#linuxcnc | Logs for 2013-07-02

[00:01:04] <Tom_itx> i'll try it out, thanks
[00:01:18] -!- Nick001-Shop has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:14:42] -!- Blorb has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:17:05] -!- alpha1125 [alpha1125!~alpha1125@198-84-166-153.cpe.teksavvy.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:17:59] -!- atom1 [atom1!~tom@ip24-255-191-61.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #linuxcnc
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[00:25:04] <Tom_itx> PCW, does the lowpass filter behave the same using hostmot2 drivers? it looks like the example jt posted is using default encoder functions
[00:25:24] <PCW> sure
[00:25:38] <PCW> but servo thread only of course
[00:25:42] <Tom_itx> right
[00:26:38] <Tom_itx> also, you said i can use the unused index pin on an otherwise used encoder input using AB ?
[00:26:44] <Tom_itx> for GPIO
[00:26:57] <PCW> for input
[00:27:01] <Tom_itx> yes
[00:27:50] <Tom_itx> i want to toggle the manual tool change signal using the pendant instead of clicking the box in axis
[00:30:45] -!- Felix29 [Felix29!Felix@c-71-193-105-131.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:34:49] -!- Nick001 [Nick001!~Nick001@clsm-74-47-87-126-pppoe.dsl.clsm.epix.net] has joined #linuxcnc
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[00:48:20] -!- Valen [Valen!~Valen@c211-30-129-65.blktn6.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #linuxcnc
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[00:53:06] -!- alpha1125 [alpha1125!~alpha1125@198-84-166-153.cpe.teksavvy.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:07:19] -!- |1lien has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[01:21:00] <Tom_itx> i've got a question about these examples: http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/examples/mpg.html
[01:21:29] <Tom_itx> why would the one with the lowpass element not use 'axis.x.jog-enable' inputs to select the active axis?
[01:23:54] <Tom_itx> or was that an oversight in the example code?
[01:27:47] <Tom_itx> the 2nd example also uses mux4 but there is no mux4.0.out signal shown
[01:28:23] -!- Servos4ever has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [SeaMonkey 2.14.1/20121129191050]]
[01:30:06] <Tom_itx> just a little confused here
[01:30:41] -!- danielfalck [danielfalck!~danielfal@static-50-53-220-68.bvtn.or.frontiernet.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:31:56] <Tom_itx> the first example sends the mux4.0.out to the axis.x.jog-scale while the second example uses the MPG counts and feeds that to the lowpass filter then to the axis.x.jog-scale leaving the mux4.0.out unused
[01:39:10] -!- tjtr33 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[01:43:23] <PCW> yeah that can't be right
[01:44:41] <PCW> isn't that nice, Windows drops UDP packets if the ARP cache is empty...
[01:49:22] -!- cmorley [cmorley!~chris@S0106204e7f8c229b.no.shawcable.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:49:37] -!- Thetawaves has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
[01:50:52] -!- PetefromTn [PetefromTn!~quassel@66-191-225-22.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:50:54] -!- PetefromTn_ [PetefromTn_!~quassel@66-191-225-22.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #linuxcnc
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[01:53:37] <skunkworks> pcw, whatcha doing?
[01:54:30] <skunkworks> I am at a stop right now with the 7i80. I might take a look at the patch tomorrow... but I think my programming skills are a bit lacking.. :)
[02:01:26] -!- pjm has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:01:56] -!- pjm [pjm!~pjm@uhfsatcom.plus.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:07:59] -!- mozmck [mozmck!~moses@client-] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:10:47] <pcw_home> I wast doing some loopback tests to verify 7I80R/W. Dont see any issues (other than that nice windows feature)
[02:11:51] -!- danielfalck has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[02:11:53] <pcw_home> I think micges needs to look at the 12.04 stuff and find where its gone astray
[02:14:57] -!- Laremere has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[02:21:34] -!- zzolo has quit [Quit: zzolo]
[02:26:48] -!- danielfalck [danielfalck!~danielfal@static-50-53-220-68.bvtn.or.frontiernet.net] has joined #linuxcnc
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[02:36:05] <Valen> how is EMC and 12.04 coming along?
[02:56:40] -!- danielfalck [danielfalck!~danielfal@static-50-53-220-68.bvtn.or.frontiernet.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:58:01] -!- sumpfralle has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
[03:03:49] -!- Cylly [Cylly!cylly@p54B119E5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:04:35] -!- Loetmichel has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[03:08:31] <skunkworks> Valen: it is testable... (using xenomai...) http://imagebin.org/263115
[03:08:50] <Valen> oh god unity?
[03:09:08] <Valen> thats a nice latency test though
[03:09:39] <Valen> I think I'll be installing something like kde ;->
[03:09:42] <skunkworks> http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?XenomaiKernelPackages
[03:09:54] <skunkworks> Valen: whatever you want. :)
[03:10:13] -!- danielfalck has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[03:10:36] <Valen> no isolcpus?
[03:11:02] <skunkworks> I have not tried it..
[03:11:09] -!- PetefromTn has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:11:17] <skunkworks> idle=poll seems to help quite a bit
[03:12:25] <Valen> tis good news anyway, 10.04 is probably going to start having hardware support issues pretty soon
[03:13:59] <skunkworks> pcw_home: The 'successful' testing I have done is on 10.04. but as you remember the config doesn't seem to be sent correctly to the 7i80. so a few things need to be looked at. :)
[03:14:40] <skunkworks> Plus if I understand it - the time has to be reduced (read write stuff)
[03:15:13] <pcw_home> Yes there are still random reads/writes that need to be consolidated
[03:15:24] <skunkworks> a bit of organizing :)
[03:23:06] <eric_unterhausen> I got used to Unity, I have been assimilated
[03:23:34] <pcw_home> you get a lot of mousercize
[03:23:50] <Jymmm> ???
[03:24:12] <Jymmm> mousercize???
