[00:00:21] <andypugh> Ah, doesn’t that work any more?
[00:00:46] <andypugh> The code does very much assume 32 bits....
[00:00:49] <jepler> those are linux kernel types
[00:01:17] <jepler> in 2.7 and master, the C99 standard types [u]int32_t are what you should write
[00:01:18] <andypugh> So I didn’t want to use the comp “unsigned”
[00:01:32] <andypugh> OK, I will change that.
[00:01:51] <jepler> not sure if that works on 2.6 and earlier
[00:02:16] <jepler> for rtai
[00:03:11] <andypugh> Well, I don’t think that this comp will be in 2.6 so that probaly doesn’t matter.
[00:03:24] <jepler> pin out bit out-# [32:(personality & 0xF)] = 0 "Sequence outputs";
[00:03:24] <jepler> pin out bit out-#-not [32:(personality & 0xFF)] = 1 "Sequence outputs inverted";
[00:03:36] <jepler> at least one of these is likely to be wrong
[00:03:56] <jepler> the 32 part makes me think maybe they should both be & 0x1f (31)
[00:04:52] <jepler> also see man rtapi_module_param for a description of the MODULE_LICENSE strings liked by the kernel.
[00:05:03] <jepler> their convention, which is confusing, is
[00:05:03] <jepler> "GPL" GNU Public License v2 or later
[00:05:03] <jepler> "GPL v2"
[00:05:03] <jepler> GNU Public License v2
[00:05:27] <jepler> I *think* that "GPL v2+", since it's not a string literally recognized by the kernel, causes a kernel license taint
[00:06:04] <andypugh> FF is OK because there is an 8-shift and a check for > 31
[00:06:31] <andypugh> But F was wrong and I simply hadn’t tested more than 16 pins.
[00:06:59] <jepler> anyway, that wraps it up for my substantive comments.
[00:07:09] <jepler> less substantive and possibly nitpicky comments follow.
[00:07:29] <jepler> you use both 'break' and 'return' to bail out of the case statement
[00:07:37] <jepler> personally, I'd flow all the documentation source to 72 columns or so
[00:08:12] <jepler> (though others think a LF should occur after each logically complete unit of documentation, such as sentence, and to a degree I can get behind that .. I just have trouble practicing it)
[00:08:48] <andypugh> I am (largely) flowing at 80 columns
[00:09:08] -!- rob_h has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[00:10:55] <andypugh> But I can do 72. I just don’t like the way that, for example, a twice-indented “rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR, ….” is basically line-wrapped before it gets to say anything…
[00:11:40] <jepler> oh it's no big deal
[00:12:09] <andypugh> I was using “break” until I noticed that some were inside loops, and I wanted to exit the comp, not the loop.
[00:12:43] <andypugh> The I switched to return but didn’t go back and change the existing breaks.
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[00:13:57] <andypugh> I think that they should all be returns, but I wasn’t sure at the beginning if anything would be happening after the switch.
[00:16:20] <jepler> I notice it has a time of around 350 when idle and 770 when running one sequence. that's lower than stepgen.make-pulses with one stepgen, so it seems fine
[00:16:40] <jepler> particularly since this seems intended for servo-thread activities
[00:17:01] <andypugh> If I made the timeout into a HAL pin it could be an arbitrary-pattern step generator :-)
[00:17:57] <jepler> though there are some peaks/spikes, I can't tell if they're just my machine not being realtime or if they correspond to when the outputs are changing or something
[00:18:09] <andypugh> I was wondering if I should make it base-threadable. The only FP bit is the timeout, and that is already stored as int in the data structure.
[00:19:08] <jepler> seems like not
[00:19:20] <jepler> if so you'd need to change your timeouts to be us or ns
[00:19:21] <andypugh> In fact, I will make it all-int just to save CPU
[00:19:32] <jepler> I think that's a fine idea
[00:20:02] <jepler> afk, hope my feedback was helpful
[00:20:21] <andypugh> nS timeouts would make the W and D “commands” very long
[00:20:46] <jepler> yes they would
[00:20:56] -!- gene78 has quit [Read error: No route to host]
[00:21:04] <andypugh> I _could_ modify the parser to understand S, ms, nS
[00:21:25] <jepler> tn1000 vs tu1000 vs tm1000 ?
