#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2015-09-16

[00:04:47] <skunkworks> zlog
[00:04:48] <zlog_> skunkworks: Log stored at http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~tom-itx/irc/logs/%23linuxcnc-devel/2015-09-15.html
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[02:23:00] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Sebastian Kuzminsky 052.6 3f95264 06linuxcnc 10src/emc/kinematics/tp.c Motion: set the "In Position" emcmot status flag when aborting * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=3f95264
[02:23:48] <seb_kuzminsky> skunkworks: can you confirm that fixes the "Axis snooze after estop" problem you reported?
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[02:45:34] <skunksleep> Oh cool. I will test tomorrow
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[02:54:09] -!- Tom_shop [Tom_shop!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[02:54:42] <jepler> seb_kuzminsky: I didn't test, but your commit message meets with my approval and is clearly a sign you spent time researching the matter
[02:56:19] <cradek> wow, yeah
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[03:04:59] -!- dgarr [dgarr!~dgarrett@75-171-56-29.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[03:05:42] <seb_kuzminsky> it's like 20x longer than the patch
[03:06:23] <seb_kuzminsky> i figure setting "Motion in position" in the same breath as setting dtg to 0 seems safe & sane
[03:07:17] <seb_kuzminsky> git show
[03:07:19] <seb_kuzminsky> oops
[03:07:22] <dgarr> mozmck: "Is there a way to get the line number ...", this method might work for you http://www.panix.com/~dgarrett/stuff/capture.jpg
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[03:14:31] <linuxcnc-build> build #1352 of 4017.deb-wheezy-amd64 is complete: Failure [4failed shell_1] Build details are at http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/buildbot/builders/4017.deb-wheezy-amd64/builds/1352 blamelist: Sebastian Kuzminsky <seb@highlab.com>
[03:14:32] <linuxcnc-build> build #1350 of 4016.deb-wheezy-i386 is complete: Failure [4failed apt-get-update shell_1] Build details are at http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/buildbot/builders/4016.deb-wheezy-i386/builds/1350 blamelist: Sebastian Kuzminsky <seb@highlab.com>
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[03:16:15] <seb_kuzminsky> dafuq
[03:16:52] <seb_kuzminsky> ah, the good old buildbog deb archive race condition
[03:17:45] <seb_kuzminsky> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3oYnlPfBvI
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[15:05:10] <mozmck> Looks like dgarr's method for remembering the line number would work, but I would need a way to reset when the program is finished. If I'm reading it right, his method simply returns the last non-zero line-number.
[15:07:03] <cradek> what problem are you solving?
[15:08:43] <mozmck> The problem I'm trying to solve, is that if you need to stop in the middle of cutting, the line number will reset to 0. When plasma cutting you often need to back up to the last M5 and run from there, but if hal_sourceview has gone back to the beginning of the file you may not know where it was.
[15:08:58] <mozmck> Or even if it just un-highlighted the line.
[15:09:04] <cradek> ah
[15:09:16] <cradek> in AXIS when you abort it leaves the line highlighted
[15:09:17] <mozmck> You asked as I was about half-way through writing that :)
[15:09:25] <cradek> hehe :-)
[15:09:50] <cradek> so you need a solution in your gui, not a hal solution?
[15:09:51] <mozmck> Maybe I should look at the axis code then. It seems to leave the line highlighted some of the time here.
[15:10:08] <mozmck> Probably so.
[15:10:25] <cradek> it seems easy if your abort/estop/whatever is generated in your gui, but they can come from elsewhere and that makes it harder
[15:10:37] <mozmck> My gui being a gscreen skin, with custom code too.
[15:10:51] <cradek> yeah I also don't know anything about that world
[15:11:14] <mozmck> Yes, I had an error generated in linuxcnc and it reset to line 0
[15:11:17] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Sebastian Kuzminsky 052.6 0e967d3 06linuxcnc 10scripts/get-deb-component-from-git 10scripts/get-version-from-git 10scripts/version-is-release build system: make the git scripts more user friendly * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=0e967d3
[15:13:01] <mozmck> one solution that would be similar to dgarr's might be to make hal_sourceview ignore a line number of 0
[15:13:09] -!- anomynous has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[15:13:38] <cradek> it does seem like it might be nice for it to never reset
[15:13:55] <mozmck> That might work, because when you restart the code the line numbers would be non-zero again.
[15:15:56] <mozmck> We are doing more cutting with linuxcnc now, and feedback from the guy in the shop is very positive overall.
