[00:40:01] <kirk_wallace> Hello. I have a basic C question. What is "->" as in "cntr->state = 0;" ?
[00:40:37] <JT-Shop> oh crap I knew that kirk_wallace but forget ATM
[00:41:22] <JT-Shop> I think it has something to do with pointers
[00:41:54] <kirk_wallace> Or struct's?
[00:42:39] <kirk_wallace> I'll look up a pointer tutorial. Thanks
[00:43:02] <JT-Shop> btw, the one wire thermostat thingy won't work due to the lack of temperature range
[00:43:57] <kirk_wallace> I would think the OW would be independent of sensor type?
[00:44:29] <JT-Shop> seems like that they are all a combined built in thing
[00:44:47] <kirk_wallace> Anyway, maybe a ready to go USB probe would be available.
[00:45:00] <JT-Shop> that would be the best
[00:46:05] <JT-Shop>
[00:46:24] <JT-Shop> look in the assignment section
[00:47:10] <JT-Shop> pointer to struct
[00:47:38] <kirk_wallace> You need a thermocouple of some sort, which puts out a small voltage, amp it up to 0 to +5V, then ADC, USB? You could scale the value when it in EMC2.
[00:47:52] <kirk_wallace> Okay, pointer to struct.
[00:48:23] <JT-Shop> I have thermocouples and I think they put out milli volts
[00:49:34] <kirk_wallace>
[00:49:51] <kirk_wallace> But ouch on the price.
[00:50:10] <JT-Shop> like that but not $57
[00:50:13] <JT-Shop> yea
[00:50:20] <kb8wmc> 0.................................................................................................................................................................................0.....................
[00:51:22] <kirk_wallace>
[00:51:25] <JT-Shop> looks like just a few chips... must not be a good seller
[00:52:04] <kirk_wallace> But you need two or more?
[00:52:16] <JT-Shop> b) rice cookers, kitchen utensils, Induction Cooker, heater temperature detection;
[00:52:24] <JT-Shop> yea, at least two
[00:52:28] <kb8wmc> 000000000.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
[00:52:29] <kb8wmc> ...........................................................................................................................
[00:52:58] <kb8wmc> ............................................................................................................................0
[00:53:24] <kb8wmc> ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
[00:53:26] <kb8wmc> ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................0
[00:53:46] <kb8wmc> ............
[00:53:50] <JT-Shop> is kb8wmc a spammer or is a cat walking on the keyboard
[00:54:00] <kirk_wallace> ????
[00:54:20] <JT-Shop> all the ----0000 stuff
[00:54:24] <JT-Shop> ____
[00:54:25] <the_wench>
[00:54:30] <kb8wmc> ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
[00:54:33] <kb8wmc> .............................................................................................................................................................................................
[00:54:39] <kirk_wallace> Maybe fell asleep on the keyboard.
[00:54:44] <kb8wmc> .
[00:54:49] <JT-Shop> yea, I think so
[00:55:00] <JT-Shop> can we ring him with kb8wmc
[00:55:26] <kb8wmc> ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
[00:55:28] <kb8wmc> ..........................................................................................................
[00:55:30] <kirk_wallace> He may need the sleep.
[00:55:38] <JT-Shop> yea
[00:56:20] <kb8wmc> sorry
[00:56:27] <JT-Shop> I'm pretty whooped myself, got up at 4am and drove the MIL to the airport we got back 10.5 hrs later after driving 430 miles
[00:56:40] <JT-Shop> kb8wmc: woke up :)
[00:56:45] <kb8wmc> had something laying on the keybnoard
[00:57:03] <kirk_wallace> So the smoking issue is how to get analog into EMC2 without breaking the budget?
[00:57:31] <JT-Shop> yea a way to do it on the cheap so everyone can do it
[00:57:59] <kirk_wallace> Did you see my SPI ADC page?
[00:58:09] <JT-Shop> no, I missed that
[00:58:34] <kirk_wallace>
[01:00:14] <kirk_wallace> I wouldn't do it that way any more, but it might work. I'd use an AVR.
[01:01:57] <kirk_wallace> Then tweak the data logging code the comes with the AVRstick to match the application.
[01:03:22] <kirk_wallace>
[01:03:57] <JT-Shop> loading ....
[01:04:43] <JT-Shop> so a USB 1.1 can be read by the faster 2.something USB ports
[01:05:09] <kirk_wallace> Works fine on my PC.
