [skunkworks!~chatzilla@str-bb-cable-south2-static-6-412.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #emc
[02:45:10] <Emcrules_Laptop> 1993 hurco CNC knee mill working condition for 7K. Worth it?
[02:45:17] <Tom_L> tried running the latency test and nothing happens
[02:45:44] <Tom_L> odd control i think
[02:46:13] <cradek> Emcrules_Laptop: 'working condition' can mean a lot
[02:46:43] <Emcrules_Laptop> http://toronto.kijiji.ca/c-buy-and-sell-tools-equipment-CNC-MILL-Hurco-Hawk-5M-Knee-mill-Ultimax-3-v1-64-W0QQAdIdZ257217054
[02:47:48] <Tom_L> do you have 3phase?
[02:47:49] <cradek> I love those war-of-the-worlds monitors
[02:48:09] <cradek> what's the spindle speed? how worn is it? what taper?
[02:49:02] -!- Valen [Valen!~Valen@ppp121-44-129-24.lns20.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #emc
[02:49:11] <Emcrules_Laptop> yes i have 575 3P
[02:50:11] <Emcrules_Laptop> I have to do some searching but i thought they were bT20 tool holders
[02:50:32] <cradek> I'd expect 30 or even 40 taper
[02:50:38] <cradek> 20 would be very unlikely IMO
[02:51:55] <Tom_L> maybe he'll throw the holders in if he doesn't have any more hurcos
[02:52:47] <Tom_L> can't tell what that one in the background is
[02:52:48] <Emcrules_Laptop> he's got two of them to sell and machines have not been moving around here. I hope i might get a deal
[02:52:59] <cradek> 3800 rpm max
[02:53:16] <cradek> 6" quill - that little extra would be nice
[02:53:41] <cradek> "Spindle Type Cartridge #40 V Flange"
[02:54:06] <cradek> found here http://www.preferredmachine.com/hurco_hawk_5m_cnc_knee_mill.htm
[02:54:28] <Emcrules_Laptop> Cradek: Thanks
[02:54:39] <Valen> urgh hot today
[02:54:41] <cradek> 31" of X is a LOT for a machine like that
[02:54:45] <cradek> it must be bigger than it looks
[02:55:09] <Valen> we are thinking of making a 600x600 working area high side gantry type mill
[02:55:31] <Valen> mm that is lol
[02:55:53] <toastyde1th> if you have the space for it get a bed mill, not a knee mill
[02:56:02] <cradek> yes yes yes
[02:56:17] <cradek> yay for Z travel
[02:56:26] <Emcrules_Laptop> LOL
[02:56:35] <toastyde1th> you can pick up a number of bed mills for that price
[02:56:43] <Emcrules_Laptop> Im working on getting a okk VMC
[02:56:54] <Emcrules_Laptop> Where?
[02:57:11] <toastyde1th> ebay, auctions, not so often resellers
[02:57:15] <Emcrules_Laptop> By getting I mean for FREE
[02:57:17] <Valen> http://www.vapourforge.com/temp/front.jpg something like this we are thinking
[02:57:18] <toastyde1th> oh
[02:57:24] <toastyde1th> i thought you said 7k
[02:57:46] <Valen> probably going to use those hiwin rails
[02:57:57] <Emcrules_Laptop> no the OKK VMC for free or barter for services
[02:58:08] <Emcrules_Laptop> the hurco is 7K
[02:58:47] <Emcrules_Laptop> Valen have you priced hiwin rails?
[02:58:54] <Valen> not outrageous
[02:59:04] <Valen> $50 a meter or so i think it was
[02:59:09] <Valen> and $50 a slide
[02:59:16] <Valen> in 15mm
[02:59:24] <Valen> but 15mm is rated to 2000kg lol
[02:59:33] <toastyde1th> I'd take the okk
[02:59:43] <toastyde1th> i used to run a 3+1 okk hmc
[02:59:52] <toastyde1th> it was like, from the late 60's early 70s
[03:00:20] <toastyde1th> phenominal for the age, we used it for roughing a lot of stuff out but it was ultra repeatable and positioned to the same accuracy our import mills did
[03:02:51] <toastyde1th> the ways on it were ginormous
[03:02:58] <toastyde1th> and the ballscrews as well
[03:03:35] <Emcrules_Laptop> Toasty: yeah the owners of the okk are using it right now but replacing it with a mazak. Its still in exelent shape just has an old fanuc 11 control on it. But as we all know that can be replaced when needed
[03:04:01] <cradek> perfect retrofit age
[03:04:08] <Emcrules_Laptop> Valen: how does hiwin pricing compare to THK?
