#emc | Logs for 2006-07-28

[01:21:44] <jmkasunich_> jmkasunich_ is now known as jmkasunich
[02:37:37] <NickServ> This nickname is owned by someone else
[02:37:37] <NickServ> If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
[02:39:42] <jmkasunich_> jmkasunich_ is now known as jmkasunich
[03:19:11] <NickServ> This nickname is owned by someone else
[03:19:11] <NickServ> If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
[03:23:45] <NickServ> This nickname is owned by someone else
[03:23:45] <NickServ> If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
[08:30:54] <Lerneaen_Hydra> 'lo
[08:37:18] <^Eugenics> Tjena Lerneaen_Hydra, har du fått reda på om antagning till högskolan än?
[08:38:12] <Lerneaen_Hydra> ^Eugenics: Jajjemän! Det var inget större bekymmer att komma in på elektro nu när de har 14.nåt lågt i snitt
[08:38:24] <Lerneaen_Hydra> Så det ska bli intressant
[08:38:46] <^Eugenics> Blir det i GBG?
[08:39:00] <Lerneaen_Hydra> japp, chalmers civil
[08:39:29] <^Eugenics> Låter bra. Det är en bra miljö att vistas i ett tag
[08:39:46] <^Eugenics> Gattis, eh eller vad man säger
[08:39:46] <Lerneaen_Hydra> ett tag?
[08:39:53] <Lerneaen_Hydra> haha, tack
[08:40:09] <^Eugenics> typ 5 år :)
[08:40:35] <^Eugenics> doktorera är iof också bra men dåligt betalt
[08:41:10] <Lerneaen_Hydra> aha, så sätt
[08:41:30] <Lerneaen_Hydra> jo, jag hoppas det är lika bra som jag tror det är
[08:42:33] <^Eugenics> (jag kände mig alltid lite utanför på KTH, men man lär sig en del som man kan ha nytta av)
[08:46:02] <^Eugenics> Hur går det med svarven?
[08:46:47] <Lerneaen_Hydra> jodå, den är nästan helt konverterad, jag har en fin jogwheel låda och har bara gängnings encodern kvar
[08:47:03] <Lerneaen_Hydra> ev. skall jag lägga till en ny axel också
[08:47:51] <^Eugenics> cool
[08:48:36] <Lerneaen_Hydra> isf. skulle den axeln styra riktningen på svarvstålet, B axel som det också kallas
[08:49:06] <Lerneaen_Hydra> då kan man använda samma stål för planing, konturbearbetning, och arbete på baksidan
[08:49:37] <^Eugenics> en axel som jobbar som en vinkel!?
[08:49:47] <Lerneaen_Hydra> ja
[08:50:46] <Lerneaen_Hydra> den vinklar stålet http://www.teksoft.com/images/y_axis_od.jpg , B axel är det som vrider pinnfräsen så att den inte är riktad rakt in mot biten
[08:51:22] <Lerneaen_Hydra> C är den som styr vart spindeln är i rotation, och Y är fysisk Y axel, som en fräs
[08:51:43] <Lerneaen_Hydra> men jag skulle bara ha B axel isf
[08:51:54] <^Eugenics> du siktar på en fleroperationsmaskin :)
[08:52:04] <Lerneaen_Hydra> funderar att ha en liten delningsdocka med stegmotor
[08:52:22] <Lerneaen_Hydra> ja, så jag slipper byta stål hela tiden, och mäta in dem
[08:52:33] <Lerneaen_Hydra> jag har bara två stålhållare
[08:52:39] <^Eugenics> ja, sådant tar tid
[08:52:44] <Lerneaen_Hydra> sen går maskinen mycket mera automatiskt
[08:54:34] <^Eugenics> fick du igång dina extra pci parallelportar från cleas o?
[08:57:11] <Lerneaen_Hydra> nope, den hade nån skum initiering som bara ville funka med windows, eller iaf inte med dom standard drivrutinerna som jag hade, så jag lämnade tillbaka den och köpte en annan en från microstore
[08:59:09] <^Eugenics> ok.
