#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2015-04-01

[00:06:38] -!- Nick001-shop has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:09:57] <PCW> I tried turning off the power options and using the 1KHz tic but no difference I could see
[00:10:08] -!- wortley_ [wortley_!6cfd4262@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[00:11:03] <PCW> It would be nice if the wheezy install included a up-to-date vanilla kernel so its would at least boot
[00:11:04] <wortley_> Are the KERNEL SYMBOLS that I see by using nm on xxx.comp available to the functions within that xxx.comp file? The whole kernel? just linuxcnc?
[00:17:54] -!- Loetmichel has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[00:36:13] <seb_kuzminsky> PCW: the kernel on the 2.6 & 2.7 install images both have the baytrail fix, iirc
[00:37:00] <seb_kuzminsky> wortley_: on rtai they're available to the whole kernel, including comps you load later (i think)
[00:48:51] <wortley_> I was pointed at using hal_data to allow my functions to find everything, but I tried adding a reference to it and the compiler barfed.
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[00:49:44] <wortley_> I guess I need to add hal_priv.h to get at it?
[00:51:22] -!- FreezingCold has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:51:35] <wortley_> I just want the functions within my component (i.e. return_ptr_to_a_buffer) to be able to find the buffer that was declared in __comp_inst.
[01:01:20] <wortley_> seb_kuzminsky: Are my other symbols like __comp_first_inst somehow accessible by other functions within the component? I would prefer to not have to grab the mutex and crawl the tree just to find myself.
[01:04:23] <wortley_> Those two, __comp_first_inst, default_count, count are declared as global variables...
[01:07:14] <wortley_> and it appears that at least the main function "_" made by the component generator has access to it...
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[01:54:26] <jepler> A function which is an argument to EXPORT_SYMBOL or EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL is available in another component which is loaded later. I don't think that we deliberately do this anywhere for data symbols, only for functions, so data may not work.
[01:55:27] <jepler> additionally, symbol names like __comp_foo are intended for the internal use of halcompile, and might change from release to release.
[01:55:50] <wortley_> jepler: Would mean I would be limited to single instance of something that exports a function?
[01:56:47] <wortley_> jepler: ahh, yes. So using __comp_first_inst in a function (since I didn't make it) is probably risky.
[01:58:05] <wortley_> When I get all done, I guess I could turn the .comp into a .c (should this be accepted as part of linuxcnc some day).
[02:00:24] <jepler> well I'd hate to add a .c file which is 90% comp-generated and then 10% hand-edited, that is a sad event too
[02:01:10] <jepler> .. one option would be to improve comp until it can do what you need; another would be to just write in C
[02:01:23] <jepler> once you start stepping outside of what halcompile was intended to do, it quickly becomes painful
[02:02:30] <wortley_> I am happy to report that I DO have a working driver running a motor over SPIBUS and parport -- The rest of this is about how I can clean it up such that it could be consumed by the masses.
[02:02:58] <jepler> cool
[02:03:26] <jepler> (I am quite out of touch with what people are up to these days)
[02:03:29] <wortley_> There has definitely been some pain with using a .comp. I wish there was a "preinclude" directive that would allow me to use #define constants in my variable definitions...
[02:04:33] <wortley_> Cool and scary. I'm getting pretty close to handing over control of a 4HP spindle and NEMA42 steppers to ***my code***. Which is kinda creepy...
[02:05:39] <wortley_> The single axis bench tests have been going well enough to start thinking about hooking up the beast.
[02:06:54] <jepler> is there more information about your hardware interface online?
[02:08:12] -!- rob_h has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
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[02:12:47] <wortley_> Not in one place by me. I'm using L6480 EVAL boards from ST Micro time 4 to drive a Shizuoka AN-S Milling machine.
[02:14:00] <wortley_> The spi protocol is being spoke over generic IO provided via the parport driver.
[02:14:21] <jepler> bitbanged spi, or epp -> spp translator in a microcontroller or something?