[03:04:22] <Valen> add a 0 give or take lol
[03:05:44] <Valen> more than double at least
[03:05:52] <Emcrules_Laptop> cradek: thats why they might give it to me. I told them i could retrofit the controller for a steal. Since they are replacing the machine anyways they want to give it to me as a trial
[03:05:54] <toastyde1th> Emcrules_Laptop, don't replace the control if it's working
[03:06:04] <toastyde1th> i've used mills with like, ancient 0M controls
[03:06:25] <toastyde1th> they're still amazing to work on
[03:06:32] -!- skunkworks has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[03:06:46] <Emcrules_Laptop> yeah but fanuc replacement parts are getting $$$$$$
[03:07:01] <Valen> w00t EMC retrofit FTW!
[03:07:10] <toastyde1th> yeah, if it dies, replace it
[03:07:36] <toastyde1th> i would still probably sink a few hundred bucks in replacement parts when they die, though
[03:07:49] <toastyde1th> but that's just my preference
[03:07:49] <cradek> working machines are easier to retrofit
[03:07:58] <cradek> machines that stopped working a decade ago ... not so easy
[03:08:00] <Valen> sell off the working bits to pay for new EMC bits
[03:08:08] <danimal_garage> yea like my lathe lol
[03:08:15] <Emcrules_Laptop> especially when you have all the docs and PMC code
[03:09:47] <Emcrules_Laptop> cradek: sounds like im going to get my hands on a MP10 probe set as well!!!
[03:10:29] <cradek> awesome
[03:10:44] <danimal_garage> wow, my soldering iron just make a loud pop and popped a breaker
[03:10:50] <danimal_garage> time for a new one
[03:11:07] <Emcrules_Laptop> yeah I cant wait for that!!
[03:11:15] <cradek> looks like MP10 ~= MP700
[03:11:57] <cradek> longer possible transmission distance
[03:12:05] <cradek> you'll love it
[03:12:10] <cradek> probing is so nice.
[03:12:33] <Emcrules_Laptop> Im getting it for a robot job then going to keep it for my mill
[03:13:22] <toastyde1th> beep boop
[03:13:27] <toastyde1th> i wish i got to use a probe =(
[03:13:54] <Emcrules_Laptop> Make one!!!
[03:17:13] <toastyde1th> i don't have any machines
[03:17:26] <Tom_L> does that let you do auto tool wear compensation?
[03:17:32] <toastyde1th> all my machining experience is commercial + college
[03:17:37] <toastyde1th> tom_l yes
[03:17:50] <Tom_L> we had a couple of those on the okumas
[03:17:54] <Tom_L> they're nice
[03:20:22] <toastyde1th> bar feeders would have run so much more smoothly with probes =(
[03:22:11] <Emcrules_Laptop> Should be getting my Pokeys55 this week some time. Then i can start trying to use it on emc with a membrane keypad!!!!
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[16:34:07] <skunkworks> cradek: do you have differnet probe ends for your renshaw?
[16:42:49] <cradek> no, I only have one
[16:43:03] <cradek> I have not bought an extra because then I'll break it
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[17:38:34] <skunkworks> cradek: heh :) what dimaeter is the ball?
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[17:41:19] <cradek> G90 G0 X[#5061+0.2-[3.0/25.4]]
[17:41:23] <cradek> looks like it's 6 mm
[17:42:04] <skunkworks> thanks
[17:42:06] <cradek> which is nice because it'll fit in a 1/4" hole
[17:42:10] <skunkworks> right
[17:44:52] <cradek> seems like the stick is about 6"
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[18:30:10] <mrsunshine> god i need to get my fingers out of my arse and start making the stuff i need! :P
[18:30:17] <mrsunshine> how hard is it to build a sand muller ....
[18:30:24] <atmega> thank you for sharing that visual.
[18:30:25] <mrsunshine> only problem is finding a gearbox
[18:30:30] <mrsunshine> atmega, np =)
[18:30:51] <mrsunshine> and a bentonite grinder ...
[18:30:55] <mrsunshine> i also need
[18:30:57] <JT-Work> what is a sand muller?
[18:31:05] <mrsunshine> JT-Work, for mixing green sand for casting
[18:31:12] <mrsunshine> squeesing and shuffling it around
[18:31:18] <JT-Work> doing some sand casting?
