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[00:15:23] <Tom_itx> haha trying to import a project from ise 4 doesn't work so well
[00:16:11] <Tom_itx> trying to brush up a bit..
[00:18:13] <PCW_> ISE4 thats got to be pretty old, probably would need some intermediate versions
[00:18:41] <Tom_itx> yup, i'm just rebuilding the project file and importing the rest
[00:19:00] <Tom_itx> i'd hate to guess how old that was
[00:19:46] <Tom_itx> what will i need to jtag the FPGA when the dongle gets here?
[00:19:58] <Tom_itx> source or binary?
[00:20:22] <Tom_itx> i suppose source is proprietary on that
[00:21:59] <Tom_itx> had to install ise on the windows box since the dongle drivers failed to install on linux
[00:26:35] <PCW_> you use the Xilinx tool (Impact)
[00:26:44] <Tom_itx> right
[00:27:23] <PCW_> or fix the mesaflash source so it handles the 6I24 properly
[00:27:29] <PCW_> :-)
[00:27:30] <Tom_itx> will it accept a binary without a project file associated with it?
[00:27:43] <Tom_itx> the latter is above my paygrade
[00:28:51] <PCW_> well its awkward if you want to program the flash, in that case it needs a MCS file
[00:29:13] <Tom_itx> i'm guessing that's what i'm gonna have to do...
[00:29:33] <Tom_itx> nothing else so far seems to be responding right
[00:29:48] <PCW_> _but_ if you dont program the flash but instead just program the FPGA theres a much easier way to do it
[00:30:01] <Tom_itx> i saw your utility for that
[00:30:06] <Tom_itx> in one of the zip files
[00:30:09] <Tom_itx> dos utility?
[00:30:26] <PCW_> if you just program the FPGA, Impact will take bitfiles
[00:31:11] <Tom_itx> i assume i'm going to have to reprogram the FPGA at this point?
[00:31:43] <PCW_> so you program the FPGA with a (working) bitfile via JTAG then reboot the computer
[00:31:51] <Tom_itx> right
[00:32:05] <PCW_> Note I did not say power cycle
[00:32:30] <Tom_itx> yeah
[00:33:10] <PCW_> so the FPGA config stays and the BIOS enumerates he PCI on start up so its working (but still corrupt EEPROM)
[00:33:24] <Tom_itx> yup
[00:33:30] -!- Tecan has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[00:33:32] <PCW_> then you mesaflash in a working config
[00:33:42] <Tom_itx> that's kinda what i figured
[00:33:53] <Tom_itx> does the FPGA bitfile contain the fallback in it?
[00:34:02] <PCW_> (this is how we initialize 5I25 and Ethernet cards)
[00:34:23] <PCW_> no it doesnt have fallback or a boot sector
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[00:34:40] <PCW_> you need to instal those with mesaflash
[00:35:42] <Tom_itx> i'm sure i'll need assistance when the time comes, just trying to get a feel for the steps
[00:36:00] <PCW_> the bitfiles we use have no fancy options (those are all in the boot sector)
[00:36:17] <Tom_itx> how does it get loaded?
[00:36:38] <PCW_> mesaflash always writes it if its not correct
[00:37:04] <Tom_itx> do i load the fallback bitfile differently than the regular pin file?
[00:37:44] <PCW_> yes there's a --fallback command line option
[00:38:00] <PCW_> (I think thats what its called)
[00:38:01] <Tom_itx> all i need jtag for is the initial FPGA bitfile right? then use mesaflash from there on
[00:38:09] <Tom_itx> i'll check for sure
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[00:38:22] <PCW_> yes (or fix mesaflash)
[00:38:26] <Tom_itx> heh
[00:38:33] <Tom_itx> micges???
[00:39:01] <Tom_itx> i wanted to get a dongle anyway so i can mesa around with this board i've got here
[00:39:11] <Tom_itx> mess*
[00:39:22] <PCW_> if you are doing development its helpful
[00:39:39] <Tom_itx> more learning than developement at this point
[00:39:57] <PCW_> well makes recovery easier
[00:40:04] <Tom_itx> i know
[00:40:35] <Tom_itx> do you have the FPGA bitfile or is that something i'll have to generate?
[00:41:05] <PCW_> the 5i24 zipfile has many
[00:42:25] <Tom_itx> which one am i looking for?
