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[03:16:04] <CIA-11> EMC: 03jmelson 07master * rb97ccd8d8630 10/src/hal/drivers/hal_ppmc.c: correct PPMC dout indexing for additional DIO boards.
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[14:16:44] <cncbasher> anyone using pncconf with stepper motors ? , i'm getting a broken pipe error 32 at line 7360 halrun.flush
[14:30:41] <JT-Shop> what version of EMC?
[14:34:36] <cncbasher> latest from git
[14:34:46] <cncbasher> 2.6 pre
[14:36:53] <cncbasher> 2.6 builds fine and runs ok , so just wondering if i'm missing some glade specifics etc
[14:37:46] <cncbasher> or infact hal is broken here
[14:41:57] <JT-Shop> do you get that error when starting up pncconf?
[14:42:47] <cncbasher> no pncconf starts up fine
[14:43:26] <cncbasher> runs fine through setup , untill i come to tune steppers and enable
[14:43:59] <cncbasher> soon as i go to enable it throws the pipe 32 error
[14:44:23] <JT-Shop> ok, let me go down to the beer cave and pull and build and verify
[14:44:39] <cncbasher> hope you got plenty of beer !
[14:44:57] <cncbasher> thats the primary concern of course
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[14:57:00] <jthornton> did you select the parallel port or a Mesa card?
[14:57:13] <cncbasher> mesa 7i43-4
[14:58:20] <jthornton> what firmware?
[14:59:01] <cncbasher> any will do
[15:00:50] <cncbasher> when you get to the point of selecting the axis for tuning etc , select the enable button to enable you to test move the axis , and thats when i get the error
[15:01:52] <jthornton> RTAPI: ERROR: could not open shared memory (errno=2)
[15:01:54] <jthornton> Segmentation fault
[15:03:06] <cncbasher> at which point do you get the seg error ?
[15:03:19] <jthornton> your talking about the button Launch test panel?
[15:03:45] <cncbasher> arh no
[15:03:51] <jthornton> hmm
[15:04:02] <cncbasher> x axis motor/encoder config
[15:04:13] <cncbasher> test/tune axis button
[15:04:32] <jthornton> ok
[15:05:06] <cncbasher> that then brings up another page , and then select the enable
[15:05:20] <cncbasher> so as to allow you to test your setting
[15:05:22] <jthornton> IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
[15:05:38] <cncbasher> yep
[15:05:43] <jthornton> do you have the card plugged in... I don't have one
[15:05:58] <cncbasher> at line 7360
[15:06:04] <cncbasher> yes
[15:06:04] <jthornton> yep
[15:06:27] <jthornton> I can try 2.5 if you need me to?
[15:06:35] <cncbasher> ok i'll do digging a bit further
[15:06:59] <cncbasher> if you dont mind
[15:07:10] <cncbasher> do not have 2.5 on this machine
[15:07:30] <jthornton> np
[15:08:52] <jthornton> I had to do a make clean on 2.5 so I'll check it in a bit
[15:09:07] <cncbasher> not used steppers under pncconf before , so setting up a raw system not knowing any resonable setting to start off with
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[15:19:51] <jthornton> the only setting you have to figure out is the acceleration and you can test that in Axis itself once your config works
[15:20:07] <jthornton> make is still building 2.5 here
[15:22:19] <cncbasher> ok
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[15:34:45] <Jymmm> jthornton: I thought you got rid of that 386 of yours
[15:36:26] <JT-Shop> 286
[15:36:50] <Jymmm> Ah, my bad
[15:37:45] <Jymmm> Wait isn't 286 still 8bit? Where 386 is 16bit
[15:38:09] <cncbasher> i'd hang on to them , with all the newer boards at least they work
[15:38:41] <Jymmm> No, it's 16bit
[15:39:07] <Jymmm> My 486DX25 still works, I just need to replace a fan in it.
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[17:12:47] <jthornton> cncbasher: I see more stuff when I press test this axis in 2.5 like halscope...
[17:13:07] <jthornton> also the enable button works
[17:13:11] <CIA-11> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * rae1d3f730cc4 10/ (10 files in 10 dirs): build system: honor BUILD_VERBOSE better
[17:13:18] <CIA-11> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * rff0b4d5cfd55 10/src/hal/drivers/hal_ppmc.c: correct PPMC dout indexing for additional DIO boards.
[17:14:39] <CIA-11> EMC: 03seb 07master * rebf80e37fdaf 10/src/ (10 files in 10 dirs): build system: honor BUILD_VERBOSE better
[17:14:40] <CIA-11> EMC: 03seb 07master * r08d26c1c4c4a 10/ (debian/ src/ packaging: remove build-dependency on libtk-img
[17:14:41] <CIA-11> EMC: 03seb 07master * rae1d3f730cc4 10/ (10 files in 10 dirs): build system: honor BUILD_VERBOSE better
[17:14:42] <CIA-11> EMC: 03seb 07master * rff0b4d5cfd55 10/src/hal/drivers/hal_ppmc.c: correct PPMC dout indexing for additional DIO boards.
