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[05:19:44] <gurwinder_> cmorley:Hi, you replyed me on stepconf. I want to discuss about some feature requests which are on
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[06:08:47] <cmorley> gurwinder_: it's 11 pm here so I'm off to bed soon....
[06:09:03] <Gurwinder> ok
[06:09:20] <cmorley> what is your question?
[06:09:51] <Gurwinder> I am going to put all those question in mail
[06:10:06] <Gurwinder> so I think its easy to answer there :)
[06:10:42] <cmorley> ok yes I prefer that with large texts :) I will try my best to answer
[06:11:07] <Gurwinder> small question,
[06:11:37] <Gurwinder> what is add backslash support
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[06:12:03] <Gurwinder> Is it to add some key to write backslash while writing in stepconf?
[06:13:56] <cmorley>
[06:14:11] <cmorley> look up backlash in that section
[06:14:28] <Gurwinder> ok
[06:15:02] <cmorley> right now stepconf does not allow one to enter a backlash setting
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[06:15:34] <cmorley> so stepconf would need to add that to the axis pages and then write it to the INI file
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[06:16:31] <Gurwinder> Can I edit stepconf features without test it with cnc machine, as I never use linuxcnc before
[06:16:39] <cmorley> it's a good first project as it's relatively easy :)
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[06:17:32] <cmorley> you can - it's better to test of course - but this change is pretty simple - you can also ask others to test it for you.
[06:17:54] <Gurwinder> oh, greate
[06:18:16] <Gurwinder> Rest I will put in mail
[06:18:38] <cmorley> One thing to ask Seb is if he would rather you base your work on master or 2.7 .... 2.7 is close to release
[06:18:57] <cmorley> nit this is also a simple change so ... ask him
[06:19:05] <archivist> the simulator mode should spit out any syntax errors in an ini you write
[06:19:44] <cmorley> yep that's true
[06:20:38] <cmorley> but things like setting the MAX-ACCELERATION is hard to know without live testing
[06:21:05] <cmorley> backlash requires more acceleration headroomn
[06:21:32] <cmorley> anyways I'm off to bed.... night guys
[06:22:16] <Gurwinder> thanks, good nyt
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[15:19:38] <skunkworks> oh no'es
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[15:29:02] <mozmck> is there a way to build only the documentation?
[15:33:03] <nojepler> "docs", "htmldocs" and "pdfdocs" are all targets you can specify to make
[15:33:22] <nojepler> there's not a way to run configure so that it doesn't check for regular build dependencies of linuxcnc
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[15:38:13] <mozmck> thanks
[15:39:41] <mozmck> how do I find the targets? I searched in the Makefile and I don't see a docs: tag
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[15:50:27] <nojepler> docs/src/Submakefile
[15:51:33] <mozmck> ok, thanks.
[15:52:18] <mozmck> I'm wanting to add some to the haltcl doc about the stuff I learned. Here is a first try that I'm sure needs modification:
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[15:56:14] <cradek> mozmck: do you think this behavior is a bug?
[15:56:54] <mozmck> A bug in my understanding before I figured it out anyhow :)
[15:57:02] <nojepler> I feel like you are discussing a specific workaround you used in one situation. I don't think that it is good advice in general to [lindex ... 0].
[15:57:10] <mozmck> I don't know really.
[15:57:15] <nojepler> but I don't have a lot of room to throw stones about this because I'm not going to sit down and write the documentation myself right now
[15:58:14] <mozmck> Ok, but I could think it would affect any loadrt line that had spaces or quotes in the ini file.
[15:58:53] <cradek> I feel that it's probably just buggy, and if we can't fix bugs I guess documenting workarounds is better than nothing, but fixing bugs is much better. However I have no powers other than gentle encouragement to use here.
[15:59:17] <nojepler> cradek: if there is a bug, what portion of the software does it reside in?
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[15:59:52] <mozmck> Apparently for the 7i92 the config= argument has to have all the quotes around a string containing arguments separated by spaces.
[16:00:35] <cradek> nojepler: I don't know
[16:01:24] <mozmck> It would seem to me that if haltcl could load the inifile values as single strings instead of lists, that would avoid this problem, but I don't know if it would cause others.
[16:01:44] <cradek> I don't have any understanding of this other than "all the parts do quoting differently" and perhaps with some "something is escaping things too many times" thrown in
[16:02:49] <cradek> loadrt ... {config={"..."}}
[16:03:07] <cradek> this seems like at least one too many
[16:03:31] <mozmck> Maybe my proposed doc addition could mention this as a workaround for this problem - so it might still be helpful to others in some way even if it's not good advice in general.
[16:03:37] <cradek> {\"...\"} is also one too many if I understand the tcl rules
[16:03:47] <cradek> doesn't that give you literal backslashes?