[01:05:27] <JT-Shop> cheap enough to experiment with
[01:05:41] <kirk_wallace>
[01:06:32] <JT-Shop> lol, I tried to scroll down the image... I am tired
[01:07:11] <kirk_wallace> It would just take time to put together an op amp to condition the therm. signal, then tweak the software, test, fix test, fix....
[01:07:37] <kirk_wallace> I tried to close it with the "X"
[01:10:10] <kirk_wallace> I was going to try the charge pump sensor with it and use the USB to set parameters. If I can get to it.
[01:10:20] <JT-Shop> cool
[01:12:31] <kirk_wallace> Yes "->" is a struct pointer. Whatever that is. Gota find out.
[01:12:51] <JT-Shop> kirk_wallace: thanks for the ideas... I'm on a short countdown to lala land so I'm heading inside to turn on the magnetass switch
[01:13:32] <JT-Shop> I'm sure you'll finger it out
[01:13:48] <kirk_wallace> Okay. Don't fall asleep on the keyboard.
[01:14:10] <JT-Shop> * JT-Shop heads inside and may fall asleep in the lazyboy
[01:14:18] <JT-Shop> talk to you later
[01:14:27] <kirk_wallace> G'night
[01:24:11] <Connor> JT-Shop: Yup, Got them in today.. just got back from a Chirstmas party.. I'm going to install one and see how it does! :)
[02:16:54] <staats> looking for some 7i43 setup assistance, if anyone has a couple minutes..
[03:11:41] <leo> halui.home-all - the book says it will only exist if home_sequance is set in ini file
[03:11:51] <leo> home sequence needs set to what?
[03:12:38] <leo> trying to be able to make a simple input to home all axes to play with spindle stuff
[03:17:21] <cradek> leo: see here:
[03:17:30] <cradek> section
[03:27:31] <morfic> fuuny, was about to ask a homing/limit switch question too
[03:28:00] <morfic> SWPadnos: btw, did not take long for our CAD to start looking at cad packages more for electrical stuff
[03:33:29] <leo> ok, is there an invert input command?
[03:39:05] <leo> I toggle estop off in axis, hit the hot drives button, start homing, and want to use same home input to simulate a home.
[03:39:19] <leo> i toggle off estop
[03:39:32] <leo> turn machine power on
[03:39:50] <leo> have a relay hooked up to a pyvcp button looped back around to an input
[03:40:11] <leo> but when I click the input nothing happens except error saying home sequence already started
[03:40:35] <leo> #setup input 0, 5i20.1 7i37ta .2 all axes home
[03:40:35] <leo> setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).1.gpio.048.is_output false
[03:40:35] <leo> setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).1.gpio.048.invert_output TRUE
[03:40:35] <leo> net H1 halui.home-all => hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD)
[03:41:02] <leo> home sequence 0-3 set in ini file
[03:41:16] <cradek> you have 4 axes?
[03:41:19] <leo> all setting to home switch only set
[03:41:21] <leo> yes
[03:41:28] <leo> not hooked right now
[03:41:42] <leo> spindle work on the bench with the spare spiundle motor
[03:42:12] <cradek> if you set all the homing velocities to zero, they'll instantly home
[03:42:23] <leo> the gs3 is mostly wired
[03:44:45] <leo> invalid homing config - must use non zero velocity error
[03:45:29] <cradek> then you missed one (and that's not the exact error message is it?)
[03:46:04] <cradek> see section 0.1.2; you want Homing Type "None"
[03:46:48] <leo> joint 1 following error
[03:49:00] <cradek> check the AXIS_1 section again
[03:56:46] <leo> HOME = 1.000
[03:56:46] <leo> HOME_OFFSET = 3.0
[03:56:46] <leo> HOME_SEARCH_VEL = 0.0
[03:56:46] <leo> HOME_LATCH_VEL = 0.00
[03:56:46] <leo> HOME_IS_SHARED = 0
[03:56:46] <leo> HOME_SEQUENCE = 0
[03:56:48] <leo> HOME_USE_INDEX = NO
[03:56:50] <leo> HOME_IGNORE_LIMITS = YES
[03:56:53] <leo> AXIS 0
[03:57:50] <cradek> try HOME=0 HOME_OFFSET=0, otherwise you'll get a 2 inch move after homing
[03:59:27] <leo> that mean its homed?
[03:59:50] <cradek> the origin symbol (circle with + in it and two shaded quadrants) means it's homed
[04:00:29] <leo> how do I delete stuff in mdi?
[04:00:52] <leo> and execute mdi
[04:01:09] <cradek> you just type it and press enter
[04:02:25] <leo> next question - how do I hook up the commanded spindle speed to the aout on a 5i20/7i33ta?
