[00:18:55] <SWPadnos> you know, this conversation with dareposte reminds me - aren't the input and output for spindle speed different units?
[00:19:02] <SWPadnos> RPS vs RPM
[00:19:16] <jmkasunich> yeah
[00:19:19] <jmkasunich> that was my fault
[00:19:35] <SWPadnos> well, a parameter could be added to select whether feedback is RPM or RPS
[00:19:56] <jmkasunich> at the workshop last year when Jeff was doing feed/rev, I convinced him that since HAL uses units/sec for axis movement, it should use revs/sec for spindle speed
[00:20:14] <SWPadnos> in fact, if it's a generic scale parameter, you could even make it radians/sec or radians/min
[00:20:22] <SWPadnos> (not that you'd want to)
[00:20:40] <jmkasunich> the velocity output of an encoder block is units/sec, and for a spindle, the natural unit is a rev
[00:21:08] <SWPadnos> yes, that's true, so a bit selector is appropriate since there are only two really useful values
[00:22:19] <jmkasunich> you are referring to motmod's spindle-spd-in pin, right?
[00:22:32] <SWPadnos> yep
[00:22:44] <SWPadnos> I guess so- whatever is used for threading/CSS/FPR ...
[00:22:53] <SWPadnos> unless that's a spindle-pos input
[00:24:32] <jmkasunich> threading and FPR don't use the same input
[00:24:37] <jmkasunich> and CSS doesn't use an input at all
[00:24:47] <jmkasunich> threading uses position (in revs) and index
[00:25:07] <jmkasunich> FPR uses speed (which can be as simple as looping the speed command back if you don't have actual feedback
[00:25:14] <jmkasunich> and CSS sends a command, no feedback
[00:25:50] <SWPadnos> ok, so I guess that would be useful for FPR then
[00:26:06] <SWPadnos> also, there's no reason why another output pin can't be added, which is in RPS units
[00:26:45] <SWPadnos> hmmm. is there a way to get verbose errors from make?
[00:26:57] <SWPadnos> or whatever causes the make to fail
[00:27:29] <SWPLinux> I get this when trying to compile on hardy:
[00:27:39] <SWPLinux> steve@hardy-m570:/Project/emc2/src$ make
[00:27:41] <SWPLinux> make: Entering directory `/Project/emc2/src'
[00:27:43] <SWPLinux> Building ../docs/src/Master_User.pdf
[00:27:45] <SWPLinux> Error in latexParagraphs: You should not mix title layouts with normal ones.
[00:27:47] <SWPLinux> make: *** [../docs/src/Master_User.pdf] Error 1
[00:28:12] <SWPadnos> the only reference I can find for this error has me helping tissf to fix it :)
[00:28:22] <SWPadnos> and that fix isn't needed here (install imagemagick)
[00:30:48] <jmkasunich> I think the fix is "disable-build-documentation"
[00:31:08] <SWPadnos> heh
[00:31:17] <SWPadnos> I'm trying to make it build docs though
[00:34:34] <jepler> SWPadnos: 2.2 or trunk?
[00:34:42] <SWPadnos> trunk
[00:35:14] <jepler> I am pretty sure I get that latexParagraphs 'Error', but it doesn't stop the build
[00:36:15] <jepler> Error in latexParagraphs: You should not mix title layouts with normal ones.
[00:36:20] <jepler> yeah I get it multiple times
[00:36:41] <SWPadnos> hmmm - well my make dies with error 1, as you can see
[00:37:26] <SWPadnos> I didn't specifically ask for that behavior :)
[00:38:35] <jepler> what the heck -- I'm getting 1-second pings on my local network (wifi)
[00:38:43] <SWPLinux> I did use --enable-run-in-place --enable-simulator --enable-build-documentation
[00:38:54] <SWPLinux> I don't know if you're using the same configure settings
[00:39:37] <jepler> yes I have the same settings here
[00:41:13] <SWPLinux> I just did a make clean / configure / make cycle, and I got the problem again
[00:41:15] <SWPLinux> twice actually
[00:41:46] <SWPLinux> oh, once for master_HAL.pdf, then again for master_user (which gave an error)
[00:41:51] <SWPLinux> and stpped the make
[00:42:11] <SWPLinux> so maybe it has nothing to do with that latexParagraphs error
[00:42:44] <jepler> do you know if this also happens in 2.2.6?
[00:42:55] <SWPLinux> lemme check
[00:43:18] <SWPLinux> I need to update - it'll be a sec
[00:46:11] <SWPLinux> 2.2 dies on a different file, Getting_Started.pdf
[00:46:34] <SWPLinux> did you want the actual 2_2_6_RELEASE tag, or just 2.2 head?
[00:46:54] <jepler> well -- here's what I'm doing: building 2.2.6 in pbuilder, which installs the base system plus the build-deps in a chroot
[00:46:58] <jepler> (it's not done yet)
[00:47:06] <jepler> that's to convince myself that the build-deps are "right"
[00:47:11] <jepler> then we can figure out where your system differs
[00:47:18] <SWPLinux> err - OK
[00:47:23] <SWPLinux> I guess I should look up pbuilder :)
[00:47:42] <SWPLinux> there are a few packages that need to be installed to even get this far
[00:47:48] <SWPLinux> dvips, imagemagick
[00:48:05] <SWPLinux> (that aren't part of build-dep or emc2-dev)
[00:48:21] <jepler> o rly
[00:48:26] <jepler> that needs to get fixed
[00:48:29] <jepler> I should use pbuilder more often
[00:48:39] <SWPLinux> I started a list but it's on another machine
[00:48:54] <SWPLinux> I'll get it to you if you still need it when I remember
[00:49:13] <jepler> welllllll -- are those needed for the html docs?
[00:49:27] <jepler> the build-depends only includes stuff needed for the pdf docs, because it's the pdf docs that are in the package
[00:49:36] <jepler> though, here's one: /bin/sh: groff: not found
[00:49:53] <SWPLinux> yep
[00:49:54] <SWPLinux> that too
[00:50:12] <SWPLinux> even though troff -Thtml is there, configure doesn't like it
[00:50:21] <jepler> huh
[00:50:28] <SWPLinux> err - it's aliased to groff, and the manpage says -Thtml should work
[00:51:06] <jepler> well that doesn't seem to kill the build (!?) and the pdf in question isn't included in the package so I guess it's OK ..
[00:51:12] <jepler> s/OK/"OK"
[00:51:18] <SWPLinux> heh
[00:51:30] <SWPLinux> it killed configure for me, I think
[00:51:32] <jepler> oh, due to the | ps2pdf, the exit status from the left-hand of the pipeline is ignored by make
[00:51:55] <SWPLinux> hmmm
[00:52:02] <jepler> you're talking about building the html docs, though
[00:52:19] <jepler> the build-depends are only for building what's in the package. that doesn't include the html docs.
[00:52:28] <jepler> aaaaaand .. pbuilder succeeded for me
[00:52:35] <SWPLinux> well, no - the error says make: *** [../docs/src/Getting_Started.pdf] Error 1
[00:52:59] <SWPLinux> Building ../docs/src/Master_User_fr.pdf
[00:53:01] <SWPLinux> Building ../docs/src/Master_HAL_fr.pdf
[00:53:01] <jepler> for "troff -Thtml" we're talking about the html docs
[00:53:02] <SWPLinux> Error in latexParagraphs: You should not mix title layouts with normal ones.
