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[06:33:52] <rr_> Hello everyone. I am using the Leaflet library for a map and I would like to have a totally blank white background. Is it possible?
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[07:26:57] <Komzpa> rr_: of course possible. use css to set up the background to white and add your overlays as-is
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[07:47:40] <rr_> Thanks Komzpa, how should I declare the map then? Any examples around?
[07:48:20] <Komzpa> rr_: just not addLayer(basemap)?
[07:59:19] <rr_> Thanks, I got it :)
[07:59:29] <rr_> Thanks for your help
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[09:06:12] <Komzpa> is there "circle-with-editable-radius" marker-like thing for leaflet?
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[09:09:00] <kvist> has anyone experienced a bug where the map isn't redrawn when zooming? it just zooms out the old map so that a grey frame surrounds the outzoomed map. when you start panning afterwards, the map is loaded.
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[11:00:24] <baswazz> hello all
[11:00:38] <baswazz> i am following the quick start guide
[11:00:55] <baswazz> only i got stuck on the setting up the map
[11:00:57] <baswazz> var map ='map').setView([51.505, -0.09], 13);
[11:01:07] <baswazz> where do i put this?
[11:11:53] <ybon> baswazz: on a <script> section on your HTML page
[11:14:17] <baswazz> thanks
[11:14:19] <baswazz> i now got
[11:14:19] <baswazz> <div id="map">
[11:14:19] <baswazz> <script type='text/javascript'>
[11:14:19] <baswazz> var map ='map').setView([51.505, -0.09], 13);
[11:14:22] <baswazz> </script>
[11:14:24] <baswazz> </div>
[11:14:40] <Komzpa> baswazz: better do it outside map div
[11:14:50] <ybon> You need almost a tilelayer also
[11:14:59] <Adventsparky> it doesn't have to be inside the map div, probably shouldn't be actually. put it elsewhere or in an external js file
[11:15:08] <baswazz> ok
[11:16:50] <baswazz> nice i am seeing the + and - buttons on the upper left corner
[11:16:56] <baswazz> only i do not see any map
[11:18:51] <ybon> baswazz: you are missing the TileLayer part, I guess
[11:19:59] <baswazz> ow sorry i go read it again
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[12:16:27] <rdunklau> Has anyone experienced trouble using leaflet, with regards to the external css ?
[12:17:22] <rdunklau> My problem is, I have lots of styles on which I have no control (things like margin or borders on images), and it is painful to incorporate leaflet in such a "hostile" environment.
[12:18:26] <rdunklau> It would be great if leaflet would: prefix all its classes with a base class, and offer a "reset" on this base class.
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[12:41:48] <baswazz> i am still strugling getting the map visible. i did add a L.marker it is visible so it has something todo with the L.tileLayer.
[12:42:10] <baswazz> is it nessasary to have a cloudmade account
[12:42:14] <psha[wor1]> no
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[12:42:38] <baswazz> ok
[12:42:44] <baswazz> i did follow this
[12:42:47] <baswazz> it is using google
[12:42:56] <baswazz> it did work
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[12:43:01] <baswazz> only when i add the L.marker
[12:43:05] <baswazz> it doesnot work
[12:43:15] <baswazz> what am i doing wrong
[12:43:19] <Adventsparky> can you post your code somewhere maybe
[12:43:31] <Adventsparky>
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[12:44:11] <baswazz> ok sure
[12:45:15] <baswazz>
[12:45:20] <baswazz> i am using wordpress
[12:45:29] <baswazz> i added the code to footer.php
[12:46:14] <baswazz> i also added a div id 'map' to my page.php
[12:46:31] <Adventsparky> There is a wordpress leaflet plugin iirc
[12:48:12] <baswazz> you mean this one?
[12:48:13] <baswazz>
[12:51:37] <baswazz> you see anything wrong with the code?
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[12:53:40] <Adventsparky> you should paste in the css etc too
[12:54:03] <Adventsparky> or the example won't work properly
[12:54:42] <baswazz> my header.php
[12:54:43] <baswazz>
[12:55:27] <baswazz> my css
[12:55:28] <baswazz>
[12:55:50] <baswazz> my reset css
[12:55:51] <baswazz>
[12:56:58] <Adventsparky> There is a section for the css, the top right box by default, and all the html should be together, not in separate fiddles :) But no matter, i'll take a peek
[12:57:30] <baswazz> ok, this is how wordpress works
[12:57:38] <baswazz> i can make a test file?
