#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2016-11-23

[00:00:07] <andypugh> Yes, but did you pass it a file or stdin?
[00:00:15] <cradek> I just typed at the READ prompt
[00:00:29] <cradek> typed those three lines and got that output
[00:01:33] <andypugh> Looks promising.
[00:02:12] <andypugh> (because it also ignores anything until it sees the O100 SUB
[00:02:36] <andypugh> So you could feed it O100 CALL followed by every line in the current file.
[00:02:41] -!- pragmaticus has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[00:03:00] <cradek> it isn't quite right
[00:03:11] <cradek> seems like the "ignored" stuff should have run after I did endsub
[00:03:21] <cradek> I don't think you can have subs with stdin because it's not seekable
[00:03:31] <cradek> but I'm sure it'll work right with a file
[00:04:03] <andypugh> I found it wasn’t very happy with an endsub
[00:07:16] <andypugh> I have a vague recollection that you can import rs274 into Python
[00:10:07] <cradek> yeah somehow - AXIS sure does it
[00:12:48] <andypugh> Does Gremlin use SAI?
[00:18:04] <cradek> sai is the (old name of the) rs274 standalone program - gremlin/AXIS don't use that exactly, but they both link with the interpreter shared library and call functions in it (and it calls back)
[00:18:38] <andypugh> So it’s all using the exact same code?
[00:18:41] <cradek> same as rs274/sai does - it just pretty much has printfs for all the callbacks (where gremlin has opengl calls, etc etc)
[00:18:48] <cradek> yes they all use the same interpreter that task uses
[00:18:59] <cradek> otherwise you're so doomed
[00:19:02] <andypugh> Which does seem like the best plan
[00:19:20] <cradek> the (ahem) AXIS authors weren't quite smart enough to do that at the very first
[00:19:29] <cradek> but they quickly got smarter
[00:26:36] -!- kalxas has quit [Quit: Goodbye]
[00:26:37] -!- marshmn has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[00:31:45] <andypugh> import rs274 // rs274.interpret.gcode.parse(….)
[00:32:56] <andypugh> “TypeError: function takes at least 2 arguments (1 given)”
[00:33:42] <andypugh> Feels close….
[00:40:26] -!- kingarmadillo has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[00:51:29] <jepler> https://www.mail-archive.com/emc-developers@lists.sourceforge.net/msg10939.html
[00:52:12] <jepler> note: "master of recent vintage" is 2013, so no doubt that snippet needs TLC again
[00:58:17] <andypugh> jepler: Maybe it is fine, I wasn’t passing it the right things.
[00:59:11] <andypugh> Anyway, time to stop for today.
[00:59:31] -!- andypugh has quit [Quit: andypugh]
[01:30:59] -!- BeachBumPete [BeachBumPete!~IceChat9@2601:589:8201:bbc0:143c:f72c:e2f1:8056] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[01:31:10] -!- BeachBumPete [BeachBumPete!~IceChat9@2601:589:8201:bbc0:143c:f72c:e2f1:8056] has parted #linuxcnc-devel
[01:37:43] -!- skunkworks_ [skunkworks_!~skunkwork@str-broadband-ccmts-ws-26.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[11:56:39] -!- wortley [wortley!~wortley@2602:306:cfd4:2620:221:9bff:fe48:57d1] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[13:14:41] -!- marshmn has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[14:18:49] <cradek> argh I can't just search for a ref on github (I'm sure it's in one or more repos)
[14:43:35] -!- wortley has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[14:44:31] -!- wortley [wortley!~wortley@2602:306:cfd4:2620:221:9bff:fe48:57d1] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[15:00:31] -!- skunkworks [skunkworks!~skunkwork@68-115-41-210.static.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[15:05:08] -!- pcw_home [pcw_home!~chatzilla@c-50-143-148-115.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[15:09:55] -!- kwallace_ofcb [kwallace_ofcb!~kwallace@] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[15:27:07] -!- skunkworks has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[16:13:15] -!- wortley has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
[16:17:47] -!- skunkworks_ [skunkworks_!~skunkwork@str-broadband-ccmts-ws-26.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[16:52:48] -!- remstw has quit [Quit: quit]
[16:53:48] <seb_kuzminsky> cradek: that seems like a silly oversight on their part, i wonder what they'd say if you opened an issue on it
[16:54:24] -!- skunkworks_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:55:14] <jepler> hi seb_kuzminsky
[16:55:20] <seb_kuzminsky> hola
[16:55:44] <cradek> how was your trip?