[03:25:02] <pcw_home> moving the mouse halfway across the screen for every little thing
[03:25:11] <Jymmm> ah
[03:33:55] -!- danielfalck [danielfalck!~danielfal@static-50-53-220-68.bvtn.or.frontiernet.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:35:19] <eric_unterhausen> I really didn't notice that, not like win 8 at least
[03:35:32] <eric_unterhausen> maybe if I had a larger monitor
[03:37:08] <pcw_home> Yeah if you have multiple applications on a screen it can get tiresome
[03:38:14] <Valen> I have 2 monitors
[03:38:18] <Valen> it was total fail
[03:38:25] -!- BJfreeman has quit [Quit: had a good time]
[03:38:37] -!- danielfalck has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[03:42:13] -!- seb_kuzminsky has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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[03:43:48] -!- skunkworks- [skunkworks-!~yaaic@str-broadband-ccmts-ws-26.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:44:02] <eric_unterhausen> yeah, I prefer being able to just click on the exact window I want
[03:44:16] <eric_unterhausen> icon for the window on the toolbar that is
[03:44:26] <skunkworks-> I have gotten used to unity also....
[03:44:37] <eric_unterhausen> this thing where it brings up a matrix of thumbnails is a bit annoying
[03:49:33] <eric_unterhausen> it makes sense that if you click on the toolbar icon representing your app that it goes to the last window used
[03:49:58] <eric_unterhausen> _unless_ you are already in that app, in which case you obviously want the array of thumbs
[03:50:18] <eric_unterhausen> and sometimes the array of thumbs doesn't come up until you click 4 times for some reason
[03:54:33] <eric_unterhausen> skunkworks, where did that latency app come from?
[04:08:26] -!- nots [nots!~totu@625.radionet.ee] has joined #linuxcnc
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[04:16:22] -!- cevad [cevad!~davec@host-174-45-229-40.bln-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #linuxcnc
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[04:17:16] -!- workmank [workmank!~Kwame@pool-108-40-71-206.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has joined #linuxcnc
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[04:22:19] -!- dhoovie [dhoovie!~kvirc@] has joined #linuxcnc
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[04:24:14] -!- pjm [pjm!~pjm@uhfsatcom.plus.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:46:41] -!- danielfalck [danielfalck!~danielfal@static-50-53-1-104.bvtn.or.frontiernet.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:55:10] <eric_unterhausen> messing around with my new comp, forgot to install sshd
[04:55:17] <eric_unterhausen> now I gotta go back to the basement
[04:58:44] -!- alpha1125 has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
[05:01:06] -!- kwallace2 [kwallace2!~kwallace@smb-219.sonnet.com] has parted #linuxcnc
[05:01:31] -!- FinboySlick has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[05:03:18] -!- eric_unterhausen has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[05:03:32] -!- eric_unterhausen [eric_unterhausen!~eric@c-71-58-220-46.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #linuxcnc
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[05:09:19] <Valen> would be nice if ssh was part of the default install in a way.
[05:09:35] <eric_unterhausen> I think so
[05:09:41] <Valen> though for ubuntu server I *really* think it should ship with bridging and vlan support
[05:10:04] <eric_unterhausen> for one thing, every time I set up a new comp I have to go back to the basement because I forgot to install it
[05:10:09] <Valen> rofl
[05:10:12] <Valen> tasksel ftw
[05:17:22] <eric_unterhausen> i will hunt down the person that decided that vi should be vi and smack them
[05:17:50] <eric_unterhausen> every linux system since I forget when had vi mapped to vim
[05:17:58] -!- KimK_3 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:19:24] <eric_unterhausen> and vim is not installed wtf
[05:22:05] <eric_unterhausen> not quite right, vi runs vi-tiny, which sucks hard
[05:22:15] <eric_unterhausen> or rather vim-tiny
[05:28:08] <eric_unterhausen> install instructions for a new comp from a livecd install of linuxcnc are not easily followed
[05:31:26] -!- Valen has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[05:31:33] <eric_unterhausen> or should I just run upgrade manager and let it install all 194 updates?
[05:31:42] <eric_unterhausen> hope so, because that's what I just did :)
[05:35:46] -!- vladimirek [vladimirek!~vladimire@] has joined #linuxcnc
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[05:51:03] -!- ve7it has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:51:21] <eric_unterhausen> maybe rebooting a comp remotely wasn't the best idea
[05:51:26] <eric_unterhausen> heading to the basement again
[05:55:42] -!- kwallace1 [kwallace1!~kwallace@tmb-230.sonnet.com] has parted #linuxcnc
[05:55:58] -!- Kenneth_Lerman has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[05:56:08] -!- cevad [cevad!~davec@host-174-45-229-40.bln-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[05:56:12] <eric_unterhausen> ok, so blindly following the wiki isn't the best idea either
[05:56:27] -!- Kenneth_Lerman [Kenneth_Lerman!~chatzilla@24-151-1-146.static.nwtn.ct.charter.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[05:56:38] cevad is now known as Guest696
[05:59:11] -!- _1SheYode [_1SheYode!~mooznach@bzq-82-81-196-245.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[05:59:42] <eric_unterhausen> I guess I should have known that /home/les/.mozilla/blah/blah/blah wasn't a directory on my system
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[06:04:21] -!- Tecan has quit [Quit: Live Long And Phosphor!]
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[06:46:33] <DJ9DJ> moin
[06:52:13] -!- asdfasd [asdfasd!grgrgrgrg@] has joined #linuxcnc
[07:12:05] Guest696 is now known as davec
[07:20:19] -!- Simooon [Simooon!~simon@gw.obelnet.dk] has joined #linuxcnc
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[08:01:01] <RyanS> Available in Melbourne, let alone Australia http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/271230851650?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
[08:01:35] <RyanS> It would probably sell for a lot?
[08:11:34] -!- BJfreeman has quit [Quit: had a good time]
[08:11:45] -!- floppydisk has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[08:14:32] <archivist> cheap enough for the condition at the moment
[08:16:12] <RyanS> It's pretty toasted? (Keep in mind that these things are pretty much *never* available in Australia)
[08:17:21] -!- Simooon has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[08:17:56] <RyanS> The guy was obviously an idiot and a slob... Look at the drill press vice, lol
[08:17:59] <archivist> has surface rust (may put off a few), cannot see how worn it is or is not, has readout, dunno what they fetch in au anyway
[08:20:22] <RyanS> And the only way to tell is actually to go there with measuring tools or just give the table a jiggle ?
