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[15:42:10] <CIA-11> EMC: 03jthornton 07v2.5_branch * r211028b7a2e8 10/configs/gantry/ (6 files): Configs: add two simple configurations for gantries
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[19:05:58] <Roguish_> little help with a hostmod - 5i20 problem? new git pull, setting up .ini and .hal files. no obvious errors except 'waiting for s.axes' ????
[19:06:51] <Roguish_> setup works with 'hm2-servo & 5i20' config in 'sample configurations'
[19:07:30] <Roguish_> i have compared .ini and .hal files line by line and don't see any big difference. totally stumped.
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[19:23:39] <Roguish_> found the problem. i had specified an NML file to use. the sample config does not do so. why not?
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[20:16:10] <psha> Roguish_: as i recall NML file is in config is not needed in 2.4
[20:16:13] <psha> Roguish_:
[20:17:06] <psha> but i may be wrong in determining your problem :)
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[20:27:25] <Roguish_> must not be. thanks.
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