[00:53:04] <SWPLinux> Building ../docs/src/Master_Integrator_fr.pdf
[00:53:06] <SWPLinux> Error in latexParagraphs: You should not mix title layouts with normal ones.
[00:53:08] <SWPLinux> Building ../docs/src/Getting_Started.pdf
[00:53:09] <SWPLinux> Error in latexParagraphs: You should not mix title layouts with normal ones.
[00:53:11] <SWPLinux> make: *** [../docs/src/Getting_Started.pdf] Error 1
[00:53:18] <SWPLinux> yes, that was something that showed up at configure time, I think
[00:53:31] <jepler> but it's not a bug in the build-deps
[00:53:39] <SWPLinux> ah, ok
[00:53:41] <jepler> .. since they don't build html documentation
[00:54:11] <jepler> ok so now where are we? we're still at "works for me" but that's not too helpful
[00:54:13] <SWPLinux> it seems dvips is a build-dep error, since it has ps in the name
[00:54:16] <SWPLinux> heh
[00:54:18] <jepler> do you have plenty of bandwidth at the moment?
[00:54:28] <SWPLinux> 2 mbits/sec down, if I'm lucky
[00:54:34] <jepler> oh that's more than me
[00:54:46] <SWPLinux> more than your upload, I'm sure
[00:55:05] <SWPLinux> looks like I should install git on this machine
[00:55:11] <jepler> what's git got to do with it?
[00:55:32] <SWPLinux> I figured you'd point me to some git repo so I could see if it works here :)
[00:55:39] <SWPLinux> but I guess that's the kernel stuff
[00:56:13] <jepler> get emc2_2.2.6.tar.gz and emc2_2.2.6.dsc from the package server. install pbuilder and create the base image. then pbuilder --build emc2_2.2.6.dsc
[00:56:24] <SWPLinux> ok
[00:56:58] <jepler> the results should be identical to my system (you get a package after much waiting)
[00:57:22] <SWPLinux> will it use locally cached packages, or will it try to download them all?
[00:57:27] <SWPLinux> for the chroot
[00:57:36] <jepler> I think it has a cache but it is separate from the normal apt-get cache (unfortunately)
[00:57:49] <SWPLinux> mmm - ok. we'll see what happens
[00:58:22] <jepler> I can't remember if there was something I had to do to set pbuilder up to see universe and/or linuxcnc packages for build-dep
[00:58:25] <jepler> * jepler scratches his head
[00:58:44] <SWPLinux> I'll find out in a few minutes
[00:59:44] <jepler> OTHERMIRROR='deb hardy base emc2.2'
[00:59:58] <SWPLinux> where is that?
[01:00:44] <jepler> saw this in --showconfig on my system; I think it's an option you can specify to pbuilder --create, maybe pbuilder --create --othermirror 'deb hardy base emc2.2'
[01:01:34] <SWPLinux> yp, ok
[01:02:50] <SWPLinux> uh - create or build?
[01:03:31] <SWPLinux> also, does pbuilder create a dir to use, or should I move into an empty dir first?
[01:04:08] <jepler> it stores its stuff in temporary locations and in /var/cache/pbuilder
[01:04:18] <jepler> (oh and you have to sudo pbuilder because it has to do stuff like create a /dev tree and do a chroot)
[01:04:33] <SWPLinux> heh - just noticed it can't do some stuff in /var/cache
[01:04:42] <jepler> well that too
[01:05:07] <SWPLinux> oh, you have to create before you build I guess
[01:08:41] <jepler> while you're waiting, can you pastebin the output of this: dpkg --get-selections | grep install | sort
[01:08:53] <jepler> I'll compare it to my working systems
[01:09:11] <SWPadnos> does that work while pbuilder is doing apt-y things?
[01:09:32] <jepler> I think it should
[01:09:50] <SWPLinux> yes, it does
[01:11:52] <SWPLinux> http//
[01:11:57] <SWPLinux>
[01:12:50] <SWPLinux> hmmm. should I have logged that build somehow?
[01:14:23] <SWPLinux> Aptitude couldn't satisfy the build dependencies
[01:14:25] <SWPLinux> E: pbuilder-satisfydepends failed.
[01:15:24] <jepler> well, my system has a bunch of texlive stuff yours doesn't have, but I don't know if it's relevant:
[01:15:40] <jepler> SWPLinux: hm there must be something else to setting up pbuilder that I don't recall
[01:16:17] <jepler> oops, those are deinstall on my system, can't be that ..
[01:16:27] <SWPLinux> I noticed that
[01:19:13] <SWPLinux> do you have anything in ~/.pbuilderrc
[01:19:15] <SWPLinux> ?
[01:19:52] <jepler> no
[01:19:56] <jepler>
[01:20:14] <jepler> I have these but they don't seem likely to be relevant:
[01:20:14] <jepler> -preview-latex-styleinstall
[01:20:14] <jepler> -texinfoinstall
[01:20:22] <jepler> otherwise, I can't spot a relevant difference
[01:21:47] <SWPLinux> ok, so all those are unique to one of our machines? (it's not a diff-like list)
[01:22:46] <jepler> right
[01:22:58] <jepler> diff -u packages-{jepler,swp} | grep '^[-+]' | LANG=C sort > package-differences
[01:23:02] <jepler> I generated it like so
[01:23:41] <SWPLinux> ok
[01:24:02] <SWPLinux> right - you'd subtract the ones you have and add the ones I have. duh
[01:25:39] <jepler> sweet mother dpkg, you're supposed to save us from this kind of hell
[01:26:18] <jepler> in the docs/src/Submakefile, try changing lyx to specify '-dbg any' and let's look at that output to see if we can spot something
[01:27:22] <SWPLinux> ok - one sec
[01:27:45] <jepler> I think that will make it painfully verbose
[01:27:54] <jepler> or maybe it'll just complain and exit
[01:28:19] <jepler> I guess it's just one dash for -dbg, two dashes for --export
[01:32:15] <SWPLinux>
[01:32:27] <SWPLinux> that's only the last 1000 lines or so ;)
[01:32:40] <SWPLinux> (OK, 172, but who's counting?)
[01:32:41] <jepler> #
[01:32:42] <jepler> Desc: LaTeX Error: File `tocbibind.sty' not found.
[01:32:45] <jepler> this looks important
[01:33:10] <jepler> $ dpkg-query -S /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/tocbibind/tocbibind.sty
[01:33:10] <jepler> texlive-latex-extra: /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/tocbibind/tocbibind.sty
[01:33:15] <jepler> do you have tocbibind.sty?
[01:33:33] <SWPLinux> nope
[01:33:46] <jepler> don't you have texlive-latex-extra installed? I didn't spot it in the differences list...
[01:34:11] <rayh> The "Error in latexParagraphs:" is a red herring I think. It is caused by putting the image in the title block along with the actual title.
[01:34:26] <SWPLinux> no, I don't have it installed
[01:34:49] <SWPLinux> I did notice that there's no close of the title layout. I don't know if it's necessary
[01:35:01] <rayh> We could skip the title def entirely if we manually made up that page using the standard.