[08:20:53] -!- rob_h [rob_h!~rob_h@] has joined #linuxcnc
[08:21:01] <archivist> yes a dose of looking and kicking tyres
[08:22:32] <RyanS> I wonder if one could just drop in a replacement single phase motor
[08:22:48] <archivist> even a worn one will probably be better than brand new chines crap
[08:24:10] <RyanS> It would probably cost $1000 to have it professionally transported
[08:25:50] <archivist> find a friend/amateur with a good trailer to transport
[08:26:29] <archivist> done replace the motor, just get a vfd
[08:26:33] <archivist> dont
[08:28:15] <RyanS> I don't know enough bogans (Australian rednecks) with heavy lifting equipment
[08:28:27] <archivist> cheaper vfd will require you change the motor internally, more expensive will will invert to the full voltage
[08:30:32] <RyanS> lol somebody purchased an old forklift to move one.....
[08:31:00] <RyanS> http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/2200W-3Hp-240V-10A-Single-Three-Phase-Variable-Frequency-Drive-Inverter-VFD-/350825046231?pt=AU_HardwareParts&hash=item51aecd60d7
[08:33:16] <RyanS> Besides I think it's too big to stick in the garage
[08:33:17] <archivist> that is 240 out which means you internally rewire the motor from star to delta
[08:34:25] <archivist> some are easy as they have links in the connection box
[08:35:26] <RyanS> but don't you lose torque if you have to run it in high gear, use the vfd?
[08:36:21] <archivist> use gears as normal
[08:37:18] <RyanS> oh you just don't vary the speed of the VFD
[08:37:29] <archivist> the vfd has two advantages, three phase out and variable speed, use wisely
[08:38:34] <archivist> motors do not like prolonged slow running at high torque as the self cooling fan is not fast enough then
[08:39:05] <RyanS> lol 2 meters tall... Perhaps not
[08:42:01] -!- Valen [Valen!~Valen@c211-30-129-65.blktn6.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #linuxcnc
[08:48:03] <RyanS> Valen: http://www.ebay.com/itm/271230851650?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 divorce sale
[08:48:21] <Valen> orly
[08:48:47] <Valen> heh only 1200km from me
[08:48:48] -!- b_b has quit [Changing host]
[08:49:37] <RyanS> Not too far from me.. but I can't imagine how to move it
[08:49:56] <Valen> pull it to bits
[08:50:09] <Valen> and a bunch of strong people with beer
[08:51:03] <Valen> we just got 3 phase put on too
[08:51:07] <RyanS> He was using a drill press vice and was obviously a slob.... chips everywhere, no wonder she divorced him
[08:51:24] <archivist> beer could be dangerous with heavy bits but at least they wone feel much
[08:51:35] <Valen> beer comes *after* moving
[08:51:48] <Valen> to be fair our "mill" came with one of those
[08:53:42] <RyanS> I should go there and remind her how much of a bastard he was and offer $800 to emphasise the fact that the cheaper it goes, the greater the insult to him
[08:56:04] <RyanS> I have lots of spirits, and I've almost finished a still.. I can give them moonshine (I'm reluctant to test the product myself)
[08:58:32] <RyanS> It's a bit of a rustbucket tho
[09:10:14] <archivist> not much rust at all, minor surface rust cleans off easily
[09:18:23] -!- stsydow has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[09:36:52] <RyanS> lol I rang up a foundry to order a couple of cast-iron plates, the guy was being a bit of a smartass about the small order quantity
[09:41:52] <archivist> some foundries only do qty work some do one off type work
[09:44:36] <RyanS> yeah I think they are the only way around town that do cast iron
[09:48:02] <archivist> so whats the right way to annoy an aussie :), I scanned a manual, posted a link to it, and never got a thank you or donation, and now the idiot is trying to get me to connect on linkedin !
[09:49:40] <archivist> linkedin lacks a this is user is a ***** button
[09:49:50] <RyanS> Call him a racist.... hmm actually he probably won't care
[09:50:00] <RyanS> Call him Tasmanian
[09:50:32] <RyanS> Or a Queenslander
[09:52:31] <RyanS> nonon make a reference to shrimp on the barbie... thats *really* annoying
[09:55:55] <RyanS> KRudd's back!
[10:01:26] -!- syyl_ [syyl_!~syyl@p4FD13F0C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #linuxcnc
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[11:47:51] <skunkworks> not bad after running all night http://imagebin.org/263190
[11:47:57] <skunkworks> :)
[11:48:35] <jthornton> you are having too much fun
[11:52:04] <skunkworks> I try
[11:52:42] <skunkworks> :)
[11:55:12] <jthornton> I wish I could understand what you guys are doing with the real time stuff :(
[11:55:39] <skunkworks> so do I... :) I just follow directions \
[11:57:23] <Tom_itx> jthornton, are you responsible for the documentation for linuxcnc?
[11:58:18] <jthornton> no, but I work on it a lot
[11:58:38] <Tom_itx> that example for the lowpass seems incomplete
[11:59:22] <jthornton> which example
[11:59:39] <Tom_itx> http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/examples/mpg.html
[11:59:50] <Tom_itx> the first example sends the mux4.0.out to the axis.x.jog-scale while the second example uses the MPG counts and feeds that to the lowpass filter then to the axis.x.jog-scale leaving the mux4.0.out unused
[12:00:31] <Tom_itx> why would the one with the lowpass element not use 'axis.x.jog-enable' inputs to select the active axis?
