[01:52:20] <Dave911_> Dave911_ is now known as Dave911
[02:19:00] <CIA-5> EMC: 03cmorley 07master * ra7a64e164325 10/src/emc/usr_intf/pncconf/ ( General cleanup of comments/code
[02:19:56] <CIA-5> EMC: 03cmorley 07master * rf636b79ca3d1 10/src/emc/usr_intf/pncconf/pncconf-help/help-axisconfig.txt: Update help page
[02:19:57] <CIA-5> EMC: 03cmorley 07master * reb4d1c41ca8f 10/src/emc/usr_intf/pncconf/ simplify tuning code / improve mesa test code
[02:19:58] <CIA-5> EMC: 03cmorley 07master * r1b8523ff4ef1 10/src/emc/usr_intf/pncconf/ ( Fix tuning test page / improve user interaction
[02:20:00] <CIA-5> EMC: 03cmorley 07master * r384110de74bb 10/configs/common/configurable_options/pyvcp/parportpanel.xml: Remove tab page for second parport
[02:20:01] <CIA-5> EMC: 03cmorley 07master * rb7fa59c385e7 10/src/emc/usr_intf/pncconf/ fix parport test, add ladder test to thread
[02:20:03] <CIA-5> EMC: 03cmorley 07master * rcd678257855e 10/src/emc/usr_intf/pncconf/ ( Fix max-motor-rpm display, add random toolchanger option
[02:21:27] <CIA-5> EMC: 03cmorley 07master * r084ac3483f4f 10/src/emc/usr_intf/pncconf/pncconf-help/help-extcontrols.txt: update help file
[05:12:28] <wyard> Hello, all. I'm in the process of integrating a new machine (XY only router) and have been going through the manuals in the process. I am willing to offer some help in documention aspects of the project. Who do I chat with to sign up?
[05:13:05] <wyard> (Sorry: documentation of EMC2, not my project - described just for some background...)
[05:18:03] <jmkasunich> jthornton is our main documentation guy, but he might be asleep right now
[05:20:01] <wyard> Alright... I will check back another time. Thanks.
[16:41:02] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * rf64c87fdf78a 10/src/hal/components/thc.comp: Branch Test
[16:41:03] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * rec5278815f13 10/src/hal/components/thc_ud.comp: Start THC U/D branch
[16:41:05] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * rf10b77517df3 10/src/hal/components/thc_ud.comp: copy thc ud from desktop
[16:41:06] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * r4f9050f13c2d 10/src/hal/components/thc_ud.comp: this is a pain now
[16:41:06] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * r84aed13ff887 10/ (43 files in 22 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[16:41:08] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * rcd5e9b7dd745 10/src/hal/components/thc.comp: Merge branch 'MesaTHC'
[16:41:13] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * r455b0908848f 10/ (80 files in 26 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[16:41:41] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * r7c2a3fbc8893 10/ (21 files in 12 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[16:41:41] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * r294bb472f8ef 10/ (21 files in 10 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[16:41:52] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * r4cb0c0577c7f 10/ (11 files in 7 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[16:41:54] <jt-plasma> did that result from my hard reset somehow
[16:42:15] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * r1d4a89a6ba70 10/ (54 files in 17 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[16:42:16] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * r3a288c83eb07 10/ (5 files in 5 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[16:42:17] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * r1313df144730 10/src/emc/usr_intf/pncconf/ ( Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[16:42:17] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * r87cb2161a5d3 10/src/emc/rs274ngc/ ( Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[16:42:37] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * rf9bd1b953bbd 10/src/emc/ (6 files in 4 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[16:42:44] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * r1af382cfcc0a 10/ (54 files in 43 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[16:42:45] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * r7f3588869b9c 10/src/emc/ (9 files in 3 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[16:42:53] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * r4e5fef502110 10/ (6 files in 3 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[16:42:59] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * rf4e9879d1ce7 10/docs/src/ (common/Linux_FAQ.lyx ladder/classic_ladder.lyx): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[16:43:06] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * rf19eb8f8a446 10/ (131 files in 66 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[16:43:21] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * r8eba5bc78e6f 10/src/hal/components/thc.comp: THC update to use requested speed
[16:44:04] <CIA-5> EMC: 03jthornton 07master * ree67ace02518 10/ (246 files in 96 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[16:44:39] <jt-plasma> micges: I hope I didn't screw this up too bad
[16:45:07] <micges> looks like you pushed too much
[16:45:30] <jt-plasma> r8eba5bc78e6f /src/hal/components/thc.comp: THC update to use requested speed is the only one I thought I was pushing
[16:46:22] <micges> jt-plasma: you must double check before pushing
[16:46:29] <jt-plasma> how do I undo this?
[16:47:33] <micges> ask jepler and cradek to fix that
[16:47:43] <jt-plasma> ok
[16:50:14] <micges> jt-plasma: you should always use 'git pull --rebase' so then it will be less or none messages like merging branch blabla
[16:51:02] <jt-plasma> ok, so I didn't foul up anything?
[16:51:20] <jt-plasma> use rebase after reset hard?
[16:52:00] <micges> git reset --hard only reset changes from last commit
[16:52:37] <micges> I was thinkiing that you have messed master branch with no changes
[16:53:27] <jt-plasma> I see, the only thing was my thc and the second one I worked on but forgot to delete.
[16:55:07] <micges> It seems to me that you tried to make some branch on begining
[16:55:28] <jt-plasma> yes a while back when I had a different idea to test out
[16:55:44] <jepler> I'm here now.
[16:55:57] <jepler> Let's see if this can be fixed
[16:56:06] <jt-plasma> I hope so
[16:56:09] <jepler> jt-plasma: so everything you pushed is wrong, and shouldn't be in master?