[01:36:38] <rayh> The tocbibind is required because BigJohn wants the toc in the toc.
[01:36:58] <jepler> ah -- is that new compared to 2.2.6?
[01:37:13] <rayh> I put that it most of the master docs last week.
[01:37:25] <rayh> Not 2.2.6 just head.
[01:38:11] <SWPLinux> it is strange that I don't see texlive-latex-extra in the diffs, yet I don't have it
[01:38:26] <SWPLinux> but I get that error on 2.2.x head and trunk
[01:38:27] <rayh> BigJohn might have added to 2.2.6.
[01:38:36] <jepler> SWPLinux: well I've confused things by using two computers
[01:39:10] <SWPLinux> heh
[01:39:12] <jepler> OK, I'm *really* reluctant to add this to 2.2, because it is an extra build dependency
[01:39:17] <SWPLinux> a big one too
[01:39:31] <SWPLinux> 4.2M download, 24M on disk
[01:39:52] <jepler> and it *is* in v2_2_branch's Getting_Started.lyx
[01:40:07] <jepler> so that's why it's failing for swp; it fails for me too on the computer without texlive-latex-extra installed
[01:40:33] <rayh> Then it ought to be in master user and master integrator as well.
[01:40:53] <rayh> I don't have a 2.2.6 checkout here.
[01:41:31] <jepler> SWPLinux: are you sure about that size figure?
[01:41:50] <SWPLinux> well, that includes a couple of dependencies I guess
[01:41:52] <jepler> rayh: it looks like it's only in that one file on the branch
[01:42:16] <SWPLinux> interesting - I don't get a full build when I change the Submakefile in docs/src
[01:43:09] <rayh> Okay. You could manually edit that out of the preamble using either lyx or a text editor. It's one line.
[01:43:30] <SWPLinux> adding that package fixed the problem
[01:43:31] <SWPLinux> for me
[01:43:57] <rayh> Without it you just don't see the toc as a link on the side panel of a pdf viewer.
[01:46:12] <SWPLinux> I don't see it anyway (with evince)
[01:46:47] <SWPLinux> the first item in the index is "contents", which goes to page ii (3 in the PDF)
[01:47:10] <rayh> That is the toc and the link is created by that additional line.
[01:47:32] <rayh> Without that it would start with the first chapter.
[01:47:44] <SWPLinux> ah, OK
[01:49:20] <rayh> I guess I never looked at whether a minimal install had it or imagemagic for that matter. I use both here for other lyx projects.
[01:49:47] <SWPLinux> it's a little surprising that imagemagick isn't part of a base install
[01:50:02] <SWPLinux> and this is on a standard 8.04, not from the emc2 livecD
[01:50:17] <rayh> I don't think it's copyright meets the approval.
[01:50:34] <SWPLinux> hmmm
[01:51:08] <jepler> it's in "main", it's just not on the default install
[01:51:21] <SWPLinux> interesting - don't use make -j when bulding docs
[01:51:31] <SWPLinux> it appears to fail
[01:51:42] <jepler> argh really?
[01:51:56] <SWPLinux> I think so. let me docclean and try again
[01:52:26] <SWPLinux> well, maybe it's "don't do that the first time"
[01:52:37] <jepler> well .. I can't get Getting_Started.lyx to a state that runs without texlive-latex-extra; I am going to throw in the towel and let someone else tangle with that
[01:52:59] <SWPLinux> docclean doesn't seem to remove everything, or I didn't read the first build messages right
[01:53:46] <SWPLinux> I don't remember if there was an error, but it definitely didn't do much work the first time
[01:55:53] <jepler> is this the error?
[01:55:54] <jepler> w, h = getoutput(['identify', '-format', '%w %h', destfile]).split()
[01:55:54] <jepler> ValueError: need more than 0 values to unpack
[01:56:17] <SWPLinux> I don't remember
[01:56:36] <SWPLinux> are all the doc droppings in the docs/src tree?
[01:57:06] <jepler> there are some in src/depends
[01:57:57] <SWPLinux> re-running configure should invalidate all that though, right?
[01:58:02] <jepler> no
[01:58:10] <SWPLinux> hm
[01:58:19] <SWPLinux> just remove depends?
[01:58:49] <jepler> that should always be safe to do
[02:00:10] <SWPLinux> well, it seems to have worked, so maybe I'm crazy
[02:00:32] <jepler> no, there is a real problem with "-j" that leads to the error I pasted just above
[02:00:36] <SWPLinux> though I'm sure something happened that made me think it hadn't completed, and a lot of work was done when I issued make right after make -j4
[02:01:11] <SWPLinux> it could have been that error
[02:04:55] <jepler> oh some days I hate the docs with the passion of a thousand suns
[02:05:13] <SWPLinux> I wonder how passionate suns are
[02:05:21] <jmkasunich> "the docs" or "lyx" ?
[02:05:21] <jepler> I don't know
[02:05:54] <SWPLinux> hmm. I wonder if I should eat that last packet of Oreos tonight
[02:06:04] <rayh> yep
[02:06:12] <SWPLinux> then I get to work on the leftover granola bars starting tomorrow :)
[02:06:26] <jmkasunich> you mean oreos from the workshop?
[02:06:29] <SWPLinux> yep
[02:06:46] <cradek> seems likely
[02:06:46] <jmkasunich> have they been in the freezer, or are you relying on the artifical preservatives?
[02:07:04] <SWPLinux> fake food + basement = close enough
[02:07:20] <SWPLinux> they seem fine so far :)
[02:07:50] <SWPadnos> crap. forgot about all the twizzlers
[02:09:33] <CIA-40> EMC: 03jepler 07TRUNK * 10emc2/docs/src/ fix problem building html docs with -j
[02:10:46] <rayh> night guys.
[02:10:59] <jepler> see you rayh
[02:11:17] <rayh> Thanks for the great work.
[02:11:18] <SWPadnos> see you
[02:14:56] <jepler> (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number,
[02:14:56] <jepler> look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.)
[02:15:01] <jepler> -- spotted in 'lyx -dbg any' output
[02:15:07] <SWPadnos> heh
[02:17:21] <CIA-40> EMC: 03jepler 07v2_2_branch * 10emc2/docs/src/Getting_Started.lyx: revert changes that causes the package build on 8.04 to newly require texlive-latex-extra
[02:17:22] <CIA-40> EMC: 03jepler 07v2_2_branch * 10emc2/docs/src/common/Document_Header.lyx: revert changes that causes the package build on 8.04 to newly require texlive-latex-extra
[02:17:24] <jepler> 'night guys
[02:17:37] <SWPadnos> see you . thanks for the tex support :)
[02:17:48] <jepler> SWPadnos: thanks for making a stink, I hope it works for you now without that package on the 2.2 branch, or with that package on trunk
[02:18:12] <jepler> oh and I'm specifically not backporting that change to 2.2 yet, I'll let it stew for awhile
[02:18:14] <SWPadnos> I'll see when I try it on the other new hardy install
[02:18:20] <SWPadnos> ok
[02:18:36] <jepler> and the wiki should have the "packages you need for html docs" somewhere (like BeyondWiki) if you have a chance
[02:19:04] <SWPadnos> yep. I'll keep adding to the list
[02:19:13] <SWPadnos> an actual file with words in it :)
[02:23:28] <Guest316> ummmm - they are telling people that have stayed behind to write thier SC numbers on their arms. yikes
[02:23:56] <SWPadnos> heh
[02:24:03] <SWPadnos> "but officer, the ink keeps running"
[02:32:16] <jepler> Guest316: (nick)
[02:35:02] <Guest316> Guest316 is now known as skunkworks_
[03:17:00] <SWPLinux> cradek: do you know what the etags -l option is supposed to do?