[18:31:20] <mrsunshine> so i dont have to do the work for a whole day :P
[18:31:28] <mrsunshine> JT-Work, aye sometimes =)
[18:31:37] <mrsunshine> now for a new motor mount for my spindle on the mill =)
[18:31:45] <mrsunshine> and the sand is bone dry
[18:32:06] <JT-Work> you use bentonite as the "glue"?
[18:32:16] <mrsunshine> aye
[18:32:55] <JT-Work> I've lugged about a million sacks of bentonite when I worked offshore
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[18:33:23] <JT-Work> quite fun to dump a sack on a worm and hose him with sea water :)
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[18:52:28] <fenn> mrsunshine: forget about green sand, skip straight to lost foam
[18:52:59] <fenn> ug just thinking about precariously lifting and placing packed sand makes my back hurt
[18:59:04] <skunkworks> fenn: !! how is it going?
[18:59:21] <skunkworks> still on the west coast?
[19:01:23] <fenn> yep
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[19:06:27] <mrsun> fenn, lost foam is a pita as the foam has a tendency to warp :/
[19:06:32] <mrsun> as its not rigid enough
[19:06:48] <fenn> because you're packing wet sand around it; don't do that
[19:07:00] <mrsun> im not packing wet sand around the foam :P
[19:07:07] <fenn> why would it warp then?
[19:08:02] <mrsun> cause foam is stupid! =)
[19:08:15] <mrsun> and if you fail
[19:08:18] <mrsun> your pattern is lost
[19:08:23] <mrsun> and you have to do a totaly new pattern again
[19:08:29] <fenn> this is why you have a cnc foam cutter
[19:08:39] <mrsun> while i just shake out the sand, ram in some new and pour again :P
[19:09:06] <fenn> yeah, so easy
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[19:11:24] <mrsun> and dont you have to coat the foam to make the sand not fall in ? :)
[19:11:25] <fenn> i just manually pull out all the little bits of burnt sand, sieve the rest, mix it for ten minutes while carefully sprinkling water evenly around the sand, mix some more, wait, mix some more, add mold release powder, make sure my pattern has draft, add fillets, add sand, ram firm but not too hard, repeat, repeat (sand collapsed), repeat again (sand collapsed when transporting to furnace grrr), repeat again next day because sand was too wet :P
[19:11:29] <mrsun> takes like half a day to dry ? :P
[19:11:48] <fenn> no seriously the foam method is way superior
[19:12:02] <fenn> you dont have to coat it unless you're crazy about surface finish
[19:12:10] <mrsun> sure its a nice way, but havent got the hang of all of it, does one have to coat the foam ?
[19:12:24] <mrsun> and ofc, what foam to use, what is best etc, and one would need a cnc foam cutter
[19:12:51] <fenn> well you don't need a cnc foam cutter, it's just easier
[19:13:29] <mrsun> ofc, ive been meaning to build a foam cutter just for lost foam as it would make stuff alot easier and with alot better tolerances then doing it by hand :P
[19:14:03] <fenn> some prefer white styrofoam because it doesn't smell bad, but i like pink/blue EPS insulation because it is finer and isotropic
[19:14:25] <mrsun> isotropic ?
[19:15:18] <mrsun> fenn, and a problem with the pink one that ive experienced is alot of tension is built up in it
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[19:19:49] <fenn> does it have a plastic film layer?
[19:21:30] <mrsun> well "yes" i guess as its a nice surface finnish on the sides ?
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[19:30:54] <skunkworks> wow - the internet seems to be a bit flakey here today
[19:31:00] <skunkworks> logger_emc: bookmark
[19:31:00] <logger_emc> Just this once .. here's the log: http://www.linuxcnc.org/irc/irc.freenode.net:6667/emc/2011-02-02.txt
[19:33:44] <skunkworks> fenn: did you see -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39q6kvrSBSk
[19:33:51] * skunkworks is showing off.
[19:37:06] <fenn> woah, it lives
[19:37:11] <skunkworks> :)
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[19:39:26] <fenn> what kind of toolholders are those?
[19:39:55] <skunkworks> they are K&T's own design/ Strait shank - like 2.25
[19:40:15] <skunkworks> inch in diameter
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[19:44:10] <skunkworks> they had a smaller version on the newer models.. like 1.75 or something like that.
