#emc-devel | Logs for 2011-02-18

[00:01:28] -!- theorbtwo has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
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[00:57:33] -!- mhaberler [mhaberler!~mhaberler@62-47-128-112.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #emc-devel
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[01:00:28] -!- mhaberler [mhaberler!~mhaberler@62-47-128-112.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #emc-devel
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[01:58:26] -!- adb [adb!~Moldovean@178-211-232-101.dhcp.voenergies.net] has joined #emc-devel
[02:00:31] -!- KimK [KimK!~Kim__@ip174-71-95-176.om.om.cox.net] has joined #emc-devel
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[07:05:57] -!- SWPadnos [SWPadnos!~Me@74-92-8-214-NewEngland.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has joined #emc-devel
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[10:51:41] <psha[work]> mhaberler: it seem that andy is far better tester then me :)
[10:52:00] <mhaberler> dont you weasel out!
[10:52:38] <mhaberler> actually I'm stalking cradek because this gcode subs idea was his ;-)
[10:53:22] -!- adb [adb!~Moldovean@178-211-232-101.dhcp.voenergies.net] has joined #emc-devel
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[12:30:14] -anthony.freenode.net:#emc-devel- [freenode-info] channel flooding and no channel staff around to help? Please check with freenode support: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp
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[14:04:28] <cradek> if he's stalking me, he's going to have to do it after 5am... :-)
[14:05:23] <cradek> have I said 'yay git' lately?
[14:06:26] <skunkworks> You have a stalker! cool. Does that mean you hti the big time? ;)
[14:06:31] <SWPadnos> yes, about 15 seconds ago
[14:06:31] <skunkworks> *hit
[14:14:22] <cradek> in 2.4, sim/lathe freaks out with the spindle over 2500 rpm - I don't remember seeing this
[14:16:58] -!- Valen has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[14:18:07] <CIA-47> EMC: 03cradek 07master * r2e789c023c66 10/ (29 files in 3 dirs): Merge branch 'v2.4_branch'
[14:18:12] <CIA-47> EMC: 03cradek 07master * r78c42f48a79a 10/configs/smithy/ (24 files): Update eztrol support library versions, reset DEBUG_LEVEL to 0, consistent treatment of ACOK, VFDOK, and SOFF, and other housekeeping.
[14:18:13] <CIA-47> EMC: 03cradek 07master * raf22f4b2a3da 10/configs/smithy/924.clp: Add logic to fix tool changer bug.
[14:18:13] <CIA-47> EMC: 03cradek 07master * r78f9ea329113 10/share/axis/tcl/axis.tcl: axis: fix jog after ctrl-alt-left or -right in mdi
[14:18:15] <CIA-47> EMC: 03cradek 07master * r256cfa23d0c2 10/src/emc/ (motion/control.c task/emccanon.cc): Fix several problems in G96 CSS mode
[14:18:23] <CIA-47> EMC: 03cradek 07master * r62917b8d29c1 10/configs/smithy/ (naiky.hal naiky_test.hal): Update pendant support to match the shipped hardware version.
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[14:23:53] <cradek> re-indent to (hopefully) emc style (yes I know)
[14:23:56] <cradek> ^ haha
[14:25:03] <SWPadnos> oh hmm. I should try the contour jog/shuttle driver
[14:25:27] <cradek> the plasticXpress?
[14:25:38] <SWPadnos> something like that
[14:25:49] <cradek> I bet it works - seb wrote it
[14:26:00] <cradek> do you have one of those?
[14:26:08] -!- JT-Work [JT-Work!~chatzilla@216-41-154-151.semo.net] has joined #emc-devel
[14:26:18] <cradek> bbl
[14:26:43] <SWPadnos> I do have one. Greg (of Tormach) gave me one a long time ago
[14:27:22] <skunkworks> with sebs driver - I would thin you could now make a 100% compatible config for tormach
[14:27:53] <skunkworks> well - that explains my login issues this morning. the batteries are going dead in my keyboard.
[14:29:07] <skunkworks> maybe ;)
[14:32:39] -!- psha [psha!~psha@] has joined #emc-devel
[14:33:50] unix is now known as Guest96475
[14:37:29] <SWPadnos> yep, it works nicely
[14:37:34] <SWPadnos> thanks Seb!
[14:48:48] <skunkworks> http://www.ksilabs.com/
[14:49:45] Guest96475 is now known as TJB1
[14:52:45] <alex_joni> skunkworks: 600$, I think I'll stay with mesa stuff ;)
[14:52:51] -!- adb has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[14:53:04] <skunkworks> alex_joni: my thoughts exactly
[14:53:12] <skunkworks> Hi alex
[14:55:25] <alex_joni> hey sam
[14:56:51] <alex_joni> haha "It is ILLEGAL to use it (or its parts) on any commercial product without our permission."
[14:57:15] <alex_joni> http://www.ksilabs.com/download_src.php
[15:01:31] <skunkworks> heh
[15:03:10] <cradek> we do not limit how it can be used ... It is ILLEGAL to use it ...
[15:03:23] <skunkworks> http://pastebin.com/6zUttUmh
[15:04:53] <cradek> "Any features required can be implemented."