[16:04:47] <nojepler> oh geez, haltcl has its own inifile parser
[16:06:05] <nojepler> so given this inifile
[16:06:06] <nojepler> [SIGH]
[16:06:06] <nojepler> X=1 2 3
[16:06:06] <nojepler> X=x y z
[16:06:06] <nojepler> X="a b c"
[16:06:13] <nojepler> $ haltcl -ini ~/sigh.ini
[16:06:13] <nojepler> haltcl: set SIGH(X)
[16:06:13] <nojepler> {1 2 3} {x y z} {"a b c"}
[16:06:54] <cradek> that looks right ... if that's what you expect
[16:07:20] <nojepler> so there's an element to all this that I had overlooked until now: $::HOSTMOT2(CONFIG) is a 1-item Tcl list
[16:07:52] <cradek> so mozmck's answer is right
[16:09:57] <mozmck> So is $::HOSTMOT(IPADDR) if IPADDR="" with quotes.
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[16:11:04] <mozmck> if IPADDR= it looks like it is not a list
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[16:12:21] <nojepler> % list x
[16:12:21] <nojepler> x
[16:12:21] <nojepler> % list \"x\"
[16:12:21] <nojepler> {"x"}
[16:12:44] <nojepler> if the list element doesn't have special characters then you get one outcome from putting it in a list; if it has special characters then you get another
[16:13:45] <mozmck> interesting
[16:14:14] <mozmck> % list \\"x\\"
[16:14:14] <mozmck> {\"x\"}
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[16:16:48] <nojepler> so I might say something like this:
[16:17:13] <nojepler> oops, it ate my emdashes.
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[16:21:30] <mozmck> Ah, that explains it better. I would like to leave my example as well after your text as I think it could be helpful.
[16:27:19] <nojepler> and for my part, I'm sorry I didn't realize that ::SECTION(ITEM) was a Tcl list. I hope that the programs I suggested you use to see what was going on were still helpful.
[16:27:52] <mozmck> They were, and dgarr sent me some more information that also helped in seeing what was happening.
[16:28:12] <nojepler> and I imagine he was aware that ::SECTION(ITEM) was a tcl list
[16:28:29] <mozmck> probably so
[16:29:19] <mozmck> It's interesting, if I run puts "loadrt $::HOSTMOT2(DRIVER) board_ip=[lindex $::HOSTMOT2(IPADDR) 0] config=[lindex $::HOSTMOT2(CONFIG) 0]"
[16:29:39] <mozmck> it returns this: loadrt hm2_eth board_ip="" config="num_encoders=0 num_pwmgens=0 num_stepgens=6"
[16:30:25] <nojepler> because "..." is not for building lists
[16:30:26] <mozmck> But the error message on this computer (because I don't have a 7i92 or eth1) says it is executing: "hal loadrt hm2_eth board_ip=\"\" {config="num_encoders=0 num_pwmgens=0 num_stepgens=6"}"
[16:30:31] <nojepler> % set santa "ho ho"
[16:30:32] <nojepler> ho ho
[16:30:32] <nojepler> % puts "santa says $santa"
[16:30:32] <nojepler> santa says ho ho
[16:30:32] <nojepler> % puts [list santa says $santa]
[16:30:34] <nojepler> santa says {ho ho}
[16:32:19] <mozmck> So I'm wondering if the difference between my puts and the linuxcnc output is just how it is printing it out?
[16:33:13] <mozmck> I used quotes in the puts line so it would substitute the variables.
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[17:26:42] <mozmck> So if this looks good, I'll push it later:
[17:30:00] <mozmck> wow, on every link in the Example Articles section on the front page gives a 404 error.
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[18:37:57] <kwallace> Is anyone using git-gui? I was going to try it, but I get an error: Error in startup script: expected version number but got "1.7.0-" . I'm wondering if there is an easy fix?
[18:38:21] <mozmck> I use it some, but mostly use gitg
[18:38:28] <cradek> weird. are your packages up to date and do they all match?
[18:38:34] <cradek> often git-gui and git are separate packages
[18:39:45] <kwallace> I found this:
[18:41:28] <kwallace> It looks like the latest 10.04 packages are too old?
[18:42:52] <cradek> looks like git-gui should depend on a newer version of tk than it does, if it requires a feature from a newer version
[18:43:17] <cradek> guess you will have to resolve that broken dependency manually
[18:43:26] <cradek> (downgrade git?)
[18:44:56] <kwallace> It's not worth it to me. I was looking for an easier way to make commits without a lot of typing "git add yada yada yada".
[18:46:24] <kwallace> Now that I'm thinking about it, I seem to recall using git-cola at one time.
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[21:25:58] <andypugh> seb_kuzminsky: You seem to be neglecting your minion
[21:32:58] <seb_kuzminsky> my minion and everything else :-(
[21:33:07] <seb_kuzminsky> basement flood preempted everything
[21:34:03] <seb_kuzminsky> i just demolished a basement that i rebuild not 2 years ago, in the previous flood
[21:34:57] <Tom_itx> that kinda sucks
[21:35:15] <seb_kuzminsky> i'm grateful to cmorley, cradek, jepler, and everyone else for picking up the slack while i'm gone
[21:35:59] <Tom_itx> rain or waterpipe?