[00:42:52] <Tom_itx> i see the 5i24_16_fallback.bit
[00:42:59] <PCW_> and its the only way to boot up a totally corrupted 5I25 or 5I24 or HM2 Ethernet card or 7I90
[00:43:50] <PCW_> a bad 6I24 I can fix here with smflash (and eventually mesaflash)
[00:44:27] <Tom_itx> it doesn't seem to be programming it on this pc, verify returns errors
[00:46:08] <PCW_> Maybe a BIOS thing (SMFlash depends on config space read/writes to the XIO2001 bridge via BIOS calls)
[00:47:36] -!- AR_ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[00:47:45] <Tom_itx> the W10 jumper doesn't matter where it's set during all this right?
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[00:55:51] <micges> Tom_itx: yes?
[00:56:17] <Tom_itx> would be a handy thing for the --recover to work on a couple more boards :)
[00:58:38] <micges> it shoud work same for 6i25 and 6i24, you need to disable fpga type
[00:58:45] <micges> checking
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[01:02:03] <micges> Tom_itx: what's the status of your recover?
[01:03:17] <Tom_itx> i get board not found errors
[01:03:29] <Tom_itx> lemme load linux...
[01:10:21] <Tom_itx> ./mesaflash --device 6i25 --recover
[01:10:41] <Tom_itx> PCI device 6I25 (RECOVER) at 0000.01.00.0
[01:11:19] <micges> and when you trey to write flash?
[01:11:28] <Tom_itx> if i specify a --write xxx.bit i get a worng bitfile destination since it's for a 256 fpga instead of 144
[01:11:53] <Tom_itx> --recover --write 5i24.bit
[01:11:58] <Tom_itx> errors
[01:12:49] <Tom_itx> --device 5i24 --write 5i24.bit
[01:12:55] <Tom_itx> no 5I24 board found
[01:13:02] <micges> ok
[01:13:10] <micges> got newest mf source?
[01:13:16] <Tom_itx> not as of today
[01:13:21] <Tom_itx> maybe 3 days old
[01:13:24] <micges> ok
[01:13:39] <micges> goto eeprom.c
[01:14:06] <micges> comment out whole if at line 175
[01:14:09] <micges> make and try
[01:14:47] <Tom_itx> both if statements?
[01:15:21] <micges> yeah all from 175 to 181
[01:16:06] <Tom_itx> ok
[01:16:30] <micges> try --write
[01:16:49] <Tom_itx> should i power cycle first?
[01:16:59] <Tom_itx> still no 5i24 board found
[01:17:03] <micges> no no
[01:17:09] -!- nunbrs has quit [K-Lined]
[01:17:09] <micges> use only 6i25
[01:17:13] <Tom_itx> ok
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[01:17:38] <micges> mf can't check if it's 6i25 or 6i24 in recovery mode
[01:17:41] <Tom_itx> no 6I25 board found
[01:18:15] <micges> try ./mesaflash --device 6i25 --recovery --write flash.bit
[01:18:42] <Tom_itx> erasing
[01:18:45] <Tom_itx> programming
[01:19:00] <Tom_itx> in area 16
[01:19:07] <micges> verify it
[01:19:12] <Tom_itx> from 0x100000
[01:19:25] <Tom_itx> no power cycle first?
[01:19:41] <micges> what firmware did you flashed?
[01:19:58] <Tom_itx> 5i24_16_justio
[01:20:21] <micges> ok, power cycle
[01:21:09] <Tom_itx> the leds are out this time
[01:21:51] <micges> ./mf --device 5i24 --readhmid
[01:22:27] <Tom_itx> returned nothing
[01:23:23] <Tom_itx> both leds are out now though
[01:23:38] <micges> maybe it's just plain io, not hostmot2 bitfilw
[01:24:10] <Tom_itx> not sure which one i need for hostmot2 bitfile
[01:24:18] <micges> now ./mesaflash --device 5i24 --verify 5i24_16_justio.bit
[01:25:16] <micges> then find 5i24 fallback in and
[01:25:33] <Tom_itx> board configuration verified successfully
[01:25:46] <micges> ./mesaflash --device 5i24 --fallback --write fallback.bit
[01:26:50] <micges> and you can write now standard hostmot2 bitfile
[01:27:09] <micges> card will be fully reprogrammed
[01:27:14] <Tom_itx> erasing
[01:27:17] <Tom_itx> writing
[01:27:25] <Tom_itx> Board configuration updated successfully
[01:27:27] <Tom_itx> powercycle
[01:27:43] <Tom_itx> yay!