[04:02:35] <leo> I copied some stuff out of a smithy file
[04:02:52] <leo> on the git site but it just says" your dac pin here
[04:03:13] <leo> I know i have pin 0-23 on the servo card I am hooked to
[04:03:37] <cradek>
[04:03:46] <cradek> here's a list of emc's hookups to the world
[04:03:46] <leo> net spindle-speed-DAC scale.0.out => hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.023.out
[04:03:49] <leo> crashed
[04:04:11] <cradek> scale must be for a gear change or something? just keep it simple
[04:04:54] <cradek> you need to hook it to a pwmgen that's set up to run the dac on the 7i33, not a gpio (which is a digital output)
[04:05:16] <leo> so why a pwmgen if not a stepper?
[04:05:20] <cradek> you have to set the pwmgen's parameters how the 7i33 dac likes them
[04:05:29] <cradek> don't confuse stepgen with pwmgen
[04:05:38] <cradek> pwmgens are how you generate analog voltages
[04:05:42] <leo> ok
[04:05:59] <leo> pwmgens are in the ini or hal file?
[04:06:40] <cradek> maybe instead of a smithy config you should start with the hm2-servo/5i20 config
[04:06:50] <leo> and if hooked to aout3 on the 7i33ta I hook to pwmgen3?
[04:07:30] <leo> I did... looking at the smithy config as it was about the only other one I saw using mesa hardware
[04:08:26] <leo> because I saw no clear reference to the spindle in the standard 5i20 stuff
[04:08:26] <cradek> I have to run, hope you get it going
[04:08:33] <leo> have a good night
[04:09:17] <leo> and thanks'
[07:50:41] <MattyMatt> lunar eclipse has started
[08:06:28] <Connor> okay, can someone talk to me about the backlash options in EMC?
[10:32:41] <theorb> theorb is now known as theorbtwo
[10:32:44] <Roguish_> Roguish_ is now known as Roguish
[12:29:25] <morficmobile> our cad guy drew the estop chain to kill power to the 24V supply, killing power (480V) and control voltage (24V) to servo, wouldn't i want to keep the servo pack powered so it can help break the motor (if it still does once the alarm input/output chain gets opened, if i tie in e-stop there)
[13:05:33] <morficmobile> nice visualization
[13:06:17] <morficmobile> running mostly machines for weeks does not help being ready for "make sure you have a wiring diagram by monday" :)
[13:12:32] <morficmobile> now i just need to locate a source for a reactor for the spindle, since yaskawa's is "no stock"
[13:27:45] <mikeggg> morficmobile: if you short the motor leads together through a shunt resistor - that will brake the servo
[13:28:12] <mikeggg> someone on here has done that before... can't remember who was talking about it
[13:34:58] <jepler-> jepler- is now known as jepler
[14:05:05] <morficmobile> mikeggg: if the servo does not do that, i will look into that, thanks
[14:05:15] <morficmobile> gmane search finally paying off
[14:08:40] <morficmobile> i'll run out of I/O pins quick at this rate
[14:10:40] <skunkworks> logger_emc: bookmark
[14:10:40] <skunkworks> Just this once .. here's the log:
[14:16:56] <droid> droid is now known as Guest15399
[14:22:47] <Guest15399> someone here using 3pwm module?
[14:24:42] <skunkworks> Guest15399: not many - but the person that developed it will probably be on here later today. (andypugh)
[14:25:41] <Guest15399> thx
[14:26:36] <JT-Shop> Guest15399: andypugh does hang out on the forum as well if that format suits you better
[14:29:49] <DaViruz> i bought a new toy
[14:29:53] <DaViruz>
[14:30:02] <DaViruz> need a hole punch to program it though :/
[14:30:32] <mikeggg> oh wow
[14:30:33] <archivist> upgrade to emc!
[14:30:57] <DaViruz> that's the idea
[14:31:48] <skunkworks> DaViruz: Nice!
[14:33:27] <mikeggg> looks like it has a fourth axis..?
[14:33:46] <DaViruz> no it's a horizontal spindle
[14:34:16] <JT-Shop> nice big table
[14:34:17] <DaViruz> or oh
[14:34:29] <DaViruz> i suppose it does, but it isn't driven
[14:34:40] <mikeggg> ok, that's what I was wondering
[14:34:50] <JT-Shop> kind of like a BP setup you can crank it around and in and out?
[14:35:11] <DaViruz> not sure
[14:35:35] <JT-Shop> looks like it from the photos
[14:36:00] <DaViruz> i hope it has some usable servo amps
[14:36:57] <archivist> good lump of iron as a starting point