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[02:35:08] <ChrisAnymouse> Hello, not sure if this is a leaflet specific question: I exported a SHP to GeoJSON using QGIS and the coordinates are huge numbers like 162268.33, 1670439.6. Does this mean I need to change projections or is this normal?
[02:36:14] <ChrisAnymouse> I can load and plot another geojson file no problem but the coordinates on that file are more like 15.87, 44.17
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[08:38:09] <Millerbd> Hellos, using leaflet and raphaeljs plugin, when drawing R.pulse (raphael layer) my leaflet circles (L.Circle) are drawn out of position, they are off the map. any ideas? thanks.
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[13:40:08] <abra> Guys, who can tell me why this leaflet doesn't shows map?(
[13:42:29] <b_b> you don't set map container dimensions
[13:42:41] <b_b> ?
[13:44:10] <b_b> ha ok, you are talking about tiles that are not showed ?
[13:45:17] <abra> yes
[13:45:59] <abra> Can't understand what I missed
[13:45:59] <b_b> have you tried over tiles ?
[13:47:02] <abra> hmm
[13:47:32] <b_b>
[13:47:37] <b_b> mapbox tiles works
[13:50:21] <abra> wow
[13:50:33] <abra> thanx, you just change tiles
[13:50:40] <abra> and it works
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[14:31:22] <Guest47025> hi all, I'm having fun with leaflet, it's really nice when it all comes together, but I have an issue. I assume it must be me being stupid, but maybe someone can just make sure
[14:32:18] <b_b> feel free to ask you question Guest47025
[14:32:25] <Guest47025> I have a marker with a divIcon, but the width and height are being set to 12px by leaflet.js (the default) even if I specify a width/height in the css
[14:33:16] <Guest47025> firebug shows my styles are being overwritten with inline css that I assume leaflet is putting in there
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[14:33:31] <b_b>
[14:33:38] <b_b> option iconSize
[14:33:49] <b_b> pass it to your icon whenyou create it
[14:34:43] <Guest47025> the issue is that I want to leave the size unset so that the div takes on its natural size (it contains text that could be of various length)
[14:35:59] <b_b> hmmm not sure that's possible
[14:36:26] <Guest47025> it does specify in the docs that it can be set using CSS, so how do I do that? even if I put a width/height in the css it gets ignored
[14:39:53] <Guest47025> it's just the principle that I want to know about really, as this won't really fix my issue anyway. But it seems like a number of properties say "can also be set with CSS", so at some point I guess this will affect me in future
[14:46:19] <Guest47025> I have a workaround - if I specify iconSize as [null,null], it doesn't set the 12px default, and takes on what is in the CSS file. If I don't specify in the CSS, then the div just sizes itself to the text
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[14:51:40] <Hapi_> Hey, does anyone know how to make work with leaflet ? For some reason it doesn't show the key content but the key name only
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[14:59:53] <frankstallone> Anyone have any ideas why I keep getting tile 404 errors on my map?
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[15:17:15] <Guest47025> frank - I'm not sure, but could it be that the 404s relate to the parts of the region where you have no map data drawn?
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[15:25:32] <frankstallone> You left
[15:25:36] <frankstallone> but I figured it out
[15:25:47] <frankstallone> my zoom was a fraction which made cloudmade angry
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[15:39:28] <Hapi_> Can you use variables in option layer names ? I got this : but I want to use a variable/function to give it a name
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[17:06:06] <frankstallone> Anyone know of a way to scale the tiles to a floating point so allow setView to accept floats?
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[17:34:28] <Nimotix> does anyone have any info about frankstallone's question?
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[22:23:19] <guaka> hi, is there an onMove() kinda functionality? i.e. a callback for when the user moves or zooms
[22:23:54] <guaka> ah cool I found it :)
[22:25:14] <guaka> I mean 'moveend' with that...
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