[01:21:20] <jmkasunich_> jmkasunich_ is now known as jmkasunich
[01:57:51] <jmkasunich> cradek: around?
[02:01:35] <jmkasunich> I'm starting to look at control.c with an eye toward extracting the free mode planner so we can reuse it for teleop
[02:02:07] <jmkasunich> however I'm feeling an urge to pull the homing code out first
[02:02:18] <jmkasunich> control.c is 2670 lines, which is just a bit out of hand
[02:02:30] <jmkasunich> homing is 734 of those lines
[02:04:32] <jmkasunich> this is your chance to be a voice of reason, and tell me to stop ;-)
[02:47:09] <CIA-22> EMC: 03jmkasunich 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/motion/motion.h: fix comment
[02:50:32] <CIA-22> EMC: 03jmkasunich 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/Makefile: move homing code to a separate source file
[02:50:41] <CIA-22> EMC: 03jmkasunich 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/motion/ (homing.c control.c mot_priv.h): move homing code to a separate source file
[03:02:48] <jmkasunich> I'm making a start on simple_tp.c and simple_tp.h, but pulling that code out is a more complex task - won't finish tonight, and tomorrow evening I'll be out
[14:22:36] <cradek_> cradek_ is now known as cradek
[21:07:17] <CIA-22> EMC: 03cradek 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/usr_intf/axis/extensions/
[21:07:17] <CIA-22> EMC: Unhome support, partly based on a patch by Bryant. Allow unhoming one joint or
[21:07:17] <CIA-22> EMC: all (-1) via nml message. A special unhome mode (-2) unhomes only the joints
[21:07:17] <CIA-22> EMC: marked as VOLATILE_HOME in the ini. task could use this to unhome some joints,
[21:07:17] <CIA-22> EMC: based on policy, at various state changes. This part is unimplemented so far.
[21:07:20] <CIA-22> EMC: 03cradek 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/usr_intf/axis/scripts/
[21:07:22] <CIA-22> EMC: Unhome support, partly based on a patch by Bryant. Allow unhoming one joint or
[21:07:24] <CIA-22> EMC: all (-1) via nml message. A special unhome mode (-2) unhomes only the joints
[21:07:26] <CIA-22> EMC: marked as VOLATILE_HOME in the ini. task could use this to unhome some joints,
[21:07:28] <CIA-22> EMC: based on policy, at various state changes. This part is unimplemented so far.
[21:07:30] <CIA-22> EMC: 03cradek 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/usr_intf/ (shcom.hh
[21:07:32] <CIA-22> EMC: Unhome support, partly based on a patch by Bryant. Allow unhoming one joint or
[21:07:34] <CIA-22> EMC: all (-1) via nml message. A special unhome mode (-2) unhomes only the joints
[21:07:36] <CIA-22> EMC: marked as VOLATILE_HOME in the ini. task could use this to unhome some joints,
[21:07:38] <CIA-22> EMC: based on policy, at various state changes. This part is unimplemented so far.
[21:07:50] <CIA-22> EMC: 03cradek 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/task/ (
[21:07:50] <CIA-22> EMC: Unhome support, partly based on a patch by Bryant. Allow unhoming one joint or
[21:07:50] <CIA-22> EMC: all (-1) via nml message. A special unhome mode (-2) unhomes only the joints
[21:07:50] <CIA-22> EMC: marked as VOLATILE_HOME in the ini. task could use this to unhome some joints,
[21:07:52] <CIA-22> EMC: based on policy, at various state changes. This part is unimplemented so far.
[21:07:54] <CIA-22> EMC: 03cradek 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/nml_intf/ (emc_nml.hh emc.hh
[21:07:56] <CIA-22> EMC: Unhome support, partly based on a patch by Bryant. Allow unhoming one joint or
[21:07:58] <CIA-22> EMC: all (-1) via nml message. A special unhome mode (-2) unhomes only the joints
[21:08:00] <CIA-22> EMC: marked as VOLATILE_HOME in the ini. task could use this to unhome some joints,
[21:08:02] <CIA-22> EMC: based on policy, at various state changes. This part is unimplemented so far.
[21:08:50] <CIA-22> EMC: 03cradek 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/motion/ (motion.h command.c):
[21:08:50] <CIA-22> EMC: Unhome support, partly based on a patch by Bryant. Allow unhoming one joint or
[21:08:50] <CIA-22> EMC: all (-1) via nml message. A special unhome mode (-2) unhomes only the joints
[21:08:50] <CIA-22> EMC: marked as VOLATILE_HOME in the ini. task could use this to unhome some joints,
[21:08:50] <CIA-22> EMC: based on policy, at various state changes. This part is unimplemented so far.
[21:08:52] <CIA-22> EMC: 03cradek 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/ini/
[21:08:54] <CIA-22> EMC: Unhome support, partly based on a patch by Bryant. Allow unhoming one joint or
[21:08:56] <CIA-22> EMC: all (-1) via nml message. A special unhome mode (-2) unhomes only the joints
[21:08:58] <CIA-22> EMC: marked as VOLATILE_HOME in the ini. task could use this to unhome some joints,
[21:09:00] <CIA-22> EMC: based on policy, at various state changes. This part is unimplemented so far.
[21:09:50] <CIA-22> EMC: 03cradek 07TRUNK * 10emc2/share/axis/tcl/axis.tcl:
[21:09:50] <CIA-22> (4 lines omitted)
[21:16:01] <cradek> I can't find the SF bugreport to update after doing this
[21:16:07] <cradek> I thought maddash made one, but I guess not
[21:35:40] <alex_joni> guess not
[21:35:52] <alex_joni> but there was a feature request from you for this iirc
[21:37:52] <cradek> sort of, and I commented there.
[21:38:47] <alex_joni> hmm.. yeah, saw that
[21:38:54] <alex_joni> #1491243 is what I remembered
[21:39:00] <cradek> the part I didn't do/finish is the part maddash actually wants
[21:39:44] <alex_joni> ah, the GUI stuff?
[21:40:21] <alex_joni> or the automated unhome from task?
[21:40:31] <cradek> yes that
[21:41:33] <alex_joni> reading the diff's now.. I see AXIS has support for this
[21:42:18] <alex_joni> hmm.. you even added an emcsh entry
[21:42:39] <cradek> yes
[21:42:55] <alex_joni> I see 2 things missing so far
[21:43:02] <cradek> :-)
[21:43:08] <cradek> I didn't imply the feature was finished
[21:43:23] <alex_joni> halui and changelog missing :)
[21:43:32] <alex_joni> but halui I can do myself..
[21:43:39] <cradek> oh good at least you didn't notice I didn't write the docs
[21:43:40] <alex_joni> oh, and lyx for the ini..
[21:43:45] <cradek> darnit
[21:43:56] <alex_joni> c'mon.. that's a one-liner
[21:44:35] <cradek> well in all seriousness, that ini entry doesn't DO anything
[21:44:40] <cradek> that part is unwritten
[21:44:47] <alex_joni> right..