[15:05:07] <cradek> I think he's new :-)
[15:05:19] <skunkworks> heh
[15:05:49] <cradek> looks cool, actually
[15:07:42] <cradek> pci board is sure the way to go, IMO
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[15:14:36] <skunkworks> Yes
[15:15:23] <SWPadnos> funny that it's just an I/O board though - no encoder inputs or anything like that
[15:17:45] <cradek> oh I remembered reading about encoders, but that's in the vaporware part of the text skunkworks pastebinned
[15:18:03] <cradek> 'available now' and 'vaporware' were thoroughly stirred together in that post
[15:18:13] <skunkworks> right - there is going to be a board in the future for encoder counting
[15:18:42] <alex_joni> SWPadnos: mach and encoders don't really mix ;)
[15:19:06] <cradek> he's promising 'ridgid' tapping too
[15:20:51] <alex_joni> frigid tapping
[15:21:10] <alex_joni> "We have a lot of plans for the future. The company is just starting up and we're going to grow."
[15:21:28] <alex_joni> further up .. "As of today it is essentially one man operation. I do all the engineering.."
[15:22:10] <SWPadnos> I know it can't do PID, but you'd think a hardware assist would make it so that the position could be tracked for following error detection
[15:26:51] <skunkworks> 2 words.. cnc brain ;)
[15:28:01] <SWPadnos> cnc brrraaaaaiiiiiinnnnnnzzzzzzzz!
[15:28:23] <skunkworks> that is funny.. It is kinda a zombi right now ;)
[15:28:35] <SWPadnos> :)
[15:31:40] -!- tom3p [tom3p!~tomp@74-93-88-241-Illinois.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has joined #emc-devel
[15:33:19] <alex_joni> http://uploads.robcon.ro/steady/steady1.PNG
[15:33:21] <alex_joni> http://uploads.robcon.ro/steady/steady2.PNG
[15:33:26] <alex_joni> some more updates on the design
[15:33:39] <cradek> you guys and your 3d models
[15:34:04] <cradek> you should try to gear both sides of the slides...
[15:34:11] -!- awallin_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:34:22] <alex_joni> hmm.. really? why?
[15:34:28] <cradek> it would be cooler
[15:34:35] <alex_joni> harder to build though
[15:34:43] <alex_joni> and during function it doesn't need to be changed
[15:34:48] <cradek> why gear it at all, if not just for coolness?
[15:34:53] <alex_joni> so I can trim it without weight
[15:34:55] <cradek> sliding plus a setscrew for lock would be as good
[15:35:00] <alex_joni> for easy adjusting center of gravity
[15:35:17] <alex_joni> because of different lenses, extra stuff, etc
[15:35:28] <alex_joni> not that easy to operate
[15:35:29] <SWPadnos> sliding plus a soft clamp of some sort, like a bike clamp, would be OK
[15:35:31] <cradek> this system doesn't lock does it?
[15:35:41] <cradek> seems like locking would be important
[15:35:45] <alex_joni> nope, but it could easily be changed to lock
[15:36:15] <alex_joni> I'll try it without first, maybe it's not needed
[15:36:17] <SWPadnos> friction on the slide plus a fine screw pitch should be enough
[15:36:27] <alex_joni> the "original" design doesn't lock either
[15:36:39] <cradek> you'll knurl the handles, right? not the weird star shape?
[15:36:49] <alex_joni> the star shapes
[15:37:04] <alex_joni> which will be fixed to the screws
[15:37:24] <alex_joni> so the screws will rotate and move the threaded orange parts
[15:37:47] <cradek> I understand how it works :-)
[15:38:13] <cradek> I was just wondering why the star, which seems harder to make than a knurl
[15:38:24] <SWPadnos> not if you have an extruder
[15:38:27] <SWPadnos> :)
[15:38:36] <alex_joni> a knurl, whatever.. this was easier to draw :D
[15:39:30] <cradek> why do both the pivot point AND the weight arm need to be adjustable?
[15:40:10] <alex_joni> there's another weight attachment point where the two tubes are connected
[15:40:22] <alex_joni> (not drawn yet, still pondering how to do simply)
[15:40:31] <alex_joni> so there are basicly 3 weights one needs to compensate
[15:40:45] <alex_joni> the camera, the front weight, and the bottom weight
[15:41:10] <cradek> can't any number of weights on the arm be replaced with one weight at their collective center of gravity?
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[15:41:52] <cradek> to me, the whole device seems MUCH more complex than it needs to be, but I have no experience with this kind of device
[15:41:53] <alex_joni> if you're considering static things only, then yes
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[15:42:14] <cradek> explain?
[15:42:28] <alex_joni> there are 2 things to consider: static balance, and dynamic balance
[15:42:34] <alex_joni> static balance is easy to obtain
[15:42:43] <alex_joni> dynamic balance is harder
[15:43:03] <alex_joni> (so when you pan the whole thing doesn't tilt/yaw/whatever)
[15:44:35] <alex_joni> cradek: http://www.steadicam.com/manuals/dynamic%20primer.pdf
[15:44:41] <alex_joni> around page 10 it gets interesting
[15:46:45] <alex_joni> bbl
[15:54:39] -!- cradek has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
[16:01:05] -!- cradek [cradek!~chris@outpost.timeguy.com] has joined #emc-devel
[16:02:31] <tom3p> alex_joni, re: that tiny xy slide, looks like focusing, so this flexture be of interest near p49 http://www.imtek.de/prozesst/content/upload/vorlesung/2008/R/produktion_erosion.pdf
[16:02:53] <tom3p> uses wedm'd flecture and voice coil drives
[16:09:16] <skunkworks> I would proably still shake - with the extra weight ;)
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[18:07:11] -!- EDocToor [EDocToor!~chatzilla@69-196-132-31.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #emc-devel
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