[00:22:00] <jepler> you might note in the docs that it is (presumably) rounded up to the next multiple of the thread rate
[00:22:38] <andypugh> I was thinking T1000mS but of course I can’t do that because I carelessly used S already
[00:23:25] <andypugh> I will make it default to seconds with modifiers for m/n/u
[00:25:53] <andypugh> You can’t hold many nS in an s32 can you?
[00:26:18] <andypugh> Or, rather, you can but they don’t add up to many seconds
[00:45:26] <jepler> no
[00:46:20] <cradek> Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU E2160 @ 1.80GHz
[00:46:31] <cradek> maybe this wasn't the best choice for kernel-building
[00:55:31] <andypugh> I have decided to store microseconds and accept that nS timeouts will be innacurate
[00:57:19] <andypugh> (I _did_ think about storing the units-used as a bit-code in the higher-order bits and doing the same for the distinction between a delay and a timeout. And now I have typed that is seems like a better idea. But for tomorrow)
[01:00:11] <skunkworks> cradek: for jesse?
[01:01:07] <jepler> skunkworks: a newer kernel to maybe get support for a certain pci parport, I think
[01:04:00] <skunkworks> ah
[01:04:02] <skunkworks> ok
[01:05:57] <cradek> yeah for this silly card
[01:08:00] <cradek> it's doomed to failure but for some reason I can't resist trying
[01:08:37] <cradek> it'd be nice to know if a simple patch adds support
[01:09:30] <jepler> I was flabbergasted to see from this canonical (ubuntu) patch that their kernel takes 41 minutes to build *on a machine with 56 threads*! He offered a patch to get it down to 36.
[01:10:08] <jepler> crazy thing is, from the numbers he gives, he gets only about 800% CPU utilization, a far cry from the 5400% you'd like to see!
[01:10:11] <skunkworks> trying to get the pluto running again?
[01:10:46] -!- skunksleep [skunksleep!~AndChat14@] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[01:10:54] <cradek> jepler: ugh.
[01:11:35] <cradek> skunkworks: yeah, it works fine, but I'd like a newer box running it, and for some reason my heart is set on using a cool tiny machine I got from goodwill
[01:11:49] <cradek> ... with only traditional pci slots and no built-in parallel port
[01:14:44] <jepler> and without rebuilding the electronics to get rid of the pluto, though I think it's unknown if the port doesn't work with pluto, or doesn't work with epp at all
[01:15:36] -!- andypugh has quit [Quit: andypugh]
[01:21:21] <cradek> yep exactly
[01:24:06] <Tom_itx> spi port?
[01:24:33] <Tom_itx> i thought one of you had a 7i90 running off spi
[01:24:50] <jepler> Tom_itx: that'd be me
[01:25:08] <Tom_itx> does that work ok?
[01:25:19] <Tom_itx> i recently got a 7i90
[01:25:34] <jepler> yes, though I had to modify the spi kernel driver before it had good realtime performance, and the modifications are going to be different for every linux-supported spi interface
[01:25:35] <Tom_itx> using it with parport right now
[01:25:45] <jepler> but once I worked on the driver, it would run for days at 2kHz
[01:25:52] <jepler> if you're on a PC, stick with epp.