[15:22:52] -!- skunkworks_ [skunkworks_!~chatzilla@68-115-41-210.static.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[15:23:59] <mozmck> cradek: http://www.linuxcnc.org/index.php/english/forum/40-subroutines-and-ngcgui/26578-linuxcnc-features-a-kind-of-ngcgui/62643
[15:24:01] JT-Shop_ is now known as JT-Shop
[15:25:29] -!- DaPeace has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[15:28:03] <seb_kuzminsky> mozmck: that's nice to hear :-)
[15:29:14] <cradek> mozmck: that's great, I hope they combine in a useful way
[15:29:44] <cradek> mozmck: I wonder what features is using now? they look like they might be hershey (which is very smart and useful)
[15:30:08] <mozmck> is hershey a font?
[15:30:29] <mozmck> features looks pretty neat. I hope to have time to play with it sometime soon.
[15:30:43] <cradek> they are very old free fonts, used in hp pen plotters and early autocad and probably everything from that era
[15:31:03] <cradek> AXIS uses a hershey derivative to draw the various numbers and letters in the preview
[15:31:11] <mozmck> I see.
[15:31:42] <cradek> and pen plotter fonts are exactly what you want for cnc engraving because it's the same
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[16:20:19] <skunkworks> pcw_home, what is the 7i92H?
[16:23:36] <pcw_home> 7I92 with two 26 pin Headers instead of DB25 +one header
[16:23:46] <skunkworks> oh god - missed that..
[16:24:11] <skunkworks> oh - the picture doesn't show taht..
[16:26:08] <pcw_home> No picture yet
[16:26:09] <pcw_home> Theres also a 7I92M with male DB25
[16:26:26] <skunkworks> wow. cool
[16:27:04] <skunkworks> that would be nice because you could plug it right into something like the g540 or such
[16:34:56] <pcw_home> Yeah or 7I77
[16:36:19] -!- norias has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[16:48:10] <mozmck> Yeah, I think we need some of those!
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[17:50:19] <mozmck> Looks like the main reason hal_sourceview rewinds on stop is because they do this: self.gstat.connect('interp_idle', lambda w: self.set_line_number(0))
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[17:52:45] <mozmck> I wonder if it would mess up other GUIs to remove that line?
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[18:23:27] <jepler> from my cursory searching, it appears that line is affecting information in the ui only, not task or other uis
[18:24:49] <mozmck> Yes, it will affect any UI which uses hal_sourceview though. So Gmoccapy and Gscreen I think at least.
[18:25:12] <jepler> I bet axis's idea of the last line before abort can be "old", particularly if the gcode is rapid contouring with short moves
[18:25:32] <mozmck> The only difference is that the gcode view will not rewind when the file is done.
[18:26:31] <mozmck> This seems to work pretty well. For plasma we generally need to find the last M5 and start from there anyhow, because you have to move to cut height and maybe touch off, and start the torch etc.
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[18:27:02] <mozmck> So if it leaves the highlight on the line it was working on last, at least you can see where you were in the file easily.
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[19:11:14] <skunkworks> jeepers my heart jumps everytime I test something in 2.6 and see acc violations..
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[19:13:31] <PCW> mozmck: 00601B10002E through 00601B100036
[19:13:42] <PCW> 9 right?
[19:14:04] <mozmck> Looks like 10
[19:14:37] <PCW> ok through 37
[19:14:48] <mozmck> thanks!
[19:15:16] <PCW> ( putting little x's on labels )
[19:15:22] <skunkworks> I think PCW is going to get even busier..
[19:16:08] <Tom_itx> skunkworks, why test 2.6 when 2.7 is out now?
[19:16:21] <skunkworks> comparing
[19:16:33] <Tom_itx> i never ran 2.6
[19:16:40] <Tom_itx> jumped from 2.5 to 2.7
[19:17:23] <Tom_itx> 2.6 didn't have the TP did it?
[19:17:36] <skunkworks> nope
[19:17:50] <Tom_itx> reason enough to stick with 2.7
[19:18:38] <skunkworks> most definatley.. :)
[19:19:31] <mozmck> skunkworks: do you know if Rob has had a chance to look at the m67 bug?
[19:20:21] <skunkworks> I have not heard from him since I emailed him. (he is very busy...)
[19:31:10] -!- tannewt has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[19:31:25] <mozmck> I bet! I kinda know the feeling too.
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[22:18:40] <mozmck> I created a property to allow the sourceview to keep the highlighting after an abort. The default is the old behavior. Does this look reasonable? http://pastie.org/10424589
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[22:31:23] <seb_kuzminsky> maybe ask chris morley and norbert schechner
[22:42:42] <mozmck> I guess I can do that. I guess my only question is if a property like this is necessary, or could I just delete the 'interp_idle' signal connection and let the behavior change for everyone.
[22:43:28] <mozmck> This way is safer as it won't affect anything unless you set the property to False
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