[09:13:06] <^Eugenics> * ^Eugenics is away: _
[10:09:55] <A-L-P-H-4> A-L-P-H-4 is now known as A-L-P-H-A
[10:46:09] <A-L-P-H-A> <yawn>
[11:58:10] <CIA-12> 03jepler 07HEAD * 10emc2/scripts/realtime.in: pass along the exit code of 'insmod' back to the caller, and the exit code of 'Load' and 'Unload' to the calling script/program
[12:46:47] <Mess> good morning all
[14:42:28] <CIA-12> 03cradek 07HEAD * 10emc2/scripts/realtime.in: don't fail if adeos is built into the kerne
[15:27:27] <les_w> morning/afternoon
[15:28:13] <jepler> hi les
[15:36:03] <Lerneaen_Hydra> hi les_w, hi jepler
[16:11:13] <Mess> Hi all
[16:13:42] <les_w> hi mess
[16:15:31] <Mess> hey that Eclipse got its certificatio yesterday...
[16:16:30] <Mess> http://www.eclipseaviation.com/
[16:29:50] <les_w> looking
[16:33:30] <les_w> neat!
[16:33:41] <les_w> i'll take one
[16:33:42] <les_w> heh
[16:45:09] <Jymmm> les_w where you going to land it? On the 9th hole?
[16:46:21] <Jymmm> * Jymmm is a happy camper!!!
[17:37:59] <Mess> nice little jet if i do say so myself..
[17:59:24] <Jymmm> Mess you have your pilot's lic?
[18:04:35] <Mess> not a general aviation no
[18:04:49] <Jymmm> huh?
[18:19:39] <Mess> as in not for powered aircraft... i fly hang and paragliders
[18:20:08] <Jymmm> Ah, ok. didn't remember that
[18:27:44] <CIA-12> 03jepler 07HEAD * 10emc2/src/hal/utils/scope_disp.c:
[18:27:44] <CIA-12> gdk_draw_lines() may be more efficient than many calls to gdk_draw_line(),
[18:27:44] <CIA-12> number of bytes transferred by the X protocol is cut approximately in half.
[18:27:44] <CIA-12> skip drawing certain "useless" lines whose endpoints are the same as the last
[18:27:44] <CIA-12> end point
[18:57:39] <etla> a quiet evening...
[18:58:51] <Lerneaen_Hydra> indeed
[18:59:16] <etla> did you have a lathe running with emc2 ?
[18:59:33] <Lerneaen_Hydra> yes
[18:59:47] <etla> how is it going ? pics ? :)
[18:59:58] <Lerneaen_Hydra> hmm, I think I have some somewhere here
[19:00:22] <Lerneaen_Hydra> I've only got HAL config of feed-override jogwheel, and thread-cutting encoders+hal left
[19:00:31] <Lerneaen_Hydra> maybe some X/Z limits too
[19:00:58] <etla> how is the feed override wired in HAL ?
[19:01:23] <etla> I have a jogwheel that I got working for XYZ and increment select 0,1 0,01 and 0,001
[19:02:18] <Lerneaen_Hydra> increment select?
[19:02:25] <Lerneaen_Hydra> oh, mine's "hardcoded" in hal
[19:02:55] <etla> yeah, the handwheel is 100pulses/rev, but the selector will select 0,1mm 0,01mm or 0,001mm per pulse
[19:03:02] <Lerneaen_Hydra> oh, nice
[19:03:29] <Lerneaen_Hydra> hmm, I've only got 3 images of the lathe right now
[19:03:32] <Lerneaen_Hydra> I'll take some more later
[19:03:40] <cradek> .001mm?
[19:03:44] <Lerneaen_Hydra> I'll just upload these to a site first
[19:03:55] <etla> great thanks.
[19:04:16] <etla> cradek: yes, maybe a bit optimistic considering the ballscrews are not top notch etc.
[19:05:06] <etla> L_H: how did you do the feed override in HAL ?
[19:05:35] <etla> cradek: care to explain the simple_tp math for me ?
[19:05:52] <Lerneaen_Hydra> etla: I have not done that yet, though jepler said it would be doable
[19:06:29] <etla> L_H: OK. but please note that the halui pin for feed override is only documented in the source comments. it's not actually implemented yet !
[19:07:27] <jepler> etla: that's odd, I saw it work at 'fest back in may
[19:07:42] <jepler> I think there's a related g-code you may have to issue before it works, though
[19:07:55] <cradek> it definitely works
[19:08:13] <cradek> I know dallur is using it, so is the mazak at fest
[19:08:20] <etla> ok, maybe I have an old checkout
[19:09:27] <Lerneaen_Hydra> http://img70.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lathe3jg.jpg http://img58.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img5396ho2.jpg http://img58.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img5397so3.jpg http://img58.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img5401su2.jpg
[19:09:53] <Lerneaen_Hydra> the first image is the original, unmodified lathe
[19:11:03] <Lerneaen_Hydra> the four jogwheels will control, X jog, Z jog, feed override, rpm/css override
[19:11:43] <etla> L_H: did you make the jogwheels yourself ?