[16:56:25] <jt-plasma> everything except r8eba5bc78e6f /src/hal/components/thc.comp: THC update to use requested speed
[16:56:45] <jt-plasma> but you can delete it all if it is easier
[16:59:02] <jepler> that's what I did. For anyone who happened to pull in the meantime it'll be trouble, because I rewrote history
[16:59:25] <jepler> anyway, master on is now at 084ac34, cmorley's last change
[16:59:46] <micges> jt-plasma: imo it would be safer if you export patches or files that are important and phisically delete that repository and clone it again
[17:00:29] <jt-plasma> ok will do
[17:01:12] <jt-plasma> jepler micges thanks
[17:04:36] <jepler> jt-plasma: the lesson to take from this is to always review before pushing
[17:04:49] <jepler> example:
[17:04:50] <jepler> $ git push --dry-run
[17:04:50] <jepler> To
[17:04:50] <jepler> 084ac34..98b99f7 master -> master
[17:04:58] <jepler> this tells you each thing that will be pushed
[17:05:08] <jepler> $ gitk 084ac34..98b99f7
[17:05:40] <jepler> this will let you review each commit. you can very quickly tell if there are more things than you intended, but if you want you can review the individual changes
[17:06:24] <jt-plasma> jepler: thanks, I'll do that first from now on
[17:08:30] <jt-plasma> I have been using the gui for all this ... must be a way in there to see what your about to screw up if you hit the push button
[17:09:06] <jepler> I never use that push-button push button :-/
[17:09:28] <jt-plasma> I'm not going to use it anymore
[17:10:16] <jt-plasma> at least I'm not on dial-up anymore and the clone won't take long
[17:11:14] <micges> I have here many clone before I larned git enough
[17:11:30] <micges> it's safer
[17:22:16] <jt-plasma> I can see that now
[18:05:12] <Dave911> jt-plasma: How is that THC dev coming? Is the Mesa THC board working out ok? I saw that Mesa has the THC board on their website but no price yet.
[18:07:21] <jt-plasma> I've tested it a few times and so far so good.
[18:07:55] <jt-plasma> it is installed and I changed the comp to use cradek's requested velocity which made the comp much easer to do
[18:08:43] <jt-plasma> I just tried to commit it a while ago and fouled up the push somehow :/ but jepler bailed me out :)
[18:42:23] <Dave911> Cool .. is Mesa now actively selling that THC interface board?
[18:43:18] <jthornton> I don't know, you say it is on the web site?
[18:44:53] <jthornton> Dave911: where did you see it?
[18:47:17] <Dave911> last item on the Anything I/O Daughter cards page - scroll all the way down
[18:48:09] <jthornton> ah, ok I found it now
[18:48:11] <Dave911> I didn't see the price in their price list yet - perhaps I missed it? or they haven't finalized pricing.
[18:49:13] <jthornton> I searched the page so I don't think you missed it
[18:49:45] <Dave911> OK
[18:50:27] <jthornton> I wonder what the reference freq is for?
[18:51:30] <jthornton> no data sheet or manual yet either
[18:53:47] <Dave911> ref freq? I didn't see mention of that ... I'll look again.
[18:56:24] <jepler> the text says "Frequency and reference frequency outputs are available."
[18:57:01] <jepler> I assume that means there is a second output with a constant frequency output on it
[18:57:09] <jepler> there must be some system that wants such an input
[18:58:02] <jthornton> the frequency does not start at 0 for 0 volts on the one I have
[18:58:26] <jthornton> I had to measure it and put an offset in the comp
[18:59:23] <Dave911> Yes, it looks like it says 100khz to 1 mhz output.
[18:59:35] <jthornton> it would be much better if you could use the difference between the two to cypher the volts
[19:00:44] <Dave911> I think they have the description wrong as a touch start system is usually a high freq start system. Where a pilot arc start system doesn't need to touch to start the plasma flame..
[19:00:46] <Dave911> At least that is my experience....
[19:00:59] <jthornton> I think your right
[19:01:41] <Dave911> I wonder if they are considering selling an external resistor network for use with a high freq start system.... that was what I was hoping for when I first heard about this ..
[19:01:46] <jthornton> mine is a Hypertherm 1250 and it will fire off in the air but your nozzles don't last long if you do that
[19:02:57] <jthornton> mine is the 10v model and the resistors I used were just 6 1/2 watt end to end in a shrink tube at the tip voltage signal source in the plasma cutter
[19:03:27] <Dave911> I have a super cheapie Chinese job and it works quite well. It is rated for 60 amps and can 1/2" easily. It is a high freq start.
[19:04:18] <Dave911> I've used the Hypertherm 1250 on a machine I did once to cut heavy coil springs... it worked very well.
[19:04:54] <jthornton> opps, I gotta run ttul
[19:04:59] <Dave911> Your Hypertherm 1250 doesn't have an arc voltage tap built into it?
[19:05:09] <Dave911> np
[19:06:31] <Dave911> Your resistor arrangement sounds simple..
[20:16:37] <jthornton> Dave911: it is inside of the 1250 but it is full tip voltage so the resistors drop it to the 0-10v range
[20:22:04] <Dave911> I need to order some Mesa gear this next week so I'll see if I can talk to them about getting one of those boards... is your board connected to a 5i20 or something similar?
[20:38:52] <Dave911> jthornton: You could have gone with the 300v version of the board and skipped the resistors in a shrink tube arrangement - since your unit has a pilot arc in the torch head.
[20:39:04] <Dave911> Right?
[21:49:48] <gtom_> how do i get a feedback of the current line running taskstep ???
[22:37:58] <jepler> gtom_: the documentation lists motion.program-line but I can't verify at the moment that it works as advertised