[01:28:11] <Tom_itx> right now it has no normal bitfile right?
[01:28:23] <micges> yep
[01:28:41] <micges> write hm2 bitfile, power cycle and see --readhmid ouptut
[01:29:44] <Tom_itx> just a standard bitfile?
[01:30:20] <micges> yes
[01:30:48] -!- Valen has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:32:09] <Tom_itx> written.. powercycling
[01:33:17] <Tom_itx> lists the bitfile
[01:33:19] <Tom_itx> yay!
[01:33:29] <Tom_itx> thanks
[01:33:38] -!- Tecan has quit [Changing host]
[01:33:48] <micges> np
[01:33:58] <Tom_itx> are you gonna push those changes?
[01:34:48] <micges> checkings need to be diabled while recovering only
[01:35:11] <micges> I'll note to do it
[01:35:21] <Tom_itx> appreciate your help
[01:36:38] <micges> appreciate patience for program without manual ;)
[01:38:06] <Tom_itx> manual being written live
[01:39:11] <Tom_itx> i'll copy down the steps and put them somewhere
[01:40:08] <micges> sure, leave me link on github
[01:44:42] <Tom_itx> then you can correct any steps i missed
[01:45:16] <Tom_itx> i'll leave out the part about commenting the lines out in eeprom.c assuming you'll fix that?
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[01:46:34] <micges> yes
[01:48:11] <Tom_itx> hold true for any pci pcie board?
[01:48:40] <Tom_itx> or just the 6i24 5i24?
[01:49:49] <PCW_> only 6I24 (7I24) and 6I25 can recover from blank/corrupted EEPROM
[01:49:57] <Tom_itx> ok
[01:50:25] <micges> note you must type 6i25 for all of them atm
[01:50:33] <Tom_itx> right
[01:50:40] <PCW_> 5I24 has 2 EEPROMS so you have to make a bad mistake twice to mess it up
[01:50:55] <Tom_itx> heh welcome to my world
[01:51:56] <PCW_> the 7I90 has a way to write protect one of the flash chips but I have not implemented it
[01:51:59] <micges> PCW_: same xio2001 bridge for all of above?
[01:52:06] <PCW_> yes
[01:52:37] <Tom_itx> fair to say: 5i24 6i24 7i24 & 6i25?
[01:55:47] <PCW_> yes
[01:56:01] <micges> Tom_itx: fetch latest mf sources, I've fixed it
[01:56:02] <Tom_itx> all those boards have the 2 leds?
[01:56:07] <Tom_itx> i will
[01:56:25] <PCW_> probably
[01:56:25] <Tom_itx> did you zip it?
[01:57:35] <micges> you will have latest fixes if you download zip from git
[01:57:41] <Tom_itx> ok
[01:58:22] <PCW_> sure glad I designed out the PLX bridge chips on the PCI/PCIE cards
[01:59:03] <micges> heh, not enough space for them
[01:59:49] <PCW_> PLXtech got bought out by Avago and the promptly doubled the bridge chip prices
[01:59:49] -!- sumpfralle1 has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[02:00:03] <PCW_> s/the/they/
[02:00:09] <Tom_itx> did i powercycle before the fallback bitfile?
[02:00:17] <Tom_itx> i don't think i did
[02:00:43] <PCW_> doesnt matter (and you dont need to power cycle anymore --reload will do that)
[02:00:50] <Tom_itx> yeah
[02:01:12] <micges> yeah most of latest bitfiles support --reload
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[02:09:18] <Tom_itx>
[02:09:21] <Tom_itx> look ok?
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[02:12:13] <Tom_itx> micges,
[02:12:19] <Tom_itx> steps look right?
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[02:13:52] <micges> yeah, just latest verify makes more sense before --reload
[02:14:39] <micges> rest is ok
[02:15:19] <Tom_itx> refresh and see if that's ok
[02:15:41] <micges> yep
[02:15:58] -!- PetefromTn_ has quit [Quit: I'm Outta here!!]