[19:44:24] <skunkworks> same barcode setup though
[19:44:29] <skunkworks> (15 bit)
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[20:00:30] <alex_joni> hmm.. crap, seems that uk seller didn't want to ship to .ro
[20:01:12] <archivist> alex_joni, one of us can reship for you
[20:06:10] <alex_joni> archivist: don't sweat it, got one from polen
[20:06:34] <archivist> ok
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[20:19:53] <andypugh> I don't think I will be wiring my resolvers with proper resolver cable: http://uk.rs-online.com/web/search/searchBrowseAction.html?method=getProduct&R=2509097097
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[20:42:11] <PCW> Is that gold wire?
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[20:43:43] <skunkworks> I have been using stranded cat5e for differential encoder hookups. seems to work nice.
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[20:44:55] <andypugh> Does seem a little steep, to me.
[20:48:15] <PCW> CAT5 should be OK, shielded would be better
[20:48:15] <skunkworks> it is
[20:48:15] <skunkworks> cat5e shielded
[20:48:15] <andypugh> I want at least 7mm diameter to suit the connectors, and flexible wold be good.
[20:48:15] <PCW> That should be fine for resolvers (+- flex life)
[20:49:07] <PCW> Best would be 3 shielded twisted pairs (with an over all shield)
[20:50:52] <SWPadnos> http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail&name=C6040-100-ND
[20:51:22] <SWPadnos> or, for really big machines: :) http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail&name=C6040-1000-ND
[20:52:08] <andypugh> Looks a lot like http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CABLE-THREE-PAIR-22AWG-FOIL-SCREENED-ALPHA-WIRE-6010C-/290525239697
[20:53:11] <SWPadnos> yep. about the same price too (as the 100' roll)
[20:55:14] <andypugh> A bit thin, but looks good.
[20:55:15] <andypugh> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/7-core-screened-cable-Top-quality-Defence-standart-100m-/280623800577
[20:55:34] <skunkworks> none of our servos move - so that isn't an issue. (we do have 2 runs to the spindle thought that we will have to keep an eye on/
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[20:58:56] <andypugh> Hmm, this looks about right. Nice colour too.
[20:58:57] <andypugh> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/100m-Cable-Mettler-Toledo-Multi-Range-System-/300518567077
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[21:04:10] <PCW> You really want 3 twisted pairs or better 3 individually shielded twisted pairs (so you don't couple excitation to either sin or cos)
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[21:05:29] <andypugh> That blue cable is listed as 3 x 3 x 0.75mm
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[21:05:36] <andypugh> (3 x 2 I mean)
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[21:06:37] <PCW> Not sure if they are individually shielded (a wire part# would be nice)
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[21:19:59] <andypugh> I bought a Resolver 12 way M23 connector (£17) and a rather cheaper 6-way power connector (£7). When they arrived I found out why the 6-way was cheaper. No backshell, no cable grip and no terminals.
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[21:29:31] <andypugh> Can anyone recommend a good Windows IRC client? I am about to reboot into Windows to play with Inventor
[21:29:58] <SWPadnos> I use Chatzilla, as part of either Firefox or Mozilla SeaMonkey
[21:31:44] <e3m> IceChat
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[21:33:10] <andypugh> It seems to already have mIRC installed, to I will probably just use that
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[21:43:17] <Tom_itx> mIrc works
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[22:06:36] <andypugh> Hmm, IceChat is a bit bright and grapical isn't it? Reminds me of Mach3
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[23:38:27] <JT-Shop> andypugh: I like chatzilla after you get rid of the join/leave and gaudy stuff
[23:38:40] <JT-Shop> there is a simple css to do that
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[23:51:38] <Tom_itx> what client did you settle on?
[23:55:37] <andypugh> Me?
[23:55:41] <Tom_itx> ja
[23:56:00] <andypugh> I ran screaming back to my Mac and Colloquy
[23:56:06] <JT-Shop> LOL
[23:56:10] <Tom_itx> heh
[23:57:04] <andypugh> Did you see that toolchanger for 15-taper tools posted on the mailing list? It's lovely! I thought BT30 was twee, but BT15 mist be thimble-sized
[23:57:48] <JT-Shop> no, I haven't been down to the beer cave to check e-mail since this morning
[23:58:03] <andypugh> http://www.sorotec.de/shop/product_info.php/language/en/info/p1544_werkzeugwechsler-fuer-kress-fme-1050---fme-800-v2.html/
[23:58:04] <Tom_itx> i saw a machine at a trade show with itty bitty tool holders
[23:58:15] <Tom_itx> for modeling or prototyping
[23:58:35] <andypugh> It's an add-on for the Kress 800 watt die-grinder thing.
[23:58:58] <andypugh> Pull-studs and everything.
[23:59:10] <Tom_itx> they should put it by a dime or quarter for size comparison