[01:25:59] <Tom_itx> i plan to
[01:26:14] <Tom_itx> i got it to replace a 7i43 i popped
[01:26:25] <jepler>
[01:27:47] <Tom_itx> too bad spi isn't a standard interface
[01:29:08] <jepler> too bad more ARM boards don't have non-USB ethernet
[01:29:15] -!- Akex_ has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
[01:29:24] <jepler> honestly, having worked on both spi and ethernet during the 2.7 cycle, I'm more excited about ethernet
[01:29:47] <jepler> for one thing, you just don't worry much about signal integrity on a modest-length ethernet cable, but that was a headache with spi
[01:30:01] <jepler> for another, many pci nics turn out to have quite decent performance with preempt-rt
[01:33:08] <mozmck> jepler, I can build the ubuntu kernel to deb packages in less time than that on my 8-core AMD. I think about 25 minutes
[01:34:45] <jepler> mozmck: that sounds more like it
[01:35:34] <mozmck> hmm, make deb-pkg is the kernel way of building debs - not ubuntu
[01:36:34] <mozmck> My dual cpu xeon machine takes about 1 minute more with 16 threads, but they are 2.26 Ghz and the AMD is 4 Ghz
[01:38:25] <mozmck> oh, hmm, the message says he made it "parallelize debug module installation" If I turn on debug it takes about 70 minutes with make deb-pkg on the 16 thread machine.
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[01:50:11] <Tom_itx> in 2.7 i can remove the references to watchdog in my configs?
[01:50:48] <Tom_itx> the addf and setp lines..
[01:52:28] -!- moorbo has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:52:35] <Tom_itx> as well as the probe_parport line
[02:05:09] <jepler> Tom_itx: yes I think so
[02:10:33] <Tom_itx> i know early on there were parameters for the TP, is that still the case in 2.7?
[02:14:19] <seb_kuzminsky> Tom_itx:
[02:15:44] <Tom_itx> i was looking at that
[02:19:24] <seb_kuzminsky> ok cool
[02:19:33] <seb_kuzminsky> if there's something missing let me know and i'll add it
[02:19:37] <seb_kuzminsky> thanks for testing 2.7 btw
[02:19:43] <Tom_itx> i just didn't see anything on the TP there
[02:20:00] <Tom_itx> i haven't tested yet so don't thank me too much :)
[02:20:12] <seb_kuzminsky> the TP shouldn't need any messing with, so it's not mentioned there
[02:20:17] <seb_kuzminsky> heh
[02:20:23] <Tom_itx> still helping the mrs recooperate from surgery so it may be a couple weeks
[02:20:30] <Tom_itx> ok
[02:20:54] <Tom_itx> not much play time here right now
[02:21:07] <seb_kuzminsky> if you *want* to mess with the TP, there are some [TRAJ] knobs to twiddle:
[02:21:39] <seb_kuzminsky> best wishes on her speedy recovery
[02:21:54] <Tom_itx> yeah i can't recall what i had in the config but i knew there were a few settings
[02:21:59] <Tom_itx> thanks
[02:25:46] <Tom_itx> yeah i have those in the ini commented out
[02:25:47] <Tom_itx> for now
[02:26:45] <skunksleep> 5 min apart.... Lasting for a minute.
[02:27:14] <Tom_itx> ?
[02:27:22] <Tom_itx> ahh
[02:27:27] <Tom_itx> 2nd one?
[02:27:39] <Tom_itx> you're gonna have a long night
[02:28:43] <seb_kuzminsky>
[02:29:12] <Tom_itx> seb_kuzminsky, no biggie but the settings explanations should match the default values
[02:29:26] <Tom_itx> or i'm sure somebody along the way will get confoozed
[02:30:16] <Tom_itx> ARC_BLEND_RAMP_FREQ is the only one i see really
[02:34:28] <Tom_itx> hmm i see no reason not to upgrade and try it
[02:34:40] <skunksleep> :)
[02:35:03] <Tom_itx> i can install it but it'll be a bit before i'm able to test it again
[02:35:50] <Tom_itx> btw, congrats skunksleep
[02:36:06] <seb_kuzminsky> yeah congrats! you thought you were low on sleep *before* this!
[02:36:37] <cradek> skunksleep: ooh, hope everything comes out ok
[02:36:53] <seb_kuzminsky> these are the ones i made (a few years ago):
[02:38:44] <skunksleep> So far so good. Heading to the hospital soon..
[02:47:23] <CaptHindsight> skunksleep: "sleep" since you only dream of sleep now while you're awake?
