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[02:22:07] <linuxcnc-build> build #3095 of is complete: Failure [4failed compile runtests] Build details are at blamelist: Michael Haberler <>
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[03:03:19] <linuxcnc-build> build #3099 of 0000.checkin is complete: Failure [4failed] Build details are at blamelist: Michael Haberler <>
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[13:49:01] <seb_kuzminsky> that test failure seems unrelated to the commits that triggered the build
[13:51:22] <jepler> 6DOF from six linear axes: (bad dubstep on video)
[13:52:39] <seb_kuzminsky> jepler: wow that's a lot of linkages
[13:53:15] <seb_kuzminsky> neat
[13:53:44] <seb_kuzminsky> i got most of the kinks worked out of the robot arm kins last night, it *almost* runs the splash code with a magic marker now
[13:55:26] <jepler> seb_kuzminsky: nice
[13:56:24] <jepler> I don't see how this thing is supposed to work, there's just one belt for each pair of joints
[13:57:01] <jepler> > This style mechanism is protected under patent law and I don't control the patent
[14:00:30] <seb_kuzminsky> hrm, patent law
[14:03:40] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Sebastian Kuzminsky 05scorbot-er-3 fb93967 06linuxcnc 10debian/ 10src/Makefile 10src/hal/user_comps/Submakefile 03src/hal/user_comps/ add a non-realtime driver for the scorbot-er-3 robot arm * 14;a=commitdiff;h=fb93967
[14:03:40] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Sebastian Kuzminsky 05scorbot-er-3 ec790d5 06linuxcnc 10src/Makefile 03src/emc/kinematics/scorbot-kins.c kins: start adding scorbot-kins * 14;a=commitdiff;h=ec790d5
[14:03:40] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Sebastian Kuzminsky 05scorbot-er-3 d7985f8 06linuxcnc 10(5 files) add a sample config for the scorbot-er-3 robot arm * 14;a=commitdiff;h=d7985f8
[14:03:43] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Sebastian Kuzminsky 05scorbot-er-3 d465def 06linuxcnc 10src/emc/kinematics/scorbot-kins.c kins: add debugging (commented out) * 14;a=commitdiff;h=d465def
[14:07:39] <archivist> that machine looks like maths(with silly limits) and dont bother about machine strength
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[14:13:19] <cradek> seb_kuzminsky: that looks tricky
[14:15:28] <jepler> archivist: it's 3d printing people, so they don't care about machine strength
[14:15:47] <ssi> can't imagine what benefit 6dof gives you for 3d printing
[14:15:48] <jepler> and they don't care much about cartesian velocity and acceleration constraints either
[14:16:51] <jepler> ssi: the proponents seem to think it would let you build overhangs that you can't accomplish with 3DOF
[14:24:28] <archivist> but they also dont seem to realise the flex and inaccuracies of their designs
[14:25:04] <archivist> the play in all the joints is going to add up
[14:27:01] <ssi> hrm
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[14:41:15] <seb_kuzminsky> cradek: the kins? it looks hairy but it's just finding the intersections of two circles
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[14:45:23] <cradek> ah
[14:45:58] <cradek> it's too bad that often a sketch is part of the coding process, but then it's lost
[14:46:20] <seb_kuzminsky> ... yeah
[14:46:22] <seb_kuzminsky> i agree
[14:46:40] <seb_kuzminsky> maybe i'll take a picture of my coffee-stained notebook and add it to the Code Notes page
[14:48:13] <mozmck> pcw: Looks like the deadline scheduler may have a little higher latency than CFQ
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[14:50:06] <mozmck> PCW: Odd thing is that I'm seeing two peaks equidistant on either side of center about 2/3 of the time. On deadline they are out about 12us, with CFQ it was much less.
[14:52:13] <pcw_home> is this with a base thread?
[14:55:09] <mozmck> yes, I'm just running latency-histogram
[14:56:15] <pcw_home> You might try just servo thread ( --nobase )
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[14:59:34] <mozmck> hmm, ok
[15:00:01] <mozmck> I'm running glxgears and found a bluegrass mix on youtube that runs for hours :)
[15:02:21] <cradek> but there are only about five bluegrass songs...
[15:03:02] <mozmck> :) That would be Irish music
[15:03:09] <cradek> haha
[15:03:20] <mozmck> or at least Irish fiddle tunes
[15:03:27] <cradek> the fiddle one, the one with the little whistle thing, ...?
