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[05:36:35] <tjtr33> steves_logging (hope this gets your attn.) I have APT book file for Matt S, plz contact me if he wants it. tiffs ready to ocr to docbook. thx!
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[05:42:08] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Sebastian Kuzminsky 05master 5329734 06linuxcnc 10docs/src/Submakefile docs build: check all english and french docs for broken links * 14;a=commitdiff;h=5329734
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[19:17:47] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Sebastian Kuzminsky 05dgarr/config-cleanup d23258d 06linuxcnc 10docs/src/Master_Getting_Started_es.txt 10docs/src/index_es.tmpl docs: fix Spanish master doc to use translated docs * 14;a=commitdiff;h=d23258d
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[19:17:58] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Dewey Garrett 05dgarr/config-cleanup f94595c 06linuxcnc 10tcl/bin/pickconfig.tcl pickconfig: support flat or hierachical user dir * 14;a=commitdiff;h=f94595c
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[19:32:17] <andypugh> Is there a matrix anywhere of what IO hardware works with what RT system? My impression, possibly wrong, is that the 7i80 ethernet card only works with Xenomai and RT-PREEMPT user-space realtime, and the PCI cards only work with RTAI or Xenomai Kernel-space realtime?
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[23:25:54] <memleak> if the 7i80 works with RT net it will work with RTAI, however depending on the programming of linuxcnc, it might not work with that.
[23:28:20] <memleak> ("that" meaning linuxcnc) on the RT side everything will function properly with RTAI, especially if it works with xenomai
[23:28:34] <memleak> i believe xenomai shares the same RT net code with RTAI but not 100% certain
[23:37:08] <micges> rtnet is based on rtdm interface which is in both RTAI and xenomai
[23:37:10] <andypugh> memleak: The new branch just created doesn't use rtnet
[23:37:54] <andypugh>;a=commit;h=60e91dca489d6360d18ab4c887c5f2482b437e69
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[23:46:46] <memleak> mesanet is an internal library of linuxcnc?
[23:46:57] <memleak> if so then the RT subsystem should work completely independant from it
[23:47:26] <memleak> havent looked at the source though to verify this.
[23:47:30] <memleak> (of mesanet i mean)
[23:48:07] <micges> mesanet is manfacturer of 7i80
[23:50:40] <memleak> ah. well this comment here in the commit message "this driver don't use rtnet, but standard system sockets" implies that regardless of RT system it should work fine, considering there is no changes of the core networking infrastructure within RTAI, preempt-rt and xenomai
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[23:51:29] <memleak> all the system socket code stays the same between RT systems so i'd imagine it would all work ok.
[23:52:14] <micges> that's right
[23:54:10] <memleak> :)
[23:54:25] <andypugh> I guess that kernel threads can't access the standard sockets, though?
[23:54:33] <cradek> yarrrrghhhghghhh
[23:55:08] <cradek> I just spent the day massaging hardware and installing xubuntu12 to try memleak's kernel and seb's linuxcnc master build
[23:55:17] <cradek> but I installed the amd64 version
[23:55:39] <andypugh> That's bad?
[23:55:52] <memleak> i never tested the debs, only 64-bit code compiled myself
[23:56:04] <cradek> the rtai deb is i386
[23:56:09] <memleak> ah..
[23:56:22] <memleak> RTAI needs to be compiled for 64-bit if 64-bit distro
[23:56:41] <memleak> its not like firefox ;)
[23:56:42] <cradek> no kidding
[23:57:24] <cradek> the linuxcnc debs are also i386
[23:57:34] <andypugh> Still baffled by the lcd component in rt-preempt, insmod returns -1, despite the rtapi_app_main() code in lcd running through with no error and returning a 0.
[23:57:52] <memleak> linuxcnc you might be able to get by running 32 on 64 but RTAI most definitely not.
[23:58:15] <memleak> RTAI hard codes a lot of things specific to whether if 32 or 64-bit
[23:58:19] <cradek> yeah that is certainly not a goal of mine
[23:58:39] <andypugh> No compiler errors (now), no error messages anywhere, in fact. Odd.
[23:59:39] <andypugh> It even gets added to a thread with no real bother, and appears to take a variable thread time.