[03:17:20] <SWPLinux> I tried to make tags but it errors complaining that -l isn't a supported option
[03:17:39] <cradek> -l language, --language=language
[03:17:39] <cradek> Parse the following files according to the given language. More
[03:17:56] <SWPLinux> ok, thanks
[03:18:09] <cradek> we must have different etagses (sigh)
[03:18:17] <SWPLinux> I don't see an etags package, I installed ctags, which I think pulled in exuberant-ctags
[03:20:26] <cradek> my etags came from the package xemacs21-bin
[03:20:34] <SWPLinux> oh, interesting
[03:20:44] <cradek> I also have exuberant-ctags installed
[03:22:25] <SWPLinux> it looks like the option is now --language-force=<lang>
[03:22:33] <SWPLinux> I don't see a short option
[03:22:42] <cradek> maybe it isn't even needed
[03:23:05] <SWPLinux> probably not, especially for *.[ch], which is what the erroring line processes
[03:23:57] <SWPLinux> can you check to see if --language-force is supported by your etags?
[03:24:22] <cradek> etags: unrecognized option `--language-force'
[03:24:27] <SWPLinux> bummer
[03:25:16] <SWPLinux> man. 110M of disk and 33M of download to get a compatible etags :(
[03:25:33] <SWPLinux> or I could try to figure out how to get configure to choose one or the other
[03:25:52] <SWPLinux> or remove -l from the makefile :)
[03:25:52] <cradek> EMACS: eight megs and constantly swapping
[03:26:10] <cradek> funny that eight megs used to be a ridiculous process size
[03:26:25] <SWPLinux> used to be a ridiculous amount of system memory
[04:18:51] <jmkasunich> we need the ability to enter a number into a parameter during a program
[04:18:57] <jmkasunich> (cut some stuff)
[04:18:58] <jmkasunich> M0
[04:19:13] <jmkasunich> (MSG, Measure the diameter and enter your reading)
[04:19:23] <jmkasunich> Mmagic
[04:19:39] <jmkasunich> #1000 = #1333 * fancy calculations
[04:19:45] <jmkasunich> G10 L2 #100
[04:19:54] <jmkasunich> (make final cut)
[04:20:42] <jmkasunich> if the program is done correctly, the final cut can compensate for tool wear to that point, spring in the workpiece, etc
[04:20:53] <jmkasunich> I'd make the final cut two cuts
[04:21:34] <jmkasunich> if the cut prior to the measurement had a DOC of 0.010, I'd leave approx 0.020, then make the adjustment on the next cut, so the last one would be 0.010
[04:21:44] <jmkasunich> that way the last one and the measured one would have the same spring
[04:22:48] <jmkasunich> I wonder what abomination I can come up with to get that result....
[04:23:11] <jmkasunich> did we ever implement "read an analog value into a parameter"?
[04:24:02] <cradek> yes I think so
[04:24:31] <jmkasunich> M101: get value from user; setp motion.analog-in value
[04:24:32] <cradek> if by we, you mean alex
[04:24:44] <cradek> or does vcp have an entry?
[04:24:56] <jmkasunich> oh, I bet it does
[04:25:10] <cradek> I don't recommend using g54 x; it will mess up css
[04:25:30] <jmkasunich> the correction will be very small
[04:26:02] <jmkasunich> for example, I'm aiming for 0.8805, I tell it to turn the next-to-last pass to 0.9005, and I measure 0.9013
[04:26:32] <cradek> I understand
[04:26:34] <jmkasunich> unless I'm mis-understanding you - I can't use G54 at all?
[04:27:03] <cradek> for Z it's fine
[04:27:04] <jmkasunich> I'm not using CSS at the moment, since my motor won't do that, but it will matter in the future
[04:27:16] <jmkasunich> so how do you touch off X?
[04:27:22] <cradek> tool table
[04:27:24] <jmkasunich> you _must_ have tool length offsets
[04:27:30] <cradek> yes
[04:27:57] <jmkasunich> you still touch off, but only for tiny differences between table and reality - reseating of tool, etc
[04:28:23] <cradek> you = who in this case?
[04:28:34] <cradek> I don't ever touch off X
[04:28:43] <cradek> it would move all the tools
[04:29:18] <jmkasunich> you have repeatable tool mounting - I don't
[04:29:27] <jmkasunich> at least, not from job to job
[04:29:36] <jmkasunich> the whole toolpost gets moved on the lathe table
[04:29:41] <cradek> oh, hm, that will be a problem for css.
[04:29:54] <cradek> it has to know the radius
[04:29:55] <jmkasunich> and I'm not always using the QC either
[04:30:16] <jmkasunich> the offsetted position is the radius
[04:31:31] <cradek> the offsets are a figment of the interp - are they even available in motion?
[04:31:57] <jmkasunich> probably not
[04:31:59] <cradek> (this could be a problem for another day)
[04:32:11] <jmkasunich> the day when I get a VFD
[04:32:23] <jmkasunich> meanwhile I need to get this "measure and finish cut" thing working
[04:32:39] <jmkasunich> as it is, the program is written so I can spec an offset
[04:33:00] <jmkasunich> I set the offset to stop early, run the prog, measure, reset the offset to zero (or near zero) and run again
[04:33:06] <jmkasunich> the 2nd time it mostly cuts air
[04:33:18] <jmkasunich> all this time I've been talking to you it has been doing the 2nd pass, just finished
[04:33:36] <jmkasunich> wound up 0.001" large, but it will probably shrink about 0.0003-4 as it cools down
[04:33:49] <jmkasunich> (at least, thats what I've seen on the prior passes)
[04:34:19] <cradek> is this external or a bore?
[04:34:29] <jmkasunich> external
[04:34:36] <jmkasunich> to fit a bore
[04:35:18] <jmkasunich> I'm debating whether to polish it the last 0.0005 to 0.001", or run the program one more time
[04:35:45] <jmkasunich> polish is probably more prudent
[04:36:02] <cradek> yeah if your passes have been .020, you don't have any idea what a .001 pass will do
[04:37:02] <jmkasunich> yep - for all I know it sprang 0.001 on the radius and it would wind up undersize
[04:37:18] <jmkasunich> I just hope polishing isn't 0.0001 per hour
[04:37:30] <jmkasunich> * jmkasunich gets busy
[04:41:43] <jmkasunich> got it down to 0.8805 +/- a couple tenths
[04:41:47] <jmkasunich> but it doesn't fit the bore
[04:41:52] <jmkasunich> I hate measuring bores
[04:43:17] <jmkasunich> this time I get 0.8795 for the bore
[04:48:39] <skunkworks_> bore measuring is a lot about feel.. the more you do it - the better.