[16:56:00] <seb_kuzminsky> it was great
[16:56:20] <seb_kuzminsky> a week of camping and hiking in the high country, in unseasonably warm weather
[16:56:46] <seb_kuzminsky> what'd i miss down here? you guys have been busy it looks like
[16:59:49] <jepler> bpuk_ has sure been diving in, it's exciting
[17:00:35] <jepler> we got terkaa's g74/g84 in master
[17:01:35] <jepler> I got a 3d printer that works well enough with next to zero tinkering, so I've been printing on it for about 2/3 of my leisure hours this past week or so
[17:02:04] <seb_kuzminsky> wow three good news all in a row!
[17:02:57] <jepler> I probably missed something else that happened
[17:03:19] <seb_kuzminsky> which printer?
[17:03:31] <jepler> Monoprice Select Mini, the $200 one
[17:04:26] <jepler> it prints great in PLA, but so far is worthless for ABS
[17:05:05] <jepler> I think there's also some luck of the draw as to whether your printer was assembled well or poorly at the factory
[17:05:08] <seb_kuzminsky> d'awww cute
[17:05:43] <cradek> I always figure it's just me when I find the github website unusable
[17:05:58] <cradek> it's so popular but I usually can't fathom why
[17:06:13] <cradek> https://github.com/dspinellis/unix-history-repo
[17:06:19] <cradek> but there's this cool thing!
[17:06:48] <jepler> cradek: fwiw you can form a link to a commit in the semi-obvious way manually http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12214746/find-a-commit-on-github-given-the-commit-hash but you have to guess the owner/project where the commit might be
[17:07:42] -!- skunkworks [skunkworks!~skunkwork@str-broadband-ccmts-ws-26.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[17:08:14] <cradek> it's in machinekit, and I couldn't even figure out how to find machinekit
[17:08:15] <jepler> cradek: I think the thing is, github the service improves sharing code enough vs self-hosted git that the failings in github's web ui are worth overlooking. we couldn't self-host a service that would let all these people make pull requests...
[17:08:29] <cradek> I mean I searched for machinekit, but none of the results looked like the right one
[17:08:36] <jepler> hah it's https://github.com/machinekit/machinekit/
[17:09:06] <cradek> I tried sorting by "best match" and "most forks"...
[17:09:23] <cradek> "recently updated"...
[17:09:32] * cradek waves his arms
[17:09:58] <cradek> fwiw, searching for linuxcnc gives the correct result at the top with default search settings
[17:10:02] <jepler> interesting
[17:10:57] <cradek> jepler: I'm not saying we're wrong to use it! I'm just always surprised by all the ways it seems to suck.
[17:12:02] <jepler> cradek: have you *USED* unix ?
[17:12:10] <jepler> my god to complain about a website
[17:12:27] <cradek> wellll
[17:12:34] <archivist> I have :)
[17:13:16] <skunkworks> they all suck in different ways... Or.. they all have good aspects...
[17:20:41] -!- persina has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[17:29:20] -!- JT-Shop has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[17:54:07] -!- JT-Shop [JT-Shop!~john@] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[17:56:35] <cradek> darn, I don't think I'm in unix-history-repo
[17:57:13] <cradek> I thought I might have some freebsd patches from super long ago
[18:02:47] -!- pcw_home has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[18:31:54] -!- pcw_home [pcw_home!~chatzilla@c-50-143-148-115.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[18:43:12] -!- sel [sel!~sel@net77-43-27-64.mclink.it] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[19:27:27] -!- kirk_wallace [kirk_wallace!~kwallace@] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[19:28:15] kalxas_ is now known as kalxas
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[19:45:51] -!- andypugh [andypugh!~andypugh@cpc14-basl11-2-0-cust1010.20-1.cable.virginm.net] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[19:45:58] <andypugh> Oh my.
