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[04:15:50] <KimK> In the 2.4 PDF User Manual, G85 is listed like this: "G85 (X- Y- Z-) or (U- V- W-) (U- V- W-) R- L-". Question: Why is (U- V- W-) listed twice? Is it just a typo and should only appear once, or is there something going on there I'm not following? Thanks very much.
[04:21:16] <cradek> typo.
[04:22:12] <KimK> OK, thanks. I always hesitate to pull out important-looking stuff without checking first, lol!
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[07:42:28] <psha[work]> mhaberler: morning
[07:42:29] <psha[work]> or day?
[07:42:47] <mhaberler> hi!
[07:42:51] <mhaberler> morning..
[07:45:41] <psha[work]> i've tested emc-notify on ubuntu 10.04 installation and removing notify-osd package really solves problem
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[08:08:42] <mhaberler> psha: removed notify-osd and this didnt cure it for me !
[08:12:58] <psha[work]> install notification-daemon package and relogin
[08:13:10] <psha[work]> notify-osd process is still running - started from session dbus
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[08:23:22] <mhaberler> you were right - works now, new appearance
[08:23:51] <psha[work]> looks ok?
[08:24:08] <psha[work]> as i already mentioned it's targeted for gui's without error handling
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[08:37:36] <mhaberler> ah, fly-by-night ;-)
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[16:44:02] <psha> USRMOT: ERROR: command timeout
[16:44:11] <psha> any pointer why it may raise?
[16:51:31] <Xolotl4> Hi my name is Oscar Chaides, I'm from Mexico, i just come back from the Digital Machinist Work Shop were i met Jon, Matt and Ray, I'm very interesting in the translation of the manuals to Spanish, is some body else working on it? what can i do to get access to the original editable manuals not the PDF versions. Thanks
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[16:54:13] <JT-Shop> get a checkout with git
[16:54:18] <JT-Shop> let me get you the link
[16:55:40] <JT-Shop>
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[17:06:55] <skunkworks> JT-Shop: got a second?
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[17:38:21] <psha> cradek: around?
[17:40:16] <psha> need advise
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[18:40:32] <psha> is it possible to debug 'command timeout' error?
[18:46:00] <psha> after some time everything is restored...
[18:46:02] <psha> magicaly
[18:46:05] <psha> @#$%#
[18:49:25] <tom3p> did system hang, then come back to life? i dont know of any realtime process monitor to help debug with.
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[19:10:51] <psha> tom3p: it's working fine
[19:11:17] <psha> but when starting emc - either 2.5 or 2.4, from that system of after reboot from (nearly same) from usb stick - nothing matters
[19:11:26] <psha> but then it silently restores it's behaviour
[19:11:39] <psha> now it's not working again...
[19:11:53] <KimK> The tool table format docs say: "D - tool diameter - floating-point, absolute value" Is it really absolute value? I thought we could enter plus or minus diameters, and it would offset toward or away, as appropriate? (I'm thinking here of the case where some CAM package has pre-allowed for the tool dia., and so the "perfect" tool offset would be zero.)
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[19:12:28] <cradek> you are right - diameters can be negative or positive
[19:12:36] <cradek> 'absolute value' makes no sense
[19:13:17] <skunkworks> it used to be that you could only do positive - right? You fixed all that with the new cutter comp stuff
[19:13:33] <psha> cradek: any hints how to debug 'USRMOT: ERROR: command timeout
[19:13:35] <psha> ?
[19:14:02] <cradek> psha: sorry, I don't know enough about nml to know the answer
[19:14:22] <psha> pity...
[19:14:32] <psha> i've even killed emc.nml file entirely...
[19:14:40] <psha> local one
[19:14:44] <psha> left by emc 2.3 stepconf
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[19:16:19] <psha> cradek: your guess is that's NML issue?
[19:16:49] <cradek> I think so - a message not getting acknowledged
[19:16:54] <cradek> did you turn on all the debugging bits?
[19:17:20] <psha> yes, but it's not very helpful...
[19:17:43] <psha> detailed log starts after emc gives up waiting
[19:18:49] <KimK> Xolotl4: Hi Oscar, nice to meet you, glad you enjoyed the CNC Workshop. We would welcome your help in creating Spanish manuals. Since AFAIK I'm the only one working on the French manuals (JT and I are both working on the English manuals) maybe I can help you? I would advise you to go ahead and get git as JT suggested, but wait a bit before you start doing the actual editing.