[15:03:49] <mozmck> haha ;)
[15:03:49] <cradek> maybe there's a waltz
[15:04:53] <mozmck> This is with the deadline scheduler, no RCU_BOOST, and only glxgears running:
[15:05:01] <cradek> mozmck: I saw the del mccoury band live a year or so ago - they were really good. they wore their matching suits and all played acoustic instruments standing around one mic, like from another era. if you haven't seen them, do, before it's too late
[15:06:14] <mozmck> I've seen them, and many others like them :) Haven't been to a show in a while though.
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[15:07:32] <cradek> they were the tightest I had ever seen. their voices!
[15:07:45] <mozmck> If you get a chance to see Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver, they are always good.
[15:07:48] <cradek> they didn't play so fast that they couldn't keep up
[15:08:03] <cradek> that's a curse of a lot of bluegrass I think
[15:08:43] <mozmck> well, especially of younger folk ;)
[15:08:51] <cradek> heh
[15:10:19] <mozmck> Best show I've seen was in Guthrie OK. Used to be a band called California, and the former members all met for a show there - they were called back for another song 3 times.
[15:11:48] <mozmck> pcw_home: this is with CFQ scheduler, RCU_BOOST, and working the computer harder playing videos etc:
[15:14:07] <jepler> mozmck: probably better to test without a base period, since you won't be running with one typically
[15:14:13] <mozmck> ok
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[15:16:40] <jepler> latency-histogram --nobase --sbinsize 200 --sbins 400
[15:17:02] <jepler> that'll also adjust the bins so that you can see all the way up to those +43.1us latencies that it recorded on the servo thread
[15:17:20] <mozmck> ah, I see.
[15:19:08] <jepler> how are you changing the scheduler of rtapi_app?
[15:19:31] <mozmck> I'm changing the kernel scheduler
[15:20:17] <mozmck> I'm building a preempt-rt kernel for *buntu 14.04 and playing with settings.
[15:23:45] <mozmck> If there's any interest I'll certainly make the kernel available when I think I'm done tweaking it. I hope to make a liveCD based on xubuntu as well, and the kernel should work equally well in LinuxMint 17.x
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[15:31:34] <pcw_home> really lumpy, here's a e8500 with just a servo thread:
[15:31:36] <pcw_home>
[15:32:33] <mozmck> Interesting. I wonder if a 32 bit kernel would perform better on this machine.
[15:34:18] <mozmck> I'm running now with just a servo thread, and it is still lumpy and latency went right up to around 35 +/-
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[15:43:46] <pcw_home> I have been using only 32 bit kernels
[15:47:33] <mozmck> I see. That latency will work, but less would not hurt. I'll try 32 bit and see what that looks like.
[15:49:56] <jepler> it would be interesting to compare 32 and 64 bit linuxcnc userspace on a 64 bit kernel
[15:52:47] <mozmck> Hmm, had not thought of that. I could set up and compile linuxcnc for 32 bit and try it on the machine.
[16:00:59] <pcw_home> Dell laptop:
[16:01:00] <pcw_home>
[16:13:40] <pcw_home> some modern MBs are quite a bit better:
[16:13:41] <pcw_home>
[16:13:43] <pcw_home> and quite impressive with RTAI:
[16:13:44] <pcw_home>
[16:15:04] <pcw_home> my tupperware PC is coming today, I'll give that a try
[16:15:16] <mozmck> That h97-g3258 is good enough with preempt-rt for software stepping!
[16:15:28] <pcw_home> Yeah
[16:16:03] <pcw_home> and hm2-eth at 4KHz while running hd videos
[16:17:07] <pcw_home> the DC7800 will run hm2_eth at 4 KHz but will stumble occasionally at 4 KHz running you tube videos
[16:17:37] <mozmck> What latency is needed for 4 khz?
[16:18:30] <pcw_home> I dont think latency tells the whole story for uspace Ethernet
[16:19:29] <mozmck> oh.
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[16:20:01] <pcw_home> its related but CPU speed and perhaps cache size seem the main thing that determine worst case Ethernet latency
[16:20:44] <mozmck> does isolcpus help with preempt-rt?