[02:16:04] <Tom_itx> i'll pretty it up with asciidoc or something and post it somewhere
[02:17:42] <micges> use github wiki at start
[02:18:03] <Tom_itx> the linuxcnc one?
[02:18:34] <micges> yeah
[02:18:42] <Tom_itx> ok
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[02:32:22] <Tom_itx>
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[02:33:58] <micges> great
[02:34:02] <Tom_itx> question..
[02:34:16] <Tom_itx> on the first power cycle, what target would be used if you used --reload?
[02:34:26] <Tom_itx> 6i25 or yourboard
[02:34:41] <Tom_itx> line 6
[02:35:38] <micges> I don't think anything will work after --recover, just manually power cycle atm
[02:35:47] <Tom_itx> ok
[02:35:54] <Tom_itx> i'll leave it as is
[02:37:50] <micges> 'nite
[02:37:57] <Tom_itx> nite, thanks
[02:41:22] -!- KimK_laptop has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:48:15] <Tom_itx> once again.. pretty hard to screw up a mesa board
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[06:39:25] <micges> Tom_itx: yeah but I screw up one, one board in seven years :D
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[08:39:03] <Tom_itx> the cost of learning
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[12:04:49] <Tom_itx> micges the changes don't show up in the .zip here
[12:05:06] -!- mhaberler has quit [Quit: mhaberler]
[12:06:31] <Tom_itx> nor in /master/eeprom.c
[12:07:56] <Tom_itx> or did you fix it somewhere else like pci_boards.c
[12:14:08] <skunkworks>
[12:14:55] <Tom_itx> what a shame!
[12:15:59] <skunkworks> Tom_itx, did you see linuxcnc logging step/dir?
[12:16:20] <Tom_itx> nope
[12:16:40] <Tom_itx> hah RR
[12:17:12] <Tom_itx> x 3
[12:17:33] <skunkworks> :) ^ that was mach. THis is linuxcnc.
[12:18:06] <skunkworks> that comes with mach - kinda like the linuxcnc splash screen - everone runs it.
[12:18:52] <skunkworks> so the bit file works great
[12:19:03] <Tom_itx> oh.. good
[12:19:23] <Tom_itx> mine would have but i had selected the wrong target chip
[12:19:30] <Tom_itx> 25 instead of 16
[12:19:45] <Tom_itx> the file was ~2x bigger than it should have been
[12:20:24] <skunkworks> unrecoverable?
[12:20:49] <Tom_itx> micges helped last night
[12:20:54] <skunkworks> oh good
[12:20:57] <Tom_itx> it's back to "normal"
[12:21:07] <Tom_itx> otherwise it would have taken jtag
[12:21:17] <Tom_itx> but in the process he improved mesaflash
[12:21:25] <skunkworks> awesome
[12:21:33] <Tom_itx> wiki reflects the change
[12:21:43] <Tom_itx> under 'mesa bitfiles' section
[12:21:53] <Tom_itx> gotta run
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[12:57:41] <olli23> Hello one question to the whole community, does the interpreter of the momentary version of Linuxcnc do read ahead
[12:59:27] <archivist> "momentary version"?
[13:00:30] <archivist> the latest trajectory planner does have look ahead
[13:00:59] <skunkworks> if you mean the current released version (2.6.8) it has 1 segment look ahead. The next major release version 2.7 - has a N-lookahead planner.
[13:06:18] <olli23> So only one libe of code look ahead on the current version ?
[13:06:44] <olli23> I mean the current release version 2.68
[13:15:03] <archivist> yes. the new tp is in the very soon to be released 2.7
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[13:20:28] <olli23> You I heard N-lines look ahead, is it actually user defined ?
[13:22:15] <skunkworks> it is an ini setting..
[13:22:26] <skunkworks> defaults to 50
[13:23:19] <olli23> Very good, I read this before and always thought this parameter has something to do with arc smoothing :)
[13:23:32] <cradek> olli23: this number is very simplistic and is not sufficient to compare the behaviors of different programs
[13:23:43] <cradek> linuxcnc does not split arcs into lines
[13:23:55] <olli23> Okay
[13:23:55] <cradek> maybe say what particular problem you're having?