[17:14:43] <CIA-11> EMC: 03seb 07master * r3df4f8d11312 10/ (20 files in 19 dirs): Merge branch 'v2.5_branch'
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[17:17:24] <cncbasher> ok rebuildin here too
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[18:46:54] <andypugh> Is it OK to add support for extra Mesa FPGA cards to 2.5? I am not clear what the policy is at this stage?
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[19:52:22] <JT-Shop> AFAIK you can add new things that don't break old things
[19:52:44] <JT-Shop> or change how old things work or are used
[19:53:53] <andypugh> I was looking at a recent post from Seb that said that 2.5 was "feature frozen"
[19:54:39] <JT-Shop> I guess the question is it a "new feature"
[19:55:18] <JT-Shop> I would not think that it is a "new feature" but what do I know
[19:55:53] <andypugh> I am rather hoping for a policy statement from cradek_
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[20:58:24] <chester88> cncbasher: A broken pipe in pncconf is a symptom oh something going wrong in HAL code. Usually a clue is given terminal (means you need to run pncconf from a terminal) also after seeing that error you almost always need to issue command (in terminal) halrun -U to clear error.
[20:58:49] <chester88> so that pncconf test will work again
[21:11:47] <JT-Shop> chester88: I ran pncconf in master and 2.5 and only master threw the pipe error
[21:12:44] <chester88> hmmm well they should be no difference between them...
[21:13:34] <chester88> I'll have to do some checking. any idea what the error was in the terminal?
[21:21:31] <JT-Shop> I can go down and run it again
[21:21:35] <JT-Shop> if you like
[21:23:58] <chester88> it would be helpful if it's no trouble
[21:24:54] <JT-Shop> np, I would like a beer too
[21:24:58] <JT-Shop> see you down there
[21:30:23] <chester88> K
[21:32:33] <jthornton> chester88:
[21:32:42] <chester88> LOOKING
[21:32:51] <jthornton> I'm going to boot and try again just for shits and grins
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[21:33:51] <chester88> you need to clear the original error
[21:33:55] <chester88> halrun -U
[21:34:10] <chester88> if you get a broken pipe always need to issue that command
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[21:35:36] <chester88> you probably missed my last messages....
[21:36:09] <chester88> if you get a broken pipe error in pncconf then before running it again you must issue halrun -U first
[21:36:10] <jthornton> yea
[21:36:35] <chester88> as the broken pipe doesn't close the ladt halrun session
[21:36:54] <jthornton> I just rebooted to be sure and not the mesa card choice is missing...
[21:37:47] <chester88> did you issue .scripts/eme ......bla bla bla
[21:37:59] <jthornton> aww crap no I forgot
[21:39:39] <jthornton> halscope showed up now so it must have been a halrun -U thing
[21:39:52] <jthornton> enable worked too
[21:40:23] <chester88> well there musta been a problem the first time for the broken pipe to happen...
[21:40:30] <jthornton> yea
[21:41:00] <chester88> I haven't found a way to automatically reset the halrun inside of pncconf.
[21:42:14] <jthornton> I bet cncbasher ran pncconf twice from the same terminal session as I just did
[21:43:06] <jthornton> yep, I can duplicate the borked pipe by running pncconf twice from the same session
[21:43:35] <chester88> please explain same session?
[21:44:02] <chester88> ran pncconf closed then ran again/
[21:44:27] <jthornton> ran pncconf twice in the same terminal window
[21:44:52] <chester88> I do this all the time but not with master.
[21:45:03] <chester88> but master should be the same anyways
[21:45:47] <jthornton> second run prints this "Realtime already running. Use 'halrun -U' to stop existing realtime session." but you don't see it as pncconf covers it up
[21:46:22] <chester88> I take that back somewhat... I haven't run an actually test/tune in a while ....
[21:46:28] <jthornton> any way to put that warning on the first screen when the realtime is already running
[21:47:16] <chester88> I can't find a way to handle the error in pncconf.
[21:47:47] <chester88> I'll do some more testing on the other computer that has some hardware on it.
[21:48:41] <jthornton> looks like if you use test/tune axis that leads to the trouble if you close then start pncconf from the same terminal window
[21:49:14] <jthornton> I started and stopped pncconf several times with no problem without using test/tune
[21:50:12] * jthornton grabs a cold one and heads back to the shop to work on the Ballista some
[21:51:54] <chester88> ok thanks for testing John
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[21:53:34] <JT-Shop> np
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