[04:51:13] <jmkasunich> dang - got the part down to 0.8795 and it still doesn't go
[04:51:41] <cradek> anyone have the half-round ends to make a gage block stack with?
[04:51:55] <cradek> for this big of a bore that would work great.
[04:52:00] <jmkasunich> not really
[04:52:04] <cradek> my set doesn't have them unfortunately
[04:52:12] <jmkasunich> the part that I need to measure is 2+ inches down the hole
[04:52:24] <cradek> oh, yuck
[04:52:36] <jmkasunich> most of the hole is about 0.900, the last 3/4" is the precision diameter (collet seat)
[04:53:07] <cradek> you are using the telescoping thing?
[04:53:07] <jmkasunich> I wish they made split ball style "small hole" gages for less small holes
[04:53:10] <jmkasunich> like up to 1"
[04:53:22] <jmkasunich> no, I'm hopeless with those
[04:53:26] <cradek> I like the telescope more than the ball - I have a heck of a time with the balls.
[04:53:29] <jmkasunich> ( I suppose I should try it)
[04:53:53] <cradek> what are you using then?
[04:53:56] <jmkasunich> my telescoping gages are very rough and jerky, its difficult to make a fine adjustment
[04:53:58] <jmkasunich> indical
[04:54:16] <jmkasunich>
[04:54:47] <cradek> neat - higher tech than anything I have.
[04:54:53] <jmkasunich> stick it in the bore, adjust the screw till the indicator reads some number, pull it out, stick it in the mics and adjust the mics till the indicator reads the same
[04:58:05] <jmkasunich> I think I see the problem
[04:58:12] <jmkasunich> most of the bore is about what I think it is
[04:58:29] <jmkasunich> but the mouth is smaller, by as much as a 1 or 1-1/2 thou
[04:58:47] <jmkasunich> I think the boring bar must have deflected more as it was cutting the case hardened surface
[04:59:18] <cradek> that does not sound easy to fix.
[05:00:07] <jmkasunich> no
[05:00:18] <jmkasunich> I recently got (HGR) a set of expanding brass laps
[05:00:29] <jmkasunich> of course none of them are 0.880
[05:18:28] <jmkasunich> looks like the lap is working
[05:19:09] <jmkasunich> I expanded a 0.850 one to 0.880 - that's not kosher - I think you are supposed to turn it to just a few thou under target size so you will get a cylindrical hole
[05:19:21] <jmkasunich> but I'm just working on the mouth of the hole
[05:34:15] <jmkasunich> cradek: still around?
[05:36:35] <jmkasunich> IIRC, you've bought things from "800watt" on ebay.... it's cheap import stuff, but is it crap? or just cheap?
[05:36:56] <jmkasunich> * jmkasunich looking at
[10:29:43] <alex_joni>
[10:31:23] <issy> alex , have you tested the remote emc ever?
[10:31:40] <alex_joni> depends what you understand with "remote emc"
[10:32:26] <alex_joni> I ran (in no particular chronological order): AXIS on PC2, emc2 on PC1
[10:32:36] <alex_joni> tkemc on win on PC1, emc2 on PC2
[10:32:57] <alex_joni> AXIS through X forwarding on win+cygwinX on PC1, emc2 on PC2
[10:32:57] <issy> last night i made a lot of test with the remote emc ( x-server on windows) , but the network on the linux rt is performing verry bad
[10:33:28] <alex_joni> emc on win on PC1, tkemc on win on PC1
[10:33:42] <alex_joni> emc on win on PC1, tkemc on linux on PC2
[10:33:58] <alex_joni> and a lot more combinations
[10:33:59] <issy> generaly seems that the realtime and the network can't work together
[10:34:06] <alex_joni> that's not true
[10:34:17] <alex_joni> realtime and your network don't work well together..
[10:34:31] <alex_joni> over here it's just fine, so I think it depends on the card/driver
[10:34:37] <issy> maybe , that's why i am aking
[10:34:53] <alex_joni> I don't have an onboard network card on my machine
[10:34:55] <issy> intel integrated network
[10:35:07] <issy> but the latency jump twice
[10:35:18] <alex_joni> try another network card
[10:35:22] <issy> from 18000 to 36000
[10:36:10] <issy> i have to try another board ,because is integrated on it
[10:36:26] <issy> what network card you are using?
[10:36:36] <alex_joni> some old rtl8129 I think
[10:37:02] <issy> wth the rtl , the results are even worse
[10:37:20] <issy> can be from the drivers
[10:37:39] <issy> the rtl is generating too many interupts
[10:37:50] <issy> intell much less
[10:37:54] <alex_joni> like I said.. it's working fine here
[10:38:20] <issy> i wil test with different types. thanks alex
[10:38:24] <alex_joni> try a different PC/mobo/network card
[10:38:31] <issy> yes.
[10:38:55] <alex_joni> the best results I had was using my home PC (old Athlon XP 1600+)
[10:39:06] <alex_joni> I ran emc2 with BASE_PERIOD 6500
[10:39:18] <issy> what cpu
[10:39:24] <alex_joni> but I didn't run any actual hardware.. so it probably jittered as hell
[10:39:28] <alex_joni> I just wrote that
[10:39:34] <alex_joni> Athlon XP 1600+
[10:39:47] <issy> yes... and the video
[10:39:57] <alex_joni> nvidia something :D
[10:40:10] <alex_joni> 5200 maybe
[10:40:29] <alex_joni> dual dvi on it, but using the free drivers
[10:40:38] <issy> ok. this is the difference. all modern industrial boards are based on shared memory with the video
[10:40:39] <alex_joni> free as in open source
[10:41:03] <alex_joni> disable it, and stick an graphics card in there
[10:41:07] <issy> and this is making heddick's to me
[10:41:48] <issy> look at for seried 6000 boards. this is what i am using
[10:41:58] <issy> pc104 and 3,5 inch format
[10:42:26] <issy> there is no way to add video
[10:42:40] <alex_joni> there are pc104 graphic cards
[10:44:25] <issy> yes , additional hardware , additional instability
[10:45:00] <alex_joni> _usually_ adding a graphics card instead of onboard makes things better
[10:45:12] <alex_joni> but that doesn't mean it always needs to be that way
[10:45:36] <alex_joni> if you can only use a specialized industrial mobo, then you probably want to stay away from software stepping too
[10:45:53] <issy> yes , true
[10:46:14] <issy> the only use of them is the carousel of the toolchange
[10:47:15] <alex_joni> then you shouldn't care of slightly higher latency
[10:47:52] <issy> it result ( i dont know way) in very slow video
[10:48:13] <alex_joni> what video?
[10:48:22] <alex_joni> on the machine running emc2? on the remote machine?
[10:48:27] <alex_joni> what GUI were you running?
[10:48:47] <issy> the integrated on the board , that's why I am looking to get it remote
[10:48:51] <issy> AXIS
[10:49:05] <alex_joni> probably because of OpenGL preformance
[10:49:24] <alex_joni> did you try some benchmarks? like glxgears?
[10:49:42] <alex_joni> tried other GUIs ?
[10:49:48] <alex_joni> what's your BASE_PERIOD?