[21:36:19] <seb_kuzminsky> rain
[21:36:55] <seb_kuzminsky> at least it's ground water, not surface water, so there's no mud
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[21:37:42] <andypugh> How do you demolish a basement without starting at the roof?
[21:38:26] <seb_kuzminsky> you rip out the carpet & pad, then the wood trim, then the bottom 2 feet of drywall, but you leave the load-bearing framing
[21:39:17] <seb_kuzminsky> all the while daydreaming about renting a backhoe, excavating the foundation, and building a drain system suitable for this modern high-carbon climate
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[21:42:19] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03andy pugh 05master 9763aa8 06linuxcnc 10src/hal/components/orient.comp Add a pin to the orient component to toggle the motion.spindle-is-oriented pin * 14;a=commitdiff;h=9763aa8
[21:46:02] <linuxcnc-build> build #1304 of is complete: Failure [4failed compile] Build details are at blamelist: andy pugh <>
[21:46:12] <linuxcnc-build> build #1304 of is complete: Failure [4failed compile] Build details are at blamelist: andy pugh <>
[21:46:14] <linuxcnc-build> build #1495 of is complete: Failure [4failed compile] Build details are at blamelist: andy pugh <>
[21:47:22] <linuxcnc-build> build #815 of is complete: Failure [4failed compile] Build details are at blamelist: andy pugh <>
[21:47:22] <linuxcnc-build> build #1334 of is complete: Failure [4failed compile] Build details are at blamelist: andy pugh <>
[21:47:27] <andypugh> seb_kuzminsky: I have a degree of empathy, I sometimes find an inch of water covering my workshop floor, and at least my workshop is made of brick and concrete:
[21:47:57] <andypugh> Oh. I broke the buildbot.
[21:48:24] <andypugh> I can only assume that fabs is no longer allowed in a comp?
[21:48:46] <seb_kuzminsky> i wish i could edit the source code and recompile the yard
[21:49:00] <seb_kuzminsky> hal/components/orient.comp:75:5: error: ‘in_position’ undeclared (first use in this function)
[21:49:34] <linuxcnc-build> build #3147 of is complete: Failure [4failed compile] Build details are at blamelist: andy pugh <>
[21:49:42] <linuxcnc-build> build #3146 of is complete: Failure [4failed compile] Build details are at blamelist: andy pugh <>
[21:49:49] <linuxcnc-build> build #3148 of is complete: Failure [4failed compile] Build details are at blamelist: andy pugh <>
[21:49:56] <seb_kuzminsky> andypugh: did you mean _ instead of -?
[21:49:57] <seb_kuzminsky> +pin out bit is-oriented "This pin goes high when poserr < tolerance. Use to drive motion.spindle-is-oriented";
[21:50:16] <seb_kuzminsky> err
[21:50:18] <seb_kuzminsky> nevermind
[21:50:24] <andypugh> No, I messed up badly
[21:50:32] <linuxcnc-build> build #2350 of is complete: Failure [4failed compile] Build details are at blamelist: andy pugh <>
[21:50:47] <linuxcnc-build> build #3147 of is complete: Failure [4failed compile] Build details are at blamelist: andy pugh <>
[21:51:12] <linuxcnc-build> build #3147 of is complete: Failure [4failed compile] Build details are at blamelist: andy pugh <>
[21:52:12] <linuxcnc-build> build #299 of 1903.clang-wheezy-amd64 is complete: Failure [4failed compile] Build details are at blamelist: andy pugh <>
[21:53:01] <linuxcnc-build> build #967 of is complete: Failure [4failed compile] Build details are at blamelist: andy pugh <>
[21:53:02] <andypugh> I changed the pin name, checked that it all still worked, then pushed. But The system I checked on wasn’t the right one.
[21:53:16] <seb_kuzminsky> i'm heading out, see you all later
[21:53:41] <andypugh> Is it possible to un-push that patch, or shall I just push a correction?
[21:59:08] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03andy pugh 05master ad152d4 06linuxcnc 10src/hal/components/orient.comp If you change the pin name, you have to change the variable too. You idiot. * 14;a=commitdiff;h=ad152d4
[22:00:56] <linuxcnc-build> build #299 of 1902.clang-wheezy-rtai-i386 is complete: Failure [4failed compile] Build details are at blamelist: andy pugh <>
[22:00:56] <linuxcnc-build> build #3157 of 0000.checkin is complete: Failure [4failed] Build details are at blamelist: andy pugh <>
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[22:39:14] <linuxcnc-build> build #1115 of 4017.deb-wheezy-amd64 is complete: Failure [4failed shell_1] Build details are at blamelist: andy pugh <>
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[23:23:09] <cradek> cmorley: thanks for helping the gsoc person
[23:24:17] <cmorley> well i hope I helped :) i have some experience there so why not help right?
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