[19:46:07] <andypugh> Forum users can be so literal.
[19:46:40] <andypugh> “if you had loadrt and2 count=100 you would have and.0, and2.1 … and2.99”
[19:47:07] <andypugh> “I tried loadrt and2 count=100 and LinuxCNC crashed”
[19:47:28] <bpuk_> wait, it crashed?
[19:48:10] <andypugh> and2 can only have 32 (I think) instances. So it fails to start. (which is described as a crash by users, typically)
[19:48:23] <cradek> "the system went down"
[19:49:02] <mozmck> no wonder they call it a crash either - you get a box with with pages of kernel gobbedly-gook messages!
[19:49:58] <bpuk_> wierd, just tried it here, 100 instances
[19:51:19] <bpuk_> but yes, literal user :D
[19:51:38] <jepler> glancing at how comp generates things currently, names= is limited to 16 names but count= doesn't have a direct limit imposed
[19:51:55] <jepler> I tried "loadrt and2 count=100 and LinuxCNC crashed" and LinuxCNC crashed
[19:52:08] <andypugh> But most components used a fixed-size arfray don’t they?
[19:52:30] <pcw_mesa> 100 works for me (at least the loadrt)
[19:53:09] <jepler> andypugh: yes and anything taking loadrt arrays (like names=) *has* to specify a maximum number
[19:53:18] <andypugh> He decided to load 100 “near” components too.
[19:54:29] <bpuk_> just be glad you didn't say 'loadrt and2 count=n would give and2.0, and2.1, ... and2.n-1'
[19:55:04] <pcw_mesa> I can load 366 before it runs out of mem
[19:58:48] <andypugh> bpuk_: I have been thinking more about G71. I am adding cardinal points to arcs to make it easier to spot their extents. By adding more extra points at frontangle and backangle positions it is probably fairly easy to detect couging.
[19:58:53] <andypugh> (gouging)
[19:59:18] <andypugh> I don’t think a straight line can ever gouge without the end-points gouging.
[19:59:45] <cradek> wonder if when you detect gouging, you should cut what you can (turn part of the arc into a line), or error
[20:00:31] <andypugh> Both?
[20:00:38] <bpuk_> depends on the type of gouging
[20:01:15] <bpuk_> I'm pretty sure I can come up with an example where type1 will gouge, nevermind type 2
[20:01:37] <bpuk_> any anti-gouging code is a good start, but with type2 it's ultimately the operators responsibility
[20:12:49] <seb_kuzminsky> if we annotate arcs with their cardinal points, it'll be easy to fix issue 80: https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/issues/80
[20:13:52] -!- KimK_laptop [KimK_laptop!~Kim@helixmachine.com] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[20:14:24] -!- marshmn has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[20:14:33] <jepler> easier anyway
[20:15:00] <cradek> fwiw I think all pre-checks have been removed from master, so this same problem might now happen with any move; I haven't tested.
[20:15:23] -!- BeachBumPete [BeachBumPete!~IceChat9@2601:589:8201:bbc0:143c:f72c:e2f1:8056] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[20:18:57] -!- BeachBumPete [BeachBumPete!~IceChat9@2601:589:8201:bbc0:143c:f72c:e2f1:8056] has parted #linuxcnc-devel
[20:19:19] <bpuk_> hmm. how many axes can arcs be defined in?
[20:19:58] <bpuk_> all 9?
[20:20:10] <cradek> we do not have uv, vw, wu arcs
[20:20:15] <cradek> we have xy, yz, zx
[20:20:23] <Tom_L> 17 18 19 are typically the planar axis
[20:20:35] <bpuk_> ok, so we don't have say... ax arcs either?