[10:49:56] <issy> can be , with the realtime the accselerator can't work with the RT , so is only the standart
[10:50:02] <alex_joni> it he whole machine slow/sluggish? then BASE_PERIOD might be too low
[10:50:02] <issy> 8000
[10:50:25] <alex_joni> that's waaaaaaay too low for 36000 you reported earlier
[10:50:48] <issy> yep
[10:51:11] <alex_joni> first you need to find out the highest latency your machine does (under the most stress, network, movies, whatever you can think off)
[10:51:17] <alex_joni> that's a value you need to start from
[10:51:29] <alex_joni> if you need lower latencies, you need to change hardware
[10:51:55] <issy> another think , on the old board that i have , the same problem was resolve by changing the bios (award) with linuxbios
[10:52:16] <issy> then I got 3 sekonds to console
[10:52:37] <alex_joni> so what's wrong with the old board then?
[10:52:42] <issy> but there is no linuxbios working yet for the geode
[10:53:01] <issy> don' kow , bugs in the bios
[10:53:20] <alex_joni> geode is crappy
[10:53:22] <issy> it was never desingn to work with linux
[10:53:57] <alex_joni> I ran emc2 on a geode GX1
[10:54:03] <issy> it is verry stable for industrial applications , but the bios is terrible
[10:54:23] <issy> gx1 is 300 Mhz , too slow
[10:54:30] <alex_joni> yes, I know
[10:54:38] <issy> It is like 386
[10:54:49] <alex_joni> the LX800 is probably also problematic
[10:54:51] <issy> the new is 500 Mhz , and works fine
[10:55:04] <issy> this is what I am using
[10:55:14] <issy> 0,9 W
[10:55:31] <alex_joni> from what you said it's not working fine
[10:55:54] <issy> the geode is verry stable ,
[10:56:09] <issy> canot overheat
[10:56:22] <alex_joni> stable, but crappy realtime performance
[10:56:26] <alex_joni> useless
[10:56:52] <issy> yes , the realtime is crappy , but seems the problem is in the bios
[10:57:05] <alex_joni> well, if you can fix that ...
[10:57:47] <issy> no , have no sources , but the linuxbios is realy werry god for that EMC purpose
[10:57:59] <issy> you can put the kernel inside
[10:58:13] <issy> as I told you 3 sec. to console
[11:00:30] <issy> do you know somebody that is using linuxbios
[11:00:47] <alex_joni> no
[11:00:54] <issy> bad
[11:01:03] <alex_joni> nope, not bad
[11:01:09] <issy>
[11:01:19] <alex_joni> I know what it is..
[11:02:34] <issy> i want to see haw will be on the geode , but coud'nt start the grafics
[11:04:59] <alex_joni> hi BigJohnT
[11:06:49] <BigJohnT> hi alex_joni
[11:08:26] <BigJohnT> i see your thinking about making some changes
[11:09:24] <alex_joni> yeah
[11:11:00] <BigJohnT> you think the docs are getting larger?
[11:11:20] <alex_joni> that too
[11:11:30] <alex_joni> and currently we don't distribute html docs
[11:12:37] <BigJohnT> the html seem to be better for online viewing as they are small and load faster
[11:12:48] <alex_joni> right
[11:13:07] <alex_joni> but there are people who don't have network connection on their emc2 machines
[11:13:32] <BigJohnT> is their anything in the html's that are not in the pdf's?
[11:13:57] <alex_joni> asking me? :P
[11:14:15] <alex_joni> probably not.. but you can view html's even without X
[11:14:20] <alex_joni> or on crappy machines
[11:14:37] <BigJohnT> Ok, I only know of one thing that is in the html's and not in the pdf's, but not for long :)
[11:14:41] <alex_joni> they make easier searching imo ..
[11:14:57] <alex_joni> using grep in the whole folder ...
[11:15:25] <BigJohnT> only if you know who grep is :)
[11:15:41] <alex_joni> I read ti in the FAQ
[11:15:48] <BigJohnT> :)
[11:16:25] <BigJohnT> the pdf's have gotten smaller, the user manual the most
[11:16:43] <BigJohnT> it went from 400 or so pages to 150 more or less
[11:17:26] <alex_joni> I don't have anything against the docs :P
[11:19:14] <BigJohnT> I like the idea of the keystick non-gui install, might be usefull to a few folks
[11:19:36] <alex_joni> the same folks wouldn't have any use with pdf docs
[11:19:52] <BigJohnT> exactly
[11:20:29] <BigJohnT> the question comes to my mind is could a small sim package be build that would be a small download?
[11:20:41] <BigJohnT> build>built
[11:22:48] <alex_joni> maybe
[11:23:49] <BigJohnT> would that be any benfit, or would it just complicate things?
[11:25:38] <alex_joni> dunno .. depends
[11:59:08] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/kinematics/pumakins.c: convert params to pins
[12:20:48] <issy> Alex , tonigt I will finish the relative coordinate clear , and going to the grafic preview. Do you want to test it?
[12:22:03] <alex_joni> issy: not sure if I have time later, but why not
[12:22:16] <alex_joni> probably others in here want that too.. so just put it online somewhere
[12:22:54] <issy> well , i need second opinion and feedback. so , can you sugest me where to put it?
[12:23:13] <alex_joni> what size?
[12:23:25] <issy> 500 k
[12:23:41] <alex_joni> mail it to me, if you have no webspace, and I'll put it online
[12:24:05] <issy> ok. will be done
[12:27:24] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/motion/ (control.c mot_priv.h motion.c): change motion.motion_enabled from param to pin (testcase, if this works without problems more to come)
[12:28:36] <alex_joni> 1 down, 40 to go
[12:46:19] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/motion/ fix comment
[12:57:48] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/iotask/ remove EMC_COOLANT_INIT NML message, it had no sender
[12:57:49] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/nml_intf/ ( emc.hh emc_nml.hh): remove EMC_COOLANT_INIT NML message, it had no sender
[12:57:50] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/usr_intf/ remove EMC_COOLANT_INIT NML message, it had no sender
[12:57:55] <jepler> alex_joni: If your package proposal is trying to make rt and sim versions interchangeable in all but a base package, you're biting off too much in one go. Set your sights on the much more doable item: splitting into multiple packages
[12:58:02] <jepler> if that means we have to have emc2-sim-gui and emc2-gui, so be it
[12:58:16] <alex_joni> ok, I have no problem with that
[12:58:26] <alex_joni> and by all means, feel free to change that page
[13:00:20] <alex_joni> * alex_joni is having fun removing old junk :)
[13:02:20] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/iotask/ remove EMC_COOLANT_HALT NML message, it had no sender
[13:02:21] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/nml_intf/ ( emc.hh emc_nml.hh): remove EMC_COOLANT_HALT NML message, it had no sender
[13:02:26] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/usr_intf/ remove EMC_COOLANT_HALT NML message, it had no sender
[13:11:03] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/iotask/ remove EMC_COOLANT_ABORT NML message, it had no sender
[13:11:03] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/nml_intf/ ( emc.hh emc_nml.hh): remove EMC_COOLANT_ABORT NML message, it had no sender
[13:11:04] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/usr_intf/ remove EMC_COOLANT_ABORT NML message, it had no sender
[13:25:52] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/iotask/ remove EMC_LUBE_INIT NML message, it had no sender. also removed emcLubeInit() not used
[13:25:52] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/nml_intf/ ( emc.hh emc_nml.hh): remove EMC_LUBE_INIT NML message, it had no sender. also removed emcLubeInit() not used
[13:25:54] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/task/ remove EMC_LUBE_INIT NML message, it had no sender. also removed emcLubeInit() not used
[13:26:04] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/usr_intf/ remove EMC_LUBE_INIT NML message, it had no sender. also removed emcLubeInit() not used
[13:30:31] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/iotask/ remove EMC_LUBE_HALT NML message, it had no sender. also removed emcLubeHalt() which was not used
[13:30:32] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/usr_intf/ remove EMC_LUBE_HALT NML message, it had no sender. also removed emcLubeHalt() which was not used
[13:30:33] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/nml_intf/ ( emc.hh emc_nml.hh): remove EMC_LUBE_HALT NML message, it had no sender. also removed emcLubeHalt() which was not used
[13:30:34] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/task/ remove EMC_LUBE_HALT NML message, it had no sender. also removed emcLubeHalt() which was not used
[13:36:16] <alex_joni> jepler: I probably asked this before.. is it hard to add a right-click menu to AXIS?
