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[00:06:57] <kwallace_shop> Oops, it helps to edit the proper .ini file.
[00:13:44] <kwallace_shop> All better now.
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[01:28:52] <skunkworks> P is path tollerence. Q is NCD. If you just specify a P then Q=P
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[01:57:40] <cradek> so he might want to try Q0 ?
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[02:45:47] <skunksleep> I don't know the issue but q0 would turn the ncd off
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[02:51:03] <skunksleep>
[02:51:24] <skunksleep> And a few post down
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[03:11:00] <mozmck> skunksleep: setting Q0 worked.
[03:11:04] <mozmck> Thanks!
[03:11:26] <mozmck> See bug 426 to see what the issue (or non-issue now I guess) was.
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[05:31:54] <seb_kuzminsky> the freecad folks just merged the Path module, which does gcode generation from solid models inside freecad
[05:32:02] <seb_kuzminsky> this is a great day for open source cad/cam
[05:32:15] <seb_kuzminsky>
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[13:05:24] <skunkworks> wow
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[13:11:49] <jthornton> nice
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[13:48:57] <skunkworks> mozmck: you still want a small amount of Q when the segments are really short. usually .001" works great.
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[14:21:37] <skunkworks> rob explained it - I will try to find it. Something to do with if the segments are shorter than the time of 1 servo cycle - the peformance slows down/
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[14:49:59] <cradek> I wonder if our default for G64 mode is as sensible as possible
[14:58:44] <skunkworks> I don't know. Tormach defaulted P and Q
[14:58:55] <skunkworks> .005 and .001
[14:58:57] <skunkworks> iirc
[15:04:00] <skunkworks> It is really quite hard to explain... ( P and Q)
[15:19:02] <cradek> yeah
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[20:16:33] <REEEN> Good evening Gentleman
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[20:18:17] <skunksleep> Good afternoon
[20:20:34] <REEEN> I have a question to those of you who are familiar with pygtk
[20:21:53] <REEEN> Iam starting to create a programme that can create parts by using conversational cycles
[20:23:04] <REEEN> similar to linuxcnc features and ngc gui but much more professional, like shopmill mazatrol and intercon by centroid
[20:23:54] <REEEN> Iam working together with norbert schechner, he's the one creating gmoccapy
[20:25:04] <REEEN> I would like to use gtk for my projects gui, to be able to make it an option to integrate into gmoccapy
[20:25:58] <REEEN> the problem is that I need a 2.5 - 3D preview of the part and gtk has no 3d application
[20:26:40] <REEEN> I would like to use opengl or pythonocc for this, can I somehow integrated them into gtk ? I don't want to use a seperate window..
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[20:29:06] <REEEN> If someone knows, thank you very much !
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[21:04:59] <JT-Shop> you can use opengl and another one which I forget at the moment
[21:05:47] <cmorley> REEN: you would have to write a opengl/gtk preview program. same idea as gremlin
[21:07:28] <cmorley> but I would write it using GTK3 as GTK2/gladevcp is on it's way out...
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[21:11:10] <cmorley> In fact we need someone to write a new gremlin for gtk3 so we can continue to easily make new gladevcp panels in the future.
[21:14:11] <JT-Shop> did they get everything working on GTK3? last time I tried it all I got was frustration
[21:25:35] <jthornton> aww he left
[21:42:44] <kwallace> Gremlin based on a modern OpenGL and Gtk3 would be a good thing.
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[22:17:48] <mozmck> I think the effort may be better spent on Qt instead of Gtk3. Gtk3 has lost a lot of developers to Qt from what I've read - include Linus with his diving program.
[22:18:08] <cmorley> gtk3 is still frustrating...not nearly as good docs and not every library has gtk3 versions :(
[22:18:20] <JT-Shop> I'm ready to shift to QT... I just need to learn C++
[22:18:35] <mozmck> Not only that, but they break compatibility between versions.
[22:18:52] <cmorley> well reinventing gladevcp in Qt would be a lot of work plus old panels would need to be rebuilt :(
[22:19:30] <mozmck> Well, there is other work that can be looked at and borrowed from, there is Qt interface stuff in MK now.
[22:19:34] <JT-Shop> reinventing anything is a lot of work
[22:19:47] <JT-Shop> what is MK/
[22:19:48] <JT-Shop> ?
[22:19:52] <cmorley> if I had a gremlin replacement I would have been done converting gladevcp by most likely
[22:20:05] <mozmck> MachineKit
[22:20:13] <JT-Shop> ah ok
[22:20:43] <mozmck> I have not had time to look at the stuff in MachineKit, but I "think" they made a Qt version of Gremlin.
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[22:20:52] <cmorley> yes they did
[22:21:11] <mozmck> I definitely would have an interest in working on a Qt based GUI system.
[22:21:47] <mozmck> And I've done a good bit of C++ and GUI programming before.
[22:22:04] <cmorley> we could build one here - I did some basic work with python qt and HAL just a concept
[22:22:27] <cmorley> but it seems a lot of work when gladevcp already does what we want
[22:22:32] <JT-Shop> been a while since I've looked at QT, you can use python with it?
[22:22:39] <mozmck> I think so.
[22:23:05] <cmorley> i think I played with Qt4, I think MK uses QT5
[22:23:12] <mozmck> But gladevcp may get harder to support as distributions start dropping gtk2 stuff.
[22:23:20] <cmorley> but I'm sure either have python bindings
[22:23:35] <cmorley> they chose c++
[22:23:41] <mozmck> I don't think there is much difference in the C++ side between Qt4 and Qt5.
[22:24:00] <mozmck> Seems like they are using QtQuick though, which is a bit different
[22:24:12] <JT-Shop> yep seems so with PyQt
[22:24:22] <cmorley> but if we convert gladevcp to gtk3 (I have done a fair amount of work on it) then it is future proofed for quite awhile
[22:25:32] <cmorley> OpenGL programing is a lot to learn on top of gtk3 lack of example code (in python)
[22:26:27] <cmorley> best of all I think I can get gladevcp to use gtk2 or gtk3 whichever is appropriate at run time
[22:27:39] <cmorley> not to say adding QT system wouldn't be good too. But I would rather see gladevcp converted first
[22:28:02] <cmorley> and i would say doubly for users
[22:30:12] <cmorley> ttyl
[22:31:03] <mozmck> That might be best.
[22:31:49] <kwallace> I got the impression that Qt was more for mobile and small devices and is less open or has license issues, along with Java and/or other Qt related bits. I could be wrong.
[22:34:05] <mozmck> Qt used to be less open, but is under full GPL or LGPL now
[22:34:20] <mozmck>
[22:35:47] <mozmck> It was for desktops long before mobile, and is what kde has been based on all along.
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[22:40:29] <jthornton> from my collection of books I've tried to learn C++ twice or more
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[22:45:59] <Brunetty> what books?
[22:48:00] -!- syyl_ has quit [Quit: Verlassend]
[22:49:45] <jthornton> C++ books
[22:50:31] -!- per_sonne has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[22:52:20] <Brunetty> normaly 1500 pages these books.
[22:55:06] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03John Thornton 052.7 e483db0 06linuxcnc 10(50 files in 6 dirs) Docs: make file names follow the same convention. * 14;a=commitdiff;h=e483db0
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