[13:24:44] <olli23> I have no problem, Iam planning a retrofit and want a good readahead for smooth 3d machining
[13:25:52] <olli23> Iam planning to do it in the next 3 months, does somebody know a rough date when the new 2.7 version will be released ? I don't want to use a devel version
[13:25:58] <cradek> what kind of machine?
[13:26:17] <olli23> Vertical milling center
[13:26:39] <olli23> 3 axis servos very dynamic
[13:27:03] <cradek> with a dynamic high acceleration machine, even 2.6 will give fine performance
[13:27:26] <olli23> Yes I think so too
[13:27:27] <cradek> perhaps measure the acceleration and velocity of the current control and experiment with the simulator version of linuxcnc with those settings
[13:27:41] <cradek> you can try 2.6 or 2.7 in simulator mode
[13:27:59] <olli23> Okay do you know when 2.7 will be released ?
[13:28:14] <olli23> Maybe you have a rough date for me
[13:28:40] <cradek> no, sorry, we don't set release dates, but 2.7 is far along in the stabilization cycle
[13:29:09] <olli23> Okay so nearly perfect :)
[13:29:15] <cradek> yes nearly!
[13:29:21] <cradek> brb
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[13:31:07] <olli23> I have a friend that wants to use linuxcnc too, he asked howmany lines the new interpreter can read ahead, so I can tell him there is a setting and default is 50 lines ?
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[14:54:36] <skunkworks>
[14:54:41] * skunkworks hugs linuxcnc
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[14:55:32] <ssi> 4th axis capability: Not high on the priority list, since no one has a 4th axis yet to test it on.
[14:55:35] <ssi> lol
[14:55:48] <cradek> wait it doesn't have jogging?
[14:55:51] <skunkworks> nope
[14:55:56] <ssi> Synchronized spindle: Synchronizing the spindle with axes movement would be a great challenge.
[14:55:57] <cradek> how can that even
[14:56:00] <ssi> GREAT CHALLENGE
[14:56:32] <cradek> even though we've had threading for like 10 years I still get a kick out of using it
[14:56:43] <cradek> I'm still proud of it :-)
[14:56:55] <skunkworks> :) you should be.
[14:57:42] <cradek> I was so happy with my screws I updated for the first time in a year
[14:57:59] <ssi> haha
[14:58:07] <skunkworks> It is impressive what they have done with the arduino.. I have to remember to bring one and do some logging of it's motion
[15:03:29] <skunkworks> wow - that just sounds scary
[15:03:30] <skunkworks>
[15:03:58] <skunkworks> For example, if the G-code path has a sharp 10 degree turn coming up and the machine is moving at full speed, this setting helps determine how much the machine needs to slow down to safely go through the corner without losing steps
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[15:07:20] <skunkworks> it kinda sounds like they are also doing circular arc blending.
[15:07:58] <skunkworks>
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[15:21:32] <pcw_home> sounds like they are limiting the vector acceleration not per axis limits
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[17:06:58] <skunkworks> zlog
[17:06:58] <zlog> skunkworks: Log stored at
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[17:30:33] <micges> Tom_itx: I see changes here
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[17:31:04] <Tom_itx> did you do something different than you had me do?
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[17:31:21] <Tom_itx> other than comment out those lines
[17:31:33] <micges> yes
[17:31:39] <Tom_itx> ok that explains it
[17:31:45] <Tom_itx> does it work the same?
[17:31:49] <micges> but letme check, it was 4am
[17:31:57] <Tom_itx> or can you recover by board name now?
[17:32:56] <micges> that check you commented out should be in another if with .recover
[17:33:42] <Tom_itx> i suppose i could test it but i kinda hate to mess it up again
[17:34:08] <micges> don't
[17:34:46] <micges> it's 99% same code but instead of comment out there is one more if
[17:34:47] <Tom_itx> is the if(board->recover == 0) a new line?
[17:34:51] <micges> yes
[17:34:55] <Tom_itx> ok i see it hten
[17:34:56] <Tom_itx> then
[17:35:21] <Tom_itx> still use 6i25 for all?
[17:35:26] <micges> Me or Peter or someone else will check it
[17:35:31] <micges> yes
[17:35:35] <Tom_itx> alright
[17:36:00] <Tom_itx> gotta run
[17:36:12] <micges> yeah me too
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