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[00:53:09] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03andy 05master 0a2f75e 06linuxcnc 10src/emc/ 10rs274ngc/ 10rs274ngc/rs274ngc_interp.hh * Make the behaviour of G85 more as-expected
[00:53:22] <jepler> so on BBB with the "machinekit" image, glxinfo says: OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer
[00:53:38] <jepler> so it's rasterizing axis's plot on the slow cpu and then shipping bitmaps over the network
[00:54:20] <andypugh> That sounds suboptimal
[00:59:04] <jepler> I believe it is
[01:04:32] <jepler> this makes it use the glx wire protocol instead: sudo chmod 000 /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/dri/
[01:04:36] <jepler> it's somewhat better performing
[01:04:49] <jepler> (still other than great, however)
[01:06:27] <jepler> next thing it would be nice to understand is why milltask takes 20%CPU when it's idle
[01:07:18] ChuangTzu is now known as JohnSmith
[01:07:29] <andypugh> Maybe it checks to see if it is really idle more assidiously than necessary?
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[01:09:28] BallsTzu is now known as ChuangTzu
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[01:14:15] <jepler> changing the task timeout to 10ms instead of 1ms knocks milltask way down
[01:14:45] <jepler> ssh encryption takes 30% CPU
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[01:27:26] <jepler> this seems to be a bit lighter on the CPU: ssh -X -o "Ciphers=arcfour" linuxcnc@
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[01:30:12] <jepler> and changing the hardcoded time for backplot polling seems to help too
[01:30:13] <jepler> - o.after_idle(lambda: thread.start_new_thread(self.logger.start, (.01,)))
[01:30:16] <jepler> + o.after_idle(lambda: thread.start_new_thread(self.logger.start, (.05,)))
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[01:31:52] <jepler> well that's all I've got for now. I suppose I should e-mail charles my findings.
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[01:48:00] <skunkworks> logger[mah]:
[01:48:01] <logger[mah]> skunkworks: Log stored at
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[17:29:24] <seb_kuzminsky> ok folks, i think i'm ready to switch to docs on over to the ones that the buildbot makes
[17:30:26] <cradek> yay
[17:30:55] <seb_kuzminsky> basically i want to make it so that when you go to, it looks like instead
[17:31:06] <seb_kuzminsky> all the 'older versions' should be identical
[17:31:21] <seb_kuzminsky> the 2.5 and devel should contain the latest new docs from the buildbot
[17:32:18] -!- wboykinm has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:32:28] <seb_kuzminsky> i fixed some minor broken links & markup problems with the top two levels of index.html files (which are *not* made from sources in our git)
[17:33:13] <skunkworks> Yay!
[17:35:40] <seb_kuzminsky> i also fixed the links (in 2.5 and master) to the HAL manual, they used to point to the old name for the document (from may 2013), they now point to the new name for the document
[17:35:50] <seb_kuzminsky> and i added our logo to the docs front page ;-)
[17:36:01] <seb_kuzminsky> i spot checked and didnt see any problems
[17:36:23] <seb_kuzminsky> i ran the w3c linkchecker and found too many problems to fix right away, but they're all in our old docs too i think :-/
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[17:37:31] <seb_kuzminsky>
[17:38:01] <seb_kuzminsky> i guess i'll announce this on emc-developers and cut over in a day or two if there's no complaints
[17:40:38] <cradek> hm, lots of broken links to external sites
[17:40:52] <cradek> I didn't realize we had those in the docs
[17:41:01] <cradek> thanks for doing this work - it'll sure be nice.
[17:42:07] <seb_kuzminsky> also some internal fragment anchors missing
[17:42:28] <cradek> my spot check (probably with less coverage than yours) also came out fine
[17:43:03] <seb_kuzminsky> maybe i should just do the switch-over and announce it on emc-users and ask people to point out problems, rather than doing that other thing i said
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[18:00:41] <cradek> yes I bet so
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[18:31:14] <seb_kuzminsky> i moved the docs symlink to point to the buildbot docs, but when i fetch it i get the old one still
[18:31:21] <seb_kuzminsky> is it being cached somewhere?
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[18:57:35] <seb_kuzminsky> where are our webserver logs?
[18:58:18] <seb_kuzminsky> ah, they're linked from the homedir
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[19:01:13] <seb_kuzminsky> ok, there's a symlink called docs in the homedir (not in the webserver root) that's the one that matters...
