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[16:08:32] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03git 05master e2e7c8e 06linuxcnc 10src/emc/rs274ngc/ * interp/python: make EmcPose and PmCartesian instantiable
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[16:17:39] <mhaberler> jepler: around? I'd need to discuss an efficiency idea re access to EMC_STAT, wonder what you think
[16:18:27] <mhaberler> cradek: looks like drogge gets tool wear offset fanuc-style to work with a pure Python remap of Tn
[16:21:31] <cradek> that's good news for his users who want that, and also for us who want to avoid hardcoding such a thing
[16:26:05] <mhaberler> right, we got around fiddling interp c++ code at last
[16:26:33] <mhaberler> btw he likes the tlo-applied-in-motion idea :)
[16:27:15] <mhaberler> jepler: just typing away anyway..
[16:28:16] <mhaberler> situation now: per-process updates of EMC_STAT, sometimes 2 of them (Axis: once in tcl/, once in; one more in gladevcp, and one more in hal_manualtoolchange
[16:29:45] <mhaberler> since I have to rework access to EMC_STAT anyway, I was considering moving the data to a shm segment which would be mapped r/o by using entities like UI's - so we're down to 1 update per machine, not per process
[16:30:42] <mhaberler> in the remote case there'd be updates over zmq/pb, probably incrementally as changes happen
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[16:32:35] <mhaberler> the other option I followed so far was to do per-process incremental updates, but that strikes me as rather inelegant as all of EMC_STAT is to be read-only for clients (not for task of course, and the usrmot and iotaskintf updaters)
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[16:34:42] <mhaberler> the more I think of it, the less I see downsides; it would guarantee all clients see the same data, which the current scheme does not (depends on update invocation time; for instance in axis its theoretically possible for tcl/ to see different status than - at least for a short time period)
[16:35:18] <mhaberler> by mapping the segment read-only, clients going haywire cant damage anything, juse segfault
[16:40:12] <mhaberler> since right now emcstatbuffer in NML is in shared memory anyway, the only thing that goes away is the periodic copying, which I dont see any use case for - it looks like a NML artefact
[16:40:26] <mhaberler> example: - what would change is:
[16:41:12] <mhaberler> emcCommandBuffer->write(state_msg) goes away, replaced by sending a protobuf message over a zmq socket
[16:42:40] <mhaberler> now in emcCommandWaitDone() and emcCommandWaitReceived() the updateStatus() call gets removed, since no need to update - it's up-to-date already
[16:44:00] <mhaberler> this rests on the assumption that for clients EMC_STATUS is read-only; I would think anything else is a coding error to start with
[16:44:50] <mhaberler> I would think it could drop CPU & memory usage of UI's a bit too
[16:45:05] <mhaberler> question: do you see this as rosy as I do?
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[16:55:25] <mhaberler> hm, looking at the code it looks like emcStatus actually points to shared memory already, so the copying I mentioned above doesnt look like it actually happens; meaning just dropping the NML class draping around EMC_STAT and making it a POD struct is all thats needed
[16:57:49] <mhaberler> which, btw, opens the route for motion to directly update what used to be EMC_MOTION_STAT and EMC_TRAJ_STAT - the motion->usrmot path which does this arcane copying ("split read detection" and all) isnt needed anymore
[16:58:49] <mhaberler> I originally looked at dumping 38K lines under src/libnml and friends, but it could be more ;)
[17:00:39] <mhaberler> this is btw exactly what HAL does - write in RT, read in userland over shm _directly_
[17:05:15] <mhaberler> well that idea I need to think more about; what usrmotintf actually does is detect a timeslot where neither motion.controller nor motion.command-handler are active.
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[17:09:53] <mhaberler> meaning that part is transactional. Drop the direct motion update idea for now. The idea - EMC_STAT replaced by POD in shm remains valid.
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[17:22:17] <mhaberler> silly command of the day: type 'sudo halt' into wrong window
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[17:30:48] <t12> beats a rm -rf something * instead of something.*
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