#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2016-01-24

[00:02:47] <pcw_home> If that is the case, the error reporting should only check errors after a transfer failure (1 in data register )
[00:02:49] <pcw_home> and I will see if I can find where bit 13 gets set without a new error
[00:07:13] -!- kalxas has quit [Quit: Goodbye]
[00:13:11] <JT-Shop> I grounded the 24v power supply 0v and still get sserial error when either contacting the switch or the reversal
[00:15:40] <pcw_home> very strange
[00:15:40] <JT-Shop> I can not duplicate it just hitting the limit switch or rapid back and forth with the MPG it only happens during homing
[00:16:21] <JT-Shop> indeed strange
[00:16:25] <pcw_home> Is there a servo drive thump during homing?
[00:16:36] <JT-Shop> let me try an listen
[00:16:47] <pcw_home> ( is is homing to index? )
[00:19:45] <JT-Shop> there is a little bit of a thump listening with a stethoscope
[00:20:29] <pcw_home> thats probably not significant
[00:20:30] <pcw_home> Do you have a 6 foot DB 25 cable?
[00:22:06] <JT-Shop> I've not set home to index although I probably should
[00:22:16] <JT-Shop> yes a 6' DB25 cable
[00:23:56] <pcw_home> Not sure why you have so much trouble with this
[00:23:57] <pcw_home> dont you have a plasma system with a 7I76? I would expect this to be noisier
[00:25:54] <JT-Shop> yes the plasma is using a 7i76
[00:26:09] <JT-Shop> and I've never had a sserial error on it
[00:26:38] <pcw_home> I guess I would try moving things around ( 2.7 should get fixed so it can mask occasional errors)
[00:26:58] <JT-Shop> servos must not have the index hooked up... I need to rewire them to bring the differential out to the 7i77
[00:26:59] <pcw_home> I wonder is its a bad 5I25/7I77/cable
[00:27:24] <JT-Shop> I have stock on them now so I can swap it and see
[00:27:27] -!- patrickarlt has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:34:26] <JT-Shop> swapped DB25 cables and got sserial error on first axis homing
[00:36:59] <jepler> pcw_home: I am injecting 1000ns glitches but not sure of the frequency. I have this block in my hal:
[00:37:03] <jepler> setp hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.00.steplen 1000
[00:37:05] <jepler> setp hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.00.control-type 1
[00:37:08] <jepler> setp hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.00.velocity-cmd 1000
[00:38:01] <pcw_home> hmm not sure what the default stepgen scaling is
[00:39:06] <jepler> position-scale 1, maxaccel 1, so at full blast it would be going at 1kHz but that would take over 10 minutes. the glitch happens typically in under a minute, so it should be << 1 glitch per packet
[00:39:46] <jepler> glitch0 <= StepGenOut(0)(0);
[00:39:54] <jepler> ...
[00:39:54] <jepler> SSerialRX(conv_integer(ThePinDesc(i)(23 downto 16)))(conv_integer(ThePinDesc(i)(3 downto 0))-1) <= IOBits(i) or glitch0; -- 16 max ports
[00:40:07] <jepler> I am OR'ing the stepgen into the sserial rx value in the fpga
[00:40:46] <jepler> these communication errors don't happen (or at least not in 10s of minutes) unless I also enable that stepgen
[00:41:17] <pcw_home> OK I see thats theres an error (all the bits are sticky)
[00:41:19] <pcw_home> The code that clears bit 13 and 8 on a doit is not used
[00:41:20] <pcw_home> so basically it means you have to mask error checking with transfer failure
[00:42:12] <pcw_home> I will fix for version 44, but for now a transfer failure has to mask the error checking
[00:42:37] <pcw_home> ( which is what micges said )
[00:42:48] <jepler> if (*inst->data_reg_read & 0xff) { // indicates a failed transfer
[00:42:53] <jepler> that is this check here?