[13:36:51] <alex_joni> I'm thinking about run-from-line.. it's so much easier to select the line, then right-click, select run from line, then searching through the menu
[13:37:32] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/iotask/ remove EMC_LUBE_ABORT NML message, it had no sender. also removed emcLubeAbort() which was not used
[13:37:33] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/task/ remove EMC_LUBE_ABORT NML message, it had no sender. also removed emcLubeAbort() which was not used
[13:37:34] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/nml_intf/ ( emc.hh emc_nml.hh): remove EMC_LUBE_ABORT NML message, it had no sender. also removed emcLubeAbort() which was not used
[13:37:35] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/usr_intf/ remove EMC_LUBE_ABORT NML message, it had no sender. also removed emcLubeAbort() which was not used
[13:37:42] <jepler> alex_joni: if you are interested in trying it, go ahead
[13:37:57] <jepler> I forget if there's a real reason I haven't added that -- tk can do right-click menus just fine
[13:38:04] <alex_joni> yeah, wish I knew enough how to do that
[13:38:21] <jepler> I wish I understood why gdepth has bitrotted
[13:38:23] <alex_joni> I mean, I can probably do it.. but it'll be a couple days :)
[13:38:49] <jepler> you're talking about right click over the program listing, right?
[13:39:17] <jepler> by the way, I think it should be "Run from start" and "Run from selected line", not "Run (from somewhere)" and "Select line to run from"
[13:39:34] <jepler> bbl, breakfast time
[13:40:47] <alex_joni> yeah, program listing
[13:41:00] <alex_joni> although right click on the preview would be even cooler :P
[13:43:47] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/nml_intf/emc.hh: remove unused function definitions
[14:09:23] <alex_joni> whee.. this is getting somewhere
[14:47:28] <CIA-40> EMC: 03alex_joni 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/usr_intf/axis/scripts/ add right-click menu to the program textbox: allows run from here, if a line is selected
[14:47:45] <alex_joni> jepler: you asked for it.. now you get to sort out my crappy python :D
[14:52:42] <SWPadnos> alex_joni, now add that to the preview ;)
[14:53:43] <SWPadnos> I think you can select a line in the preview then select "run from line", since selecting in the preview also selects the offending line in the text pane
[14:53:59] <alex_joni> yes, but right click is already used for zoom
[14:54:05] <alex_joni> otherwise I would have added it there too
[14:56:57] <alex_joni> * alex_joni waits for jepler's remarks
[14:57:39] <SWPadnos> that's right-drag, not right-click ;)
[14:58:38] <alex_joni> it's still .bind("<Button-3>", ..)
[15:01:03] <fenn_> doesn't everyone zoom with the scroll wheel anyway?
[15:01:06] <fenn_> fenn_ is now known as fenn
[15:03:36] <alex_joni> fenn: usually I do.. when I have one
[15:03:42] <alex_joni> on this laptop there's no scrollwheel
[15:04:09] <alex_joni> and the right part of the touchpad (the one that emulates the scrollwheel) doesn't work with vmware
[15:05:28] <BigJohnT> jepler: does the titleadd stuff in document_header.lyx and getting_started.lyx in trunk need to be removed as well?
[15:05:45] <alex_joni> BigJohnT: no, but it introduces another dependency
[15:05:55] <alex_joni> and we can't do that for a stable release branch (v2.2)
[15:06:22] <BigJohnT> so would it be better to not have it?
[15:08:38] <alex_joni> in 2.2 yes
[15:08:45] <alex_joni> it's ok for trunk
[15:09:20] <BigJohnT> ok
[15:10:13] <BigJohnT> back to my oil change
[16:23:08] <steve_stallings> steve_stallings is now known as steves_logging
[16:43:57] <CIA-40> EMC: 03bigjohnt 07TRUNK * 10emc2/docs/src/gcode/tool_compensation.lyx: fix typo
[16:45:07] <CIA-40> EMC: 03bigjohnt 07v2_2_branch * 10emc2/docs/src/gcode/tool_compensation.lyx: fix typo
[16:53:06] <cradek> alex_joni: since you touched AXIS last, I think it would be nice if when you abort a program, you'd somehow know where it stopped (what program line). But I don't know how to show that in a clear way. Do you have any ideas?
[16:55:24] <SWPadnos> have a display of which program line is running, and stop it when an ABORT occurs
[16:56:10] <SWPadnos> actually, line and block (N) number would be nice, but I don't know how to do that :)
[16:57:05] <cradek> currently, which line is running is shown by scrolling to and highlighting the gcode
[16:57:13] <cradek> but it blanks out when you abort
[16:57:27] <SWPadnos> right - it's no longer being executed
[16:58:15] <SWPadnos> an updating message in the status bar or under/over the text pane would do the job, though it would be redundant while running
[16:58:32] <SWPadnos> Line: ###, Block: ###
[16:59:36] <cradek> not sure if the N word goes anywhere past the interp...
[16:59:43] <SWPadnos> yeah, me either
[16:59:46] <cradek> I think it's totally ignored
[17:00:03] <SWPadnos> it could be added to status, but it's probably not worth it
[17:01:25] <cradek> when scanning through the tape the GE would ignore all words except N, and it would always stop on an N. You could display the N register on the readout to find your place on the tape this way.
[17:01:51] <SWPadnos> heh
[17:01:52] <cradek> today with text files having line numbers, I don't see any use whatsoever for N
[17:02:34] <SWPadnos> true enough - being able to (a) see more than the current line and (b) scan forward and backward kind of makes it useless
[17:07:02] <cradek> the BOSS is *really* advanced - you could tell it which N you want, and it would go find it for you
[17:07:35] <cradek> accidental past tense - I'm still using it :-)
[17:09:26] <cradek> actually that might be useful in EMC. It would save some scrolling through the program if you often restart in a certain place.