[12:01:11] <Tom_itx> i didn't get a chance to test it last night but was reading it over and something just looked fishy
[12:02:21] -!- syyl__ [syyl__!~syyl@p4FD13F0C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #linuxcnc
[12:02:50] <Tom_itx> both seem to be using position mode as the default
[12:03:52] <Tom_itx> gotta run but will check back later on
[12:04:00] <jthornton> ok
[12:06:07] -!- syyl_ has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[12:10:26] -!- PetefromTn [PetefromTn!~quassel@66-191-225-22.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[12:10:46] <PetefromTn> MMMMmmmmoornin!
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[12:37:53] <RyanS> 35 minutes from me a Bridgeport for sale..... How much do you reckon professionals charge to move it
[12:40:48] <skunkworks> no clue - call around. also check towing services. sometimes they will move equipment
[12:40:55] <cpresser> RyanS: call/email a company which moves such things and ask
[12:42:22] <RyanS> It is supposedly a divorce sale, lol
[12:43:10] <PetefromTn> I'll second the towing service idea. I moved my VMC across town to my shop on the back of a rollback wrecker. Cost just over a hundred bucks. Call your local Rollback companies and ask them if they move equipment. You can usually schedule it when it is convenient for them to save a few bucks.
[12:43:41] * cpresser had his laser moved about 20km for 200EUR
[12:44:57] <skunkworks> PetefromTn, exactly.
[12:45:13] <PetefromTn> Bridgeports like other tall knee mills are kinda unstable so you will need to ensure they or you strap the thing down as much as possible. Also look into removing the head to lower the center of gravity.
[12:45:32] <PetefromTn> skunkworks: ;(
[12:45:37] <PetefromTn> ,)
[12:45:44] <PetefromTn> ;) LOL
[12:45:49] <skunkworks> heh - it is early
[12:45:56] <PetefromTn> yeah it sure is ...
[12:46:08] <PetefromTn> Just got outta the shower here.
[12:46:35] <PetefromTn> whats up at the skunkworks?
[12:47:03] <skunkworks> not much.. real job. coworkers...
[12:47:22] <PetefromTn> aah.. I'm sorry.
[12:47:32] -!- micges [micges!~toudi@user-46-113-172-3.play-internet.pl] has joined #linuxcnc
[12:47:47] <skunkworks> 2nd cup of coffee..
[12:47:58] <PetefromTn> what do you do?
[12:48:06] <skunkworks> IT stuff
[12:48:16] <skunkworks> and whatever else they need.
[12:48:20] <PetefromTn> oh that does not sound too terrible.
[12:48:31] <skunkworks> No. It could be worse.
[12:48:34] <PetefromTn> coffee, desk, office?
[12:48:46] <skunkworks> yep
[12:49:09] <PetefromTn> I've got the desk, the shop, and a den? Don't drink coffee tho...
[12:49:12] <RyanS> These things are much taller than 8' right?
[12:49:26] <PetefromTn> Some are, is it a series one or two?
[12:50:28] <RyanS> 1
[12:50:35] <RyanS> 2hp
[12:50:52] <skunkworks> PetefromTn, old picture http://electronicsam.com/images/desk.jpg
[12:51:27] <skunkworks> http://electronicsam.com/images/desk1.jpg
[12:51:41] <skunkworks> we have since moved to a larger area :)
[12:51:47] <skunkworks> so bigger mess
[12:51:59] <PetefromTn> then it is probably not too bad. You can usually lower the knee all the way down and lock it in place, center the table, and either remove or flip the head upside down to lower it down a bit,
[12:52:13] <PetefromTn> skunkworks: Jeez man clean up your crap!! LOL
[12:52:22] <skunkworks> heh
[12:52:52] <PetefromTn> I tried to take a picture of my desk but it is dark cherry in a red room so it kinda disappears LOL
[12:57:26] <PetefromTn> http://snag.gy/wdMP1.jpg
[12:57:33] <PetefromTn> Where all the magic happens LOL
[13:00:29] <skunkworks> yikes - that is way too clean
[13:04:04] -!- md-2 has quit [Read error: No route to host]
[13:04:08] <PetefromTn> LOL probably because I just got the desk a week or two ago, give it time. Actually I TRY to keep this place neat and clean like my shop. I don't work well in a dirty environment.LOL
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[13:04:20] md2 is now known as Guest1277
[13:09:49] <JT-Shop> I need to find my desk... I know it is under there somewhere
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[13:29:40] <archivist> nothing happens on a clean desk!
[13:30:46] <archivist> a normal desk teaches one about software stack theory
[13:31:02] <archivist> and the fifo
[13:31:19] <archivist> and the table scan search
[13:32:28] <archivist> merge sort is sometimes possible if there is a spare paper sized space
[13:33:18] <JT-Shop> so true
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[13:48:07] -!- Erich_12 [Erich_12!~chatzilla@tk-labor.iem.thm.de] has joined #linuxcnc
[13:48:37] <Erich_12> Hallo Linuxgemeinde, kann
[13:50:39] -!- apel [apel!~apppel@host-95-195-136-245.mobileonline.telia.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[13:50:59] <Erich_12> Hallo Linuxgemeinde, kann mir jemand sagen wie ich in Linux cnc die einzelne Schaltpunkte belege? z.B. Spindel einschalten?
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[14:07:44] <mhaberler> "belegen".. mit einem Draht verbinden?
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[14:18:45] <PetefromTn> Just reading the posts on the email list. What exactly is world mode? I guess some sort of other GUI?
[14:20:53] <cradek> on a nontrivkins machine world mode is when you want to move in xyz instead of joint space
[14:21:09] <cradek> on a trivkins it's a distinction that doesn't matter
[14:22:26] -!- gimpswork [gimpswork!~gimps@unaffiliated/gimps] has joined #linuxcnc
[14:27:08] <PetefromTn> Okay so much of this 'kins stuff I don't understand LOL thanks for the information.
[14:33:24] <JT-Shop> you would think that you can find M5 x 20 Torx screws in stainless in the US...