[12:57:58] <baswazz> just one css and one html
[12:59:29] <Adventsparky> Works with open street maps anyway
[12:59:32] <Adventsparky> '
[12:59:36] <Adventsparky> so its your url
[13:00:36] <baswazz> ok
[13:00:47] <Adventsparky> I'm presuming the 'API-key' bit, but I've never used the Cloudemade tiles, so I'm unsure of their api key requirements, if any
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[13:01:47] <baswazz> i dont have cloudmade
[13:02:20] <baswazz> i just want to have a map with a marker
[13:02:24] <baswazz> thats all
[13:02:25] <Adventsparky> just use the open street maps url i gave you if you want.
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[13:03:39] <baswazz> thats much better :) thx
[13:06:57] <psha[wor1]> or mapquest
[13:07:18] <psha[wor1]> they have better tile servers (in terms of performance)
[13:08:44] <baswazz> ok
[13:09:27] <baswazz> ill go try it thanks
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[13:33:14] <baswazz> psha[wor1]: L.tileLayer('
[13:33:23] <baswazz> this one does not work
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[13:37:06] <psha[wor1]> otile{s}
[13:37:25] <baswazz> ok
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[13:45:41] <baswazz> it is not working
[13:45:42] <baswazz> L.tileLayer('
[13:47:26] <baswazz> sub domains are a b or c
[13:47:36] <baswazz> mapqeust is using 1,2,3,4
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[13:49:24] <psha[wor1]> subdomains: '123'
[13:49:28] <psha[wor1]> '1234'
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[14:03:32] <baswazz> nice thanks psha it does work only it looks like mapquest does not work good with dutch streets
[14:04:45] <bmwyss> can anyone point me to the redraw method being used in an example or demo?
[14:05:01] <psha[wor1]> redraw what?
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[14:14:58] <bmwyss> sorry, redraw a layer
[14:15:14] <psha[wor1]> what layer? tile? vector? marker?
[14:15:29] <bmwyss> it's a GeoJson vector
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[14:21:39] <psha[wor1]> why do you need to redraw it?
[14:21:43] <psha[wor1]> you've changed styles?
[14:25:14] <bmwyss> i have a geoJSON vector, when rendered to the map all the records are displayed. I then allow the user to select a subset of the records, this is done by adding an sql filter. once the filter is applied, I want the layer to be redrawn with the new subset of recored
[14:25:28] <bmwyss> *subset of recoreds
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[14:30:27] <psha[wor1]> you have to _reload_ geojson data
[14:30:37] <psha[wor1]> thus it would be completely new layer
[14:30:51] <psha[wor1]> it's not redraw
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[14:31:43] <bmwyss> currently i am removing the layer and then adding it back
[14:32:00] <bmwyss> but it does not seem to be very gracful
[14:32:13] <bmwyss> maybe there is a better way?
[14:35:14] <psha[wor1]> if you get new geojson from server - no
[14:35:34] <psha[wor1]> i don't see simple way to calculate difference between layers and fixup old one
[14:35:55] <psha[wor1]> however if you change order (first add new, then remove old) you may get better results
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[14:40:44] <bmwyss> one other quick question, it's not super clear to me weather to use the cartodb leaflet plugin for the GeoJSON (the GeoJson is severed from cartodb), or to just use the leaflet native L.GeoJSON?
[14:42:22] <psha[wor1]> dunno, have not used both
[14:42:31] <bmwyss> ok, np
[14:42:32] <bmwyss> thx
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[15:34:23] <benlumley> anyone in here?
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[15:36:03] <b_b> more than one benlumley ;)
[15:36:32] <benlumley> aha
[15:37:47] <benlumley> wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction - using leaflet as a viewer for some very large images
[15:37:53] <benlumley> they are sliced up into tiles, it works etc
[15:39:42] <b_b> if they are already in tiles it's easy to do
[15:39:57] <benlumley> just wondering if i can tell leaflet what the bounds are?
[15:40:01] <benlumley> i've got a 10x10 grid of tiles
[15:40:33] <benlumley> it keeps trying to load negative tiles, or ones outside the range
[15:41:24] <b_b> you can specifi tiles size on a layer
[15:41:31] <b_b> tileSize Number 256 Tile size (width and height in pixels, assuming tiles are square).
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[15:48:46] <baswazz> got one more question when when i scroll down (on macbook) and the mouse cursor hit the map it zooms in can is there a way to disable that?
[15:49:06] <baswazz> with touchpad
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[15:55:11] <benlumley> my tile size is fine - its just that it lets me scroll out of bounds
[15:55:36] <benlumley> part of the issue is that i don;t think i've got my head around maxbounds properly
[15:57:09] <baswazz> i think i found it scrollWheelZoom false
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