[20:20:38] <Tom_L> others are rotary
[20:20:39] <cradek> and of course they are all helixes (xy with z, yz with x, etc)
[20:20:47] <cradek> no, that makes no sense
[20:20:56] <Tom_L> so it may not be an arc at that point
[20:21:13] <cradek> wellll you can have an XY arc and also move A during it
[20:21:22] <bpuk_> true - axz - thinking about how to describe what I'm thinking of. an arc on a rotary surface
[20:21:42] <Tom_L> still a G17 arc iirc
[20:21:54] <bpuk_> ok, that does simplify the problem somewhat ;)
[20:22:03] <Tom_L> err maybe 18, i'd have to look
[20:22:06] <cradek> > If a line of code makes an arc and includes rotary axis motion, the rotary axes turn at a constant rate so that the rotary motion starts and finishes when the XYZ motion starts and finishes. Lines of this sort are hardly ever programmed.
[20:22:26] <bpuk_> err... they aren't? oops
[20:22:30] <cradek> http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/gcode/g-code.html#gcode:g2-g3
[20:22:52] <bpuk_> must remember not to use arcs on the 4th axis
[20:24:47] <archivist> hmm geometric patterns on balls
[20:24:58] <bpuk_> so because an arc is defined in a plane - the cardinal points are obvious. ok. was thinking this was more complicated than it is
[20:25:33] <cradek> I'm sorry to let you know that nonplanar arcs are allowed
[20:25:38] <cradek> the motion controller supports them just fine
[20:26:19] <cradek> so far, there is only one way to get them from gcode: rotate the coordinate system to an angle not a multiple of 90 degrees and issue a G18 or G19 arc
[20:26:57] <cradek> sometimes people say they want a fully arbitrary arc (helix) to be available via gcode
[20:27:11] <cradek> that's hard only because we're out of letters and there's no simple way to program it
[20:27:47] <bpuk_> I'm trying to visualise a fully arbitrary arc - I'm guessing it's not for milling
[20:28:18] <archivist> I do helix with the rotary :)
[20:28:21] <cradek> http://git.linuxcnc.org/gitweb?p=linuxcnc.git;a=log;h=refs/heads/arbitrary-arc
[20:29:04] -!- Tom_L has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[20:29:16] <bpuk_> that one get merged? or do I need to compile
[20:29:47] <cradek> no it's not merged, it's just hackery to show the motion
[20:30:04] -!- zlog has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[20:30:05] <cradek> I'm not saying you should build/try it, but you might like to look at it
[20:30:37] <bpuk_> XYZABCUXV?
[20:31:55] <bpuk_> welding robots is what's jumping out at me from that arc
[20:34:30] <bpuk_> ok - so the cardinal points each need two co-ordinates then, not just one. out of plane math is a bit more expensive but not badly so
[20:50:47] -!- Tom_itx [Tom_itx!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[20:50:57] Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
[20:51:40] -!- zlog [zlog!~zlog@ip68-102-196-26.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[21:07:54] <andypugh> The cardinal points might need to be twisted if an axis rotation is in effect
[21:08:53] <andypugh> If we have arc to arc blending now there may not be any penalty in splitting all the arcs into a sequence of smaller arcs, and letting end-point detectin handle the limit violations.
[21:48:32] <andypugh> My candle machining video didn’t make it into the Showcase then?
[21:48:48] -!- BeachBumPete [BeachBumPete!~IceChat9@2601:589:8201:bbc0:d0d5:13c1:9dae:52c] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[21:53:08] <jepler> andypugh: I thought someone else had taken charge for the next Showcase but nothing ever happened and I don't remember if mozmck or jthornton was the one who said he was going to do it..
[21:53:52] <jepler> If anyone asked for help with getting the wlo "build" process going, I missed it
[21:54:15] <jepler> It's not that your project was deemd unworthy but just that nobody had the tuits I think
[21:54:39] <jepler> me, I was just really hoping to get some co-conspirators when it came to making showcase entries but that failed
[21:56:33] <andypugh> I think it was KimK actually
[21:57:32] <jepler> oh that may be the case
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[22:36:51] <andypugh> bpuk_: What does G71 do with diameters that don’t correspond to a depth?
