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[15:28:41] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03John Thornton 052.7 a4215d3 06linuxcnc 10docs/html/index.css 10docs/src/index.tmpl Docs: remove tool tips as I couldn't get them to work consistently. * 14;a=commitdiff;h=a4215d3
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[15:51:38] <linuxcnc-build> build #1713 of is complete: Failure [4failed runtests] Build details are at blamelist: John Thornton <>
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[15:57:07] <seb_kuzminsky> what now
[15:57:43] <seb_kuzminsky> oh, this again:
[15:57:44] <seb_kuzminsky> task: 4776 cycles, min=0.000013, max=5.081448, avg=0.002442, 3 latency excursions (> 10x expected cycle time of 0.001000s)
[15:57:48] <seb_kuzminsky> halui: emcCommandSend: no echo from Task after 5.000 seconds
[15:58:35] <seb_kuzminsky> i bet it's some variation of this that's causing the problem Marius Alksnys reported on emc-users
[16:02:58] <skunkworks> could there be an issue with 2.7 taking longer? (ie the jogging issue)
[16:03:17] <skunkworks> *keyboard jogging
[16:03:46] <pcw_home> emcPTs issue?
[16:04:17] <seb_kuzminsky> skunkworks: not impossible, but i dont know of anything that would have caused it...
[16:05:42] <pcw_home> are the task time warnings a permanent addition?
[16:06:33] <seb_kuzminsky> i added them because i thought they would help diagnose these kinds of problems, but if people dont like it we can take it back out
[16:06:54] <pcw_home> I get those occasionally with 2.7-pre7 (none longer than a few 10s of ms)
[16:07:30] <pcw_home> I think its a good thing as long as its just logged
[16:08:03] <cradek> the problem with showing numbers is that people obsess uselessly over them
[16:08:15] <cradek> I am really wary of adding more of those
[16:08:17] <linuxcnc-build> build #3372 of 0000.checkin is complete: Failure [4failed] Build details are at blamelist: John Thornton <>
[16:08:18] <pcw_home> yes like latency
[16:08:26] <cradek> people obsess about latency numbers a LOT more than is reasonable
[16:22:02] <cradek> 1/30th of the messages in the forum mention latency
[16:22:10] <cradek> zero mentions of "excursions" so far
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[16:26:13] <pcw_home> its an interesting subject. Ideally on on Ethernet connected device, a skipped cycle due to a CRC error should not cause a significant error
[16:27:03] <pcw_home> so we are talking about a full servo thread time latency
[16:27:30] <cradek> what happens now?
[16:28:05] <pcw_home> I thin it currently over-reacts
[16:28:36] <cradek> can hm2 just give last period's values?
[16:28:43] <pcw_home> there should be a reasonable timeout set
[16:29:20] <pcw_home> and a missed cycle should be indicated in a a hal pin so PID etc can skip updates
[16:29:58] <pcw_home> Damn third caltrop on the rug I found with bare feet
[16:30:48] <cradek> legos?
[16:30:58] <seb_kuzminsky> goat's head?
[16:31:06] <cradek> DIPs?
[16:31:29] <pcw_home> seeds
[16:35:41] <pcw_home> Yeah I guess it is called goats head
[16:48:21] <seb_kuzminsky>
[16:49:05] <seb_kuzminsky> nature, you scary
[16:50:56] <pcw_home> Like thats probably Kallstroemia californica
[16:51:09] <pcw_home> like that,
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[17:03:34] <CaptHindsight> maybe someone should go back an rewrite the wiki sections about latency
[17:03:58] <CaptHindsight> it's from a time where it was more of an issue and it's still written from that perspective
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[17:11:21] <skunkworks> pcw_home, did you see,30680.msg212978.html#msg212978
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[22:31:24] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Dewey Garrett 05dgarr/missinglink c6630a1 06linuxcnc 10debian/ 10debian/ debian/ make soft link for nc_files * 14;a=commitdiff;h=c6630a1
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[23:37:45] <seb_kuzminsky> dgarr: that looks great
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