[19:11:45] <fenn> looks like you've got an upgraded spindle motor on there too
[19:11:57] <Lerneaen_Hydra> yes, I made them in a 3-axis mill at school
[19:12:11] <Lerneaen_Hydra> fenn: hmm, no, that was stock, though I don't know if someone else changed it
[19:12:21] <etla> where did you get the encoders that presumably are underneath the wheels ?
[19:12:30] <Lerneaen_Hydra> I got two of those lathes for free, and information about the previous owners was scarce
[19:12:38] <Lerneaen_Hydra> etla: I found them in a box at home
[19:13:14] <fenn> i gotta get more boxes like that
[19:13:28] <Lerneaen_Hydra> 16 steps/turn, a bit coarse, but at 0.05mm/step, I get a good feel and can control so I move a precise amount just by listening
[19:13:34] <Lerneaen_Hydra> which boxes?
[19:13:40] <Lerneaen_Hydra> the cardboard ones?
[19:13:46] <fenn> ones you find encoders in
[19:13:59] <Lerneaen_Hydra> oh, those boxes
[19:14:12] <Lerneaen_Hydra> yeah, they're really nice
[19:25:32] <etla> good night guys.
[19:46:16] <les_w> hey jymmm you there?
[19:46:56] <Jymmm> no, leave a msg at the beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
[19:47:07] <Jymmm> =)
[19:47:16] <les_w> I was just out at the sawmill. We're quartersawing some 36" black walnut. Looks fabulous
[19:47:45] <Jymmm> tease!
[19:47:50] <les_w> heh
[19:48:20] <Jymmm> ok, so how much can you fit in a flat rate priority mail box =)
[19:48:56] <les_w> ha...well we have about 5000 bd ft or so...
[19:49:13] <Jymmm> but I can't afford that much shipping =)
[19:49:32] <les_w> quartered wood is nice for signs
[19:49:44] <les_w> actually i't nice for everything
[19:50:02] <les_w> the waste factor is higher sawing that way though
[19:50:32] <Jymmm> how long does it take to cure?
[19:50:51] <les_w> also...shrinkage is half in width and there is no cupping
[19:51:10] <les_w> usually a year but in this heat it will be less
[19:51:23] <les_w> can always kiln it too
[19:52:58] <Jymmm> in an apratment?!
[19:53:18] <les_w> hmm if it's hot enough haha
[19:53:36] <Jymmm> Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
[19:54:47] <les_w> bleh. I really need to set aside some time to finish the cnc mods.
[19:54:57] <les_w> I really needed to use it today.
[19:55:45] <les_w> had to machine a bunch of delrin on the (gulp) manual mill.
[19:56:45] <les_w> protos for that gas range control.
[19:57:04] <les_w> quan is 24mm/year!!!!
[19:57:17] <les_w> I'd like a chunk of that business.
[19:57:36] <les_w> But it will prob have to go to china. I'll only get to design it.
[19:58:06] <fenn> what's this mm stuff all about?
[19:58:13] <les_w> million
[19:58:13] <fenn> cant you use normal prefixes?
[19:58:32] <les_w> 24 megaunits.
[19:58:36] <fenn> M
[19:58:49] <SWPadnos> MM = roman numeral thousand * thousand
[19:59:00] <fenn> mm == milli meter
[19:59:04] <les_w> haha
[19:59:07] <SWPadnos> right
[19:59:30] <fenn> * fenn grumbles
[19:59:37] <les_w> oh, if I could just get a dime per unit from these things
[20:00:12] <les_w> Should I design a part overly complex so only I can make it?
[20:00:14] <les_w> haha
[20:00:46] <fenn> only if you can't help it
[20:00:50] <les_w> 24 millimeters per year is a lot of parts.
[20:01:17] <les_w> I can't help wanting lots of money...
[20:03:16] <fenn> is "glass cockpit" a widely used term?
[20:03:31] <fenn> for electronic display panels
[20:03:32] <les_w> in aircraft yeah
[20:04:07] <les_w> I still like the old style "steam gages"
[20:04:22] <les_w> I'm just used to them.
[20:04:38] <fenn> i, um, like dial calipers
[20:04:44] <les_w> me too
[20:05:06] <les_w> I'm left handed, and digital ones are upside down for me.
[20:05:19] <fenn> the truth comes out
[20:05:24] <les_w> ulp
[20:08:56] <les_w> grr another glop of pump and dump stock spam comes in...