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[19:08:29] <seb_kuzminsky> looks like there's a rewrite rule somewhere that redirects /docs/
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[19:42:05] <seb_kuzminsky> ugh, it
[19:42:23] <seb_kuzminsky> it's got something to do with the docview thing we have on the front page
[19:42:31] <seb_kuzminsky> i dont know how to joomla
[19:44:15] <seb_kuzminsky> i guess i could just change the $HOME/docs symlink, but i dont know what the effects would be
[19:44:35] <seb_kuzminsky> requesting help here...
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[20:16:40] <seb_kuzminsky> linuxcnc-build: force build --branch=v2.5_branch docs
[20:16:42] <linuxcnc-build> build #1118 forced
[20:16:42] <linuxcnc-build> I'll give a shout when the build finishes
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[20:26:18] <seb_kuzminsky> hey andy
[20:30:37] <andypugh> Hi
[20:30:45] <andypugh> Just about to edit the docs
[20:39:38] <linuxcnc-build> Hey! build docs #1118 is complete: Warnings [8warnings compile]
[20:39:38] <linuxcnc-build> Build details are at
[20:47:26] <andypugh> This feels like a stupid question, but if I edit the asciisoc, where do I look to see what the effect was?
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[21:20:30] <seb_kuzminsky> andypugh: two ways
[21:20:48] <seb_kuzminsky> you can run 'make docs' and look at the html & pdf outputs
[21:21:28] <andypugh> That was the part I was missing, I guess. I have never worried about whether the docs were being built or not.
[21:21:38] <seb_kuzminsky> or you can push to the buildbot and look in
[21:22:29] <seb_kuzminsky> oh wait no, i just turned that off, it's on now, but it's in /stage-docs instead of /docs
[21:22:43] <seb_kuzminsky> due to my inability to figure out the webserver config :-/
[21:25:51] <andypugh> I am building it locally first for the practice
[21:26:36] <seb_kuzminsky> make sure you have all the build-deps installed, the docs need some things that the code doesnt
[21:27:05] <seb_kuzminsky> cd debian; ./configure -a || ./configure sim; cd ..; dpkg-checkbuilddeps
[21:31:03] <andypugh> It looks promising so far
[21:31:39] <seb_kuzminsky> cradek pointed out that one great thing about asciidoc is that the patches are totally human-readable
[21:34:37] <seb_kuzminsky> los colorados
[21:35:04] <seb_kuzminsky> ftw, just sayin
[21:35:24] <seb_kuzminsky> this shall be my hacking session soundtrack for tonight
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[22:04:41] <seb_kuzminsky> hi micges
[22:04:56] <micges> hi seb_kuzminsky
[22:05:41] <micges> seb_kuzminsky: what's up?
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[22:09:59] <jepler> seb_kuzm1nsky: i forget how it goes together. try changing the symlink.
[22:10:30] <seb_kuzm1nsky> the one in the home dir?
[22:10:59] <seb_kuzm1nsky> micges: i realized the git repo i sent you had a broken clone url, but it should work now (i fixed it)
[22:11:27] <micges> ok
[22:12:13] <seb_kuzm1nsky> jepler: moved it, and now it loads the new one, thanks
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[22:44:03] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03andy 05master 983c7e1 06linuxcnc 10docs/src/gcode/gcode.txt * Make the G85 docs match the new behaviour.
[22:45:07] <andypugh> As for the behaviour when changing plane mid-cycle, I think we would need to decide what was meant to happen first, before trying to fix it.
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[22:57:13] <micges> seb_kuzminsky: andypugh: mesaflash discover sserial remotes boards now, not far from flashing them
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[22:58:05] <andypugh> Is that necessary? It can already be done with setsserial?
[22:58:21] <micges> what about windows?
[22:58:56] <andypugh> They don't deserve to be able to.
[22:59:07] <micges> haha
[22:59:09] <andypugh> (I thought Mesaflash was a Linux utilty)
[23:02:47] <micges> andypugh: and I finally fully understand sserial, it's important for hm2_eth work
[23:02:55] <andypugh> Anyway, stupidly early start tomorrow, 0430.
[23:03:38] <andypugh> I should have gone to bed earler than this, really
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