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[14:41:28] <cpresser> JT-Shop: same for imperial stuff in germany. really hard to get :/
[14:43:33] <CaptHindsight> http://www.mutualscrew.com has torx and the security types
[14:43:39] <JT-Shop> I can find all kind of tamper resistant torx screws in metric but not regular
[14:45:19] <JT-Shop> I looked at mutual but could not find the size I need in stainless
[14:47:51] <JT-Shop> fastenersuperstore has them but I don't need a thousand screws... a hundred will do
[14:48:06] <ssi> morn
[14:48:18] <JT-Shop> hi
[14:51:57] <Erich_12> Nein nicht mit dem Draht verbinden, dass hab ich ja schon gemacht. Mann kann doch, denk ich im Programm sagen, bei welchen Ausgang was für ein Kabel angeschlossen ist.
[14:51:59] <cpresser> JT-Shop: funny thing: you can get them off amazon: http://www.amazon.de/baumarkt/dp/B007RH64KO
[14:54:00] -!- fatpandas [fatpandas!~fatpandas@c-24-30-110-92.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[14:54:29] <cpresser> Erich_12: see query, i wrote you back in german
[14:57:26] <pcw_home> Jymmm: beware the 'trustfire' lithium cell charger cord, just had one explode in my hands...
[14:57:45] -!- kwallace2 [kwallace2!~kwallace@smb-91.sonnet.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[14:58:21] <Jymmm> pcw_home: Trustfire CHARGER or BATTERY?
[14:58:39] <pcw_home> charger
[14:58:39] <CaptHindsight> hence the name trust fire
[14:58:55] <pcw_home> Trust it to catch fire?
[14:59:24] <Jymmm> pcw_home: Looking up my charger (generic) just a sec...
[14:59:26] -!- kwallace1 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[14:59:43] <pcw_home> actually the charger is OK, the power cord shorted internally
[14:59:54] <Jymmm> pcw_home: SKU ?
[15:01:09] <pcw_home> dont SKU know off-hand pn is trustfire Tr-001
[15:01:09] <Jymmm> pcw_home: This is the (slow) charger I have, I don't believe if fast chargers as they degrade battereies too much imo http://dx.com/p/dsd-18650-cr123a-charger-black-936
[15:01:38] <pcw_home> but cord is generic (like laptop charger cord)
[15:01:50] <Jymmm> pcw_home: Pick one http://dx.com/s/trustfire+charger
[15:02:19] <pcw_home> top
[15:02:53] <Jymmm> pcw_home: Oh, it's not even zip cord but that flat crap.
[15:03:46] <pcw_home> yes stole a laptop cord to fix (real zipcord)
[15:04:28] <Jymmm> pcw_home: Do me a favor some time, try using a DC pwr source thru the coax pwr jack
[15:05:10] <pcw_home> yeah it has that 12V input jack
[15:05:24] <Jymmm> pcw_home: It says 12V@500mA
[15:05:57] <Jymmm> pcw_home: I'm wondering if 13.8, 18, or 24 would work too
[15:06:37] <Jymmm> pcw_home: I want to see if it can be used with a solar panel
[15:07:16] <pcw_home> probably easiest to buy one and take it a part to see whats inside
[15:07:24] -!- IchGuckLive [IchGuckLive!~chatzilla@95-89-97-51-dynip.superkabel.de] has joined #linuxcnc
[15:07:53] <Jymmm> pcw_home: Far easier for you to test and tell me the results =)
[15:08:02] <Jymmm> brb
[15:09:43] <IchGuckLive> testing is always good
[15:10:02] <pcw_home> well I dont really want to test the maximum input voltage :-)
[15:10:54] <IchGuckLive> always stay below smoke level B)
[15:12:23] <IchGuckLive> Erich_12: does the mashine run at your wish
[15:12:53] <JT-Shop> cpresser: is that price for one screw?
[15:13:03] <cpresser> JT-Shop: for 10
[15:13:23] <Jymmm> pcw_home: Well, can you look sometime to see if there is a VR, or chargeer chip I can lookup the Vmax ?
[15:15:11] <Jymmm> pcw_home: I kinda like this charger as it does multiple chemistries http://dx.com/p/universal-intelligent-4-slot-rechargeable-battery-charger-2-flat-pin-plug-100-240v-156756
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[15:17:51] <IchGuckLive> by till later
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[15:20:38] -!- cpresser [cpresser!~cpresser@rstenpresser.de] has joined #linuxcnc
[15:27:02] <PetefromTn> pcw_home: Damn man did ya get burned?
[15:29:08] <Jymmm> pcw_home: Oh, and thanks for letting me know!!!
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[15:39:12] <ssi> anyone have any suggestions on good, robust, coolant safe limit switches for a small mill (G0704)?
[15:41:51] <JT-Shop> about the only thing coolant resistant is industrial limit switches like AB makes
[15:42:09] -!- _BJFreeman [_BJFreeman!~bjfree@28.sub-75-196-17.myvzw.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[15:42:27] <JT-Shop> I don't use coolant on my BP knee mill, too much mess
[15:42:32] <ssi> like these? http://ab.rockwellautomation.com/sensors-switches/limit-switches
[15:42:48] <JT-Shop> aye
[15:42:54] _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
[15:43:03] <ssi> they look expensive :)
[15:43:15] <JT-Shop> yes, they are
[15:43:34] <ssi> probably can't spend $1k on switches
[15:43:50] <ssi> automation direct has some magnetic and some inductive switches
[15:43:50] <ssi> http://www.automationdirect.com/adc/Shopping/Catalog/Sensors_-z-_Encoders/Magnetic_Proximity_Sensors/12mm_Round_-_IP69K_(Harsh_Duty_-z-_Food_-a-_Bev.)_(MAFM1_Series)/MAFM1-A0-1H
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[15:45:35] <JT-Shop> link is broken
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[15:46:02] <ssi> hm sorry
[15:46:16] <ssi> they have some physical switches too that are about $30 apiece and IP67 rated
[15:46:34] <ssi> which decodes to mean: Totally protected against dust, Protected against the effect of immersion between 15cm and 1m
[15:46:38] <ssi> that'd be good enough
[15:48:57] <ssi> http://tiny.cc/l7plzw
[15:48:57] <ssi> try that
[15:48:58] <ssi> heh
[15:49:06] <ssi> $24
[15:49:16] <ssi> times six, that's affordabale enough
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[16:22:06] <pcw_home> PetefromTn: no, no injuries but I jumped back about 2 feet...