[00:43:05] <pcw_home> Yes
[00:44:15] <jepler> OK, I think I can switch the logic around to check for failed transfer first
[00:44:19] <pcw_home> and all failures need to go through the inc/dec/threshold filter (except remote faults which should only be reported once)
[00:44:57] <jepler> you want the threshold to be met before any reporting of the local communication fault
[00:45:19] -!- Roguish [Roguish!~chatzilla@c-50-143-183-159.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[00:45:22] <pcw_home> yes
[00:45:24] <jepler> ok
[00:45:27] <jepler> hm2/hm2_7i92.0: hm2_sserial_waitfor: Timeout (24mS) waiting for addr 5d1c &mask ff00 val 2000
[00:45:43] <jepler> one more problem I've seen, after glitching, sometimes subsequent startup is failing
[00:46:02] <jepler> I have been recovering by mesaflash --reload
[00:46:47] <pcw_home> thats an odd one
[00:47:28] <jepler> anyway I'll see if I can't track that down too
[00:47:34] <pcw_home> the sserial system can be reset
[00:47:52] <jepler> maybe should do that at startup then
[00:48:49] <pcw_home> we have found a few hangs over the years ( V44 may even fix that one )
[00:49:39] <pcw_home> ;added inc chanclrfaultcount to not stick in loop
[00:50:24] <pcw_home> I think the regmap file has the reset instructions
[00:51:12] <pcw_home> "when cooperative multitasking doesn't"
[00:54:08] <pcw_home> unfortunately I probably should have sent a 7I84 or something thats easy to generate a remote fault with
[00:56:53] -!- rob_h has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[00:57:47] <pcw_home> so faults should be counted but not reported unless they meet the inc/dec/threshold filter criteria
[00:57:48] <pcw_home> the exception being remote faults which are should only be reported once
[01:00:31] <jepler> https://emergent.unpythonic.net/files/sandbox/fault-count.png
[01:00:35] <jepler> hey now we're making some progress
[01:01:17] <jepler> a few glitches here and there, but it recovers; then I double the glitch rate and it's enough to make it fault over the next 100ms or so
[01:01:26] -!- jfindley has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[01:03:23] <pcw_home> Yay!
[01:03:24] <pcw_home> it used to work like that we ran a 8I20 with about a 10% data error rate and you could hardly tell
[01:10:07] -!- chris_99 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:12:15] <jepler> a remote error should immediately fault?
[01:13:40] <pcw_home> Probably just be reported and perhaps a hal flag set (but only once)
[01:15:19] <pcw_home> Not sure how much low level error handling should dictate policy
[01:16:14] <pcw_home> currently its a bit extreme (shutting off all channels even if the error is just in one channel)
[01:18:17] <pcw_home> but it may be too much work to make the error processing be per channel (and might the change hal interface as well)
[01:22:32] <jepler> do I have a good way to provoke a remote error?
[01:26:49] -!- Camaban has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[01:29:58] -!- teepee_ [teepee_!~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[01:34:51] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Dewey Garrett 05joints_axes11 6119f5e 06linuxcnc 10src/emc/nml_intf/canon.hh canon.hh init rotary_unlock_for_traverse (JA) * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=6119f5e
[01:34:51] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Dewey Garrett 05joints_axes11 4a8945c 06linuxcnc 10configs/sim/axis/canterp.ini canterp.ini: make sim runnable (joints_axes) * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=4a8945c
[01:43:30] <pcw_home> unfortunately no (you can do it with a 7I84,7I76,7I77 by shorting an output driver or too low/too high field voltage)
[01:46:01] -!- Valduare has quit [Quit: Valduare]
[01:50:39] <jepler> > halcmd: setp hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.00.maxaccel hm2/hm2_7i92.0: Smart Serial Error: port 0 channel 7. You may see this error if the FPGA card read thread is not running. This error message will not repeat.
[01:50:43] <jepler> errr
[01:50:47] <jepler> > hm2/hm2_7i92.0: Smart Serial Error: port 0 channel 7. You may see this error if the FPGA card read thread is not running. This error message will not repeat.
[01:50:52] <jepler> I mean to call attention to this part of the error
[01:51:16] <jepler> this does get printed the first time an error occurs. should I also move it to where the eventual fault occurs, instead of where it is now?