[17:09:45] <cradek> you could put N words at places where it's useful to restart, and leave them out otherwise
[17:10:06] <SWPadnos> I was thinking that - use them as markers for important sections
[17:10:18] <SWPadnos> not as line numbers, which are useless now
[17:11:08] <cradek> bbl
[17:11:14] <SWPadnos> seeus
[17:11:17] <SWPadnos> err -ya
[17:11:25] <SWPadnos> well, me too, so maybe that was a fortunate typo :)
[17:25:49] <CIA-40> EMC: 03bigjohnt 07TRUNK * 10emc2/docs/src/gcode/main.lyx: add link to clarify dynamic cutter radius compenstation L word
[17:29:17] <CIA-40> EMC: 03bigjohnt 07v2_2_branch * 10emc2/docs/src/gcode/main.lyx: add link to clarify dynamic cutter radius compenstation L word
[18:07:04] <alex_joni> cradek: I think we should have 3 different colours in the highlight
[18:07:12] <alex_joni> blue and progressing while it's running
[18:07:20] <alex_joni> red as the abort line (where it stopped)
[18:08:20] <alex_joni> and I think AXIS should/could remember the line that was active on abort/stop
[18:08:39] <alex_joni> and the third colour (green?) as the first line where it would start from
[18:08:54] <alex_joni> either the beginning of the file, or the line the user selected
[18:09:07] <alex_joni> they won't obviously be all 3 active at one time..
[18:46:37] <jmkasunich> M66 E0 L0: L0 is "wait mode immediate", so why do I get the error "zero timeout with wait type != immediate return"
[18:49:42] <alex_joni> E0 is analog .. right?
[18:50:01] <alex_joni> my memory is a bit shaky.. try without the L0
[18:50:16] <jmkasunich> yeah, E0 is analog
[18:50:42] <jmkasunich> without L0 works
[18:50:55] <jmkasunich> that is strange
[18:51:00] <alex_joni> if I remember it right, E0 only works without an L type
[18:51:05] <alex_joni> I think I fixed it in TRUNK..
[18:51:11] <alex_joni> this is 2.2.x .. right?
[18:51:15] <jmkasunich> yes
[19:48:09] <micges> alex_joni: right menu is cool
[19:54:15] <alex_joni> heh
[19:55:29] <alex_joni> it's far from beeing nice
[19:55:58] <micges> but it works
[19:56:14] <micges> cool idea
[19:56:38] <micges> could you write your ideas somewhere ?
[19:58:26] <alex_joni> not enough space
[19:58:46] <alex_joni> kidding :)
[19:58:47] <micges> heh
[19:58:58] <alex_joni> sometimes the ideas are no good ..
[19:59:17] <micges> but selecting line after abort is cool
[19:59:45] <micges> I'm now try to make patch to axis to do that
[19:59:55] <alex_joni> cool :)
[20:00:07] <micges> my version does from about 2 years ;)
[20:00:09] <alex_joni> did you read what I wrote earlier?
[20:00:17] <micges> yes
[20:00:25] <micges> why ?
[20:00:47] <alex_joni> I mean my idea with start from line..
[20:01:13] <alex_joni> you weren't here when I wrote that.. that's why I'm asking
[20:01:34] <micges> idea to axis remember last executed line
[20:01:56] <alex_joni> 21:04 < alex_joni> cradek: I think we should have 3 different colours in the
[20:01:56] <alex_joni> highlight
[20:01:56] <alex_joni> 21:04 < alex_joni> blue and progressing while it's running
[20:01:56] <alex_joni> 21:04 < alex_joni> red as the abort line (where it stopped)
[20:01:58] <alex_joni> 21:05 < alex_joni> and I think AXIS should/could remember the line that was
[20:02:00] <alex_joni> active on abort/stop
[20:02:01] <micges> and restart program from that line if no change selection was made
[20:02:03] <alex_joni> 21:05 < alex_joni> and the third colour (green?) as the first line where it
[20:02:05] <alex_joni> would start from
[20:02:08] <alex_joni> 21:06 < alex_joni> either the beginning of the file, or the line the user
[20:02:10] <alex_joni> selected
[20:02:13] <alex_joni> 21:06 < alex_joni> they won't obviously be all 3 active at one time..
[20:03:19] <micges> to much colours for me
[20:03:35] <rayh> That is just about how restart on the mini interface works.
[20:03:55] <micges> my working idea was: select actual executed line after stop
[20:04:02] <alex_joni> rayh: sounds like I reinvented the rectangular wheel then
[20:04:13] <rayh> close
[20:04:51] <rayh> I wish that restart could be pulled up into the interpreter or at least the task planner so that all interfaces would have equal access.
[20:05:11] <rayh> and equal behavior.
[20:06:00] <micges> alex_joni: so you wish to axis select to green line line that was stopped ?
[20:06:39] <micges> rayh: that would be very good
[20:06:39] <rayh> DaveE did write a file parser that created a newline of code with all of the modal to that point.
[20:06:57] <rayh> Back in the day the restart from line did that as well.
[20:10:00] <alex_joni> rayh: where is that?
[20:10:06] <micges> alex_joni: if you wish to see how it works in axis:
[20:10:10] <micges> def task_stop(*event):
[20:10:10] <micges> if running():
[20:10:10] <micges> o.set_highlight_line(
[20:10:10] <micges> c.abort()
[20:10:34] <rayh> I have no idea, alex.
[20:10:56] <fenn> alex_joni: thanks for getting some inertia on package splitting. fwiw i dont think 5 packages is too many
[20:11:35] <rayh> I just remember that it did start the spindle if it had been started before a restart.
[20:12:41] <alex_joni> fenn: please add coments there
[20:12:56] <alex_joni> rayh: I think cradek's idea on this is very nice
[20:13:06] <alex_joni> have the option to set all possible things in MDI
[20:13:13] <alex_joni> then switch to auto and start from line
[20:13:36] <alex_joni> but maybe we can have a small window that would generate the modal codes up to that line
[20:14:03] <fenn> alex_joni: i dont get why you need both emc2-modules-<kver> and rtai-*|emc2-sim-something
[20:14:04] <rayh> I'd add full knowledge of the program and the canonicals it produces in the interpreter so restart from line was trivial.
[20:14:43] <alex_joni> say you select line #1234, then you get a line with all modal codes up to that line
[20:14:49] <alex_joni> or maybe the ones that aren't set already
[20:15:25] <rayh> That is the way that Dave's parser worked.
[20:17:36] <rayh> Switching from MDI to auto does not change any modals?
[20:17:45] <alex_joni> depends how it's set up
[20:18:03] <alex_joni> right now you can set something in the ini and the spindle won't get turned off on mode change
[20:18:32] <micges> but coolants are off
[20:18:37] <rayh> Okay.
[20:19:08] <alex_joni> guess it needs more tweaking :)
[20:23:45] <micges> alex_joni: Page created by me in wiki is read only after logging. why ?
[20:24:10] <micges>
[20:24:59] <micges> ignore that. after restart opera it works
[20:31:17] <alex_joni> micges: there is a list already
[20:32:12] <alex_joni>
[20:33:28] <alex_joni> and the feature tracker on sourceforge
[20:34:10] <micges> this is a toc of wiki pages only
[20:35:08] <alex_joni> ok
[20:35:50] <micges> not all pages of "thoughts" have simply access
[22:55:24] <CIA-40> EMC: 03cradek 07TRUNK * 10emc2/share/axis/tcl/axis.tcl: disable unhoming when it's not allowed