[22:37:35] <andypugh> Does it leave excess material, or back out from the current depth of cut to cut them at size + U?
[22:38:12] <stustev> If you program an arc and then rotate the coordinate system do you get a helix?
[22:39:03] <skunkworks> you can only rotate in the x/y plane
[22:39:11] <jepler> hi stustev thanks again for hosting fest last month or whenever that was
[22:39:37] <stustev> jepler: you are welcome - it was a fun time
[22:39:55] <stustev> Why can you only rotate in the xy plane?
[22:40:52] <skunkworks> that was the only implimentation
[22:41:35] <stustev> ok - then a little more implementation would allow other plane rotation.
[22:42:16] <stustev> It would not be the ultimate (easy) way to allow helix motion but would work.
[22:42:33] <stustev> If you could rotate two planes then any vector would be possible.
[22:43:45] <stustev> It would take thought to code in the gcode program but would allow any possible helix.
[22:44:47] <stustev> In the Fanuc 15M control G68 rotates a plane. G69 cancels the rotations.
[22:45:54] <stustev> You can rotate one plane on one line. The next line allows rotation of a second plane and combines the rotations.
[22:47:25] <bpuk_> andypugh: do you mean diameters greater than the start point?
[22:48:17] -!- ve7it [ve7it!~LawrenceG@S010648f8b3c3bc3b.pk.shawcable.net] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[22:48:21] <andypugh> No, diameters that don’t correspond to a depth increment
[22:50:19] <bpuk_> so a change in diameter smaller than the depth of cut? in that case, leave excess material on type1, size+U on type2
[22:50:36] <bpuk_> since type2 does a partial prefinish at the end of each pass
[22:51:16] <bpuk_> if that's not what you meant, I'm really confused
[22:51:42] <stustev> helical motion (milling threads) is another matter entirely
[22:52:02] -!- Tom_shop [Tom_shop!~Tom@ip68-102-196-26.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[22:52:42] <Tom_shop> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmQwKSrFPhM
[22:52:59] <Tom_L> G68
[22:58:02] <stustev> Tom: thanks - I had not seen that video.
[22:58:10] <Tom_L> wouldn't you mill threads with G33.1?
[22:58:47] <Tom_L> err maybe not with a single point cutter..
[22:59:09] <stustev> on the 5 axis BC head bridge mill at mpm you could rotate planes and position your program at any angle
[22:59:25] <Tom_L> got any cool machines at your new shop?
[22:59:42] <Tom_L> retrofits etc
[23:00:11] <stustev> not any cool machines running linuxcnc - there are a few projects in the works but nothing finished
[23:02:22] <Tom_L> haas says you must use a G17 18 or 19 before using the G68 to establish the axis plane
[23:02:43] <Tom_shop> http://gcodes.net/haas-g68-rotation/
[23:03:55] <Tom_shop> http://gcodes.net/
[23:03:58] <stustev> Tom_L: that is probable correct - it has been a few years since I used it (more than 10).
[23:04:01] <Tom_L> interesting site
[23:04:17] <Tom_L> lists linuxcnc as well
[23:06:19] -!- pragmaticus has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[23:08:37] -!- Tom_shop has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[23:15:10] <andypugh> Three times, in fact. As LinuxCNC, EMC, and RS274ngc
[23:24:59] <kirk_wallace> andypugh, I have been playing with Vismach and your write up in the docs helped a lot: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/gui/vismach.html
[23:26:15] <andypugh> I think I wrote that at the right point, while I barely understood it myself, and so knew what was confusing and difficult ;-)
[23:26:56] -!- pfoetchen has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[23:28:24] -!- zeeshan [zeeshan!~kvirc64@CPE84948c379051-CM84948c379050.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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