[01:52:49] -linuxcnc-github:#linuxcnc-devel- [13linuxcnc] 15jepler opened issue #31: hm2_eth: crash after addf read-request interactively 02https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/issues/31
[01:52:56] <jepler> if the FPGA read function is really not running, it'll trigger very shortly anyway..
[01:52:59] -!- anomynous has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[01:53:01] -!- Loetmichel2 has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[01:53:04] <jepler> I don't understand the condition that leads to this line at all
[01:53:22] <jepler> if (*inst->data_reg_read & 0xff) { // indicates a failed transfer
[01:53:25] <jepler> f = (*inst->data_reg_read & (comm_err_flag ^ 0xFF));
[01:53:27] <jepler> if (f != 0 && f != 0xFF) {
[02:00:17] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Jeff Epler 05jepler/2.7/hm2-sserial-faults 2a9ce6f 06linuxcnc 10src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/sserial.c hostmot2: sserial: work around sticky error reporting * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=2a9ce6f
[02:00:18] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Jeff Epler 05jepler/2.7/hm2-sserial-faults b65ea52 06linuxcnc 10src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/sserial.c hostmot2: sserial: add notes about interpreting fault bits * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=b65ea52
[02:00:18] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Jeff Epler 05jepler/2.7/hm2-sserial-faults 1c79002 06linuxcnc 10src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/sserial.c hostmot2: sserial: fix off-by-one error in error reporting * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=1c79002
[02:00:20] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Jeff Epler 05jepler/2.7/hm2-sserial-faults f5f6c14 06linuxcnc 10src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/hostmot2.h 10src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/sserial.c 10src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/sserial.h hostmot2: sserial: split error checking into local, remote * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=f5f6c14
[02:00:27] <jepler> I'm stopping here for the night
[02:00:58] <jepler> JT-Shop, pcw_home: if you test with this branch, please let me know whether it's an improvement over the status quo. I'll read back.
[02:01:08] <jepler> or you can comment on https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/issues/27
[02:01:21] <jepler> now time to play a video game
[02:02:52] amnesic_away is now known as amnesic
[02:07:04] -!- patrickarlt has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[02:07:27] -!- Akex_ has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
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[03:04:52] <skunkworks> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/emco-lathe/186598-machinist-software-4.html#post1824158
[03:08:02] -!- Frank__ has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de]
[03:18:31] -!- tinkerer has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:19:23] <jepler> :)
[03:21:49] <skunkworks> Glad it is working for him.
[03:22:38] <jepler> http://www.core77.com/posts/45416/Reverse-Engineering-From-a-Drawing-an-18th-Century-Frame-Carving-Machine
[03:32:33] <skunkworks> neat
[03:38:06] -!- gregcnc has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client]
[03:42:24] <jepler> Subject: [ANNOUNCE] 4.4-rt3
[03:58:07] -!- PetefromTn_ has quit [Quit: I'm Outta here!!]
[04:21:24] -!- jfindley has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
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[06:13:43] -!- kwallace [kwallace!~kwallace@] has parted #linuxcnc-devel
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[08:01:53] -!- SEL [SEL!~SEL@net77-43-27-64.mclink.it] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[09:48:17] -!- rob_h [rob_h!~robh@] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[10:28:57] -!- tinkerer [tinkerer!~tinkerer@mail.play-pla.net] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[10:40:30] anomynou1 is now known as anomynous
[10:43:19] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Norbert Schechner 05gmoccapy_2 52f2a09 06linuxcnc 10src/emc/usr_intf/gmoccapy/gmoccapy.glade 10src/emc/usr_intf/gmoccapy/gmoccapy.py 10src/emc/usr_intf/gmoccapy/release_notes.txt Merge branch 'master' into gmoccapy_2 * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=52f2a09
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[12:45:53] -!- teepee_ [teepee_!~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[13:14:23] -!- maxcnc [maxcnc!~chatzilla@ip5f58b75e.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[13:14:29] <maxcnc> hi all
[13:14:41] <maxcnc> cradek: or jepler here
[13:15:16] <maxcnc> Question i do the G53 to parameter patch I like to do it
[13:15:33] <maxcnc> works fine but the parameters arent updated in mdi command mode
[13:16:59] <maxcnc> i di most in rs274ngc_pre.cc
[13:17:32] <maxcnc> on manuell move the parametric is ol and on g-code checkt also
[13:25:55] -!- sumpfralle has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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[14:31:15] -!- mikeh has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[14:41:40] <maxcnc> someone can point me to a point task that is called per cycle so the parameters are updated at that time
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[14:50:00] -!- d42 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[14:55:26] amnesic_away is now known as amnesic
[14:58:27] <JT-Shop> jepler: I just ran the sserial branch and successfully homed, I still got one sserial error like in 2.6 hm2/hm2_5i25.0: Smart Serial Error: port 0 channel 0. You may see this error if the FPGA card read thread is not running. This error message will not repeat.