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[16:41:53] <Connor> Anyone have any videos of tramming a 4th axis ?
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[16:47:02] -!- FinboySlick [FinboySlick!~shark@squal.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:50:01] <Connor> ssi Why six ?
[16:50:05] <Connor> You only need 3.
[16:50:38] <Connor> 1 at the top of the Z. 1 in the middle of the X and 1 in the middle of the Y with appropriate end stops on either side.
[16:51:38] -!- mhaberler [mhaberler!~mhaberler@99-190-134-148.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:52:50] <ssi> mine's servo. I prefer end limits.
[16:54:39] <CaptHindsight> ssi: pcw was working on a FPGA for the cubieboard (uses the a10) using SPI
[16:54:51] <ssi> yea I know
[16:55:01] <CaptHindsight> it's easy enough to make one for the BBB
[16:55:31] -!- ler_hydra has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:55:37] <pcw_home> Yeah next project
[16:56:37] <CaptHindsight> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhL0Dyyd0zE
[16:56:53] <CaptHindsight> LOGI-BONE - FPGA Cape for the Beaglebone ^^
[16:57:40] <CaptHindsight> http://valentfx.com/prj/fpga-dev/19-logi-bone-cape
[16:58:59] <pcw_home> seems like a lot of BB connections and little left for I/O
[16:59:33] <pcw_home> not sure how fast the BBB SPI is, the Cubie can do 100 Mbps
[16:59:45] -!- dway has quit [Quit: NOOOOOOooooooooo……]
[17:00:22] <pcw_home> (reminds me, need to order some cubie2s)
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[17:02:13] <ssi> pcw_home: is there a reasonable method I can use to measure the spi speed of the BBB?
[17:02:33] -!- mhaberler [mhaberler!~mhaberler@99-190-134-148.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:03:01] <pcw_home> Sitara 1700 page manual?
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[17:03:23] <IchGuckLive> hi all !
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[17:06:00] <CaptHindsight> http://www.sump.org/projects/analyzer/ has a SPI protocol analyzer
[17:06:06] <CaptHindsight> up to 100MHz
[17:09:54] <ssi> lucky me, I already have that exact fpga board
[17:13:58] <t12> i like for real la's
[17:15:00] <t12> 16500c's and 16700's are pretty cheap used now
[17:15:24] <ssi> I have an LA, but it's old and crappy
[17:15:40] <t12> old las are always weird
[17:15:45] <archivist> I want some cards for my 16500a
[17:15:51] <ssi> pcw_home: I've been through the manual, but you told me once upon a time that the mcspi had problems with pauses or something
[17:15:57] <t12> what are you looking for
[17:15:59] <archivist> I have 4 scope cards in mine
[17:16:07] <t12> i have a b chassis and cards i may dump
[17:16:08] <ssi> t12: what's 'pretty cheap'?
[17:16:23] <t12> ssi: a few hundred if you wait for a good deal
[17:16:37] <t12> i think i got that 16500b with cards for 150
[17:16:58] <t12> the pattern gen cards are always expensive though :(
[17:17:13] <t12> for the nice ones
[17:17:58] <t12> theyre def clunky to use, need lots of accessories etc
[17:18:06] <t12> but awesome for automation
[17:18:23] <archivist> fleabay uk 281103714791
[17:18:24] <t12> remore x11 con trol
[17:18:41] <t12> i cant type
[17:19:25] <t12> the 16700 is kind of crazy, its an hpux machine running fvwm95
[17:19:26] <archivist> I have a couple of ill tek DAS9100x
[17:19:43] <t12> you can vnc to it
[17:20:03] <t12> gui is annoyingly sl9w sometimes, programatic interface is awesome
[17:20:39] -!- Erich_12 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:21:13] <pcw_home> I dont remember looking an the MCSPI stuff but AFAIK its buffered and has DMA so should be fine
[17:21:21] <ssi> ok
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[17:21:29] <ssi> if it's usable, I may be able to make it do what I want
[17:21:48] <ssi> I have an fpga board for the BBB already, and I have working spidev communication with it
[17:22:02] <ssi> I am about to dive into the hm2 code to see if I can figure out how to make an hm2_bcc driver :)
[17:22:30] * Tom_itx gives ssi a life boat
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[17:23:20] <ssi> thanks, I'll need it
[17:23:38] <CaptHindsight> does the SPI on the BBB act as a slave as well as a master?
[17:23:40] <pcw_home> I am considering a 32bit frema interface with the first frame being the header with start address, double word count and read/write command followed by N 32 bit data frames
[17:23:59] <ssi> CaptHindsight: it can, but I haven't messed with slave mode
[17:24:55] <pcw_home> probably idle clock resets the parser
[17:24:57] <ssi> pcw_home: I've also thought about using the GPMC. It just gives you a chunk of memory in linux that you can read/write, and it'll handle address/data mux
[17:25:07] <ssi> it's 16 bit a/a/d muxed
[17:25:32] <pcw_home> Yes the GPMC is a possibility and higher bandwidth but mucks up your NAND
[17:25:33] <CaptHindsight> pcw_home: what combo of Mesa cards will give the most IO along with 7 servo?
[17:25:47] <pcw_home> 7 is awkward
[17:25:54] <pcw_home> 6 is easy
[17:25:58] <CaptHindsight> yeah, heh
[17:26:00] <ssi> I'm not so worried about the nand
[17:26:53] <pcw_home> may lose some other things, not sure whats muxed with the GPMC
[17:27:14] <ssi> nothing else I care about
[17:27:17] <ssi> the hdmi framer also
[17:27:30] <ssi> I sorta care about that, cause it'd be nice for the BBB to run it's own video
[17:27:41] <ssi> so I may go down the SPI path first
[17:28:41] <CaptHindsight> pcw_home: 7i65 has 8, is there a driver for Linuxcnc?