[02:49:43] <Tom_itx> heh
[02:49:52] <Tom_itx> ok 2.7 updates made
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[02:58:52] <skunksleep> seb_kuzminsky: awesome!
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[12:27:32] <jepler> > Folks, seeing the words "designed to be safer, more consistent, and less error prone replacement" in a manpage does *NOT* mean "OK, quit reading it - no need to go further, not even to the end of the paragraph".
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[13:05:13] <alex_joni> jepler: then maybe that needs to go to the end of the manpage
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[14:26:53] <mozmck> hmm, debian jessie gives 2 kernel options on boot, but won't install if you select the 686-pae option :)
[14:27:39] <mozmck> this is the 32-bit image
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[17:04:25] <skunksleep> seb_kuzminsky: water broke. (Got an epidermal so sleeping now)
[17:05:10] <seb_kuzminsky> sounds good
[17:05:18] <seb_kuzminsky> what does stella think of all this?
[17:07:15] <skunksleep> epidural
[17:08:58] <mozmck> oh! hope all goes well skunksleep.
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[17:33:38] <PetefromTn_> Wow Congrats skunkie!
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[17:48:04] <skunksleep> S
[17:48:12] <skunksleep> Thanks!
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[20:25:31] <skunksleep> Sullivan Elwood 8lb7oz
[20:27:02] <micges> skunksleep: great, congrats!
[20:31:30] <Tom_itx> congrats skunksleep... now maybe in 18 yrs you can get some sleep
[20:37:55] <seb_kuzminsky> awesome :-)
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[21:06:26] <jepler> skunksleep: congrats
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[21:21:11] <seb_kuzminsky> i'm gonna release 2.7.0, unless someone tells me about a bug they want to fix first
[21:21:46] <Tom_itx> we'll tell you right after you release it
[21:22:04] <seb_kuzminsky> heh yeah
[21:22:24] <mozmck> skunksleep: congratulations!
[21:22:57] <mozmck> seb_kuzminsky: let's merge ja right quick first ;)
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[21:23:48] <seb_kuzminsky> oh you
[21:24:34] <mozmck> I haven't really had a chance to really use it yet. So many other things get in the way.
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[21:25:59] <seb_kuzminsky> maybe for 2.8
[21:27:11] <seb_kuzminsky> speaking of which, maybe somebody else wants to be release manager for 2.8?
[21:28:35] <micges> I did few retrofits on 2.7, didn't noticed nothing buggy
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[21:29:22] <seb_kuzminsky> yeah, i have a couple of machines running 2.7 and it's really fine
[21:29:26] <micges> even ja6 branch works quite well
[21:30:49] <seb_kuzminsky> do you have any lathes running ja?
[21:31:07] <seb_kuzminsky> i have reports of bugs when there are non-consecutive axes (like lathes' XZ)
[21:31:38] <micges> seb_kuzminsky: hostmot2 dpll support for encoder should be added but I won't do this this week
[21:32:01] <micges> no no lathes so far
[21:32:14] <seb_kuzminsky> can you save it for 2.8 or do we need to hold up 2.7 for that?
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[21:35:08] <micges> I think we should hold one more week, got two machines to setup so I'll check 2.7 again and we have long weekend this week so I'll add dpll stuff
[21:36:24] <seb_kuzminsky> alright cool
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[22:00:51] <andypugh> That was confusing. It seems that %lld and %lli in kernel space print 1701669204 regardless of the s64 being passed.
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[22:06:41] <jepler> that is an exceedingly odd result
[22:06:49] <jepler> via rtapi_print_msg ?
[22:07:31] <jepler> NAME
[22:07:32] <jepler> rtapi_snprintf, rtapi_vsnprintf - Perform snprintf-like string formatting
[22:07:39] <jepler> > In particular: formatting of long long values is not supported.
[22:08:31] <jepler> must be some terrible reason for that limitation
[22:09:20] <andypugh> Ah well :-)
[22:09:32] <andypugh> The number is baffling though.
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