[02:14:23] <wortley_> I have separate L6480 driver that sends/gets serial data from the spibus.comp driver that is hooked to the parport io pins.
[02:14:29] <wortley_> bitbanged spi.
[02:14:38] <wortley_> But fast enough to get 5.5bytes/ms.
[02:15:28] <jepler> interesting, the L6480 detects motor stalls?
[02:15:32] <wortley_> I will probably have each controller board on it's own dedicated bus with it's own io pins, but we'll see.
[02:15:47] <wortley_> It is supposed to, but i haven't dialed in the voltage levels that far yet.
[02:16:53] <wortley_> The demo board is pretty sweet though. I have driven 12Amps into my motors with just some air blowing over the boards. No heat sink!
[02:17:00] <jepler> does this use the hal parport component, or the hal_parport_* C APIs?
[02:17:11] <wortley_> hal_parport component
[02:17:26] <wortley_> I have a MAX7219 LED display working over the spibus too.
[02:17:39] <wortley_> It's on the linuxcnc user forum.
[02:17:54] <jepler> ah, I'm a mailing list guy, rarely browse the forum
[02:19:00] <wortley_> Until I get all of this buffer pointer kernel symbol business worked out, it shouldn't really be used by other people. Right now I am casting pointers to unsigneds and passing them over pins.
[02:19:07] <wortley_> It's gross, but it works.
[02:21:53] <jepler> so you use the "run" command to set a step frequency and read the ABS_POS register back to "close" the loop?
[02:21:56] <wortley_> But I have learned a lot (goal 1) and am close to having something usable (goal 2) and hopefully will be able to clean it up enough to give back (goal 3).
[02:22:23] <wortley_> Yes. And as a bonus, it actually works.
[02:22:30] <wortley_> :)
[02:22:52] <wortley_> It is kind of like having an absolute encoder.
[02:24:07] <jepler> the hostmot2 driver has some examples of how to make multiple components work together and send the kind of data that is not best transported by HAL pins
[02:24:14] <wortley_> I was mostly attracted to the part because the demo board was so beefy, and it has its own motion engine. Although Step/dir is pretty simple.
[02:24:43] <jepler> yeah though with step/dir you run into tradeoffs between maximum speed, microstepping, and base period really quickly
[02:24:54] <wortley_> Andy was kind enough to point me toward the uart.c in hostmot as a decent model.
[02:25:01] <jepler> ah so you've already talked to him. good.
[02:25:13] <jepler> he also has experience working at the boundaries of what comp can do
[02:26:08] <wortley_> He has provided me so good references and advice -- but since a lot of this is new, I'm struggling to digest it all.
[02:26:32] <jepler> my advice, for what it's worth, is that you're best off just writing in C. Then stuff like defining the structures you need, making sure you can refer to what you need where you need to do it, etc., is easy (it's just C, with EXPORT_SYMBOL for stuff that the later-lodaed component needs to be able to call)
[02:26:42] <jepler> anyway, I have to go. it was nice talking to youl
[02:26:44] <jepler> you.
[02:27:46] <wortley_> Thanks Jeff -- I plan to go that way eventually. Thus far I have been able to get away with letting comp do the tedious work. Later...
[02:42:26] amnesic is now known as amnesic_away
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[14:16:14] <jepler> check your calendar, gene
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[14:33:42] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Sebastian Kuzminsky 052.6 de51d6b 06linuxcnc 10docs/man/man3/hal_param_new.3hal 10docs/man/man3/hal_pin_new.3hal docs: fix hal_pin_new() and hal_param_new() manpages * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=de51d6b
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[15:07:01] <mozmck> cmorley: you around?
[15:54:51] <mozmck> I'm using a custom skin with Gscreen - actually started with the Gaxis skin, and my embedded panels are not getting their HAL pins created/ready before the postgui hal file is executed.
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[16:41:28] <seb_kuzminsky> i thought if you set the S-word, then repeatedly hit F9 it turns on and off the spindle at that speed, am i misremembering?
[16:41:40] <cradek> apparently
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