[16:20:55] <pcw_home> seem to hurt
[16:21:00] <mozmck> ok
[16:21:28] <pcw_home> maybe with the right IRQ affinities
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[16:22:34] <pcw_home> on the other hand a 1 KHz servo thread running a velocity drive (or stepgen) is adequate for anything but fairly exotic machines
[16:23:41] <pcw_home> and thats doable without futzing on just about any PC
[16:24:15] <pcw_home> well PIIs and below maybe not
[16:28:52] <jepler> "tupperwrare pc"?
[16:31:00] <pcw_home>
[16:33:27] <jepler> I see what you mean
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[16:34:39] <jepler> > Windows 8.1 with Bing 64
[16:34:43] <jepler> wow there's a 64-bit verison of bing?
[16:35:13] <mozmck> I thought bing was a search website?
[16:35:59] <seb_kuzminsky> why do the USB ports say "SS" on them?
[16:36:20] <mozmck> Super Speed
[16:36:32] <mozmck> USB 3
[16:36:38] <seb_kuzminsky> aha, thanks
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[16:41:43] <jepler> mozmck: that's why it seems absurd to me
[16:42:47] <pcw_home> windows wont be on it for long
[16:42:49] <mozmck> heh, marketing - or maybe really IE is finally 64-bit
[16:47:13] <jepler> I think the name of the OS is "Windows 8.1 with Bing", and this is the 64-bit version of that
[16:47:47] <jepler> these days I'm starting to feel bad for poor microsoft
[16:48:29] <pcw_home> My wife bought a cheap laptop with windows 8.1 +bing
[16:48:30] <pcw_home> full of hard to remove crapware
[16:49:35] -!- sumpfralle has quit [Read error: No route to host]
[16:51:49] <pcw_home> I guess microsoft gives it away free
[16:52:41] <jepler> the OEMs add their own layer of it
[16:53:08] <jepler> .. I am sure you heard about Lenovo's trouble in that area
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[17:09:31] <seb_kuzminsky> a friend just bought one of those thin light little dell notebooks that's advertised as linux-friendly
[17:09:39] <seb_kuzminsky> it caught on fire in the first week
[17:10:48] <mozmck> batteries overheat?
[17:11:16] <seb_kuzminsky> his theory is some metal component of the frame flexed and shorted the battery
[17:11:35] <seb_kuzminsky> it happened when he was turning the laptop around on a table to show the screen to a neighbor
[17:11:43] <mozmck> wow
[17:11:53] <mozmck> I bet the neighbor was impressed
[17:16:04] <jepler> you can spend a fun afternoon if you google li-ion battery fires
[17:16:24] <jepler> seems to be as easy as shorting the outputs or puncturing the cell
[17:16:30] <jepler> and then you inhale some really nasty stuff
[17:16:46] <seb_kuzminsky> mmm.. lithium
[17:17:45] <seb_kuzminsky> i'm looking at the git log of freebsd for my dayjob, the current HEAD says "Remove bogust cast.", but i keep reading it as "cat"
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[18:37:47] <mozmck> What does this line mean in my linuxcnc_debug_txt file? Can not find -sec APPLICATIONS -var DELAY -num 1
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[18:44:45] <skunkworks> for as long as I was a kid - I thought the TI99/4a booted to 'IT BASIC'
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[18:46:46] <mozmck> Seems like the postgui.hal is getting run before the GUI is ready when using Gscreen with a custom skin.
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[19:14:57] <seb_kuzminsky> Jessie's due out April 25, wooo party
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[19:45:35] <skunkworks> neat
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[20:36:30] <PCW> mozmck: dc7800 preemt-rt latency
[20:36:32] <PCW>
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[22:42:52] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Dewey Garrett 052.7 b1c6283 06linuxcnc 10scripts/ prevent uneeded msg in linuxcnc.debug * 14;a=commitdiff;h=b1c6283
[22:43:42] <seb_kuzminsky> awesome
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[23:08:28] <PCW> well rats the wheezy live cd wont boot on tupperware
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[23:19:22] <skunkworks> why not?
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[23:21:38] <PCW> looks very similar to the Baytrail issue
[23:22:03] <PCW> boot starts then turns off USB power
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[23:23:57] <skunkworks> oh
[23:24:07] <skunkworks> really - that was fixed for the baytrail
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[23:41:58] <mozmck> PCW: Thanks for the latency chart. It's interesting because the max and min are almost identical to what I'm getting, but it's a lot smoother chart
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