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[19:20:00] <psha> Unrecognized line skipped: POC FMS LEN DIAM COMMENT
[19:20:08] <psha> old-style tooltable?
[19:20:41] <cradek> yes looks like
[19:21:08] <KimK> Xolotl4: I have quite a lot of git commits here that are not quite ready to push yet, and you probably want to start with the latest revision of the docs before you begin.
[19:21:11] <psha> however it's not important...
[19:21:52] <KimK> Xolotl4: I saw your post to the list, I'll send this by email too.
[19:21:57] <psha> first error message is:
[19:21:57] <psha> USRMOT: ERROR: command timeout
[19:21:58] <psha> bad return value from emcTrajSetAxes
[19:22:26] <psha> emc uses /usr/shares/emc/emc.nml?
[19:23:29] <cradek> yes I think it uses a default nml file if you don't have one
[19:23:32] <KimK> psha: You said you killed the local emc.nml file, do you mean you deleted it or removed the entry from the ini file?
[19:23:35] <cradek> that's the normal setup now I think
[19:24:08] <cradek> seems like your config of axes is wrong?
[19:24:25] <psha> KimK: both
[19:24:34] <psha> cradek: no, it's ok
[19:24:41] <KimK> psha: OK
[19:24:44] <psha> it was working 30 minutes ago :)
[19:24:53] <psha> both with axis and custom interface
[19:24:57] <psha> and then - boom
[19:25:04] <psha> and 'timeout' errors...
[19:26:06] <psha> since i'm tracking every change with git i always try to rollback to working config first
[19:26:13] <psha> so it's not that case
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[20:25:24] <psha> tried memtest
[20:25:28] <psha> memory is ok
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[20:36:11] <psha> waited for a bit - and it's working again now
[20:36:21] <psha> something really wierd is going on...
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[20:58:22] <psha> hm, again
[20:58:38] <psha> strange periods
[21:04:21] <Xolotl4> KimK: I'm not familiar whit git, so mi firs step will be to learn more about it, what i can understand from your message is that is better if i wait a little before to start to translate any thing because you are uploading a new version of the manuals?
[21:07:48] <KimK> Xolotl4: Yes, JT and I really started out to repair the errors resulting from our changeover from LyX to AsciiDoc format. But then I got into it, and decided to improve the HTML too, and also the French manuals were *way* behind. I don't speak French, but they were so bad, I don't have to, lol!
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[21:09:10] <KimK> Xolotl4: So, yes, there is a newer version of the manuals coming soon. You are welcome to get git installed as JT suggested, if you wish. But maybe waitiing just a bit longer would save you a lot of bother?
[21:09:50] <KimK> s/ waitiing / waiting /
[21:10:33] <KimK> Xolotl4: And may I say, Welcome! We would be glad to have your help with EMC2.
[21:12:09] <Xolotl4> KimK: Ok i will tray in the inter to get familiar whit git and Lyx.
[21:12:27] <KimK> You can skip LyX, we're giving up on it
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[21:13:25] <KimK> AsciiDoc would be the one to look at. It's much easier because it's a straight .txt file, all the formatting codes are plainly viewable.
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[21:33:23] <KimK> Xolotl4: Sorry, maybe I should have beeped you. Beep!
[21:38:01] <Xolotl4> KimK: Sorry but i'm not familiar whit the IRC terminology, this is my first time using this protocol, this AsciiDoc has some GUI? LyX appears much more familiar for my, (Open Office user)
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[21:46:43] <KimK> Xolotl4: AsciiDoc takes a little getting used to, it's more like the wiki editing format maybe? Nothing is hidden. But it is pretty simple really.
[21:48:05] <KimK> Xolotl4: And I can create a Spanish version (from the English) easily enough to get you started.
[21:49:43] <KimK> Xolotl4: That way you can concentrate on the actual English to Spanish translation problem and not have to worry about a bunch of other computer-related stuff.
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[21:53:20] <Xolotl4> Kimk: ok i will Wharton until you push the changes on git to start.
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[21:53:53] <KimK> Xolotl4: To do the actual editing, you can use any text editor of your choice. But I prefer gVim because I can split the (wide)screen vertically to see both versions at once. (And because the mouse helps, I haven't fully mastered regular vim yet, lol!)
[21:57:27] <KimK> Oops
[21:57:39] <KimK> Too slow
[22:01:18] <psha> KimK: vsp filename
[22:01:29] <psha> sp filename - for horizontal split
[22:01:59] <psha> and now it's time to go
[22:02:03] <psha> bb all
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