[17:28:47] <pcw_home> I went the way on the 7I91 since it leaves me with 72 FPGA I/O on a TQFP spartan6
[17:28:54] <pcw_home> that way
[17:29:29] <pcw_home> Yes there is a 7I65 driver but some LinuxCNC cleanup broke the driver
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[17:29:39] <CaptHindsight> oh great
[17:30:36] <pcw_home> so it works with 2.5 something but not 2.5.1 or 2.5.2
[17:30:51] <CaptHindsight> any idea where the problem is?
[17:31:17] <CaptHindsight> I wanted to order some boards today
[17:31:18] <pcw_home> I was hoping Any would look at it but he's immersed in the tool stuff
[17:32:03] <pcw_home> there was some kind of naming fix in comps that broke it (thats all I remember)
[17:32:27] <CaptHindsight> so I should plan on using 2.5 until I or somebody such as Andy fixes it
[17:32:35] <pcw_home> (the 7I65 uses a comp that interfaces with the generic SPI driver)
[17:33:15] <pcw_home> (All the 7I65 specific stuff is on the comp)
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[17:35:58] <IchGuckLive> hi rosario
[17:36:17] <rosario> hi
[17:36:20] <CaptHindsight> pcw_home: which FPGA card will give me the most IO after adding the &i65?
[17:36:27] <CaptHindsight> 7i65
[17:36:52] <pcw_home> what kind of I/O?
[17:37:20] <CaptHindsight> leftover pins for GPIO
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[17:39:50] <CaptHindsight> maybe the 6i68
[17:39:51] <pcw_home> well 5I22 would give you 72 GPIO pins
[17:41:47] -!- t4nk965 [t4nk965!4b469b22@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:42:34] <t4nk965> i was trying to go to #emc and landed here?
[17:42:56] <IchGuckLive> you are wright
[17:43:05] <jthornton> we are the Enhanced Machine Controller
[17:43:06] <IchGuckLive> just ask on your system
[17:43:09] <archivist> we changed name due to some fat company
[17:43:40] <IchGuckLive> t4nk965: Mill lathe plasma EDM
[17:43:52] <t4nk965> msg rosario sup dude
[17:44:43] <t4nk965> sorry
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[17:46:15] <CaptHindsight> pcw_home: will a combination of 6i68 + 3x20 + 7i65 work?
[17:47:18] <pcw_home> Yes
[17:47:31] <CaptHindsight> all the drivers are there?
[17:48:00] <IchGuckLive> CaptHindsight: look in the lib/firmware folder
[17:48:13] <pcw_home> yes (other than mentioned 7I65 comp issues)
[17:48:20] <CaptHindsight> IchGuckLive: yes, but that won't tell me the quirks
[17:50:07] <pcw_home> dont think theres much difference in a 3X20 and a 5I23 software wise (a couple of PCI ID #s and number of I/O bits maybe)
[17:50:58] <pcw_home> ssi: BBs SPI is capable of 48 Mbps
[17:51:11] <CaptHindsight> going to control 5 linear servos and 2 galvos
[17:51:38] <IchGuckLive> CaptHindsight: laserbank beamer !
[17:51:59] <ssi> pcw_home: is that insufficient?
[17:52:41] <pcw_home> should be fine, with decent protocol < 1 usec per doubleword
[17:52:43] <CaptHindsight> I could use a servo output to modulate a laser and some fluid pumps
[17:53:24] <ssi> I don't yet have a feel for how much data is moved to/from the fpga per servo thread edge
[17:53:34] <ssi> s/edge/period/
[17:53:34] -!- PetefromTn [PetefromTn!~quassel@66-191-225-22.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #linuxcnc
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[17:53:50] <ssi> oh no, not that pete guy
[17:54:14] <pcw_home> probably between 20 and 80 doublewords is about the range depending on I/O amount
[17:54:50] <pcw_home> a simple 3 axis mill or a lathe is closer to the low end
[17:54:56] <ssi> ok great
[17:55:19] <ssi> if I can wrap my brain around the hm2 code, I think I have a shot at making this work :D
[17:57:04] <PetefromTn> yup......the PETE guy.
[17:58:30] <ssi> mango, kiwi, and blueberries for lunch today
[17:58:57] <pcw_home> Note that the Ethernet support changes to the Hm2 driver (packetizing all I/O)
[17:58:59] <pcw_home> will impact any SPI work as efficient use of the SPI FIFO will probably require the same changes
[18:02:50] <CaptHindsight> whats the actual problem with using SDIO? I know the drives had issues in the past so interrupt response was poor
[18:03:00] <CaptHindsight> drives/drivers
[18:04:01] <pcw_home> No doco
[18:04:02] <IchGuckLive> im off by
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[18:04:27] <CaptHindsight> http://e2e.ti.com/support/arm/sitara_arm/f/791/t/229470.aspx Why is SDIO driver not interrupt driven?
[18:04:29] <CaptHindsight> heh
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[20:20:18] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop, you mentioned you may have used the lowpass element on one of your pendants?
[20:20:37] <Tom_itx> if so, could i have a peek at it?
[20:20:54] <Tom_itx> this example doesn't make much sense
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[20:53:59] <andypugh> Tom_itx: I think you mean ilowpass
[20:56:56] <Tom_itx> andypugh, yes but the example appears botched up to me
[20:57:04] <andypugh> Ah.
[20:57:08] <Tom_itx> http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/examples/mpg.html
[20:57:16] <Tom_itx> look at the 2nd example there
[20:57:34] <Tom_itx> i see several things that confuse me
[20:57:45] <Tom_itx> mux4 has no output
[20:58:13] <Tom_itx> lopass is fed to scale instead of the mux switch
[20:58:58] <Tom_itx> and axis.x.jog-enable aren't used for axis selection
[20:59:05] <Tom_itx> as in the top example
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[21:00:18] <Tom_itx> don't you want to feed the encoder counts thru the ilowpass element then to the axis.x.jog-counts?