[14:58:43] <JT-Shop> but it did not crash like before
[15:08:09] -!- PetefromTn_ [PetefromTn_!~IceChat9@75-136-59-160.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[15:19:45] amnesic is now known as amnesic_away
[15:30:06] -!- gregcnc has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client]
[15:30:57] <jepler> JT-Shop: good, thanks for the testing & feedback.
[15:32:03] <JT-Shop> thanks for fixing it :)
[15:32:20] <JT-Shop> I'll be running some parts on the BP today for more testing
[15:45:23] -!- aventtini6 has quit []
[15:49:37] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Norbert Schechner 05gmoccapy_2 34082f6 06linuxcnc 10(5 files in 2 dirs) gmoccapy_2_0_1 - changed max vel slider to rapid override * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=34082f6
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[17:49:56] <maxcnc> hi il give up on the parametric G53 it works for me but not patchabel as i cand find out where task jumps in and out on parametric
[18:08:11] -!- cncbasher [cncbasher!~Sarah@cpc8-hart9-2-0-cust254.11-3.cable.virginm.net] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[18:21:54] * JT-Shop wonders why StepConf Wizard doesn't have ngcgui as an option?
[18:38:21] -!- teepee_ [teepee_!~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[19:04:18] -!- kalxas has quit [Quit: Goodbye]
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[19:26:45] <JT-Shop> every time I start LinuxCNC the GS2 gets reset to default configuration...
[19:28:20] <JT-Shop> looking at the gs2 man page I better check my config
[19:38:47] -!- tlab has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[19:47:49] <JT-Shop> opps the gs2 manual is not up to the man page
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[21:55:33] -!- Roguish [Roguish!~chatzilla@c-50-143-183-159.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[23:05:30] <JT-Shop> seb_kuzminsky: I've been running jepler sserial branch all day with success on the BP\
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[23:33:15] <jepler> yay!
[23:34:00] <JT-Shop> I still have a sserial error but LinuxCNC does not crash so very much YEA!
[23:34:43] <JT-Shop> jepler: thanks for fixing that
[23:35:05] <jepler> seb_kuzminsky: I will talk to pcw about what to do about this remaning message -- it's something to do with diagnosing running only the write function and not the read function -- but otherwise the patch is pretty much ready for review
[23:35:14] <jepler> I suppose I have a github issue for this, I should make it a pull request...
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[23:56:15] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03chris morley 05master f1c1dd4 06linuxcnc 10src/emc/usr_intf/gscreen/gscreen.py gscreen: add matchbox virtual keyboard to choices * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=f1c1dd4
[23:56:16] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03chris morley 05master 89f37da 06linuxcnc 10src/emc/usr_intf/gscreen/emc_interface.py gscreen: add rapid_override status to available data * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=89f37da
[23:56:16] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Dewey Garrett 05master f9972b9 06linuxcnc 10configs/maintainer.txt 10tcl/bin/pickconfig.tcl pickconfig.tcl: honor an exclude_file_list * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=f9972b9
[23:56:17] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03chris morley 05master 4dbda77 06linuxcnc 10(7 files in 2 dirs) panelui: hide panelui INI file from linuxcnc launcher * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=4dbda77
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