[20:09:07] <les_w> 50-100 per day
[20:09:20] <les_w> I really need to set up a filter
[20:35:53] <lilo> [Global Notice] Hi all. If you've been experiencing problems with resetting nicknames, please message me. We've located the issue and should be able to resolve it for you pretty quickly. Thanks.
[20:37:36] <lilo> [Global Notice] Sorry, let me rephrase that....if you've had problems with your cloak 'spontaneously' changing, please message me. Thanks.
[21:15:32] <cradek> yay, it's a weekend finally
[21:16:13] <SWPadnos> back to work, it's only 4:30 there :)
[21:16:39] <cradek> bah
[21:16:59] <jepler> huh, people (one person) still didn't know our CVS had moved from sourceforge?
[21:17:07] <jepler> * jepler reacts to the latest list message he got
[21:17:11] <SWPadnos> strange, no
[21:17:20] <SWPadnos> I finally pointed him in the right direction today
[21:18:02] <cradek> I wish our mailing list worked right
[21:18:24] <SWPadnos> shall we set something up on dreamhost? (they have forum and mailing list support, I believe)
[21:18:46] <jepler> If you create a bad web forum as the primary means of communication with users, I'll storm off and never contribute to emc again.
[21:18:55] <cradek> do they have web administration, digests, etc?
[21:19:01] <SWPadnos> dunno
[21:19:09] <cradek> yeah don't even suggest a web bbs
[21:19:09] <rayh> There are nearly a k names to move
[21:19:34] <SWPadnos> no - forums can be good alongside things like a wiki or mailing list, but not so great on their own
[21:19:53] <cradek> unfortunately I think the users would have to resubscribe
[21:20:01] <cradek> we'd probably lose a lot of them
[21:20:11] <SWPadnos> they would - spam filters would probably get tripped if they didn't
[21:21:16] <SWPadnos> ok, I don't see mailing list stuff in my 2 minutes of looking
[21:23:55] <SWPadnos> ah, ok. they call them "discussion lists"
[21:24:16] <cradek> I think web access to archives are fine/good fwiw
[21:24:21] <jepler> I already run one mailman-based mailing list from my machine (on the same network as cvs.linuxcnc.org)
[21:24:26] <cradek> but web bbses are terrible
[21:24:47] <SWPadnos> apparently, DH uses mailman as well
[21:24:51] <jepler> if only I could figure out how to do virtual hosting of e-mail I'd offer
[21:25:11] <jepler> mailman is what sf uses too
[21:33:14] <cradek> so I hate to ask this, but has anyone checked to see if there are bug reports about the lists being broken?
[21:34:31] <cradek> the site status still says delivery should be catching up "soon"
[21:38:22] <Mess> HELLLLOOOO ALLL.. mess is a happy camper...mess is a happy camper.... yeee haaa...
[21:38:50] <Mess> Les still around???
[21:51:51] <Lerneaen_Hydra> Mess: what's so good?
[22:07:13] <Lerneaen_Hydra> mmkay, g'night all
[22:07:19] <Lerneaen_Hydra> borkborkbork!
[22:10:46] <CIA-12> 03jepler 07HEAD * 10axis/scripts/axis.py: gets rid of the '%'s printed each time the active axis was changed
[22:11:09] <CIA-12> 03cradek 07HEAD * 10emc2/src/emc/rs274ngc/interp_convert.cc: I think it makes sense to allow inverse time probing, after matt T explained the point of IT
[22:13:30] <Mess> i may get to make/ build my own plant to work on the Eclipse VLJ jet
[22:13:57] <fenn> your own plant??
[22:20:40] <Mess> YES
[22:21:02] <Mess> 13 parts... 1.875 parts per day...
[22:21:21] <Mess> EVERY day
[22:21:58] <Mess> of each part per day...
[22:40:00] <CIA-12> 03jepler 07HEAD * 10axis/scripts/axis.py: fix the bug that going back to manual mode showed joint coordinates again
[22:41:38] <cradek> yay
[22:53:25] <CIA-12> 03cradek 07HEAD * 10emc2/scripts/emc.in: not an error if the user clicks cancel
[23:19:48] <A-L-P-H-A> anyone in here do roaming wifi? like using linux + wifi + multiple locations?
[23:20:02] <A-L-P-H-A> preferrably with a ubuntu dapper drake setup?
[23:23:09] <Jymmm> fenn Mess means POT Plant, not production plant.
[23:24:46] <A-L-P-H-A> we're in CAnada... we have lots of hydro plants
[23:25:03] <Jymmm> I know