[21:07:01] <JT-Shop> Tom_itx: my BP knee mill MPG http://pastebin.com/6S7cHv5s
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[21:23:09] <Tom_itx> thanks
[21:23:57] <Tom_itx> i'll check it out after the feed trough is emptied
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[21:26:00] <Tom_itx> that's more how i thought it should look
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[21:54:44] <DJ9DJ> gn8
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[22:26:21] <JT-Shop> yea, it looks like G33.1 works on the BP knee mill
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[22:30:44] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop, gettin ready to test the mods
[22:31:04] <JT-Shop> Standing By!
[22:31:28] <Tom_itx> the man page should be updated with your mods
[22:31:36] <JT-Shop> tonights song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVstafKZDYY
[22:31:43] <Tom_itx> i noticed you're not using the enables either
[22:32:02] <Tom_itx> what switches the axis on yours?
[22:32:31] <JT-Shop> 4 position selector switches for increment and axis selection
[22:32:59] <atom1> i see scale
[22:33:19] <atom1> but no axis selector code
[22:33:49] <atom1> unless it's the or2 stuff
[22:34:03] <JT-Shop> yea
[22:34:28] <atom1> ok, i'm using mux4 on that
[22:34:41] <atom1> err no
[22:34:41] <JT-Shop> you might have to adapt some
[22:34:51] <atom1> well i figured that
[22:34:56] <atom1> just comparing
[22:35:00] <JT-Shop> that is a mux4 too
[22:35:07] <JT-Shop> I just gave it a name :)
[22:35:23] <atom1> yeah i saw that
[22:36:02] <atom1> i'm using axis.x.jog-enable though and i didn't see that on yours
[22:36:12] <atom1> made me wonder how you select the active axis
[22:39:17] <JT-Shop> hmm
[22:40:20] <JT-Shop> ah, some is in the axis section
[22:40:43] <JT-Shop> net x-jog-select axis.0.jog-enable <= hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.0.input-00
[22:40:52] <JT-Shop> net y-jog-select axis.1.jog-enable <= hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.0.input-01
[22:41:02] <JT-Shop> net z-jog-select axis.2.jog-enable <= hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.0.input-02
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[22:44:32] <atom1> ahh ok
[22:46:14] <atom1> ok when i add the ilowpass to it, when i turn the mpg the axis takes off in a direction
[22:48:18] <JT-Shop> too fast, too slow, right direction, wrong direction?
[22:48:47] <atom1> well i'm gonna try it again but i hit estop before i could figure it all out
[22:48:59] <JT-Shop> try one click
[22:49:00] <atom1> i think it was the right direction
[22:49:26] <atom1> also decided to remove the tool :)
[22:49:34] <JT-Shop> :)
[22:53:14] * JT-Shop hopes this hole finishes the correct size...
[22:55:10] <atom1> the scale is just WAAYY off
[22:55:22] <atom1> 1 click is like 2"
[22:56:17] <atom1> 1.6 to be exact
[22:56:25] <JT-Shop> what is your scale number? you have to divide by 4 or or something
[22:56:46] <JT-Shop> 0.0001 = 0.010" on mine
[22:56:49] <atom1> probably was due to the mode setting
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[22:57:11] <atom1> setp mux4.0.in0 .000025
[22:58:51] -!- toastyde1th [toastyde1th!~toast@2601:a:2e00:aa:2197:efa6:72e3:f329] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:59:52] <JT-Shop> this is for 0.0001" per click setp mpg-scale.in1 -0.0000001
[23:01:49] <atom1> yeah i just need to adjust the scale values
[23:02:33] <atom1> what's the difference between changing it there and changing it at the ilowpass.0.scale setting?
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[23:03:05] <JT-Shop> I don't remember
[23:03:43] <atom1> i may lower my gain some more too
[23:04:01] <atom1> does gain affect the scale or just the speed?
[23:04:50] <JT-Shop> just the response time
[23:05:20] <atom1> ok
[23:11:15] <atom1> ok that's alot better
[23:11:31] <atom1> i can fiddle with the response time etc
[23:22:17] <atom1> thanks JT-Shop
[23:22:29] <JT-Shop> yor welcome
[23:22:31] <atom1> on the coarse setting you sure wanna be careful in Z
[23:22:34] <JT-Shop> your
[23:22:56] <atom1> it moves 98% better now
[23:23:00] <JT-Shop> you're
[23:23:05] <JT-Shop> what ever it takes
[23:23:08] <JT-Shop> cool
[23:23:22] <atom1> somebody should fix that example though
[23:24:17] <JT-Shop> yes, now that it is fresh in your mind can you tell me what exactly is borked in the example?
[23:24:28] <atom1> the enables were left out
[23:24:45] <atom1> i'm not sure what's wrong with the mux4.0.out being missing
[23:25:02] <atom1> and the ilowpass should be moved to the count instead of where it is
[23:25:10] <atom1> i think it's on scale
[23:26:09] <JT-Shop> can you fix the pastebin? http://pastebin.com/R3e4VVCS
[23:26:24] <JT-Shop> I have to start cooking dinner
[23:26:42] <atom1> mux4.0.out should go to the scale instead of ilowpass going to it
[23:26:48] <atom1> yeah i'll see what i can do
[23:26:53] <JT-Shop> ok thanks
[23:27:04] <atom1> can't test it though
[23:27:43] -!- sumpfralle [sumpfralle!~lars@c.mail.systemausfall.org] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:44:59] <atom1> http://pastebin.com/Vw7Jz5eQ
[23:45:05] <atom1> i think that's right
[23:45:36] -!- Nick001-Shop has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[23:45:56] <atom1> there's a typo in it though
[23:46:12] <atom1> net encoder-counts <= ilowpass0.out
[23:46:20] <atom1> net encoder-counts <= ilowpass.0.out
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[23:48:45] <atom1> http://pastebin.com/UPTrWUF4
[23:48:50] <atom1> try that instead
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[23:54:28] <Tom_itx> thanks PCW for suggesting ilowpass, jepler for writing it and JT-Shop for showing me how to use it :)
[23:58:30] -!- kwallace [kwallace!~kwallace@smb-91.sonnet.com] has joined #linuxcnc